One bright, sunny day, Mr. and Mrs. Antelope took little Baby Antelope out for a run. They knew where to find a lovely feeding-ground, so that their baby could have a good dinner of nice young grass. Mr. and Mrs. Antelope were walking along very quietly; but the baby was so pleased to get out, that she gamboled far away, and frisked about. Pretty soon she came running back very much frightened and said, "Oh Mamma and Papa Antelope, do come with me! I have seen some of the queerest little animals over near that tree, and I don't know what they are." MR. AND MRS. ANTELOPE TOOK LITTLE BABY ANTELOPE OUT FOR A RUN. MR. AND MRS. ANTELOPE TOOK LITTLE BABY ANTELOPE OUT FOR A RUN. Mr. and Mrs. Antelope became very much worried, because they thought perhaps their little one had seen one of those animals that walk on two legs and carry a long iron stick that can hit and kill them from afar. As Mr. and Mrs. Antelope are very curious people, they wanted to see what their baby meant. Can you guess what they saw? Leaning against the tree were two queer little animals. Mr. and Mrs. Antelope thought hard and looked very keenly; but they had never seen such animals before. Weren't Mr. and Mrs. Antelope funny? They didn't know that if they stayed much longer, a sioux Indian mother would come out from the bushes where she was picking berries and frighten them away from her little baby and then she would have to scold her daughter tom-be for falling asleep and not taking better care of her baby brother. |