FITCHBURG AND CHESHIRE RAILROADS, Passing through FITCHBURG, KEENE, BELLOWS FALLS and RUTLAND, TO Whitehall, Fort Edward, SARATOGA SPRINGS, Albany, Troy, Schenectady and all points West. Trains connect at Fort Edward for GLENS FALLS and LAKE GEORGE. The trip between Boston and Saratoga is made in one of the FAMOUS PULLMAN PALACE CARS,provided by this Line—a luxury which cannot be enjoyed on any other route, this being the only Line running through Day and Drawing Room Cars between these points. At the office of the Line in Boston (82 Washington St.,) during the Excursion Season,ROUND TRIP TICKETS Will be on sale at GREATLY REDUCED RATES, To all of the principal points in New England, New York and Canada. Summer tourists or invalids, traveling for health or pleasure, will find it for their interest to send or call for circulars and information before purchasing elsewhere. ALL COMMUNICATIONS PROMPTLY ANSWERED. Boston Office, 82 WASHINGTON STREET,C.A. FAXON, Gen. Agent. WILLIAM M. SEARING, BEEKMAN H. SEARING, Attorney at Law. Notary Public. WM. M. SEARING & SON, REAL ESTATE BROKERS, INSURANCE AND COLLECTING AGENTS, 178 & 180, BROADWAY, AINSWORTH PLACE, (ROOMS 12 and 13,) SARATOGA SPRINGS, BUY, SELL, RENT AND EXCHANGE Furnished Cottages, Stores, Dwelling Houses, OFFICES, COUNTRY RESIDENCES, CITY AND SUBURBAN LOTS, FARMS, SHOPS, MILLS, FACTORIES, STEAM AND WATER POWERS, Bonds, Mortgages and other Securities, Bought and Sold. LOANS NEGOTIATED. Collect Rents, Notes, Accounts and Evidences of Debt. Conveyancing, Searching and Examining Titles made a specialty. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO MAKING COLLECTIONS. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed to all parties. By promptness, industry and fair dealing, we aim to merit the confidence and give satisfaction to those who may entrust their business to our charge. Respectfully,WM. M. SEARING & SON. Only First Class Companies Represented. CONGRESS HALL. "CONGRESS HALL."' HATHORN & SOUTHGATE, Proprietors. |