ef="@public@vhost@g@html@files@50139@50139-h@50139-h-17.htm.html#Page_293" class="pginternal">293 or castoreum, 185, 186 tincture, 229 Cedar oil, 101 tincture, 235 Ceylon cinnamon oil, 102, 103 Chalk, 336 Chamomile oil, 99, 100 Chapped hands, preparations for, 333, 334 Chassis, 61 Cherry essence, 217 ether, 216 laurel oil, 101, 102 tooth-paste, 278 non-fermenting, 278 Chloroform, alcohol, and benzine, quantitative determination of adulterations with, 72, 73 detection of, in volatile oil, 71 Cineol, 123 Cinnamaldehyde, 103 quantitative determination of, 104-106 Cinnamic acid, determination of, in benzoin, 158, 159 Cinnamon leaves, oil of, and cinnamon-root oil, 104 oil tincture, 235 oils, 102-106 Cinnamon root oil and oil of cinnamon leaves, 104 Citrene, 35, 121 Citronella oil, 107, 108 tincture, 235 Citronellol, 107 Citron oil, 106, 107 Civet, 31, 184, 185 tincture, 228 Clove-oil tincture, 235 Cloves, oil of, 108-110 Cold cream, 331 creams and lip-salves, 331-335 Cologne water, 249-254 durability of volatile oils used for, 250, 251 preparation of, 249, 250 receipts for, 252-254 Coloring substances for dentifrices and mouth-waters, 272 for pomades, 286 Compound odors, 240-245 Copper hair dye, 322 nitroprusside of, test, 75-78 salts for dyeing the hair, 315, Prince Albert, 243 Victoria, 242, 248 cassie, 237 chypre, 243, 244, 247 de violette de Parme, 239, 240 edelweiss, 240 ess-bouquet, 240, 241, 247 excelsior, 241 fleurs de Mai, 238 Frangipani, 241, 249 hÉliotrope, 237 ixora, 239, 248, 249 jacinthe, 237, 238 jasmin, 238 jockey club, 241, 242 jonquille, 238 kiss-me-quick, 243 lily of the valley, 238 magnolia, 238 marÉchal, 244 May flowers, 238 millefleurs, 242 mogadore, 243 mousseline, 244 muguet, 238, 248 musk, 243 new-mown hay, 243, 247 Extract opopanax, 242 orange, 239 patchouli, 242 rÉsÉda, 240, 246 rose, 246 v. d. centifolie, 239 spring-flower, 241, 248 tubereuse, 240 violette, 239, 246 white rose, 239 ylang-ylang, 240, 246, 247 Extraits aux fleurs, 219, 237-240 d'odeurs, 219 triple concentrÉs, 244, 245 Face, painting the, practised by the Hebrew women, 19 Family pomade, 290, 340, 341 storax, 168-171 Locock's lotion for the hair, 311 Lotion, dandruff, 312 Locock's, for the hair, 311 shampoo, 311 Lubah, 19-21 Lunar caustic for dyeing the hair, 315 Macassar hair oil, 302 pomade, 292 Mace oil, 124 Maceration or extraction of flowers, 286, 287 or infusion, process of, 58-60 Magnesia, 336 Mandarin oil, 125, 126 Marinello's work on "Cosmetics for Ladies," 27 Marjoram oils, 122, 123 MaumenÉ's test, 82, 83 Meal, almond, 329 nut, 328 Meals and pastes, perfumed, 328-331 MelanogÈne, 322 Melon essence, 217 Menthol, 133 pungent, 260 Messina, yield of lemon oil in, 120 Methyl salicylate, 151 artificial production of, 152, 153 Mierzinski's formulÆ for bay rum, 313, 314 Mignonette hair oil, 302 oil, 123 pomade, 293 vaseline pomade, 296 Milk, almond, 327 lily, 328 rose, 326, 327 virginal, 326 Millefleurs fumigating pastilles, 270 Mint, curled, oil of, 132 Mirbane, oil of, 199 Mitchan and Hitchin lavender oil, 115 Monfalcone's, D., distilling apparatus for lemon oil, 118-120 Moschus ex vesicis, 180 Moses, the holy oil prescribed by, 21 Mouche or beauty patch, 28 Mouth- and tooth-waters, 274-277 waters and dentifrices, coloring substances for, 272 dentifrices, etc., 272-283 Musk, 31, 178-184 adulterations of, 183, 124 menthÆ crispÆ, 132 piperitÆ, 132-135 pulegii, 135, 136 myrthÆ, 123, 134 naphÆ, 126-129 neroli, 126-129 nucistÆ Æthereum, 124 petit grain, 129 pimenta, 136 pini, 149 pumilionis, 149 rÉsÉdÆ, 123 