berg@html@files@49962@49962-h@49962-h-4.htm.html#Page_b193" class="pginternal">193. Cardenas, paintings by, at Valladolid, 143. Cardenio's penance, scene of, ii. 60. Carducci, Vincenzo, paintings by, at Madrid, 182; at Valladolid, 143. Carlists, 32, 33, 96, 194. Carlos I., Don, tomb of, 266. Carlos II., Don, tomb of, 266. Carlos III., Don, tomb of, 266. Carnival masqueraders at Barcelona, 22; at Saragossa, 65, 68. Cartuja convent, Granada, ii. 245. CastaÑos, Gen. Francisco Xavier, defeated at Tudela, 91. Castelar, Emilio, as an orator, 279; as a political leader, 80, 96; eloquence, 276; friendship, 291; on Arragon, 50; personal popularity, 277; ruler of the Assembly, 279. Castilian dialect, 39, 55; scenery, 124. Castillego, ii. 55. Castles: Almodovar, ii. 99; Hornachuelos, ii. 99; >Monzon, 51; Pancorbo, 98; San Servando, ii. 41. Catalan characteristics, 35; dialect, 15, 39; dress, 18; hospitality, 148; school-boys, 46. Catalonia, description of, 18, 48. Cathedrals: Barcelona, 24; Burgos, 104; Cadiz, ii. 163; Cordova, ii. 74; Granada, ii. 229; Our Lady of the Pillar, Saragossa, 60; San Salvador, Saragossa, 65; Seville, ii. 108; Toledo, ii. 23; Valencia, ii. 266; Valladolid, 136. Cava, Los BaÑos de la, at Toledo, ii. 46. Cayetano, the matador, 214, 240. Cellini, Benvenuto, crucifix by, at the Escurial, 263. Cemetery, Barcelona, 27. Cervantes, Saavedra Miguel de, at Seville, ii. 103; house at Valladolid, 137; imprisoned at Argamasilla de Alba, ii. 58; naturalness of Don Quixote, ii. 57; on Barcelona, 42; popularity of, 286; statue at Madrid, 156; story of, 139. Cervellon, Count di, entertains Amadeus at Valencia, ii. 262. Cervera, 48. Ceuta, ii. 168. Cespedes, Pablo de, born at Cordova, ii. 90; paintings by, at Seville, ii. 132; quotation from, ii. 90. Charlemagne and the Moor, ii. 43. Charles I. (afterward Emperor Charles V. of Germany), altar at the Escurial
>. Exaggeration, the national failing, 287. F. Fadrique, Don, blood of, ii. 122; murdered by Don Pedro's orders, ii. 123. Farcical revenge, a, 71. Fatherly admonitions, 54. Federalist party, 96, 97. Ferdinand III. (the Saint) captures Seville, ii. 121; relics of, ii. 110; tomb of, 109. Ferdinand V. (the Catholic), oratory in Alcazar of Seville, 124; relics of, ii. 233; tomb of, ii. 234. Ferdinand VII. annuls the constitution, ii. 262; encourages bull-fighting, 235; tomb of, 266. Ferrer, Vincenzo, in Seville cathedral, ii. 116. Figueras, political leader, 80, 96. First glimpses of Spain, 14. Florinda, legend of, ii. 46. Flor, Roger de, a typical Arragonese, 50. Fomento picture-gallery, Madrid, 193. Fortune-telling in the Albaicin, Granada, ii. 253. Fountain of Cybele, Madrid, 166. Fra Angelica, paintings by, at Madrid, 182. Francis I., shield of, 176. Frascuelo the matador, 207, 214, 221, 225, 240, 242; ii. 94; interview with, 242. Fricci in opera at Madrid, 168; ii. 152. Fronterizos party, 96. Fruit, Spanish, 162. Fugitive wife, a, 69. Funeral memorial ceremonies of the second of May, 243. G. Galafro, legend of King, ii. 43. Galiana, palaces of, ii. 43. Gallegos, Don Juan Nicasio, poet, 282. Gamero, Antonio, historian of Toledo, ii. 48. Garbanzos, 161. Garcilaso de la Vega, poet, 37; armor of, 176. Gardens: Alcazar, Seville, ii. 125; Aranjuez, ii. 12; Buen Retiro, Madrid, 174; Escurial, 271; Montpensier, Seville, ii. 