Abbott, Sir John, 217
Abercorn, the Duke of, 299
Aberdeen Journal on Newspaper Society’s dinner, 302
Aberdeen, Lord, at National Club dinner, 239
Aberdeen, Mr. James Bryce’s meeting at, 305
Abortive political movement, 56-61
Adams, Charles Francis, 109
Address, House of Commons to the Queen, 131
Adolphustown, meeting at, 64
Alaska acquired by United States, 98
Alaskan Award, 347
Algoma, contest constituency, 57
Allan, Hon. G. W., 65, 158
Allen, Benjamin, 78
Allen, J. Davis, visits Canada, 259;
visits Toronto, 260
Allen, Ethan, 109
Alverstone, Lord, on Alaskan Arbitration, 348
American Continental Congress, 2
Ames, Oliver, 109
Amnesty meeting, 41-45
Annexation letters to Globe, 121
Annexation manifesto of 1849, 4
Annual meeting, Imperial Federation League in Canada, 1888, 91;
1889, 128;
1890, 138;
1892, 195;
1893, 196;
1894, 204;
1896, 213
Annual meeting, Imperial Federation League (England), 1890, 142
Annual meeting, British Empire League in Canada, 1897, 223;
1898, 244;
1899, 248;
1900, 271;
1901, 285;
1902, 288, 289;
1903, 347
Annual meeting, British Empire League (England), 1902, 324
Appendix A, 369
Appendix B, 375
Archibald, Lt.-Governor, visits Niagara Falls, 36;
plot to forestall expedition, 45-47;
fails to meet Riel’s emissaries, 48
Argentine export of wheat, 1897, 238, 239
Armour, Chief Justice, 347
Arnold-Forster, Rt. Hon. H. O., 199
Ashburton, Lord, 349
Atlantic and Pacific Fleets increased, 152
Atlantic Steamship Combine, 292
Avebury, Lord (Sir John Lubbock), 203, 206;
presides at conference, 207;
member of organising committee, 209;
British Empire League inaugurated, 212;
meeting at his house, 230;
at British Empire banquet, 280;
presides at Council meeting, 1902, 299;
at Congress, 358
Aylesworth, Hon. Mr., Alaskan Arbitration, 348
Badenach, Wm., 58
Badgerow, G. W., 58
Baines, Talbot, 300
Baker, Edgar, 78
Balfour, Rt. Hon. A. J., 76
Banquet, British Empire League in London, 1900, 271-280
Barrie, meeting at, 136
Barton, Sir Edmund, 280, 332, 334
Bastedo, S. T., 189
Beach, Sir Michael Hicks-, on food supply, 236, 334, 356
Beatty, W. H., 158, 197
Beers, Dr. W. Geo., speech at Syracuse, 126;
speech at Toronto, 137
Begg, Faithfull, M.P., 321, 322
Behring Sea fisheries, 147, 150, 151
Belleville welcomes Schultz, 27
Bennett, Capt. James, 26, 43
Beresford, Lord Charles, 320
Bernard, Lally, letter to Globe, 330
Bethune, R. N., 159
Biggar, C. W. R., 58;
on Sir Oliver Mowat, 186, 192
Birmingham Chamber of Commerce, 138
Blackstock, T. G., 197
Blain, Hugh, 58, 158, 197
Blaine, Hon. James, Behring Sea difficulty, 147, 151, 153;
re Commercial Union, 163
Blake, Edward, at National Club, 239
Bliss, Cornelius N., 109
Board of Trade banquet, 1887, 88
Board of Trade banquet, Sir Oliver Mowat’s speech, 193
Body Guard, Governor-General’s, escort Lord Lansdowne, 73
Boer ultimatum, 264
Borden, Sir Fred, in England, 1902, 322, 331, 333, 334
Borthwick, Sir Algernon, 209
Boswell, Mayor, 64, 65
Boulton, Major Charles, 23
Boulton, Sir S. B., 321
Bourassa, Henri, 264
Bowell, Sir Mackenzie, 217, 244
Braddon, Sir Edward, 226
Brantford branch formed, 119
