Once, after an arickara Indian mother had finished all her packing, as they were going to move camp, she fixed a travois on her big dog and placed her baby in the basket. Then all was ready and they were about to start, when a great, ugly black dog came along, and the two dogs began to fight. The squaw whipped them apart, and after she had quieted her poor little baby boy, who had been very much frightened, she put him back into his little carriage, and soon the Indians started. THE TWO DOGS BEGAN TO FIGHT. THE TWO DOGS BEGAN TO FIGHT. The squaw walked beside the dog to guide him and, also, to amuse her baby. Indian babies play with little dolls made of buckskin, with long buckskin fringe for hair. If a feather is placed in the dolly's hair the babies think it is beautifully dressed. The baby of our story was having a lovely time with his dolly and so his mother thought she would just drop back and have a little chat with another Indian mother while the baby was good. THE LITTLE BOY PICKED UP A STICK. THE LITTLE BOY PICKED UP A STICK. She had hardly turned around, when that naughty dog saw a great big jack rabbit, just ahead, and thought it would make a delicious dinner. Off he started. He jumped right through the rough sage brush, and the poor baby rolled out. His mother was afraid he would be badly hurt, but he was only frightened. When the squaw caught the naughty dog again, she tied a rope around his neck and kept tight hold of it, so he couldn't play another trick on her. When the Indians stopped and camped, the little boy picked up a stick and whipped that dog as hard as he could for treating him so badly during the day's traveling. |