Boston Transcript:—"All vivid with the color of life; a novel to compel not only absorbed attention, but long remembrance."
Cosmo Hamilton in The New York Sun:—"A new writer who is an old master.... He lets all the poet in him loose.... He has set himself in line with those great dead to whom the novel was a living, throbbing thing, vibrant with the life blood of its creator, pulsing with sensitiveness, laughter, idealism, tears, the fire of youth, the joy of living, passion, and underlying it all that sense of the goodness of God and His earth and His children without which nothing is achieved, nothing lives."
Life:—"The first treat of the new season."
Chicago Record-Herald:—"His undercurrents always are those of hope and sympathy and understanding. Moreover, the book is singularly touched to beauty, alive with descriptive gems, and gently bubbling humor and humanization of unusual order. Generous and clever and genial."