Brassey, Hon. T. A., 207
Brassey, Lord, 198, 209
Bristol Chamber of Commerce meeting, 316
British Columbia, union with Canada, 9
Brock, Sir Isaac, 15
Brock, W. R., 158
Brock’s Monument, 158
Broomhall, G. S., 239
Brown, Hon. G., letters of Mair to Globe, 14;
Red River expedition, 34;
publishes Foster’s lecture, 55;
Algoma election, 57
Bruce Mines, meeting at, 57
Bryce, Dr. George, 20
Bryce, Rt. Hon. James, at Aberdeen, 306, 315
Bull, Rev. Canon, 185, 186
Bulletin, New York Commercial, 106, 148
Bunting, Percy Wm., correspondence with, 178
Butler, General Benjamin F., 105
Butler, Sir Walter, 299
Caledonian Society dinner, 1888, 122
California absorbed by United States, 98
Cambridge, the Duke of, 140
Cameron, Hector, 78
Cameron, Hon. John Hillyard, 32
Campbell, C. J., 159
Canada, condition of, before Confederation, 7
Canada Club dinner, 1902, 315
Canada Club, speech at, 1890, 150
“Canada First” party, origin of and meaning of, 9
group aroused, 19
a secret organisation, 21
name chosen, 50
Foster’s lecture, 54
Canadian Club, dinner to Mr. Aylesworth, 348
Canadian Club of New York, 82
Canadian Monthly started, 169
Canadian Mounted Rifles, 269
Canadian Pacific Railway, cause of Commercial Union movement, 81
Canadian Pacific Railway, plot to injure it, 110
Canniff, Dr. Wm., 19, 26, 56, 58, 65
Carbutt, Sir Edward, 299
Carnegie, Andrew, member of Continental Union League, 109;
at meeting in Sun office, 111;
subscription to Continental Union League, 113
Carruthers, Bruce, at Hart’s River action, 269
Cartier, Sir George, in Hudson Bay negotiations, 13;
Red River expedition, 34;
visits Niagara Falls with Bishop TachÉ, 35-37;
his early disloyalty, 44;
changes his policy re Red River, 45;
letter to Riel, 48;
defeated in Montreal, 49
Cartoon, United States in 1900, 104
Cartwright, Sir Richard, resolution on reciprocity, 117;
meeting with Hon. James Blaine, 163;
on tariff inquiry, 220;
defends Sir Wilfrid Laurier, 226
Casey, George E., M.P., 246
Cattanach, A. J., 128
Cawthra, Henry, 158
Cecil, Lord Robert, letter to Times, 353
Centennial of United Empire Loyalists, 64, 65
Chamberlain, Rt. Hon. Austen, 318
Chamberlain, Rt. Hon. Joseph, 75;
at Board of Trade banquet, 1887, 88;
interview with, 1890, 146;
at British Empire League banquet, 1900, 272;
on preferential tariffs, 282;
luncheon with, 1902, 298;
Liverpool meeting, 1902, 306;
at Lord Lansdowne’s, 308;
speech at Birmingham, May, 1902, 308;
Daily News attacks, 310;
correspondence with, 338;
letter to him, 343-346;
speech at Birmingham, May, 1903, 346;
controversy with Lord Salisbury, 349;
luncheon with, 1906, 356;
illness of, 358, 366
Charlton, John, M.P., in Continental Union Association, 108
asks Glen for money, 112
Chelmsford, meeting at, in 1900, 282;
effect of this meeting, 286
Chicago Tribune, 103;
on speech, 1902, 297
Chippawa, “Raising the Flag,” 159
Civil War in United States, 5
Clafflin, John, 109
Clark, J. M., 85, 91;
seconds resolution, 1888, 94;
at Ingersoll, 205;
on deputations, 136, 204, 224
Clarke, Mayor, 135
Cleveland, President, message to Congress, 103, 120;