117. Garrido, political leader, 96. Gates: Elvira, Granada, ii. 240; Justice, Alhambra, ii. 192; Santa Maria, Burgos, 104. Gayangos, Pascual y, the Orientalist, 281. Geber, architect of the Giralda at Seville, ii. 116. Generalife, Granada, ii. 213; description of, ii. 225; view from, ii. 226. Genoa, 10. Gerona, arrival at, 16; Amadeus at, 16. Gibraltar, rock of, ii. 168; Straits of, ii. 167. Giordano Luci, paintings by, at Madrid, 182; frescoes by, at the Escurial, 262, 264, 268; at Toledo, ii. 30. Giralda of Seville, the, ii. 116; first sight of, ii. 101; view from, ii. 117. Gitane of Seville, the, ii. 128. Godoy, Alvarez de Faria Rios Sanches y Zarsoa, Prince of Peace, ii. 11. Golden Tower, Seville, ii. 103. Gongora y Argote, Luis, poet, 129; birthplace at Cord
Granada, ii. 192; Consistorial, Barcelona, 26; Deputation, Barcelona, 26; Galiana, 43; Inquisition, Barcelona, 26; Inquisition, Valladolid, 146; Royal, Aranjuez, ii. 11; Royal, Escurial, 261; Royal, Madrid, 154; Royal, Valladolid, 133. Palafox, JosÉ, at Saragossa, 77. Palma, ii. 99. Pancorbo, 98; castle destroyed, 98. Paolo Veronese, paintings by, at Madrid, 182, 183. Papal question, the, 12, 34, 138. Papa Moscas, legend of, 113. Pareja, Juan de, paintings by, at Cordova, ii. 58; at Madrid, 193. Party spirit, 96, 289, ii. 60. Patio, described, ii. 65; at Seville, ii. 163; de la Reja, Alhambra, ii. 212; de los Arrayanes, Alhambra, ii. 194. Patriotism vs. common sense, ii. 222. Peasantry: Andalusian, ii. 100; Catalan, 18; Cordovan, ii. 58; of Madrid, 165; Saragossan, 56. Pedro Abad, ii. 62. Pedro the Cruel, apartments of, in the Alcazar of Seville, ii. 124; defeats Henry of Transtamare, 91; mementoes of, ii. 103; murders Don Fadrique, ii. 122; restores the Alcazar of Seville, ii. 120; treasure-house, ii. 103. Perpignan dialect, 12. Pescara, Marquis de, armor of, 176. Philibert, Emmanuel, armor of, 175, 176. Philip I., tomb of, ii. 231. Philip II., armor of, 175, 176; birthplace at Valladolid, 134; books in the library of the Escurial, 268; builds palace of Aranjuez, ii. 11, ii. 13; builds the Escurial, 260; cell of, 261; his personality pervades the Escurial, 271; statue of, 262; sword of, 176; tomb of, 265, 266. Philip III. encourages bull-fights, 234; tomb of, 265, 266. Philip IV., a royal bull-fighter, 235; statue of, 156; tomb of, 265, 266. Philip V. encourages bull-fights, 235; his garden of St. Ildefonso, 124. Philip of Bourgoyne, carvings by, at Burgos, 111; at Toledo, ii. 25. Piedmontese waiters in hotel at Barcelona, 20. Pilate's house, Seville, ii. 136. Pillar, church of Our Lady of the, Saragossa, 96, 97; reputation of, 288. Sertorius defeats Pompey at Calahorra, 91. Seville, Alcazar, ii. 120; at night, ii. 106; Barber of, ii. 132, 14; cathedral, ii. 108; Columbian library, ii. 118; gaiety of, ii. 143; gardens, ii. 125; Giralda, ii. 101, ii. 116; house of Pilate, ii. 136; literary and artistic fame, ii. 139; museum of painting, ii. 129; Oriental character, ii. 102; patios, ii. 133; poetical character of, ii. 142; streets, ii. 120; Torre del Oro, ii. 103, 117; tropical heat, ii. 120; women of, ii. 126. Sierra de Segura, ii. 61. Sierra Morena, ii. 59, ii. 62, ii. 118, ii. 260. Sierra Nevada, ii. 214, ii. 226. Siestas necessary, ii. 79. Socialist party, 96. Soldiers, 23; political