NASAL INDEX OF LIVING SUBJECTS, 71 SERIES (see p. 79). Number of Subjects. | ETHNIC GROUPS. | Nasal Index. | Observers. | | Leptorhinians (less than 70). | | | 110 | Armenians | 60.4 | Pantiukhof | 62 | Georgian Imers | 60.8 | Pan., Chantre, Erckert | 1,969 | Brahmans, Rajputs and other high castes, N.W. province and Oudh | 63.0 | Crooke, Drake-Brocken | 100 | French (fair type, dolicho.) | 63.0 | Collignon | 41 | Georgian Mingrelians | 63.1 | Pan., Chantre, Erckert | 49 | Georgian Gruzins | 64.5 | Pan., Chantre, Erckert | 50 | Lorraines | 64.6 | Collignon | 30 | French Catalans (Eastern Pyr.) | 65.1 | „ | 20 | Anglo-Scotch | 65.1 | Beddoe | 23 | Arabs of Tunis | 65.2 | Collignon | 50 | French dolichoceph. of the South | 65.7 | „ | 184 | Various Kabyles | 66.5 | Prengruber | 160 | French of Normandy | 66.5 | Collignon | 88 | Sardinians | 66.6 | Gilbert d’Hercourt | 27 | Galchas of Turkestan | 66.8 | Ujfalvy | 237 | Ossets | 66.8 | Ghiltchen., Ch., Erck. | 168 | Mordvinians | 66.9 | MaÏnof | 21 | English | 67.0 | Beddoe | 1,443 | Dravido-Hindus, N.W. Prov. | 67.0 | —— | 1,000 | French in general | 67.3 | Collignon | 70 | Bretons | 67.5 | „ | 80 | Pathans of the Punjab | 68.4 | Risley | 80 | Sikhs | 68.8 | „ | 98 | Parisians | 69.1 | Collignon | 60 | Baluchis of Baluchistan | 69.4 | Risley | 120 | Tunisians (2nd Berber race) | 69.8 | Collignon | | Mesorhinians (70–84.9). | | | 10 | Scotch | 70.0 | Beddoe | 1,334 | Tunisians in general | 70.2 | Collignon | 444 | Punjabis | 70.2 | Risley | 865 | Dravidians(Kharvars, Korwas, Cheros, Khunjas) of N.W. Prov. | 71.0 | Crooke, Drake-Brock. | 20 | Baltis of Cashmere | 71.4 | Ujfalvy | 50 | Berbers (brachycephalic race) | 72.5 | Collignon | 29 | Singhalese | 74.9 | Deschamps, Manouv. | 36 | Kalmuks of the Volga | 74.7 | Deniker, Erck., Chantre | 40 | Kara-Kirghiz of Semiriechie | 74.9 | Seeland | 27 | Todas | 74.9 | Thurston | 40 | Badagas of Nilgiris | 75.6 | „ | 23 | Siouans | 75.9 | Denik., Laloy, Manouv. | 33 | Kanarese of Mysore | 76.8 | Thurston | 40 | Tamil-Brahmans of Madras | 77.2 | „ | 22 | Kotas of the Nilgiri Hills | 79.2 | „ | 36 | Malayalim of the Chevaroy Hills | 74.4 | „ | 20 | Dums of Chota Nagpur | 79.1 | Risley | 695 | Hindus of Behar | 80.0 | „ | 1,616 | Hindus of the N.W. Provs. and Oudh | 80.9 | „ | 17 | Rhodias of Ceylon (both sexes) | 81.3 | Deschamps | 32 | Kols of the N.W. Provinces and Oudh | 82.2 | Risley and Oude | 100 | Kurmis of Chota Nagpur | 82.6 | „ | 90 | Maghs or Arakanese of Chittagong | 82.7 | „ | 30 | Annamese of Cochin-China | 83.3 | Deniker, Laloy | 34 | Irulas of the Nilgiris | 83.4 | Thurston | 100 | Chakamas (Arakanese-Bengalis) | 85.4 | Risley | 23 | ZuÑis | 84.9 | Ten Kate | | Platyrhinians (85–99.9). | | | 23 | Annamese of Tong King | 86.2 | Deniker, Laloy | 90 | Bhumij of Chota Nagpur | 86.5 | Risley | 27 | Bashilanges | 87.0 | Maistre | 21 | Bubangis | 87.2 | „ | 100 | Santals of Chota Nagpur | 88.8 | Risley | 15 | Kurumbas of Wynaad | 88.8 | Thurston | 100 | Munda-Kols of Chota Nagpur | 89.0 | Risley | 13 | Polynesians | 89.8 | After Collignon | 11 | New Caledonians and New Hebridians | 93.8 | Collignon | 17 | Fulahs or FulbÉs | 95.3 | Deniker, Collignon | 44 | Negroes of Tunis | 96.3 | Collignon | 21 | Toucouleurs | 99.9 | Deniker | | Ultraplatyrhinians (over 100). | | | 23 | Leybus and Serers | 100.1 | Deniker, Collignon | 52 | Negroes of Zambesi | 101.5 | After Collignon | 21 | Mandingans and Bambaras | 101.6 | Deniker, Collignon | 13 | Ashantis | 107.5 | Deniker | 11 | Australians | 107.6 | After Collignon | 14 | Angolese Negroes (both sexes) | 107.9 | Deniker |