CONGRESS HALL. CONGRESS HALL. Extending from Spring to Congress street, with a front on Broadway of 416 feet, and reaching with its two mammoth wings 300 feet back, it is architecturally a perfect beauty. The rooms are large and elegant. The halls are ten feet wide, and broad, commodious stairways, with the finest elevator in the country, render every portion readily accessible. A front piazza, 20 feet wide and 240 feet in length, with numerous others within the grounds, and a promenade on the top of the hotel affording a charming view, contribute to render the house attractive. The dining halls, parlors, etc., are superb and ample, and everything about the house is on a scale of unequaled magnificence and grandeur. The proprieters have endeavored to incorporate into this hotel everything that can afford comfort and pleasure, at whatever expense. The cut of Congress Hall will give some idea of its outlines, but fails to do it justice. It must be seen to be appreciated, and when seen commands the unqualified admiration of the beholder. It was erected in 1868, by H.H. Hathorn, Esq., the proprietor of the old Congress Hall, and one of the most influential citizens of Saratoga. |