OLE-CEAE. The Olive Family.


Leaves compound; fruit dry, a samara

1 Fraxinus.

Leaves simple; fruit fleshy, a drupe

2 Adelia.

1. FRÁXINUS. The Ashes.

Trees with opposite, odd-pinnate leaves; flowers appear in April or May in clusters from the axils of last year's leaves, the staminate and pistillate on different or sometimes on the same tree; fruit a 1-seeded samara.

Bark of mature trees furrowed; fruit not winged to the base.

Body of fruit robust, round and rather abruptly passing into the wing; the body rarely winged 1/3 its length.

Shoots and axis of leaves smooth

1 F. americana.

Shoots and axis of leaves velvety pubescent, at least when young

2 F. biltmoreana.

Body of fruit flattened and gradually passing into the wing; the body usually winged more than 1/3 its length.

Shoots glabrous, or practically so

3 F. lanceolata.

Shoots velvety pubescent, at least when young.

Calyx of fruit less than 3 mm. long; body of samara just below the wing less than 3 mm. wide, rarely 4 mm. wide, usually 1.5-2.5 mm. wide; samaras 3-4.5 cm. long


Calyx of fruit more than 3 mm. long, generally 4-5 mm. long; body of samara just below the wing more than 3 mm. wide, usually 4-5 mm. wide; samaras generally 4-6 cm. long

5 F. profunda.

Bark of mature trees scaly or flaky; fruit winged to the base.

Twigs usually 4 angled; leaflets on very short stalks


Twigs round; leaflets sessile

7 F. nigra.

1. Fraxinus americÀna LinnÆus. White Ash. Gray Ash. Plate 124. Large trees with deeply furrowed bark; twigs smooth, greenish gray and often covered with a bloom; leaves generally 2-3.5 dm. long, rachis smooth; leaflets 5-9, usually 7, generally 5-14 cm. long, on stalks generally 0.3-1 cm. long, the terminal one on a stalk 2-4 times as long, leaflets ovate to narrow-oblong, narrowed, rounded or oblique at base, short or long acuminate at apex, sometimes merely acute, margins entire or irregularly serrate, usually not serrated to the base, teeth short, dark green and smooth above, glaucous beneath, sometimes almost green beneath about Lake Michigan and in the northern tier of counties, usually pubescent beneath along the midrib and along the veins, sometimes glabrous; calyx persistent on the fruit, about 1 mm. long; fruit ripens in September and October, linear, 3-4.5 cm. long, variable in size and shape, body of samara cylindrical, somewhat narrower than the wing and usually 1/3-1/4 the length of the samara, each face of the body usually striated longitudinally with about 8 faint lines; wing terminal, generally about 0.5 cm. wide, pointed or notched at apex.

Distribution.—Nova Scotia to Minnesota and south to the Gulf. Frequent to common in all parts of Indiana. It is the most abundant in the northern two-thirds of the State, where it is associated principally with beech, sugar maple, linn, slippery elm and red oak. In the hilly part of the State it is found principally near water courses and in ravines, and rarely on the white and black oak ridges. It is rarely found in the low "flats" of the southeast part of the State, or in the shingle oak bottoms along the Patoka River.

Remarks.—The foliage of the white ash is quite variable in the texture of the leaflets. Leaflets on some trees are quite thin while those of other trees are thick and leathery, and no doubt would be classed by Sargent as variety subcoriacea[68].

Plate 124

FRAXINUS AMERICANA LinnÆus. White Ash.1/2.)

A form of white ash with reddish-purple fruit is found from Steuben to Clark County. This form is the prevailing type of white ash in Wayne County in the vicinity of Centerville. It has been described by Fernald as forma iodocarpa.[69]

The wood is heavy, hard, strong, elastic, sap wood white and the heart wood light brown. It is one of the most valuable of Indiana woods, and is used by almost all wood using industries. Its principal uses include handles, butter tubs, car and vehicle stock, automobiles and implements.

