The first edition of Deam's "Trees of Indiana" was published in 1911. By limiting the distribution, the edition of 10,000 lasted about three years. The demand for a book of this kind was so great that a second edition of 1,000 copies was published in March 1919. This edition was exhausted within five days after its publication was announced, and thousands of requests for it could not be filled. These came from all classes of people, but the greatest demand was from the school teachers of the State. Since forestry is an integral part of agriculture which is now taught in our public schools, and since a book on the trees of the State is in demand, the Conservation Commission has authorized a revised edition of "The Trees of Indiana." What was formerly Bulletin No. 3 of the Division of Forestry is now published as Publication No. 13 of the Department. The reader's attention is called to a new departure in illustrations, which were made from photographic reproductions of specimens in Mr. Deam's herbarium. The photographs were taken by Mr. Harry F. Dietz of the Division of Entomology. It is believed that it will be gratefully received by the public and will stimulate an interest in forestry that should achieve practical results. RICHARD LIEBER, Table of Contents