feeling shown by, 204; reviewed by Amadeus, 202. Soria, 124. Stagno in opera at Madrid, 168. Streets of Barcelona, 22, 27; Burgos, 101; Cadiz, ii. 160; Cordova, ii. 64; Granada, ii. 187; Madrid, 166; Malaga, ii. 170; Saragossa, 58; Seville, ii. 102; Toledo, ii. 17; Valencia, ii. 265. Studying for a degree, ii. 238. T. Tagus, the, at Aranjuez, ii. 12; at Toledo, ii. 17. Tamayo, dramatist, 169, 281, 291. Tangiers, ii. 168. Tarifa, Cape, ii. 167. Tasso, Torquato, influence on Italian poetry, ii. 93. Tato, the one-legged torero, ii. 262. Teniers, David, paintings by, at Madrid, 182. Theatres at Barcelona, 40; at Madrid, 168; and literature, 169, 282. Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista, paintings by, at Madrid, 183. Tintoretto, Giacomo, paintings by, at Madrid, 182; at the Escurial, 264. Tirso de Molina, dramatist, 169. Titian, paintings by, at Madrid, 182, 183. Tobacco manufactories at Burgos, 118; at Madrid, 173; at Seville, ii. 127; cigarettes vs. pipes, 132. Toledo, Alcazar, ii. 39; arrival at, ii. 17; at night, ii. 47; bridge of Alcantara, ii. 18; cathedral, ii. 23; church of San Juan de los Reyes, ii. 36; church of San GinÉs, ii. 44; church of Nuestra SeÑora di Transito, ii. 50; dead city, a, ii. 48; historical, ii. 22; hospital of Santa Cruz, ii. 50; legends of, ii. 43; lunatic asylum, ii. 51; manufactory of arms, ii. 50; popular characteristics, ii. 48; Puerto del Sol, ii. 18; Santa Maria la Blanca, ii. 38; view from cathedral, ii. 34; silent and gloomy, ii. 21; streets, ii. 19. Tolosa, Las Navas de, battlefield, ii. 60. Topete, Juan, ii. 60. Toreros, 213; dangers of, 229; dress of, 240; highly respectable, 239; lucrative business, 241. Torrigiano, Pietro, sculptures by, at Granada, ii. 229. Torquemada, Tomas de, founds the convent of Santa Domingo, ii. 235; ori
Typographical errors corrected by the etext transcriber: | All instances of AlcalÁ and Alcala changed to=>AlcalÁ | All instances of Espana changed to=>EspaÑa | All instances of Calderon changed to=>CalderÓn | All instances of Zurbaran changed to=> ZurbarÁn | Gothic facade of the Chapel=> Gothic faÇade of the Chapel {pg 26} | there is in Barcleona=> there is in Barcelona {pg 20} | gypsy or a Basque mountainer=> gypsy or a Basque mountaineer {pg 23} | paintings by Villadomat=> paintings by Viladomat {pg 26} | officials or secret emmisaries=> officials or secret emisaries {pg 52} | Let Don Amadens make it plain=> Let Don Amadeus make it plain {pg 80} | there lines of varid green break=> there lines of varied green break {pg 92} | Alas for the supurb=> Alas for the superb {pg 133} | Architectually, it is dignified=> Architecturally, it is dignified {pg 137} | traicion=> traiciÓn {pg 148} | casa de huespedes=> casa de huÉspedes {pg 157} | I ate it like an out-and-out glutten=> I ate it like an out-and-out glutton {pg 161} | Gutierrez=> GutiÉrrez {pg 169} | pay double, treble, quardruple=> pay double, treble, quadruple {pg 208} | Poltroon! imposter! assasin!=> Poltroon! imposter! assassin! {pg 224} | CafÉ at the Puerto del Sol=> CafÉ at the Puerta del Sol {pg 242} | los pasgos sublimes=> los rasgos sublimes {pg 275} | the achivements of their time=> the achievements of their time {pg 287} | Hatzenbusch=> Hartzenbusch {pg 291} | |
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