Discovery.—While Sir W. Herschel was a musician at Bath he formed the design of making a telescopic survey of the heavens. When engaged in this he accidentally effected a discovery of great importance, for on the night of March 13, 1781, an object entered the field of his 6·3-inch reflector which ultimately proved to be a new major planet of our system. The acute eye of Herschel, directly it alighted upon the strange body, recognized it as one of unusual character, for it had a perceptible disk, and could be neither fixed star nor nebula. He afterwards found the object to be in motion, and its appearance being “hazy and ill-defined” with very high powers he was led to regard it as a comet, and communicated his discovery to the Royal Society at its meeting on April 26, 1781. His paper begins as follows:— “On Tuesday, March 13, 1781, between 10 and 11 in the evening, while I was examining the small stars in the neighbourhood of H Geminorum, I perceived one that appeared visibly larger than the rest. Being struck with its uncommon magnitude, I compared it to H Geminorum and the small star in the quartile between Auriga and Gemini, and finding it so much larger than either of them suspected it to be a comet.... The power I had on when I first saw the comet was 227.” The supposed “comet” soon came under the observation of others, including Maskelyne the Astronomer Royal, and Messier, the “Comet Ferret” of Paris. The latter, in a letter to Herschel, said: True character revealed.—As observations began to accumulate it was seen that a parabolic orbit failed to accommodate them. Ultimately the secret was revealed. The only orbit to represent the motion of the new body was found to be an approximately circular one situated far outside the path of Saturn, and the inference became irresistible that the supposed “comet” must in reality be a new primary planet revolving on the outskirts of the solar system. This conclusion was justified by facts of a convincing nature, and its announcement created no small excitement in the scientific world. Every telescope was directed to that part of the firmament which contained the new orb, and its pale blue disk, wrapped in tiny proportions, was viewed again and again with all the delight that so great a novelty could inspire. From the earliest period of ancient history, no discovery of the same kind had been effected. The ChaldÆans were acquainted with five major planets, in addition to the Earth, and the number had remained constant until the vigilant eye of Herschel enlarged our knowledge, and Saturn was relieved as the sentinel planet going his rounds on the distant frontiers of our system. When the elements of the new body had been computed a search was instituted amongst the records of previous observers, and it was found that Herschel’s planet had been seen on many occasions, but it had invariably been mistaken for a fixed star. Flamsteed observed it on six occasions between 1690 and 1715, while Le Monnier saw it on 12 nights in the years from 1750 to 1771, and it seems to have been pure carelessness on the part of the latter which prevented him from anticipating Herschel in one of the greatest discoveries of modern times. The name Uranus was applied to the new planet, though the discoverer himself called it the Georgium Sidus, and there were others who termed it “Herschel,” in honour of the man through whose sagacity it had been revealed. Period &c.—Uranus revolves round the Sun in 30,687 days, which very slightly exceeds 84 terrestrial years. His mean distance from the Sun is 1,782,000,000 miles, but the interval varies between 1,699 and 1,865 millions of miles. The apparent diameter of the planet undergoes little variation; the mean is 3·6, but observers differ. His real diameter is approximately 31,000 miles, and the polar compression about 1/13, though this value is not that found by all authorities. Observations.—The planet near opposition shines like a star of the 6th magnitude, and is observable with the naked eye. He emits a bluish light. While engaged in meteoric observations, I have sometimes followed the planet with the naked eye during several months, and noted the changes in his position relatively to the stars near. It is clear from this that Uranus admitted of detection before the invention of the telescope. A luminous ring, similar to that of Saturn, was at first supposed to surround Uranus, and Herschel suspected the existence of such a feature on several occasions; but it scarcely survived his later researches, and modern observations have finally disposed of it. Lassell, when working with his 2-foot speculum at Malta, thought he saw a spot near the centre of the planet’s disk, but he considered this might possibly be due to an optical illusion. In 1862, Jan. 29, he said:—“I received an impression which I am unable to render certain of an equatoreal dark belt.” In the