rosemarini, 144, 145 templinum, 149 unonÆ, 153, 154 Olibanum in ancient times, 19-21 or frankincense, 176, 177 tincture, 230 Opiat liquide pour les dents, 280, 281 Opopanax, 176 oil, 125 tincture, 235 tincture, 230 Orange, bitter, localities for the cultivation of the, 126 essence, 217 flower oil, or neroli oil, 126-129 water, 128 fumigating powder, 267 peel oil, 125 sachet powder, 259 Oriental flower fumigating essence, 265 pomade, 293 Orris-root oil, 129, 130 liquid, 257 tincture, 235 tincture, 231 Orris stearoptene, 129 Paint, fine red, 337 ordinary red, 336, 337 red stick, 339 white, 337 liquid, 341 stick, 340 Paints, 335-342 fat, 341, 342 liquid, 340-342 preparation of, 337-339 pulverulent, 335, 336 solid, 336-340 use of, by the Roman ladies, 25 Pa
9-h@50139-h-17.htm.html#Page_299" class="pginternal">299 Rosemary oil, 144, 145 Roses, cream of, 333 Rosewood oil, or rhodium oil, 145 Rouge, 336, 337 en feuilles, 340 extravagant use of, in France, 28, 29 liquid, 340, 341 moulding of, into sticks, 339 stick, 339 Russian or Siberian castor, 185, 186 musk, 179, 180 Sachet À la rose, 257 À la violette, 257 aux millefleurs, 258 jockey club, 257 powder, ess-bouquet, 259 Frangipani, 258 hÉliotrope, 257 lily of the valley, 258 musk, 259 new-mown hay, 259 orange, 259 patchouli, 258 rÉsÉda, 258, 259 Victoria, 258 ylang-ylang, 257 powders, 256-259 Safrene, 146 Safrol, 146, 147 St. John's bread or carob, 209 Salicylic pomade, 294 Salts, smelling, 260, 261 Salve, Cyprian, 19 Sandal-wood oil, 145 tincture, 236 Saudarac, 177 Sandaracin, 177 Saponaceous tooth-wash, 283 Saponification number, 81 test, Kremel's, 81, 82 Sassafras oil, 145-147 Sartorius ylang-ylang oil, 154 Schimmel & Co.'s directions for bay rum, 313 directions for the quantitative determination of cinnamaldehyde, 104-106 improved still, 44-46 Separator-funnel, 47 Shampoo liquid, 311, 312 lotion, 311 Siberian or Russian castor, 230 Toluene, 166, 167 Tonka beans, 191, 192 bean tincture, 231, 232 hair oil, 304 pomade, 294, 295 Tonkin musk, 178, 179 characteristics of, 180, 181 Tooth-and mouth-waters, 274-277 paste or odontine, 277, 278 pastes and tooth-powders, 277-283 powder, Dr. Hufeland's, 280 powders and tooth-pastes, 277-283 preparation of, 279 soap, 283 Dr. Hufeland's, 282, 283 tincture, Dr. Stahl's, 276 tinctures, use of, 276, 277 Trotula, works of, 26 Turkish geranium oil, palmarosa oil, geranium oil, 112 hair dye, 316 Turpentine, oil of, 148-150 conversion of, into lemon oil, 189, 190 United States, adaptation of some districts of, for the cultivation of plants, 33 Valerianic ether, or amyl valerate, 214-216 ethyl ether, 216 Vanilla, 195, 196 hair oil, 303 pomade, 295 tincture, 232 Vanillin, 195-198 adulteration of, 198 preparation of, 196, 197 tincture, 232 Vaseline cold cream, 331 hair oil, 303 pomade, extra fine, 298 fine (yellow), 297 (red), 297 (white), 297 pomades, 295-298 foundations for, 296 Venetian oil of turpentine, 148 Verbena oil, 150 tincture, 236 Vetiver oil, or vitivert oil, 150, 151 Victoria hair oil, 304 pomade, [1] Paschkis, Kosmetik fÜr Aerzte. Wien, 1890. Transcriber's Notes Obvious typographical errors have been silently corrected. Variable use of accents and ligatures has been standardised to ensure compatibility between text and index. The reference in the index to oleum uonÆ has been corrected to oleum unonÆ. The index lists Pomade - cheap - wax at page 390, which does not exist. This has been changed to 290. Footnotes 12 and 13, merely repeat footnote 11, so have been removed and all references changed to footnote 11. |