Venezuela message, 210, 218
Cobden Club give Sir W. Laurier Gold Medal, 142
Coburg, reception of Schultz and Mair, 28
Cochrane, Bourke, 109, 112
Cockburn, Capt. Churchill, at action of Lilliefontein, 268
Cockburn, George R. R., 78, 85, 91;
occupies chair at First Imperial Federation meeting, 92, 159, 197, 200
Cockburn, Sir John, 299
Cockshutt, W. F., M.P., at Congress of Chambers of Commerce, 358
Colomb, Sir John, 140, 199
Colonial Club dinner, 1902, 315
Commercial Union, origin of, 80-82;
a treasonable conspiracy, 82-96
Commons, resolution on Preference, 195
Condition of Canada before Confederation, 7, 8
Confederation of Canada, 6
Conference of 1907 futile, 366
Congress, the American, 2
Congress of Chambers of Commerce, 1906, 212, 356, 359
Constitution of Imperial Federation League, 77
Constitution of National Association, 59
Contemporary Review, Goldwin Smith in, 58
Ellis, J. F., presides at National Club dinner, 335
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 98
Empire, article in, 1890, 162;
comments on national spirit, 172;
flags given to schools, 156
Empire Day inaugurated, 256
English, C. E., 58
Equal rights movement, 194
Evans, Charles Napier, at Hart’s River, 269
Evans, George E., on deputation, 204;
receives cable from Africa, 258, 291
Evans, Sanford, 257
Executive committee, resolution, 1902, 289
Expedition, Red River, withdrawal proposed, 36, 42
Express, The Daily, interview in, 293
Fair Trade League, 211
Farrer, Edward, in Commercial Union, 108;
Glen’s letters to, 110, 111, 112;
pamphlet, 163, 164
Farrer, Sir William, 142
Fenian influence, 115
Fenian raid, Lt.-Col. J. S. Dennis at, 17
Fenian raids, 9, 70, 240
Ferguson, R. Munro, 199
Fessenden, Mrs. Clementine, suggests Empire Day, 256
Fielding, Hon. W. S., on Trade Inquiry, 220, 221;
West Indian preference, 242, 243;
speech in House, 243;
in London in 1902, 331
Fife, the Duke of, 273
Financial News on London meeting, 321
Fisheries Treaty defeated in United States Senate, 120
Fitzpatrick, Hon. Charles, 244
Flag raising over schools, 134, 135
Flag over schools, effect of, 269
Flannery, Sir Fortescue, 321
Fleming, Andrew, 27, 44
Fleming, Sir Sandford, 197, 224, 245, 246
Florida acquired by United States, 100
Flower, Roswell P., 109, 113
Food supply, correspondence on, 237
Foraker, John B., 109
Ford, I. N., report of Royal Colonial Institute dinner, 1902, 294
Ford, I. N., 322, 323
Forrest, Sir John, 334
Fort Garry, 17;
seized by Riel, 18;
projected attack upon, 23
Foster, Hon. George E., at First Imperial Federation League meeting, 78;
mission to England, 1902, 290, 291
Foster, W. A., in “Canada First” group, 10, 15;
articles in Daily Telegraph, 22;
gets warrant against Richot and Scott, 31;
calls public meeting, 1870, 35;
at amnesty meeting, 1870, 44;
writes lecture, 54;
organises National Association, 56, 57, 58, 59
Fraser, W. H., 58
Free Trade, attack upon, at London Chamber of Commerce, 320
Free Trade bogey, 286
Fremantle, Sir Charles, 299
French wars, expense of, 1
Fuller, Bishop of Niagara, 65
Fuller, Valancy, 82
Gallinger, Jacob, 109
