- Abipones, the, 24
- Acequia, the, 45, 69, 83
- Aconcagua, 19, 38, 59, 70, 71
- Æolian deposits, 21, 124, 170
- Agricultural Centres Law, the, 202
- Aguadas, 61, 210
- Algarrobas, 39, 54, 64
- Alhuampa, 113
- Alumine, the, 128, 129
- Ambrosetti, J. B., 136, 282
- Ameghino, F., 168
- Andalgala, 42
- Andes, the Argentine, 19, 37, 46, 54, 57, 70, 126
- Andes, the Patagonian, 19, 120, 126, 129
- AÑecon, 122, 151
- AntofÁgasta, 54, 55
- ApipÉ rapids, the, 239
- Apostoles, 116
- Araucanians, the, 24, 121
- Argentine hydrographic service, 254
- Arrieros, the, 51,
- Calchaqui, 48, 54
- Caldenes,163
- CaÑadas, 107
- CaÑadones, 122-141
- Candelaria, 110, 116
- CaÑeros, the, 74, 75
- CarcaraÑa, the, 171, 212, 246
- Carilaufquen, the, 141
- Carmen, 130
- Carri Lauquen, Lake, 128, 151, 157
- Catamarca, 31, 43, 45, 55, 80
- Cattle, creole, 22, 131, 179-183, 189
- Cattle, pedigree, 22, 188, 189
- Cattle fairs, 209
- Cattle trade, the, 48, 50, 53, 66, 80, 131, 179-189, 206-208
- Catuna, 62
- Cedar-forests, 109
- Central Argentine Railway, 76, 191, 220, 225
- Central CÓrdoba, 74, 76, 91, 104, 221
- Central Norte Railway, 114
- Cerco, the, 63
- Cerro Payen, the, 119, 136
- Cerros Colorados, 150, 151
- Chaco, the, 32, 78, 96, 104-115
- Chaco, SalteÑo, the, 58-60
- Chamical, 62
- ChaÑares, 163
- Charcoal-burners, 112
- Chicago and Buenos Aires, 17
- Chile, relations with, 25, 29, 30, 48, 49, 53, 54, 57, 134, 137, 138, 204, 205, 210
- Chile road, the, 210, 213
- Chilean flour, 79
- Chiriguanos, the, 79
- Chivilcoy, 190, 194, 195, 212, 263
- Choele Choel, 133, 134, 149
- Chosmalal, 120, 137, 144
- Chubut, the, 138, 140, 155
- Climate, 46, 70, 71, 72, 77, 80, 92, 119, 120, 139
- Coilrue, the, 127
- Colalao del Valle, 42
- ColastinÉ, 226, 253
- Colonia, 251, 252
- Colonies, the, 191, 193, 195, 196
- Colonization Companies, 202
- Colonos,75
- Colorado, the, 172
- Conlara, 178
- Cordillera, the, 19, 20, 48, 81, 121, 126, 129
- CÓrdoba, 29, 33, 50, 57, 164
- CÓrdoba, Sierra de, 209
- Corrientes, 32, 49, 102, 107, 108, 189, 215, 257, 269
- Costa, the, 41, 42, 60
- Cruz Alta, 73, 74, 75
- Cuarto, the Rio, 25, 211
- Cuenca Vidal, 155
- Cumbre Tunnel, 222
- Cuyo, 79, 85, 86, 96
- Cypresses, 127
- Daireaux, E., 187, 193, 287
- Dairies, 186, 190, 193
- Dams, 69-70
- Darwin, C, 23, 123, 133, 170, 217, 280
- D'Azara, F., 25, 28, 49, 102, 174, 180, 212, 279, 280
- Dead valleys, 122, 129
- DemarcaciÓn, 44
- Diamante, 248, 249
- Diamante, the, 81, 84
- Diez y seis de Octubre, 120, 144
- Doering, A., 168, 286
- Dolores, 178
- D'Orbigny, A., 130, 131, 133, 142, 180, 236, 237, 280
- Drainage, 83
- Drought, 65, 66, 105, 120
- Dulce, the Rio, 97, 98
- Dunes, 173, 174, 181
- Durham cattle, 189, 207
- English Bank, the, 252
- Entre Rios, 169, 182, 186, 194