The white ash has been under cultivation at the Clark County State Forest for fifteen years, and the present indications are that it is one of the very best species to use for forest planting. It is hardy; grows in nearly all kinds of soil, although it prefers a moist, rich soil; transplants successfully; grows rapidly; bears pruning well; erect in habit of growth, and so far in our area forest plantings have not been destroyed by injurious insects. However, in some parts of the State, where trees have grown in the cities, some have been killed by scale insects. Aside from this the white ash would be an excellent tree for roadside planting, because it comes into leaf late, and never produces a dense shade.

At present seed collectors are not able to separate the species of ash, and as a consequence white ash seedlings bought from a nursery are not always true to name. For this reason it is suggested that to obtain seedlings true to name that seed be collected and planted from a tree true to name. The seed should be planted in a sandy soil in rows, about 25 seeds to the foot, and covered about an inch deep with earth. The trees should be planted 4×4 ft. to 8×8 ft. apart.2. Fraxinus biltmoreÀna Beadle. Biltmore Ash. Plate 125. Large forest trees, resembling the white ash. Young trees acquire the furrowed bark character earlier than the white ash, furrows of the bark of mature trees are usually deeper, and the ridges correspondingly farther apart; twigs are robust like the white ash and always velvety pubescent except in age when they may become smooth; leaves generally 2-3.5 dm. long, rachis pubescent; leaflets 5-11, usually 7-9, generally 5-14 cm. long, on stalks generally 0.3-1 cm. long, the terminal one on a stalk 2-4 times as long, leaflets broadly ovate to narrow ovate, or oblong to narrow oblong, narrowed, rounded, or oblique at the base, short or long acuminate at apex, sometimes merely acute, margins generally entire, sometimes with a few short teeth toward the apex, dark green and smooth above, glaucous and more or less pubescent beneath; fruit similar to the preceding species.

Plate 125

FRAXINUS BILTMOREANA Beadle. Biltmore Ash.1/2.)

Distribution.—This species has only recently been separated from the white ash and its range has not been ascertained. It is known to occur in the Appalachian Mountains from Pennsylvania to Georgia. In Indiana it is known to occur as far north as Wells County. It is commonly associated with the white ash, but much less frequent except in a few districts where it is the prevailing type. Such a district is in Gibson County north of Owensville. Here as well as in other parts of Gibson County very large trees have been observed. In the original forest the pioneers called the very large specimens of ash with deeply furrowed bark "the old fashion" ash. It is believed that most of these specimens were of this species. In the hilly parts of Indiana this species is found in situations too dry for the white ash, and for this reason should be given preference in hillside planting.

On the wooded bluff of White River in Fairview Park north of Indianapolis is a specimen that measures 31 dm. in circumference, b.h. The deepest furrows on the north side of the tree are 6 cm. deep.

Remarks.—This species is not yet commonly separated from the white ash and is known to the trade as white ash. Mr. Beadle who first recognized the species, named it Biltmore ash in honor of the Biltmore Estate on which the first tree was discovered. Authors ever since have so called it, and the common name which this form should bear is Biltmore ash.

On the Clark County State Forest is a planting of sixteen year old white ash in which are mixed quite a number of Biltmore ash. This species at a distance, can be distinguished from the white ash by the rougher bark of the trunks and the darker green color of its foliage, and in the autumn by its more colored foliage. A closer view shows that the leaflets of the Biltmore ash stand in a plane above the rachis higher than those of the white ash.

The wood is not commercially distinguished from the white ash, but its mechanical properties rank it somewhat below that species.[70]

Plate 126

FRAXINUS LANCEOLATA Borkhausen. Green Ash.1/2.)