early months of 1870, Mr. Buffham, using a 9-inch “With” mirror, powers 212 and 320, saw bright spots and zones on the planet, and inferred a rotation-period of about 12 hours. On Jan. 16, 1873, when definition was very good, no traces of any markings were visible in Lord Rosse’s 6-foot reflector. In May and June 1883 Prof. Young, having the advantage of the fine 23-inch refractor at the Princeton Observatory, observed two faint belts, one on each side of the equator, and much like the belts of Saturn. On March 18, 1884, Messrs. Thollon and Perrotin, with the 14-inch equatoreal at Nice, remarked dark spots similar to those on Mars, towards the centre of the disk, and a white spot was seen on the limb. Two different tints were perceived, Uranus and his Belts. 1884. M. Perrotin, with the great 30-inch equatoreal at Nice, re-observed the belts in May and June 1889. He wrote that dark parallel bands were noticed several times, and they were very similar to the belts of Jupiter. On May 31 and June 1 and 7 the direction of the Uranian belts was measured, and the mean result showed that the plane of the equator of Uranus differs little (about 10°) from the common plane of the orbits of the satellites. This deduction is not, it will be observed, consistent with that of the Brothers Henry at Paris, who found a difference of 41°. M. Perrotin notes that the bands of Uranus do not always present the same aspect. Further Observations required.—In the case of an object so faint and diminutive as Uranus, a powerful telescope is absolutely required to deal with it effectively. A small instrument will readily show the disk, and present the picture that caught the eye of Herschel more than a century ago, but considerable light and power must be at command if the observer would enter upon a study of the planet’s surface-markings. With my 10-inch reflector I have suspected the existence of the belts, but under high powers the image is too feeble to exhibit delicate forms of this character. It is to be hoped that with the large telescopes now available at various observatories, some attention will be given to this planet, more especially with regard to the study of the belts and determination of the rotation-period. Amateurs will have little trouble in picking up Uranus; his position can be learnt from an ephemeris and marked upon a star-map. A little careful sweeping with a low power in the region indicated will soon reveal the object sought for, and a higher power may then be applied to expand the disk and render identification certain. It may be mentioned as an interesting point that some fifty years after the discovery of Uranus by Sir W. Herschel the planet was accidentally rediscovered by his son Sir John Herschel, who mentioned the fact as follows in a letter to Admiral Smyth, written on Aug. 8, 1830:—“I have just completed two 20-foot reflectors, and have got some interesting observations of the satellites of Uranus. The first sweep I made with my new mirror I rediscovered this planet by its disk, having blundered upon it by the merest accident for 19 Capricorni.” Had the father failed to detect this planet in 1781, the discovery might therefore have been made by the son half a century later. Some spectroscopic observations of Uranus made in 1889 with Mr. Common’s 5-foot reflector, appear to show that the planet “is to a large extent self-luminous.” But Mr. Huggins The Satellites.—For many years it was supposed that Uranus possessed six satellites, all of which were discovered by Sir W. Herschel, but later observations proved that four of these had no existence. They were small stars near the planet. But two of Herschel’s satellites were fully corroborated, and two new ones were discovered by Lassell and Struve. The number of known satellites attending Uranus is four, and it is probable that many others exist, though they are too minute to be distinguished in the most powerful instruments hitherto constructed. The following are the periods, distances, &c., of the known satellites:—
Titania and Oberon are the two brightest satellites, but none of them can be seen except in large instruments. The two outer ones are said to have been glimpsed in a 4·3-inch refractor, but this feat is phenomenal, and certainly no criterion of ordinary capacity. Sir J. Herschel found them tolerably conspicuous in a reflector of 18 or 20 inches aperture, and mentioned a test-object by which observers might determine whether their telescopes were adequate to reveal them. This test is a minute double star lying between the stars ' and 2 Capricorni. The magnitudes are 15 and 16, and distance 3. Relatively to the satellites of Uranus this faint double is a “splendid object.” From observations with large modern instruments it appears highly probable that the four known satellites, must Apparent Orbits of the Satellites of Uranus, as seen in an Inverting Telescope.