- Epecuen Lake, 212
- Exhibition, San Francisco, 7
- Falda, the, 73, 74
- Famatina, Sierra de la, 40
- Fiords, the Patagonian, 20, 128
- Flax, 176, 196, 197
- Floods, 97, 99, 211
- Floods on the rivers, 240, 241
- Forests, 23, 96-118
- Forts, the early, 26, 27
- Frontiers, early, 25
- Funes, Dean G., 30, 179
- Harvest, labour and the, 266
- Helms, A. Z., 51
- Hides, 178-180
- Holmberg, E. L., 23, 281
- Hrdlicka, A., 168, 287
- Huari, 56
- Hutchinson, F. J., 50
- Immigration, 9, 116, 137, 191, 263, 264
- Indians, relations with the, 24-28, 47, 131-135
- Indians, the Patagonian, 131-135
- Ingeniero White, 226
- Intrusos, 139, 157
- Invernadas, the, 51, 53, 60, 65, 183
- Irrigation, 36, 41-46, 61, 64, 74, 83-86, 144, 154
- Itinerary of author, 6
- Ituzaingo, 246, 257
- Japan, trade with, 8
- Jegou, A., 205
- Jerked meat, 115
- Jesuit missions, 110
- Jujuy, 38, 56, 77
- Junin, 194
- Labour-supply, 76, 77, 79, 88, 108-111
- Lacar, Lake, 144
- Land-ownership, 61, 201-203
- Land, speculation in, 201
- Lanin, Mount, 128-147
- Larch, the, 146
- La Rioja, 32, 33, 59, 80, 209
- Ledesma, 78
- Lenga, the, 127
- Lima, 29, 48
- Limay, the, 120, 123, 124, 130, 146, 154
- Lincoln sheep, 184
- Los Sauces, 41
- Lucerne-farms, 53, 67, 155, 176-178, 196
- Lumbrera, Sierra de la, 58, 70, 77
- MacKann, W., 180, 280
- Maize, 71, 192-194, 197, 198, 230
- Mallin, 124, 125, 142, 151
- Manantiales, 142, 148
- Maquinchao, 148, 150, 151, 153, 158
- Mar Chiquita, 113, 162, 173, 176, 191
- Markets, Argentine, 203-210
- Martin Garcia, 166, 251, 253
- Matacos, the, 79
- MatÉ, 33, 109-112, 117
- Matto Grosso, 117, 235
- Mayten, 128
- Mejia, Ramos, 224
- Mendoza, 19, 32, 33, 50, 57, 79-93, 218, 270, 271
- Merced, the, 61, 67
- Mercedario, 19
- Merino sheep, 184
- Mesopotamia, the Argentine, 18
- Miatello, 176
- Migrations of cattle, 65, 143, 157-159
- Migrations of indigenous population, 264-267
- Misiones, 33, 109-112, 115
- Molle, 127
- Monte, the, 22, 96
- Montevideo, 238, 251
- Moussy, Martin de, 25, 50, 204, 210
- Muleteers, the, 216-7
- Mule-trade, the, 49, 51-2, 53, 55
- Nahuel Huapi, Lake, 120, 126, 127, 130, 132, 133, 144, 225, 245, 247
- Navigation, statistics of, 258
- Negro, the Rio, 32, 80, 119, 121, 130, 153
- Negroes captured, 131
- Neuquen, the, 129, 130, 137, 138, 153
- Oases, 36, 41, 86
- Oats, 199
- Obrajes, the, 103-105, 107
- Olavarria, 194
- Olta, 62
- Omber, the, 163
- Ortiz Bank, the, 252
- Otway Water, 129, 136
- Pagancillo, 40
- Pampa, the, 17, 21, 33, 161-208, 261, 262
- Pampa, extent of the, 102
- Parabolic tariffs, 226
- Paracao, 248
- Paraguay, 109, 110, 236, 269
- Paraguay, the river, 116, 165, 235, 241, 247
- Paraisos, 175
- ParanÁ, the, 17, 26, 111, 112, 171, 214, 234, 236-50
