Once there was a little pueblo Indian boy and his father was one of the best hunters in the village. One morning he went out into the mountains to shoot deer, the meat of which was to be dried for the winter supply. He was walking very carefully, as he would have frightened the game away if he had made a noise. Suddenly he heard a sound as if a mama bear were scolding a cub for being selfish. He looked, and there, indeed, was an old she-bear turning over stones and trying to find some grubs for her babies. TRYING TO FIND SOME GRUBS FOR HER BABIES. TRYING TO FIND SOME GRUBS FOR HER BABIES. The Indian shot the mama bear and one of the cubs scampered off as fast as he could go, but the hunter caught the other little bear and tied a horse-hair rope tight around the little fellow's neck, so he could drag him home to his little tan-tsi-day. The two became very good friends, and when tan-tsi-day's mother brought a bowl of porridge to her baby, she always put in enough for the baby bear too. One day the baby bear was naughty, and when tan-tsi-day's mother had gone into the house, he took the bowl and ate all the porridge himself, and didn't give his little playfellow any. DRAG HIM HOME TO HIS TAN-TSI-DAY. DRAG HIM HOME TO HIS TAN-TSI-DAY. The baby was very much surprised, and called his Indian mother. Do you know how she punished the selfish little bear? When the next meal-time came, she just brought enough of the good porridge for her tan-tsi-day, and made that naughty bear eat with the puppies. I think baby bear won't be such a greedy little fellow when allowed to eat with his little companion again. |