Abbotsford, 124.
Abercrombie, General, 6.
Abridged Narrative, 103, 104, 106, 107, 108, 112, 118.
Adonais, 38.
Alava, General, 16, 17, 19, 56, 103, 114.
Ambassador, Spanish, 42, 103.
Annapolis, 5.
Antwerp, 41, 44, 45, 48, 52, 53, 58, 59, 64, 93, 108.
Appleton's CyclopÆdia, quoted, 3, 5, 8, 24.
Autobiography of Sir Harry Smith, quoted, 10, 17.
B., Mrs, 60, 61.
Bacon, quoted, 1, 2.
Bahama Islands, 9.
Ball at Duchess of Richmond's, 45, 103, 106.
Barclay, Colonel Delancey, 51, 112.
Barnaby Rudge, 35, 125, 130.
Barnes, Major-General Sir E., 15, 18, 20.
Bathurst, Earl, 12, 33.
Berkeley, Colonel, 18.
Beverley, 5, 8.
Bibliography of Lady De Lancey's Narrative, 131.
Bloomingdale, 7.
BlÜcher, 18, 21, 105, 109.
Bonaparte, Napoleon, 121.
Bowood, 32.
Brogden, T.W., 103.
Broke-Vere, Sir Charles, 116.
Brunswick, Duke of, 46.
Brussels, 12, 14, 18, et passim.
Bulow, 105.
Caen, 3, 4.
Calnek and Savary, 5.
Cambridge, Duke of, 117.
Canning, Colonel, 18.
Castel Cicala, Prince, 19.
Castle Rackrent, 15.
Cathcart, Colonel, 104.
Century Magazine, 131, 132.
Charleroi, 20, 112.
Chichester, Henry Manners, 15, 23.
Childe Harold, 38.
Clyde, Lieutenant, 117.
Colville's Division, 108.
Connecticut, 6.
Constable, 33, 122, 123.
Cooke, General, 18.
Corunna, 25, 30.
County of Annapolis, History of, 5.
Craan, W.B., 109.
Creevey Papers, 10, 11, 114, 115.
Creevey, Mr, 114, 115.
Cromie, Lieutenant, 117.
Crown Point, 6.
Cruger, Colonel John Harris, 7.
Dalton's Waterloo Roll Call, 20, 112, 113.
Defoe, 1, 36, 126.
De Coster, 109.
De Lancey, Charlotte, 8.
De Lancey, Edward Floyd, 3, 5, 24.
De Lancey, Etienne, 3, 4.
De Lancey, James, 5.
De Lancey, Lady, 12;
Narrative of, 24, 31-38.
De Lancey, Oliver, 5, 8, 26.
De Lancey, Peter, 5.
De Lancey, Sir William Howe, biography of, 10;
military services of, 10, 25, 26;
on board H.M.S. Endymion, 25;
marriage, 12, 118;
summoned to Belgium, 13;
at Brussels, 13, 39-45;
at the battle of Waterloo, 14, 50, 51;
wounding and death of, 13-16, 50, 99, 110.
De Lancey, Stephen, 8, 9.
De Lancey, Susanna, 8.
De Lancey, Guy, 3.
De Ros, Lady, 103.
Despatches of the Duke of Wellington, quoted, 15, 16.
Dickens, Charles, 1, 33, 34, 37, 121, 130, 131.
Dickens, Kate, 127.
Dictionnaire de la Noblesse de France, 3.
Dictionary of National Biography, 10, 11, 12, 15, 23, 25, 26, 111, 112, 116, 117.
Draper, Sir William, 8.
Dundas, General Sir David, 8, 117.
Dundas, General Francis, 35, 82, 86, 89, 92, 93, 96, 99, 100, 101, 117, 125.
Dunglass, 108, 118, 119.
Dunkirk, 108.
Eaton, Mrs, 107, 108, 112.
Edinburgh, 119.
Elba, 10, 118, 119.
Emma, 35, 46, 48, et sÆpe.
Endymion, H.M.S., 25, 27, 28, 30.
Evening Mail, quoted, 17, 118.
Evere Cemetery, 117.
Fragments of Voyages and Travels, 25, 26, 31.
Frazer, Colonel Sir A.S., Letters of, 13, 15, 115.
Frejus, 119.
Fremantle, Colonel, 17.
Genappe, 22, 49, 109.
Genoa, 11.
Gentleman's Magazine, 118, 122.
Ghent, 11.
Gordon, Colonel Sir Alexander, 18, 20, 21, 116.
Gore, Captain Arthur, 2, 109.
Gore, Montague, 116.
Grant, Colonel, 100.
Greene, General, 7.
Gronow, Captain, 19.
Gurwood's Despatches of the Duke of Wellington, 10, 15, 106.
Hal, 108.
Halkett, Sir Colin, 114.
Hall, Captain Basil, 24, 25, 26, 31, 32, 33, 35, 121, 124, 131.
Hall, Magdalene (Lady De Lancey), 12, 26, 68, 89, 99, 118.
Hall, Mrs Basil, 24, 121, 124.
Hall, Sir James, 12, 118.
Hamilton, Sir H.D., 82, 113.
Hamilton, Lady, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 60, 61, 93.
Hay, Captain William, 113, 114.
Hay, Cornet Alexander, 113.
Hay, Lieut., 59, 60, 66, 67, 113.
Hervey, Mrs (Lady De Lancey), 122.
Hervey, Colonel Felton, 19, 106, 114.
Hills, Robert, 113.
History of the Corps of Royal Engineers, quoted, 112.
Howe, General Sir William, 7.
Howe, Lord, 6.
Hudson River, 7.
Hume, Dr, 13, 80, 81, 89, 90, 91, 98, 115, 116.
"Hundred Days," 119.
Illustrated London News, 109.
Illustrated Naval and Military Magazine, 31, 131.
India, 29.
Invalides, Les, 38.
Jackson, Colonel Basil, 19, 104.
James II., 4.
James, Mr, 53, 54, 55, 57.
Johnson, Mrs S., 10.
Jones' History, quoted, 3, 7.
Kentish Gazette, 103.
Ladysmith, 16.
Lannoy, Count de, 39, 93, 104.
Lansdowne, Lord, 32.
Larochejaquelein, MÉmoires de Madame la Marquise de, 34.
Lennox, Lord William, 19.
Ligny, 11.
Trafalgar, 16.
United Service Journal, 23, 105.
United Service Magazine, 106.
Uxbridge, Lord, 18.
Van Cortlandt, Stephanus, 4.
Vanity Fair, 38.
Van Schaak, 8.
VendÉe, La, 34.
Victor Hugo, 109.
Vilvorde, 65.
Vincent, Baron, 19.
Waldie, Miss, 112.
Waterloo, 1, 10,12, et passim.
Waterloo, Battle of, by L. Booth, 115.
Waterloo Days, 107, 108, 113.
Waterloo, Explanatory Notes on the battle of, 2, 109.
Waterloo, Recollections of, 23, 105.
Waterloo Roll Call, 20, 112, 113.
Waterloo, Ropes', 106, 112.
Waters, Lieut., R.E., 111.
Wavre, 112.
Webster, Lady Frances, 18.
Wellington, Duke of, 2, 10, 11, et sÆpe.
Wellington, Duke of, Despatches of the, quoted, 15, 16.
Wellington, Duke of, Supplementary Despatches of the, quoted, 11, 12, 18.
Wellington Tree, 109, 110, 112.
Winchilsea, Earl, 116.
Woolriche, Mr, 82, 83, 88, 116.
Yonge's Life of Wellington, 111.
York, Duke of, 8, 12.