Galloway, Joseph, 2
Gallows Hill, 95
Gamble, John W., 221
German goods taxed in Canada, 229
German and Belgian Treaties prevented preference, 139;
mission against them, 150;
resolution against, 194;
discussion on, 207, 208;
efforts against, in 1897, 228;
denounced, 230
Giffen, Sir Robert, interview with, 234;
supports Corn Tax, 239;
letter against me to Times, 325;
reply, 327
Glasgow, meeting at, 1902, 315
Glen, Francis W., organises Continental Union League, 108;
letters of, 109, 110, 111, 112
Globe, the London, comments, 352
Globe, Toronto, 14;
letter to, in 1888, 101;
attacks and reply, 122, 124;
interview in 1897, 231
Gooderham, Albert E., 197
Gooderham, Alfred, 197
Gooderham, George, 158, 197
Gooderham, Wm. G., 197
Governor-General Lord Lisgar, 45
Governors of States endorse Cleveland, 211, 218
Grahame, Richard, of Canada First Group, 19, 35, 58
Grant, Rev., Principal George M., met him in Halifax, 53;
at First League meeting, 78;
in Australia, 127;
at Hamilton, 128;
on preferential trade, 204, 216;
urges West Indian preference, 242;
letters from, 243, 244;
speaks at Mulock banquet, 1898, 246;
sympathises at first with Boers, 259
Grasett, Lt.-Col., 291
Gray, R. H., 58
Green, Mohawk Chief, 65
Grey, Mr., United Empire Loyalist, 221
Guelph, meeting at, 136
Gurney, Edward, 158
Gzowski, Sir Casimir, 70, 159
Hague, George, 246
Haliburton, R. J., 10, 15, 16;
at Niagara Falls, 35;
lectures, 16, 51, 52, 53
Halifax, lecture at, 53
Halifax branch, annual meeting of, 119
Hamilton, annual meeting at, 128
Hamilton, Lord George, 148, 308
Hamilton, Wm. B., 159
Hamilton, Wm. O’Brien at, 76
Harcourt, Sir Wm. Vernon, speech in House of Commons, 316
Harrison, President, breaks off negotiations, 151
Hartington, Lord, 74
Harts River, Bruce Carruthers, at action of, 268, 269
Hawick, meeting at, in 1894, 211
Hay, Admiral Sir Dalrymple, 321
Hay, Col. John, 109, 110
Headley, E. M., 210
Henderson, James, 159
Herbert, Sir Robert, chairman of executive, 212, 272, 299
Herschel, Lord, at Mulock banquet, 245, 246
Herschel, Hon. Richard, 245
Hessin, Wm., 58
Hill, Rt. Hon. Staveley, Behring Sea negotiations, 151, 163
Hill, W. Becket, 207, 208, 209
Hoffmeyer proposal, 90
Holland, Sir W. H., 299, 300, 301, 358
Home Rule resolutions, 69, 70
Hopkins, J. Castell, Woodstock meeting, 128;
at Ingersoll, 79;
St. George’s Society, 175
Hoskin, John, 158
House of Commons address, 1891, 195, 196
Howard, Allan McLean, 158
Howe, Hon. Joseph, 4, 20
Howell, A., 58
Howland, O. A., 182
Howland, W. H., chairman at Canada First meeting, 59, 60
Howland, Sir Wm. P., 59
Hudson’s Bay officials, hostile, 17
Hudson’s Bay Company, their policy, 12
Hudson’s Bay Territory, 9, 12;
acquired, 15
Hughes, James L., 86;
meeting at Lindsay, 127;
on deputation to England, 1894, 205, 209, 211
Hughes, Colonel Sam, at annual meeting, 1898, 244;
offers to raise contingent for South Africa, 260
Hunter, Rose & Co. print Farrer’s pamphlet, 164
Huron, Bishop of, 288
Huron signal, 219
Hutchinson, Thomas, 1
Hutton, Major-General, 268
Imperial Conference, 1902, 286, 287, 303, 305, 331, 332