- ParanÁ de las Palmas, the, 250, 252, 253
- ParanÁ Guazu, the, 251
- ParanÁ Mini, the, 253
- Parish, Sir Woodbine, 30, 100, 130, 182, 213, 215, 261, 280
- Paso Paraguayo, the, 250
- Pasto dulce, 23, 24, 183
- Pasto duro, 23, 24, 183
- Pasto fuerto, 23
- Patagones, 153, 154
- Patagonia, 119-160
- Pehuenches, the, 24, 131
- Peru, relations with, 28, 29, 49, 51
- Peru road, the, 209, 210, 213, 214, 216
- Piedra Blanca, 43
- Pine forests, 109
- Plata, Rio de la, 28, 29, 234, 239
- Playa Honda, the, 252, 253
- Poma, 56
- Poncel, B., 31, 53
- Population, growth of, 261-263
- Ports, 225
- Portuguese, relations with the, 235
- Posadas, 111, 116, 242, 248, 249
- Potatoes, 205
- Pozos del Barca Grande, 253
- Protectionism, 93, 94
- Puerto Belgrano, 232
- Pumpkin, the, 100
- Puna, the, 37, 38
- Puna de Atacama, 47, 48
- Punta Arenas, 136
- Quebracho, the, 23, 96, 103, 256-7
- Quebracho Herrado, 26
- Quebradas, 38, 41, 53
- Quetriquile, 151
- Quinto, the Rio, 26
- Quiroga, 59
- Railways, 74, 76, 91, 104, 114, 191, 211, 220-233
- Railway tariffs, 226
- Rainfall, 21, 38, 39, 71, 72, 80, 120-121, 164
- Ranqueles, the, 24, 131
- Refrigerators, 143, 187, 188, 209
- Repossini, 254
- Represa, the, 64, 210
- Riachucho, 247
- Rincones, 180
- River-floods, 240, 241, 243
- River-traffic, 235-258
- Roads, 210-220
- Roca, General, 26, 27
- Rosario, 92, 164, 171, 173, 191, 215, 221, 239, 245, 253
- Rosario de Lerma, 55, 56
- Rosas, General, 30, 238
- Saladeros, 184, 189
- Salado, the, 23, 26, 112, 171
- Sali, the, 69, 77
- Salitral, 124, 149
- Salt Lakes, the, 24
- Salt Road, the, 212
- Salta, 29, 32, 33, 38, 46, 48, 51, 59, 70, 214, 218
- San Cristobal, 114
- San Feliciano, 248
- San Javier, 110, 114, 249
- San JosÉ, 116, 134
- San Juan, 19, 32, 33, 50, 66, 79, 82
- San Lorenzo, 249
- San Luis, 33
- San Pedro, 78, 289, 250
- San RafaËl, 80, 81, 82, 172, 177
- Sancho, 71
- Santa Cruz, the, 120, 121, 122
- Santa FÉ, 26, 52, 112, 114, 175, 191, 196, 198, 253
- Santa Maria, 55, 56, 77
- Santiago del Estero, 26, 28, 50, 60, 77, 97, 113
- Saw-mills, 106-8
- Scrub, the, 22, 96
- Seasonal migrations, 266
- Selective breeding, 21, 179, 188, 189
- Sheep-breeding, 139-144, 183-186
- Shipping, 236,
740240, 253-259 - Sierra de los Llanos, 59-63, 67
- Sierra d'Ulapes, 66
- Somuncura, 122, 152
- Spaniards, the early, 28, 29, 48
- Stage-coaches, 210
- Straits of Magellan, 129
- Sugar-industry, the, 69-79
- Suerte de agua, the, 85
- Tablelands, the alluvial, 17, 37
- Tandil, Sierra de, 25, 172, 179, 182, 184, 190
- Tannin, 102, 105, 106, 107
- Tehuelches, the, 131
- Texas fever, 22, 189
- Teran, M. J. B., 7
- Tercero, the Rio, 211, 213
- Tierra del Fuego, 128, 140
- Tinogasta, 48
- Tobacco, 101
- Tobas, the, 24, 26
- Toma, the, 63
- Tosca, the, 123, 172, 173, 178