3. Fraxinus lanceolÀta Borckhausen. White Ash. Green Ash. Swamp Ash. Plate 126. Medium to large sized trees with fissured bark, the ridges and furrows narrower than those of the white ash; twigs slender and glabrous at maturity; leaves generally 2-3 dm. long, rachis smooth, rarely slightly pubescent; leaflets 5-9, usually 7, generally 5-15 cm. long, on stalks generally about 0.5 cm. or less in length, the terminal one on a stalk 2-4 times as long, leaflets generally narrow-oblong or ovate to narrow ovate-oblong, generally with a narrowed base, sometimes rounded and oblique, short or long acuminate at apex, margin entire near the base, the remainder of the margin generally sparsely serrate with short teeth, dark green and smooth above, a lighter green beneath and more or less pubescent on the petiolules, midrib and veins; calyx persistent, about 1 mm. long; fruit ripens in September and October, linear or spatulate, 3-5 cm. long, variable in size and shape, body 1/3-1/2 the length of samara, compressed or flattened and gradually narrowed to the base, usually less than half as wide as the wing, each face of the body usually striated with about 2-4 lines which are stronger than those near the edge of the body; wing generally 5-6 mm. wide, pointed or notched at apex, and decurrent on the sides of the body for about one-half of its length.

Distribution.—Lake Champlain to the Saskatchewan and south to the Gulf. Found in all parts of Indiana. It is usually found in low ground along streams, in swamps, and in low woods. It is usually associated with white elm, red maple, cottonwood, aspens, linn, bur oak, etc., in the south to this list should be added silver maple and cypress. It prefers a habitat wetter than that of the white ash, although the two are found together in wet woods. In swampy woods it is often a common tree. While it has a general distribution in the State, it is much more local than the white ash.

Remarks.—This form is not usually separated from the next species, and both are known in books and by nurserymen as green or red ash. The common name, green ash, should be applied to this species to separate it from the true white ash, and the next.

In ash forest plantings on the Clark County State Forest, it is to be noted that this and the next species bear fruit while the trees are as small as 1.5 cm. in diameter, while the white and Biltmore ash which are much older and 6-8 cm. in diameter have never borne fruit. This species and the next bear fruit oftener and in greater abundance than the white or Biltmore ash. It is also to be noted that practically all of the volunteer ash trees found along fences and roadsides, except very large trees, are of the green ash species.

The wood is similar to that of white ash, and the cut is usually sold as that species. However, it ranks below white ash in its mechanical qualities.[71]

While the native green ash is found growing in swamps, it adapts itself to drier situations. It is planted more than any other species of ash in the cold and dry regions of the West and Northwest.

Plate 127


4. Fraxinus pennsylvÁnica Marshall. Red Ash. White Ash. Swamp Ash. Plate 127. Usually medium sized trees much like the preceding; twigs velvety pubescent at maturity; leaves generally 2-3 dm. long, rachis pubescent; leaflets 5-9, usually 7, generally 5-15 cm. long, on stalks generally about 0.5 cm. long, the terminal one on a stalk 2-4 times as long, leaflets generally ovate, ovate-oblong, or oblong to narrow-oblong, generally with a narrowed base, sometimes rounded and oblique, short or long acuminate at the apex, margins sometimes entire, generally entire near the base, the remainder more or less serrated with shallow teeth, dark green and smooth above, a lighter green beneath and more or less densely pubescent all over the lower surface, especially on the midrib and veins; calyx persistent, about 1 mm. long; fruit can not be distinguished from the preceding.

Distribution.—Quebec to Manitoba, and south to Florida. Found sparingly in all parts of Indiana. It is usually found in low ground, but frequently on bluffs, and flood plain banks.

Remarks.—This species is not commonly separated from the white ash group, but in books it is known as the red ash. This is the common name that should be applied to this form.

This species is not usually separated from the preceding, but it is easily distinguished from it by its pubescent twigs. It can be distinguished from the next by its smaller twigs, smaller calyx and smaller fruit.