Imperial defence, letter to Times, 339
Imperial Federation (Defence) Committee, 339
Imperial Federation foreshadowed in lecture in 1870, 53
Imperial Federation Journal, comments of, 96, 118
Imperial Federation League started, 77;
in Canada, 85;
annual meeting, 1888, 91;
work of, 117-126;
dissolved, 197, 198;
resolution on dissolution, 199, 200
Imperial preferential duty, 287
Independence flag hoisted, 64
Independence flurry, 62-68
Independence movement, Globe’s action, 121
India, export of wheat, 1897, 238, 239
Ingersoll, branch formed at, 79;
meeting at, 127
Innerkip, Meeting at, 173
Innes, Lt.-Col. P. R., 209
Interprovincial trade, Haliburton’s lecture on, 15
Irving, A. S., 58
James, Dr. W. Culver, 207, 209, 299
Jersey, Lord, 209
Jesuit Estates Act, 194
Jones, Sir Alfred, organises meeting at Liverpool, 305
JettÉ, Lt.-Governor, Alaska Commission, 348
Jones, John P., 109
Kilbride, Mr., evicted tenant, 74, 75
Kimberley, cable from, 258
King, the, at British Empire League banquet, 1900, 273, 274, 280
Kingsmill, George R., 20, 22, 58
Kingsmill, Nicol, 58
Kipling, Rudyard, poem, 222
Kirby, Wm., 185, 192
Kirkpatrick, Lt.-Governor Sir George, 190
Kitchener, Lord, on Hart’s River action, 269
Kirwan, Capt. Michael, 114
Kirwin, General, 114
Knutsford, Lord, refuses to denounce treaties, 196, 228
Lacrosse Club banquet, London, 1902, 293
Lady of the Snows, 222
Langelier, Mr., at New York, 111
Lansdowne, Lord, visit to Toronto, 70, at annual meeting, 1896, 216;
suggests preference to England, 222;
on deputation, 224
McGillicuddy, Daniel, 219
McGoun, Archibald, 139
McGuire, John C., 109
McInnes, Senator, 128
McKay, Dr., Sir Oliver Mowat writes to him, 187
McKenzie, Kenneth, Q.C., 44
McLennan, Hugh, 78
McMurrich, W. B., 58, 291
McNaught, W. K., 158, 240
McNeill, Alexander, 78;
speech at Paris, 91;
at Toronto meeting, 94;
at Guelph, 112;
moves resolution in House of Commons, 195;
in the chair at annual meeting, 1893, 196;
at meeting of League at Ottawa, 1896, 214, 215;
on deputation to England, 224;
attacks Sir W. Laurier, 1897, 226;
speaks at Mulock banquet, 245, 246;
introduces J. Davis Allen, 260;
on South African War, 276;
at Owen Sound, 1901, 288
McTavish, Governor, 20
McTavish, John H., 48
McWilliams, W. G., 58
Meath, Lord, takes up Empire Day, 257
Medcalfe, Mayor, F. H., 43
Meeting of Imperial Federation League in Toronto, 1888, 91
Meeting to welcome Schultz, Mair, etc., 24, 25, 26
Mercier, Honore, New York World’s comment, 107;
in Continental Union League, 110;
at meeting in New York, 111;
Glen writes to, 112;
writes to Dana, 113;
copy of letter, 114
Mercury, the Bristol, 316
Merritt, Lt.-Col. W. Hamilton, helps to escort Lord Lansdowne, 73;
helps to organise Toronto branch Imperial Federation League, 79, 86;
secretary Toronto branch Imperial Federation League, 91;
moves resolution for preferential tariffs, 91, 195;
advocates deputation to England, 139
Michie, James, 58
Military Gazette on South African War, 263
Military Institute, meeting at, 260, 261
Militia, the, 8
Miller, Warner, 109
Milligan, Rev. Mr., 124
Milner, Lord, 260, 261, 264
