AVERAGE HEIGHT OF MEN, 288 SERIES (see p. 29). Number of Subjects. | ETHNIC GROUPS. | Height in Milli- metres. | | LOW STATURES (UNDER 1 M. 60, OR 63 INCHES). | | | Africans. | | 38 | Akka Negrilloes of the country of the Monbuttus | 1,378 | 64 | Kalahari Bushmen of Angra Pequena, etc. | 1,529 | | Asiatics. | | 42 | Aeta Negritoes of the Philippines | 1,465 | 115 | Andamanese | 1,485 | 28 | Black Sakais or Menings of Gunong-Inas | 1,490 | 36 | Jakuns and Mantras of Johor | 1,535 | 25 | Ostiaks of the Yenisei (Turukhansk) | 1,540 | 33 | Pure Veddahs of Central Ceylon | 1,554 | 99 | Samoyeds (of Asia and Europe) | 1,555 | 75 | Kurumbas of Wynaad (India) | 1,556 | 58 | Irulas (Nilgiri plains) | 1,560 | 33 | MalÉ (Nayar and Arrayan) of Southern India | 1,564 | 32 | Japanese (workmen and coolies) | 1,570 | 95 | Annamese of Cochin China | 1,571 | 29 | Paniyans of Malabar | 1,574 | 26 | Cherumas of Calicut | 1,574 | 200 | Mal Paharias (Dravidians of Bengal) | 1,577 | 100 | Dravidian Bhuiyas of Chota Nagpur | 1,577 | 155 | Veddhas of Ceylon generally | 1,578 | 300 | Trao Mois of French Indo-China | 1,579 | 210 | Ostiaks | 1,581 | 45 | Solorese of Flores and Solor | 1,582 | 359 | Annamese in general | 1,583 | 457 | Mois in general (French Indo-China) | 1,585 | 2,500 | Japanese (1,260 of them soldiers) | 1,585 | 125 | Islanders of Bavean (between Java and Borneo) | 1,587 | 100 | Munda Kols of Chota Nagpur | 1,589 | 1,100 | Japanese of the upper and middle classes | 1,590 | 76 | Annamese of Tonkin | 1,590 | 56 | Laotians of Lower Laos | 1,590 | 76 | Sundanese of Java | 1,591 | 90 | Bhumij (Bils of Chota Nagpur) | 1,592 | 100 | Chakamas (Araknese-Bengali half-breeds) | 1,596 | 29 | Timurians (of the western part of the Island) | 1,597 | | Americans. | | 28 | Caribs of the three Guianas and Venezuela | 1,572 | 26 | Eskimo of Labrador | 1,575 | 139 | Yahgan and Alakaluf Fuegians | 1,577 | 50 | Mauhe and Mundurucus (probably Tupis) | 1,588 | | Europeans. | | 259 | Lapps of Scandinavia | 1,529 | 25 | Lapps of Russian Lapland | 1,555 | 126 | Vogules | 1,591 | | STATURES BELOW THE AVERAGE (1600–1649 MM., OR 63–65 INCHES). | | | Asiatics. | | 105 | Teneggerese of Eastern Java | 1,604 | 58 | Battas of Lake Toba (Sumatra) | 1,605 | 27 | Rotti Islanders (south-west of Timur) | 1,605 | 30 | Siamese | 1,607 | 100 | Kurmis (Kols of Chota Nagpur) | 1,608 | 90 | Maghs or Arakanese of Chittagong | 1,608 | 45 | Sumba Islanders (south of Flores) | 1,609 | 31 | Bugis of Celebes | 1,609 | 27 | Kulu-Lahulis of Nepal | 1,610 | 45 | Dards of Ghuraiz, Hunza and Ghilgit | 1,611 | 58 | Tipperahs of Chittagong (Lushai-Kumis) | 1,611 | 83 | Baltis | 1,612 | 100 | Santals | 1,614 | 25 | Southern Chinese Long-Chow (Kwang-si) | 1,615 | 80 | Javanese | 1,616 | 100 | Kharvars (Dravidians of Chota Nagpur) | 1,617 | 149 | Malays of Sumatra and Malacca | 1,617 | 500 | Oraons of Chota Nagpur | 1,621 | 