The wood is similar to that of the white ash, and the cut is usually sold as that species. In mechanical qualities it is on a par with the green ash.5. Fraxinus profÚnda Bush. Swell-butt Ash. Plate 128. Medium or large trees with fissured bark similar to the white ash; twigs robust and velvety pubescent at least while young; leaves generally 2-4 dm. long, rachis densely pubescent, rarely almost smooth; leaflets 5-9, generally 7, on stalks 0.5-1 cm. long, the terminal one on a stalk 2-4 times as long, leaflets ovate, narrow-ovate to narrow-oblong, narrowed or rounded and oblique at the base, short or long taper-pointed at the apex, margins entire, rarely with a few short teeth, dark green and smooth above, a lighter green and densely pubescent beneath, rarely somewhat smooth; calyx persistent, generally 4-5 mm. long, rarely as short as 3 mm.; fruit ripening in September and October, linear, generally 4-6 cm. long, variable in size and shape, body about 1/3 the length of the samara, compressed or flattened and gradually narrowed to the base, the striations on the face of the body not prominent and usually not distinct the full length of the body, samara often unilateral or somewhat falcate; wings notched or merely rounded at the apex, decurrent on the body 1/4-1/2 its length, sometimes almost terminal.

Plate 128

FRAXINUS PROFUNDA Bush. Swell-butt or Pumpkin Ash. (× 1/2.)

Distribution.—Virginia, Indiana and Missouri, and south to Florida. In Indiana the distribution has not been determined. It is a common to an infrequent tree of the river sloughs and cypress swamps of the southwestern counties. Authentic specimens are at hand from Knox, Gibson, Posey, Perry, Bartholomew, Jackson, Marion and Daviess Counties, and specimens from Hamilton, Tipton and Starke Counties, I doubtfully refer to this species. The preferred habitat of this species is inundated swamps, and when it grows in such situations it generally develops a base swollen to a point somewhat above the water level. In Bartholomew County it was found associated with the cow oak, and the trunk resembled the white ash.

Remarks.—This species is known by authors and commercially as pumpkin ash. The wood is similar to white ash but is inferior to that species. On account of its habitat this species was little cut until the past few years when ash became scarce. During the past few years most of the deep river and cypress swamps have been invaded and all of the ash cut.6. Fraxinus quadrangulÀta Michaux. Blue Ash. Plate 129. Medium to large sized trees with light gray bark, not regularly fissured, scaly at least above; twigs and branchlets more or less distinctly 4-angled, the angles of vigorous shoots develop corky wings about 2 mm. high; leaves generally 2-3 dm. long; leaflets 7-11, generally 7-15 cm. long, on short stalks, usually 1-5 mm. long, sometimes sessile, the terminal one on a stalk generally about 1-2 cm. long, leaflets ovate to lanceolate, narrowed or rounded at the base, generally long acuminate at the apex, margins rather regularly and coarsely serrated with short incurved teeth, yellow-green and smooth above, about the same color beneath and generally smooth except along the veins, midrib and petiolules which are permanently pubescent; calyx very small, usually about 0.5 mm. long, and persisting more or less in fruit; fruit ripens last of June to August, samaras twisted, generally 3-4 cm. long and 8-10 mm. wide, rounded at the base, notched or rounded and apiculate at the apex, the apical end of all specimens at hand twisted to the right, the wing surrounds the body.

Distribution.—Southern Ontario to Iowa, and south to northern Alabama and Arkansas. Found sparingly in most parts of Indiana, except the northwest part. There are no records northwest of White and Noble Counties. In the northern two-thirds of the State it is a rare to very rare tree, generally found only along the bluffs of streams. In many areas it is so rare that even the pioneers do not know the tree. It was the most frequent in the southeastern part of the State. Here also it is found principally along the higher banks of streams. While the species is confined principally to high ground it also grew in lower ground. The largest tree seen is on level ground at a fork of the road between Charlestown and Jeffersonville about 3 miles northeast of Jeffersonville. In 1918 this tree measured 28.2 dm. (1041/2 inches) in circumference breast high.

Plate 129


This species has not been observed in the "knob" area of the State or anywhere in the flats of the Lower Wabash Valley. Schneck reports it as rare on the hills of this area. The tree is too rare to definitely determine its associates, although sugar maple is usually found with it.

Remarks.—This species is becoming too scarce to be of much economic importance. The cut is usually sold as white ash. The uses of the wood are practically the same as the white ash.

