Absolutism, of King of Castile in America, 53;
of Francia, 192;
of Lopez, 199, 201;
of John II., 293;
of Pombal, 397;
of Pedro I., 421, 424;
revolt against, 411, 412
"Adelantados," 23, 34, 166
Affonso Celso, 492
Agassiz, Louis, 306
Agricultural methods, 338, 394, 406, 467
Alagoas, 309, 355, 405
Albuquerque, Jeronymo de, 343, 345, 354, 355
Alcacer-Kibir, battle of, 322, 342
Alvarengo Peixoto, poet, 399
Alvarengo, Silva, poet, 399
Alvear, General Carlos, leader in Buenos Aires, 96, 102;
exiled, 103;
in battle of Ituzaingo, 120, 261, 429;
Montevideo surrenders to, 255
Amazon, the, estuary discovered, 301;
extent navigable, 308;
explored, 344, 371;
settlements along, 374;
Upper, 382, 392
Amazonas, state of, 405, 490
Anchieta, Padre, 329, 336
Anti-foreign sentiment among Creoles, in Argentina, 34, 86, 267;
in Uruguay, 267;
in Brazil, 396, 417, 423, 426, 432, 433, 439, 442, 455
Araguaya River, 310, 392
Arawak Indians, 300
Architecture, 341
Argentina, 37-161;
settlement of, 14, 15, 17, 18, 22, 24, 29, 32, 43;
rainfall in, 40;
agriculture and grazing in, 40, 43;
climate in, 41;
area of, 43;
prosperity of, 45, 144, 148;
exports of, 49, 148, 159;
population of, 79, 131, 143, 147, 185;
national colours of, 90,
independence of, 90, 96, 100, 104;
revolt of May 25, 1810, 90, 188, 252, 407;
federalism in, 94, 115, 130, 132, 136, 138, 148, 255;
proposals to make it a monarchy, 104;
civil wars in, 115 et seq.;
war with Brazil, 120, 129, 260, 427, 428, 462;
constitution of, 134, 137, 138;
industrial development in, 141, 160;
war with Paraguay, 141, 142, 189, 200, 206-219, 276, 471;
finances of, 149-153, 156, 157, 160;
war with Chile threatened, 156;
war with Uruguay, 255, 267
Arroyo Grande, battle of, 268
Artigas, JosÉ, 92, 105, 252-258, 407, 408
Assassinations, 277, 281, 379, 508
Asuncion, 22, 33;
founded, 25, 165;
way opened to, 143;
in possession of Brazil, 475
Audiencia, of Charcas, 16, 53, 61, 176;
of Buenos Aires, 84
Ayohuma, battle of, 97
Azores, 8, 292, 346, 387, 412
Bahia (city), early settlement of Brazil, 320;
military and naval post, 322;
population, 324;
industries, 324, 393;
growth, 347;
captured by the Dutch, 351;
captured by the Portuguese, 352;
place of refuge, 355;
siege of, 357;
held by Portuguese, 358, 418;
guerrillas obtain arms in, 362;
ecclesiastical capital, 399;
reception of the Prince Regent, 404;
deposes governor, 412, 436;
garrison re-enforced, 419;
expulsion of Portuguese garrison from, 420
Bahia (province), position, 310;
Jesuits in, 328;
population, 338;
cattle-raisers of, 372;
insurrections in, 375;
gold-fields in, 391;
attitude toward "Confederation of the Equator," 425;
separatist movement in, 444
Balboa, NuÑez de, 12
Basques, 4, 5, 26, 30
Beckman's rebellion, 375
Belgrano, Manuel, Creole leader, 89, 93;
expeditions to Paraguay, 91, 92, 188-190;
expedition to Tucuman, 93, 94, 96;
invasion of Bolivia, 97;
commission to Spain, 104;
in Uruguay, 253
Beresford, General, 83
Blancos, 126, 129, 266, 272 et seq.
Blandenques, 248
Bohorquez. See Huallpa Inca.