Discovery of Neptune.—The leading incidents in the narrative of the discovery of Uranus and Neptune present a great dissimilarity—Uranus was discovered by accident, Neptune by design. Telescopic power revealed the former, Certain irregularities in the motion of Uranus could not be explained but on the assumption of an undetected planet situated outside the known boundaries of the system. Two able geometers applied themselves to study the problem of these irregularities, and to deduce from them the place of the disturbing body. This was effected independently by Messrs. Le Verrier and Adams; and Dr. Galle, of Berlin, having received from Le Verrier the leading results of his computations, and the intimation that the longitude of the suspected planet was then 326°, found it with his telescope on the night of Sept. 23, 1846, in longitude 326° 52'. The calculated place by Prof. Adams was 329° 19' for the same date and less accurate than the prediction of Le Verrier. The former had priority both in attacking the problem and resolving it, though unfortunately his efforts were not backed up in a practical way. But for the supineness of certain officials, there is little doubt that the planet would have been telescopically discovered in the autumn of 1845, when it was within 1° 49' of the place attributed to it by Prof. Adams. Delays occurred owing to the doubts prevailing, and in the meantime the planet was found elsewhere. This circumstance does not rob Prof. Adams of his hard-earned laurels, though it shows how seriously official negligence can mar the character of a discovery. Observations in 1795.—The name given to the new planet was Neptune. When the elements were computed it was found that they presented rather large differences with those theoretically computed by Messrs. Le Verrier and Adams. It was also found that the planet had been previously observed by Lalande on May 8 and 10, 1795, but its true character escaped detection. This astronomer had observed a star of the 8th mag. on May 8; but on May 10, not finding the same star in the exact place noted on the former evening, Period &c.—Neptune revolves round the Sun in 60,126 days, which is equal to rather more than 164½ of our years. His mean distance from the Sun is 2,792,000,000 miles, and his usual diameter 2·7. He exceeds Uranus in dimensions, his real diameter being 37,000 miles. Observations.—Our knowledge of this distant orb is extremely limited, owing to his apparently diminutive size and feebleness. No markings have ever been sighted on his miniature disk, and we can expect to learn nothing until one of the large telescopes is employed in the work. No doubt this planet exhibits the same belted appearance as that of Uranus, and there is every probability that he possesses a numerous retinue of satellites. In dealing with an object like this small instruments are useless; they will display the disk, and enable us to identify the object and determine its position if necessary, but beyond this their powers are restricted by want of light. Supposed Ring.—Directly the new planet was discovered, Mr. Lassell turned his large reflector upon it and sought to learn something of its appearance, and possibly detect one or more of its satellites. On October 3 and 10, 1846, he was struck with the appearance of the disk, which was obviously not perfectly spherical. He subsequently confirmed this impression, and concluded that a ring, inclined about 70°, surrounded the planet. Prof. Challis supported this view, but later observations in a purer sky led Mr. Lassell to abandon the idea. Thus the ring of Neptune, like the ring of Uranus, though apparently obvious at first, vanished in the light of more modern researches. The Satellite.—But if Mr. Lassell quite failed to demon Apparent Orbit of the Satellite of Neptune, as seen in an Inverting Telescope.
A trans-Neptunian Planet.—Is there a planet beyond Neptune? Prof. Forbes wrote a memoir in 1880 tending to prove that two such planets exist. From the influences exerted by these bodies on certain comets of long period, he approximately deduced the positions of the former, and they were searched for with the great Washington refractor, but without success. Flammarion and Todd have also arrived at conclusions affirming the existence of a planet outside Neptune; but the idea has not yet been realized by its telescopic discovery. Planetary Conjunctions.—Before concluding this chapter, an allusion should be made to a noteworthy class of events, viz., planetary conjunctions. These include some of the most attractive aspects displayed by the heavenly bodies, and they are sometimes witnessed by ordinary persons with the same amount of gratification as by the astronomical amateur. In almanacks the times of such conjunctions are given, so that intending observers may always be prepared for these events. In a strict sense a conjunction occurs at the instant when two or more bodies have the same right ascension, but the term is here intended to have a more general reference, i. e., to denote the assembling together of two or more planets in the same region of the firmament. Historical records furnish us with a considerable number of planetary conjunctions, and some of them were attentively observed long before the telescope came into use. Thus in 2012 B.C., Feb. 26, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn were in the same constellation, and within 14° of one another. In 1186 A.D., Sep. 14, the Sun, Moon, and all the known planets are said to have been situated in Libra. In 1524 Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn were near together. Many similar instances might be quoted, but this is unnecessary. Occasionally the conjunctions were so close that one planet appeared to occult another. Kepler refers to an occultation of Jupiter by Mars which he saw on January 9, 1591; but this would really be a transit of Mars across the disk of Jupiter, if contact actually occurred, for the apparent diameter of Jupiter always exceeds that of Mars. Moestlin seems to have witnessed an occultation of Mars by Venus on Oct. 3, 1590. It is probable, however, that these were near approaches only. A genuine occultation of Mercury by Venus was telescopically observed on May 17, 1737. On the evening of March 3, 1881, the new Moon, Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn formed a brilliant quartet in Pisces. On the morning of July 21, 1881, I saw the Moon, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Aldebaran in the same region above the eastern horizon. There was a very close conjunction of Mars and Saturn on the morning of Sept. 20, 1889. Mr. Marth The interest centred in the conjunction of Sept. 20, 1889, was enhanced by the fact that Regulus was only 47' distant, while Venus was also in the same region. I observed this phenomenon in my 10-inch reflector, and with the help of a comet-eyepiece made the above sketch of the positions of the objects as they were presented in the field. Mars, Saturn, and Regulus in same field, Sept. 20 1889, 4h 45m A.M. Perhaps there is not much scientific importance attached to the observation of these conjunctions, though comparisons of colour and surface-brilliancy are feasible at such epochs, and are not wholly without value. As spectacles merely, they possess a high degree of interest to everyone who |