| New York State plan, | 253-254 | physical examination, | 264, 274-275 | enlistment blanks, | 276 | Farm-labor camps, explanation of, | 245 | Massachusetts plan, | 248-253 | agreements and contracts, | 251-252, 265 | illustration of different types of, | 256-261 | food cost and preparation, | 258, 295-297 | menus, | 259 | recreation, | 260, 297 | wages, | 261, 262, 265, 267-269 | labor distribution, | 261-262, 266-268 | personal equipment, | 262, 292 | camp equipment, | 262, 264, 268 | illustration of training type, | 263-266 | agricultural instruction in, | 267, 297-299 | flying-squadron type, | 267-268, 302-303 | leadership, | 273, 287-292 | sanitation, | 295 | definitions of various types, | 298-303 | Federal Board of Vocational Education, | 54-55, 314-315 | France, reËducation of disabled soldiers in, | 214-225 | French schools, use of buildings in war, | 20-21 | war financing helped by teachers of, | 39-40 |
ss="i0">ReËducation, the problem of the physically handicapped, 211-213 | relation to federal insurance, | 213 | a government problem, | 214 | instruction for the blind in France, | 215 | L'École Joffre, | 216-219 | instruction in vocational subjects in France, | 218-221, 224-225 | percentage capable of, in France, | 222 | the problem in the United States, | 225-228 | industrial accidents and, | 232 | Roosevelt, Theodore, | 11, 324-325 | Rural schools, agricultural labor under direction of, | 153-154 | camp in connection with, | 302 | | School boards, in relation to war service, | 306-307 | provisions of, for drafted teachers, | 307-308 | organization of vocational courses by, | 310 | planning for agriculture by, | 310 | work of, for avoiding juvenile delinquency, | 310 | School principals, | 33-34, 310-314 | Schools, as distributing centers for pamphlets, etc., | 22, 311 | furnishing lunches to children in, | 128-129, 308 | opportunity for poster work in, | 129-130 | maintaining efficiency of, | 146 | keeping children in, | 147, 308 | postponement of construction work for, | 149 | agricultural activities in rural, | 153 | lengthening terms and hours of, | 308. | See also Commercial schools, French schools, etc. | | Smith-Hughes Bill, | 54, 57 | | Teachers, work of, in promoting French government loans, | 39-40 | opportunities of, to teach history, | 46-49 | New York State directions to, | 119-121 | service of, on committees, |