BY FRED D. LEWIS, M. D., BUFFALO, N. Y. In considering the subject of sprays, it is not my intention to present to you a number of formulas that I have found useful in my practice, but to consider the matter on a broader and more general basis. That sprays have been, and are still used, in various conditions with the most gratifying results, we all know. But that they should be prescribed to a much larger extent than they now are is a fact that the physician, as a rule, is not aware of. We have learned to know that the skin is one of the great vital organs of the human system. That if its action is impeded, the kidneys and intestines are thereby given a greater amount of work to perform. That with the morning sponge, followed by a brisk friction and an occasional Russian or Turkish bath, in chronic cases, such as rheumatism, we can expect quicker and better results from our remedies. The public generally have been educated to that point where they recognize the importance of proper care of the teeth. They not only regularly cleanse them, but at stated intervals, usually every six months, go to the dentist and have a thorough examination to anticipate rather than wait for trouble. Many persons have learned that a lavage of the stomach, in the shape of a cup of hot water, before meals, has converted a sluggish digestion into a normal one. We are all familiar with the structure and object of the That the disposition of foreign matter on the sensitive lining membranes of the nose should produce disturbances, there can be no doubt. The only point I wish to bring out, and I hope it may stimulate some discussion, is this: Should not the care of the nasal mucous membranes be considered as important as the care of the skin and teeth? In recent years I have asserted to my patients that the spray, in my opinion, is as essential on the toilet table as the toothbrush. As to the nature of the spray to be used, I think one must be guided by conditions. If there has already been a catarrhal condition established, then some remedial agent had better be employed; but if used simply as a prophylactic, then a neutral cleansing solution would be preferable. I think this subject is deserving of profound consideration, when we know that there are establishments in most of our leading cities that advertise the cure of catarrh for so much a month. Their methods are simply to insist on the patient coming to their offices daily, and having their noses thoroughly cleansed. And they are curing many cases. Would it not be wise to educate our patients, not only to keep their own noses clean, and thus cure themselves, but, by attending to themselves early enough, avoid the development of that, perhaps, most prevalent of all diseases, catarrh? |