- Tostado, 114
- Trans-Andean railway, 220, 221, 222
- Transhumation, 143, 156-159, 182
- Transport, evolution of, 215-220, 228
- Travelling, early difficulties of, 211-219, 237-238
- Travesias, the, 52, 60, 142, 211
- Tronador, Mount, 128, 147
- Troperos, the, 217-19
- TucumÁn, 29, 32, 33, 69-79, 218, 221, 270, 271
- Tunuyan, the, 81, 82
- Tupungato, 19
- Turno, the, 44, 85, 86
- United States, comparison with 32, 34
- United States, trade with, 8
- Urban centres, 268, 269
- Urquiza, 26, 180, 215
- Uruguay, 116
- Uruguay, the river, 110, 235, 238, 259
- Useless Bay, 129
- Valcheta, 122, 123, 149, 150, 153
- Valle de Lerma, 48, 54
- Valle Viejo, 43, 45
- Valles, 37-48
- Vegas, 54, 144
- Veinte cinco de Mayo, 194, 262
- Ventana, Sierra de, 172, 182, 198, 199
- Villa ConcepciÓn, 110
- Villa Maria, 113, 213
- Villa Mercedes, 25, 66, 113, 164, 174, 177, 207, 221
- Villa ParanÁ, 245
- Villa Rica, 110, 111
- Villarino, 130, 133
- Villa Urquiza, 244
- Vilque, 56
- ViÑatores, 87-93
- Vineyards, 80-93
- Volcada de agua, 45
- Volcanic eruptions, 122, 125
- Wagons, travel by, 216, 217
- War, the European, effect of, 8
- Water-power in Patagonia, 146
- Water-rights, 43-46, 61, 64, 84-86
- Water-supply, 36, 38, 39, 41-46, 61, 64, 72, 83-86, 141, 154, 181
- Welsh in Patagonia, 138
- Wheat, 190-192, 194, 198, 199, 230
- Wheelwright, 221
- Wild cattle, 179-181
- Willis, Bailey, 138,
Printed in Great Britain by UNWIN BROTHERS, LIMITED, THE GRESHAM PRESS, LONDON AND WOKING The cover image was created by the transcriber and is placed in the public domain. Transcriber's note: Apparent printer's errors have been corrected. The following table lists changes made by the transcriber. PAGE | ORIGINAL | CHANGED TO | 9 | inmigraciÓn | immigraciÓn | 9 | despues | despuÉs | 14 | Sante | Santa | 22 | fisicas | fÍsicas | 22 | Republica | RepÚblica | 23 | Republica | RepÚblica | 23 | Republica | RepÚblica | 52 | CÓrdoba | CÓrdoba, | 82 | meet | melt | 82 | Eestero | Estero | 91 | vines | wines | 84 | Somtimes | Sometimes | 91 | regrads | regards | 103 | Sante | Santa | 103 | quebraco | quebracho | 105 | mall | small | 105 | alongs | along | 112 | props | crops | 113 | quegrachas | quebrachos | 114 | Sante | Santa | 136 | Farschungsreise | Forschungsreise | 142 | that | than | 157 | are | are are | 167 | compaign | campaign | 175 | enlarges | enlarge | 181 | Sente | Santa | 193 | diary | dairy | 219 | galeria | galera | 266 | he | the | 291 | 24 | 248 | 287 | Hrdlicker | Hrdlicka | 295 | 740 | 240 | ******* This and all associated files of various formats will be found in: /4/7/2/6/47264 Updated editions will replace the previous one--the old editions will be renamed.
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