The following books are recommended to the young yachtsman. From them he can obtain information of value, and a study of their pages will materially aid him in gaining a thorough knowledge of the seaman’s art:
THE RUDDER The policy of The Rudder is to give to yachtsmen a thoroughly practical periodical, dealing with the sport of yachting in all its phases, and especially to furnish them with the designs and plans of vessels adapted to their wants in all localities. In each issue is a design of a sailing or power craft, and at least four times a year a complete set of working drawings is given, so that the unskilled can try a hand at building with a certainty of making a success of the attempt. In the last two years over 500 boats have been built from designs printed in the magazine, and in almost every case have given satisfaction. Outside of the strictly practical, the magazine has always a cargo of readable things in the way of cruises and tales, while its illustrations are noted for their novelty and beauty. The editor desires to increase the size of the magazine and to add to its features. In order to do this it is necessary that it be given the hearty support of all who are interested in the sport. The cost of a subscription, $2 a year rolled or $2.50 mailed flat, is as low as it is possible to make it and furnish a first-class publication, and he asks yachtsmen to subscribe, as in that way they can materially assist him in keeping the magazine up to its present standard of excellence. $2 a year rolled$2.50 a year flat THE RUDDER PUBLISHING COMPANY 9 Murray Street, New York, U.S.A. How to Remit: The cheapest way is to send post-office or express money order, payable to the RUDDER PUBLISHING COMPANY. If bank check is more convenient, include 10c. for bank exchange; if postage stamps or bills, letter must be REGISTERED, OTHERWISE AT SENDER’S RISK. RUDDER ON SERIES On Yachts and Yacht Handling By Thomas Fleming Day The first volume of a series of technical books that will be an invaluable addition to every yachtsman’s library. CONTENTS On Seamanship On Boats in General On One-Man Boats On Seagoing Boats On Sails as an Auxiliary CONTENTS On Reefing On Anchors and Anchoring On Rigging On Stranding sailboat In this book Mr. Day has dropped all technical terms that are apt to be confusing to the novice, and has made a simple explanation of the handling and care of a boat. The book is written in a most interesting way. The chapters on anchors alone is worth more than the price of the book. Price, $1.00 postpaid THE RUDDER PUBLISHING CO. Nine Murray Street, New York, U.S.A. Hints to Young Yacht Skippers By THOMAS FLEMING DAY Hints on buying, rigging, keeping, handling, maneuvering, repairing, canvasing and navigating small yachts and boats. Experience compounded with common sense and offered in a condensed form. Illustrated with drawings and plans. Blue cloth, uniform in size to Rudder-ON-Series books. Price One Dollar Prepaid Send for complete Catalog of Books for The Yachtsman’s Library
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