

Leptorhinians (less than 70).
110 Armenians 60.4 Pantiukhof
62 Georgian Imers 60.8 Pan., Chantre, Erckert
1,969 Brahmans, Rajputs and other high castes,
N.W. province and Oudh
63.0 Crooke, Drake-Brocken
100 French (fair type, dolicho.) 63.0 Collignon
41 Georgian Mingrelians 63.1 Pan., Chantre, Erckert
49 Georgian Gruzins 64.5 Pan., Chantre, Erckert
50 Lorraines 64.6 Collignon
30 French Catalans (Eastern Pyr.) 65.1
20 Anglo-Scotch 65.1 Beddoe
23 Arabs of Tunis 65.2 Collignon
50 French dolichoceph. of the South 65.7
184 Various Kabyles 66.5 Prengruber
160 French of Normandy 66.5 Collignon
88 Sardinians 66.6 Gilbert d’Hercourt
27 Galchas of Turkestan 66.8 Ujfalvy
237 Ossets 66.8 Ghiltchen., Ch., Erck.
168 Mordvinians 66.9 MaÏnof
21 English 67.0 Beddoe
1,443 Dravido-Hindus, N.W. Prov. 67.0 ——
1,000 French in general 67.3 Collignon
70 Bretons 67.5
80 Pathans of the Punjab 68.4 Risley
80 Sikhs 68.8
98 Parisians 69.1 Collignon
60 Baluchis of Baluchistan 69.4 Risley
120 Tunisians (2nd Berber race) 69.8 Collignon
Mesorhinians (70–84.9).
10 Scotch 70.0 Beddoe
1,334 Tunisians in general 70.2 Collignon
444 Punjabis 70.2 Risley
865 Dravidians(Kharvars, Korwas, Cheros, Khunjas)
of N.W. Prov.
71.0 Crooke, Drake-Brock.
20 Baltis of Cashmere 71.4 Ujfalvy
50 Berbers (brachycephalic race) 72.5 Collignon
29 Singhalese 74.9 Deschamps, Manouv.
36 Kalmuks of the Volga 74.7 Deniker, Erck., Chantre
40 Kara-Kirghiz of Semiriechie 74.9 Seeland
27 Todas 74.9 Thurston
40 Badagas of Nilgiris 75.6
23 Siouans 75.9 Denik., Laloy, Manouv.
33 Kanarese of Mysore 76.8 Thurston
40 Tamil-Brahmans of Madras 77.2
22 Kotas of the Nilgiri Hills 79.2
36 Malayalim of the Chevaroy Hills 74.4
20 Dums of Chota Nagpur 79.1 Risley
695 Hindus of Behar 80.0
1,616 Hindus of the N.W. Provs. and Oudh 80.9
17 Rhodias of Ceylon (both sexes) 81.3 Deschamps
32 Kols of the N.W. Provinces and Oudh 82.2 Risley and Oude
100 Kurmis of Chota Nagpur 82.6
90 Maghs or Arakanese of Chittagong 82.7
30 Annamese of Cochin-China 83.3 Deniker, Laloy
34 Irulas of the Nilgiris 83.4 Thurston
100 Chakamas (Arakanese-Bengalis) 85.4 Risley
23 ZuÑis 84.9 Ten Kate
Platyrhinians (85–99.9).
23 Annamese of Tong King 86.2 Deniker, Laloy
90 Bhumij of Chota Nagpur 86.5 Risley
27 Bashilanges 87.0 Maistre
21 Bubangis 87.2
100 Santals of Chota Nagpur 88.8 Risley
15 Kurumbas of Wynaad 88.8 Thurston
100 Munda-Kols of Chota Nagpur 89.0 Risley
13 Polynesians 89.8 After Collignon
11 New Caledonians and New Hebridians 93.8 Collignon
17 Fulahs or FulbÉs 95.3 Deniker, Collignon
44 Negroes of Tunis 96.3 Collignon
21 Toucouleurs 99.9 Deniker
Ultraplatyrhinians (over 100).
23 Leybus and Serers 100.1 Deniker, Collignon
52 Negroes of Zambesi 101.5 After Collignon
21 Mandingans and Bambaras 101.6 Deniker, Collignon
13 Ashantis 107.5 Deniker
11 Australians 107.6 After Collignon
14 Angolese Negroes (both sexes) 107.9 Deniker


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