Mission to England, 1897, 225;
1902, 223-258
Molesworth, Sir Guilford, 299, 300
Monkman, Joseph, 23
Montague, Hon. W. H., 182
Montreal meeting, 1901, 288
Montreal Transcript, 13
Morgan Combine, 292
Morison, John, president Continental Union Association, 109, 111, 112
Morley, Lord, at Edinburgh, 1902, 315
Morning Post on St. John meeting, 1902, 288;
comments, 1903, 347
Moss, Chief Justice Thomas, 58
Mowat, Arthur, contests West Toronto, 166
Mowat, H. M., K.C., 291
Mowat, Sir Oliver, at St. George’s Society, 70;
F. W. Glen’s reference to, 111, 112;
assists Laurier, 1891, 166, 167;
his views on annexation, 178, 186, 187;
letter to Dr. McKay, M.P., 187;
action about Woodstock meeting, 189;
speech at Niagara, 1892, 190, 191;
joins Sir Wilfrid Laurier’s Government, 219;
attends Mulock banquet, 245
Mulock, Sir William, moves address to the Queen, 130, 131, 132;
penny postage, 244, 245;
banquet to, 245, 246;
a conference of, 1902, 331
Murray, C. Freeman, secretary of meeting, 1894, 207;
member of organising committee British Empire League, 210;
cable from, 271
Mutton, W. G., 58
Myers, Elgin, in annexation conspiracy, 108;
dismissed from office, 190;
visits C. A. Dana, 112
National Association, constitution, 59
National Club founded, 60;
dinners at, 62;
banquet to Lord Aberdeen, 239;
dinner, 1902, 335
National sentiment, efforts to encourage, 11, 50
National Societies, 8
“National Spirit,” lecture on, 50, 172;
Appendix B, 377
National spirit lacking before Confederation, 8
National Union of Conservative Associations, England, 335
Naval reserve, 223
Navy Island, 1837, 95
Nelson, E. G., writes Raise the Flag, 157
Nelson, Knute, 109
New Brunswick, 11
News, The Daily, London, attacks, 310;
letter to, 311
Newspaper Society dinner, 1902, 302
Niagara-on-the-Lake, Centennial meeting, 190;
United Empire Loyalist meeting, 64, 66
Nicholson, General Sir Wm., 206
Nicholson, Peter, 57
Norfolk Reformer, 219
Norman, Field-Marshal Sir Henry, 242
Norris, W. E., on Independence, 64
Northcote, Sir Stafford, 28
Northern Railway in Algoma Election, 58
“Northmen of the New World,” lecture by Haliburton, 16
North-West Emigration Aid Society, 50
North-West rebellion, 68, 95
North-West Territories, 13
Nova Scotia, 11
O’Brien, Archbishop, 79;
speech at Halifax, 119
O’Brien, Dennis, 109
O’Brien, Wm., visit to Toronto, 70;
meeting at Toronto, 74
O’Donohue, Joseph John, 109
Onslow, Lord, 209, 343
“Opening of the War of 1812,” lecture, 171
Orillia, branch formed at, 119
Osler, E. B., 158, 197
Oswald, Mr., 348
Ottawa, branch meeting at, 119
Ottawa welcomes Lord Lansdowne, 76
Ottendorfer, Oswald, 109
Otter, Colonel, 268
Outlook comments on letter to Times, 353
Owen, Colonel, at Royal Colonial Institute, 140
Owen Sound meeting, 1901, 288
Pacific cable, 286
Paisley, meeting at, 1902, 315
Pall Mall Gazette prints interview, 298
Papineau, Louis Joseph, 111
Parker, Sir Gilbert, M.P., lunch at Constitutional Club, 293
Parkin, Dr. George R., C.M.G., tour in Australia, 105;
lecture at Whitechapel, 140;
at Imperial Federation meeting, 144;
on dissolution of League, 203;