The fruit and foliage of this species most closely resembles that of the black ash, from which it can be distinguished by its greenish-yellow foliage and the habitat in which it grows.7. Fraxinus nÌgra Marshall. Black Ash. Plate 130. Medium sized, tall and straight trees with a light gray bark, broken up into small thin plates on old trunks; twigs round, robust and smooth at maturity; leaves 2.5-4 dm. long, leaflets generally 7-11 and 7-13 cm. long, sessile, the terminal one generally on a stalk 0.5-1 cm. long, oblong or oblong-lanceolate, narrowed or rounded at the base, and short or long acuminate at the apex, margins coarsely and rather irregularly serrate with short teeth which are usually somewhat incurved, dark green and glabrous above, not much lighter beneath and glabrous or pubescent along the midrib and larger veins; calyx and corolla none; fruit ripens the last of June to August, similar to the fruit of the blue ash, samaras generally 3-4 cm. long, and 7-10 mm. wide, body winged all around, the base of the samara rounded, the apex notched or rounded, the apical end of the samara twisted more or less to the right in all specimens at hand.

Distribution.—Nova Scotia to Manitoba, south to Virginia and northern Arkansas. Local in all parts of Indiana except in the "knob" area of the State. It is generally found in places that are inundated much of the winter season. Its habitat is in cold swampy woods or similar places about lakes. It has no special affinity for streams. It is local in its distribution. Where it is found it is generally a frequent to common tree. In the lake area of Indiana its habitat conditions are frequent, consequently colonies of it are frequent. South of the lake area of the State it becomes rare to extremely local. In the southwest part of the State it has been sparingly found in a few cypress swamps. It is usually associated with white elm, cottonwood, aspens, red maple, bur oak, and is one of the first species to invade extinct tamarack swamps.

Plate 130

FRAXINUS NIGRA Marshall. Black Ash.1/2.)

Remarks.—The wood is tougher but in most qualities is inferior to white ash and cannot be used for handles. The layers of growth separate easily which enables the wood to be separated into thin strips. This fact was known to the Indians who used this wood for making baskets. This use was continued by the white man and in addition it was a favorite wood for making hoops, and in many sections it is known as the "hoop ash." The wood has many uses such as for baskets, splint boxes, butter tubs, vehicle stock, interior finish, furniture, etc. The black burls of the trunk are much sought for by veneer manufacturers.

2. ADÈLIA.AdÈlia acuminÀta Michaux. Pond Brush. Crooked Brush, Plate 131. Small trees, or shrub like, with gray smooth bark, becoming rough or fissured on large trees, the ridges short and broken; branchlets numerous and somewhat spiny; twigs glabrous; leaves opposite on petioles about 1 cm. long, ovate to elliptic-ovate, 4-11 cm. long, with a long narrow base, long acuminate at the apex, margins entire near the base, the remainder more or less coarsely serrated with short rounded teeth, rarely entire, smooth above and beneath; flowers appear last of March to the first of May, the staminate in small sessile clusters along the branchlets, the pistillate in short panicles; fruit a dark purple drupe, oblong, about 15 mm. long; stone with many longitudinal ribs.

Distribution.—Southwestern Indiana and southern Illinois south to northern Florida and Texas. In Indiana it has been found only in Knox, Gibson, Posey and Perry Counties. It grows on the low borders of river sloughs, swamps and river banks. It is very tolerant of shade and may be found growing under larger trees. It usually forms dense thickets on the bank that surrounds standing water and is usually associated with button-bush. A straight specimen is rarely seen because the area where it grows overflows each winter, and the small trees are usually covered more or less with debris, and then the following season the side branches assume a vertical growth. The top may be released by the next inundation, and then other branches may assume leadership, and so on until the top is a mass of branches growing in several directions. The specimens found in Perry County grew on the low bank of the Ohio River about 6 miles east of Cannelton. The species is quite local in the area where it is found. It may border one river slough, and be entirely absent from another nearby.

Remarks.—Of no economic use. In books it is called "swamp privet" but in the area where it grows it is not known by that name.

Plate 131

ADELIA ACUMINATA Michaux. Pond Brush. Crooked Brush.1/2.)



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