15,582 | Southern Chinese (principally Hakkas) | 1,622 | 45 | Singhalese of Colombo and Candy | 1,625 | 80 | Kling Tamils born at Sumatra | 1,629 | 25 | Kothas of the Nilgiris | 1,629 | 296 | Kalmuks or Mongol Torgots of Dzungaria | 1,629 | 695 | Hindus of the province of Behar | 1,630 | 82 | Brahmans of Southern India | 1,631 | 26 | Nicobarese | 1,631 | 685 | Dravidians N.W. prov. and Oudh (Chero, etc.) | 1,634 | 1,443 | Dravido-Hindu castes, N.W. prov. and Oudh | 1,634 | 1,616 | Malayalim of Southern India | 1,634 | 142 | Hindus of various castes, N.W. prov. | 1,635 | 40 | Singhalese in general | 1,635 | 387 | Kirghiz-Kazaks of the three Hordes | 1,638 | 25 | Uru-Kurubas of Southern India | 1,639 | 100 | Karens of Lower Burma | 1,640 | 92 | Derbete-Kalmuks of Astrakhan | 1,646 | 117 | Cambodians (Khmers) | 1,648 | 64 | Tamils of Ceylon | 1,649 | 37 | Chukchis | 1,649 | 231 | Burmese | 1,649 | | Europeans. | | 4,220 | Jews of Russian Poland | 1,612 | 3,313 | Chuvashes (3,076 of them conscripts) | 1,612 | 100 | Permiaks | 1,618 | 119 | Votiaks | 1,619 | 6,607 | Sardinians (soldiers) | 1,619 | 1,200 | Magyars of West Hungaria (conscripts) | 1,619 | 247 | Jews of Kuba and Kutais (Caucasus) | 1,621 | 167,677 | Poles of Russian Poland (conscripts) | 1,624 | 6,517 | Volga Tatars (principally conscripts) | 1,627 | 1,210 | Cheremisses (1,141 of them conscripts) | 1,627 | 31,707 | Conscripts of German Switzerland | 1,629 | 500 | Corsicans | 1,633 | 132 | Austrian Jews of Hungary | 1,634 | 25 | Lesgian Udes of Elizabetopol | 1,634 | 32,024 | Sicilians (soldiers) | 1,635 | 2,532 | Conscripts of Italian Switzerland | 1,635 | 382 | Rumanians of Hungary | 1,635 | 61 | Jews (Spaniol) of Bosnia | 1,636 | 961 | Bielorousses or White Russians | 1,636 | 800 | Portuguese | 1,637 | 292 | Hungarians (conscripts) | 1,637 | 4,894 | Spanish Basques | 1,638 | 1,955 | Bulgarians of Western Bulgaria | 1,638 | 2,252 | Mordvinians | 1,639 | 890 | Lithuanians of Russian Poland | 1,639 | 1,355 | Ruthenes of the Plains (Galicia) | 1,640 | 1,771,948 | Russians of European Russia (conscripts) | 1,642 | 437 | Karelians of Russia (conscripts) | 1,642 | 100 | Esthonians | 1,642 | 2,000 | Jews of the Ukraine | 1,642 | 4,701 | Lithuanians of Lithuania (conscripts) | 1,643 | 1,831 | Gruzin Georgians (mostly conscripts) | 1,644 | 344,371 | Italians in general (soldiers) | 1,645 | 7,396 | Spaniards | 1,645 | 77,579 | Magyars of Hungary (soldiers in 1868) | 1,646 | 447,172 | French in general (conscripts) | 1,646 | 9,456 | Conscripts of French Switzerland | 1,646 | 1,483 | Mingrelian Georgians | 1,646 | 33,541 | Piedmontese (soldiers) | 1,649 | | Americans. | | 90 | Salishans (Harrison Lake, British Columbia) | 1,613 | 30 | Salishans of the Frazer River delta (British Col.) | 1,618 | 28 | Guaranis (Kamayuras and Anetos) | 1,620 | 614 | Eskimo of Greenland | 1,621 | 73 | ZuÑis of New Mexico | 1,623 | 54 | Moquis | 1,629 | 85 | Eskimo of Alaska | 1,630 | 55 | Kwakiutl Indians (British Columbia) | 1,639 | | Africans. | | 50 | Mzabites (Berbers of M’Zab, Algeria) | 1,620 | 36 | Batekes of the Congo | 1,641 | | Oceanians. | | 31 | Aborigines of the island of New Britain | 1,602 | 67 | Papuans of German New Guinea | 1,608 | 156 | Natives of the Solomon Islands | 1,616 | 38 | Melanesians of the archipelago of New Britain | 1,620 | 40 | Australians of Southern New South Wales | 1,630 | 142 | Papuans of New Guinea in general | 1,640 | | STATURES ABOVE THE AVERAGE (1650–1699 MM., OR 65–67 INCHES). | | | Asiatics. | | 32 | Kols (of N.W. provinces and Oudh) | 1,650 | 108 | Hajemi Persians (principally of Teheran) | 1,651 | 792 | Armenians of the province of Tiflis (conscripts) | 1,652 | 40 | Badagas of the Nilgiri plains | 1,658 | 362 | Osmanli Turks (288 of them in Asia Minor) | 1,660 | 60 | Baluchis of Baluchistan | 1,662 | 60 | Khatris (Punjab caste) | 1,662 | 72 | Chuhras (do.) | 1,666 | 979 | Brahmans and other higher castes of the N.W. provinces and Oudh | 1,666 | 56 | Tamils of Southern India | 1,667 | 54 | Sartes of Russian Turkestan | 1,668 | 33 | Aissores of neighbourhood of Lake Urmia (Cauc.) | 1,668 | 74 | Kara Kirghiz of Russian Turkestan | 1,668 | 53 | Turkomans of the Transcaspian | 1,670 | 54 | Chinese of the north (Che Fu and Kuldja provinces) | 1,674 | 38 | Sibos (Manchu Tunguses) | 1,675 | 120 | Uzbegs of Russian Turkestan | 1,683 | 444 | Punjabi in general | 1,684 | 140 | Kurds of the Caucasus | 1,686 | 80 | Pathans (Punjab caste) | 1,687 | 155 | Tajiks and Galchas of Russian Turkestan | 1,692 | 192 | Armenians of Transcaucasia | 1,694 | 239 | Aderbaijanis of Persia and Transcaucasia | 1,698 | | Europeans. | | 59,761 | Rumanians of the kingdom of Rumania (soldiers) | 1,650 | 226 | Abkhasians of the Caucasus | 1,650 | 71 | Greeks of the kingdom of Greece | 1,651 | 140 | Meshtcheriaks of Perm and Orenburg | 1,652 | 2,012 | Saxons of the Halle-Mansfeld district (Prussia) | 1,653 | 61 | Gypsies of Hungary (soldiers) | 1,654 | 1,838 | Gruzin Georgians | 1,654 | 100 | Jews of Bukovina | 1,654 | 84,141 | Russians of Asiatic Russia | 1,654 | 35,416 | Belgians in general | 1,655 | 493 | Dutch of the province of Zeeland (conscripts) | 1,655 | 1,481 | Mingrelians | 1,656 | 2,865 | Imer Georgians | 1,656 | 1,003 | Lithuanian Jmudins (conscripts) | 1,656 | 31 | Gypsies of Crimea | 1,657 | 142 | Svane Georgian highlanders | 1,658 | 370 | Bashkirs of Orenburg and Ufa | 1,658 | 1,305 | French Basques | 1,658 | 231 | Crimeans of the south coast | 1,664 | 187 | Ruthenian highlanders (Galicia) | 1,666 | 20,509 | Venetians | 1,666 | 6,909 | Thuringians of the Saxon prov., Prussia (conscripts) | 1,667 | 60 | Slovens | 1,668 | 200 | Ukrainians or Little Russians of Kief | 1,669 | 200 | Ruthenes of the Bukovine (soldiers) | 1,670 | 200 | Rumanians of the Bukovine (soldiers) | 1,673 | 28 | Lesgians (Avars and Kazi Kumyks) | 1,676 | 22,979 | Karelians of Finland | 1,680 | 458 | Ossets | 1,680 | 1,220 | Swedes of the province of Kalmar (conscripts) | 1,681 | 80 | Tavastians or Western Finns | 1,682 | 44 | Kabards (Cherkesses) of the Caucasus | 1,684 | 9,345 | Dutch (conscripts) | 1,685 | 3,000 | Danes | 1,685 | 4,964 | Sleswickians (soldiers) | 1,692 | 89,021 | German emigrants to the United States | 1,693 | 741 | Inhabitants of Wales | 1,695 | 41 | Gypsies of Bosnia | 1,695 | 176 | Tatar (Kabard) highlanders (C
aucasus) | 1,697 | | Africans. | | 32 | Arabs of Algeria | 1,656 | 28 | Mushikongos of the Congo | 1,658 | 1,103 | Berbers of Tunis | 1,663 | 29 | Abyssinians | 1,669 | 35 | Danakils of Tajura | 1,670 | 52 | Berbers of Biskra (Chauia tribe?) | 1,673 | 244 | Kabyles of Great Kabylia | 1,677 | 180 | Berbers of Algeria | 1,680 | 27 | Bashilange of the Kasai | 1,680 | 2,020 | Negroes of the United States | 1,681 | 863 | Mulattos of the United States | 1,682 | 28 | Bechuanas | 1,684 | 25,828 | Negroes and Mulattos of the United States (conscripts) | 1,693 | | Oceanians. | | 50 | Aborigines of Southern Australia | 1,657 | 65 | Australians in general | 1,667 | 233 | Australians of Central Australia | 1,670 | 52 | New Caledonians (Melanesians) | 1,673 | 72 | Papuans of British New Guinea | 1,674 | 58 | Australians of Victoria | 1,677 | 50 | Maoris of New Zealand | 1,680 | | Americans. | | 61 | TinnÉ of the S.W. (interior of British Columbia) | 1,658 | 32 | Hupa Indians (TinnÉ of Oregon) | 1,661 | 121 | Ute Indians | 1,661 | 26 | Bilkula Indians | 1,661 | 37 | Tsimshian Indians (Brit. Columbia) | 1,666 | 165 | Shushwap Indians (Salish) | 1,670 | 104 | Cherokis of the East | 1,677 | 74 | Comanches | 1,678 | 30 | Klamath Indians | 1,679 | 59 | Chicasaw Indians | 1,679 | 68 | Piute Indians | 1,683 | 57 | Cree Indians | 1,685 | 147 | Apaches and Navajos | 1,686 | 37 | Flathead Indians (Salishan TÊtes plates) | 1,687 | 32 | Papagos of California | 1,695 | 71 | Sahaptin Indians (Nez percÉs) | 1,697 | 28 | Ottawa Indians | 1,699 | | HIGH STATURES (1?M 70, OR 67 INCHES AND UPWARDS). | | | Americans. | | 111 | Indians of the south of the State of California (Yuma?) | 1,700 | 260 | Choctaws | 1,700 | 100 | Pimas | 1,703 | 21,645 | Canadian soldiers (chiefly descendants of French) | 1,703 | 76 | Cherokis of the west | 1,712 | 198 | Ojibwas of the south | 1,712 | 41 | Pawnees | 1,713 | 92 | Delawares and Blackfeet | 1,715 | 79 | Micmacs and Abenakis | 1,717 | 315,620 | Citizens of the United States born in the country | 1,719 | 29 | Maricopas of California | 1,722 | 1,413 | Ojibwas of the east | 1,723 | 612 | Siouans | 1,726 | 94 | Iroquoians or Iroquois | 1,727 | 517 | Indians of the United States (chiefly Iroquois) | 1,730 | 91 | Omahas and Winnebagos | 1,732 | 213 | Crow Indians | 1,732 | 53 | Creek Indians | 1,735 | 35 |
|   |