on deputation, 204;
at National Club dinner, 239;
answers Edward Blake, 241;
on deputation to England, 1902, 290, 292
Patterson, Hon. Wm., 220;
at conference of 1902, 331
Paul, Mr., at Liverpool, 236
Pauncefote, Sir Julian, dispatch to United States Government, 152, 153
Pembina, Hon. Wm. Macdougall arrives at, 17
Percival, Sir Westby, 207, 209
Peterborough, branch formed at, 79
Phelps, Walter, 109
Plan of Union of Empire by Galloway, 2
Plumb, Senator, 78
Portage la Prairie contingent, 23
Port Arthur, base of Red River Expedition, 34;
branch formed at, 119
Porter, Horace, 109
Post Office service in Canada, at first British, 8
Potter, O. B., 109, 113
Potts, Rev. Dr. John, 78
Preference granted to Great Britain, 222
Prescott, Schultz welcomed at, 27
President of the League, 1893, 196
Press Association and Goldwin Smith, 179, 180
Prince of Wales at banquet, 1900, 273, 279;
his advice to Great Britain, 293
Princess Theatre, political meeting in, 1891, 164, 165
Protest to G
overnor-General by Dr. Lynch, 30, 31
Protest, Lynch’s, against amnesty, 38, 39
Queen, the, on Raise the Flag, 159
Queen’s Own welcomes Lord Lansdowne, 73;
Sergeants’ Mess on Imperial Federation 136
Queenston Heights, 80;
anniversary of, 155;
view of, on book, 158
Rae, G. M., 20
Raise the Flag, song and book, 157, 158, 159
Rasch, Sir Carne, 282, 283
Reay, Lord, 199
Rebellion of 1837, 4
Reciprocity, discussion in 1902, 338;
dangers of, in 1903, 344
Reciprocity treaty, 5
Red River Expedition, 33, 34;
proposed withdrawal, 36, 43
Red River Rebellion, 17
Red River Settlement, 13
Reid, Hon. G. H., 226
Report of Imperial Federation League in England, 1890, 140, 141
Resolution at Toronto Station, 1870, 27
Resolution on withdrawal of Red River Expedition, 43
Resolution in Commons on preference, 195
Retaliation Act in Congress, 120
Review in Toronto in 1884, 64, 65
Rhodes, Cecil, on preference, 228
Rhodes, J. G., 199
Richot, Father, delegate from Riel, 27, 28
Richot and Scott arrested and discharged, 32
Ridout, John G., 58
Riel, seizes Fort Garry, 18;
parleys with loyalists, 23;
to send to meet Archibald, 45;
letters from Bishop TachÉ, 46, 47
Ripon, Lord, 228
Ritchie, Rt. Hon. C. T., 356, 357
Ritchie, J., Jr., 58
Roaf, James R., 58
Roberts, C. G. D., favours independence, 64
Roberts, Field-Marshal Lord, at United Service Club, 206;
attends conference at Lord Avebury’s, 207;
on food supply, 233;
at Lord Lansdowne’s, 308
Robertson, J. Ross, 158
Robidoux, Mr., 111
Robinson, Hon. John Beverley, contests Algoma, 44;
letters to Riel, 46, 47
Tariff Reform, 291;
movement started, 346
Tarte, J. Israel,
111, 244;
in London, 1900, 272;
speech at National Club dinner, 1902, 335, 336
Taxation in American colonies, 1
Taylor, J. F., 210
Tecumseh, 15
Tennyson, Lord, 209, 211
Texas acquired by United States, 98
Thompson, Sir John, 113;
at Washington, 147;
his death, 217
Thorold Camp, 33
Tiffany, Charles L., 109
Tilley, Sir Leonard, 20;
president of Imperial Federation League, 134, 194;
resigns presidency, 196
Times, The, on Royal Colonial Institute dinner, 1902, 294;
comments on Sir R. Giffen’s letter, 326;
letter in reply to Sir R. Giffen, 325, 326, 327;
letter to, in 1903, 339;
on Chamberlain-Salisbury question, 349-352
Toronto branch Imperial Federation League, 80, 91
Imperialistic city, 95
United Empire Loyalist meeting, 65
Transcript, Montreal, on North-West, 13
Transvaal, 258
Treaties, German and Belgian, 139;
denounced, 230
Trent affair, 240
Tribune, New York, comments, 1902, 335
Troops, British, in Canada, 8
Trotter, R. G., 58
Trout, J. M., 58
Tunbridge Wells Chamber of Commerce, 315
Tupper, Sir Charles, 215;
on deputation, 1897, 224;
annual meeting, 1898, 244;
on contingent, 260;
at League council meeting, 1902, 299;
organisation of British Empire League, 205, 206, 207, 209
Tupper, Sir Hibbert, at Washington negotiations, 147, 154;
Farrer pamphlet, 164, 165
“Twelve Apostles,” 49
United Empire, idea started in America, 1
United Empire Loyalists, 1;
lecture on, 171
United Empire Trade League luncheon, 1902, 333
Unrestricted Reciprocity defeated in Commons, 117
Unrestricted Reciprocity, 367
“United States in 1900,” cartoon, 104
United States Senate throw out treaty, 120
United States discussing reciprocity, 1902, 338, 339
Upper Canada College, meeting at, 155
Venezuelan affair, Message, 210, 211, 218, 240
Victoria, B.C., branch at, 79
Vincent, Sir Howard, 196, 232;
meeting at Chelmsford, 282, 283;
at Manchester, 1902, 335
Wales, Prince of (now the King), at banquet, 1900, 271, 274, 280
Walmsley, Thomas, 19, 58, 158
Walsh, M., 79
Ward, Principal, Owens College, 232
War of 1812-’14, 3
Warrant issued for Richot and Scott, 31
Washington, negotiations at, 1890, 150, 151, 152
Weldon, Professor, 95, 204
West Indian preference, 242, 243, 244
Western Daily Press, article, 316
Westminster Gazette, 305, 310
Westminster Review, article in, 179
White, Arnold, on the Army, 268
White, Solomon, advocates annexation, 108, 187
White, T. M., secretary Continental Union Association, 109;
letter to Goldwin Smith, 173
Whiteway, Sir Wm., 226
Whitney, W. C., threatening war, 105, 109, 113
Wilkie, D. R., 86;
seconds resolution for preferential tariff, 91;
subscribes to fund, 197
Wickham, H. J., 86;
starts flag movement, 134, 135;
seconds resolution, 200;
on deputation, 1894, 204, 291
Wilkinson, Spenser, on food supply, 232, 233
Williams, E. E., at London Chamber of Commerce, 321
Willison, J. S., 264, 267
Wilson, General James H., 105, 109
Wilson, Charles John, Hawick meeting, 211, 212
Wiman, Erastus, starts Commercial Union, 81, 82;
Lt.-Col. Fred C. Denison, letter to, 86;
telegram to Press, 102;
in Glen’s letters, 112;
and Sir R. Cartwright, 163;
meets Goldwin Smith, 170
Winnipeg, 13
Wolseley, Field-Marshal Lord, commands Red River Expedition, 33;
warn him, 37, 44;
at Fort Garry, 48;
success of, 48;
food supply, 233;
British Empire League banquet, 1900, 272, 273, 280
Woodstock meeting, 187
Woollen trade in Canada, 338
Worrell, John A., 86
World, Toronto, comments, 89, 90
World, New York, 107;
map of North America, 1900, 104
Young, Sir Frederick, 209, 299, 300
Young, Major-General Ralph, 207, 209
Richard Clay and Sons, Limited,