Bolivar, Simon, 101, 111, 112
Bolivia (Upper Peru), irrigation in, 14;
silver in, 16, 22, 78, 233;
division of, 75;
gold in, 78;
inhabitants of, 80;
resists revolutionary movement, 91;
Spanish power in, 100;
Rondeau's effort to conquer, 104;
route to, 315
Bom Jesus stockade, 354, 355
Bonaparte, Joseph, 87, 251
Bonaparte, Napoleon, 86, 89, 402
Bonifacio de Andrada, JosÉ, and independence of Brazil, 416, 421;
made prime minister
, 418;
letters to Pedro, 419;
and brothers, 423, 432, 439, 446, 449
Borda, Juan Idiarte, 280, 281
Botacudo (AymorÉ) Indians, 300, 321
Boundary questions, between Spain and Portugal, 66-68, 72, 77, 172, 181, 233, 239, 244, 245, 342, 372, 376, 387;
between Argentina and Chile, 156, 158;
between Brazil and Paraguay, 203, 208;
between Paraguay and Brazil and Argentina, 222;
of Brazil, 407, 468
Brazil, 287-512;
settlement of, 23, 316, 318, 319, 321, 323, 336, 342, 372-374, 387, 397;
war with Argentina, 120, 129, 260, 427, 428, 462;
war with Uruguay, 120, 209, 256, 260, 470;
war with Paraguay, 141, 142, 206-219, 276, 471;
area of, 305, 309, 310, 313, 314;
climate, 305, 308-313;
rainfall in, 306, 309-313;
population, 310, 218, 452, 453, 475
Cayenne, 407
CearÁ, location, 309;
settlement in, 345;
Dutch control of, 357;
devastated, 363;
separated from Brazil, 371;
surplus of cattle in, 373;
decline of cattle business in, 393;
adhesion to "Confederation of the Equator," 425;
anarchy in, 438
Cerrito, battle of, 254
Chacabuco, battle of, 108
Chaco, the, 37, 58, 213, 237;
plains of, 166, 186;
matter of arbitration, 222
Charles IV. of Spain, 86
Charrua Indians, 71, 235, 244, 247, 265
Chile, 15, 42, 78, 100, 110
Cholera in Brazilian army, 216
Cisplatine Province, 258, 408
City life, taste for, 56
Claudio (poet), 399
Cochrane, Thomas, Admiral, 111, 420, 425
Coelho, Duarte, 319, 328
Coffee, productiveness, 306, 313;
districts of cultivation of, 310, 312, 313, 406;
increased production of, 448, 458, 466, 479, 489, 509;
plantation companies, 501;
trade affected by rise of currency, 511
Colombia, 434
Colonia de Sacramento, founded, 68, 240, 376;
held by Portuguese, 70, 72, 234, 56, 64, 65, 393
Colonial trade, restrictions on, imposed, 48, 49, 63;
evil effects of, 49, 52;
how enforced, 50, 65, 71;
removed, 78, 88, 404;
among colonies, 82;
of Brazil with Portugal, 287, 336, 342, 373, 393
Colorados, 126, 129, 266, 272 et seq.
Columbus, Christopher, 8
Commercial routes to Pacific, 21, 47, 48
Concepcion (Argentina), 116
"Confederation of the Equator," 425
Constant, Benjamin, General, 492, 495-497
Contraband trade, in Argentina, 51, 52, 63-66, 69, 75;
at Colonia, 240, 377;
and Thomas de Souza, 329;
in Brazil, 347, 373, 394
Copper, 78
Copper-pan amalgamation process, 16
Cordoba (city), founded, 30;
rainfall in, 40;
on trade route, 50, 51;
prosperity of, 62, 63
Cordoba (province), Spaniards pass through, 14;
settled, 15;
intendencia, 75;
Indian stock in, 80;
revolution in, 91, 154;
military state, 121;
governor expelled, 123
Corrientes (city), founded, 33;
defence of, 58;
desire for independence, 116
Corrientes (province), flourishing, 34;
ravaged by war, 130, 135;
troubles in, 154;
missions in, 186;
Belgrano in, 188;
invasion of, 210;
relations with Artigas, 255;
alliance with Rivera, 267
Cortes, Hernando, 12, 20
Cortes (Portuguese Parliament), 291, 412, 415, 416, 418
Cotegipe, Baron of, 490, 491
Cotton, cultivation of, 14, 41, 309, 310, 371, 448;
manufacture, 170, 371, 406;
trade, 405
Council of the Indies, 53
Cromwell, Oliver, 366
Cruelties in war, 91, 93, 276, 384
Cuestas, Juan L., 281
Curitiba, 172
Curupayty, battle of, 142, 215, 475
CuyabÁ, 391
Cuyo, province of Argentina, 15, 64;
industries in, 17;
political dependency, 17, 33;
detached from Chile, 74;
products of, 78;
inhabitants of, 102;
ruler of, 121, 123
Cuzco, 41
December 27, 1868, battle of, 219
Democracy, 56, 81, 83, 432, 437
Diamond mining, 392, 397
Dias, Henrique, 355, 362
Diaz, Bartholomew, 293
Discoveries, 8, 12, 19, 296
Drake, Sir Francis, 47
Drugs, 49
Duarte Coelho. See Coelho, Duarte.
Duguay-Trouin, Admiral, 384
DurÃo, Santa Rita. See Santa Rita DurÃo.
Education, popular, 73;
lack of, among Brazilians, 396;
encouraged in Brazil, 398;
schools, 404, 406, 448;
desire for, 409
Elections, in Argentina, 140, 143, 146, 154;
in Uruguay, 280;
in Brazil, 464, 475, 478, 485-487, 489, 495, 507
Emancipation of slaves, in Paraguay, 199;
in Brazil, 456, 461, 476, 479, 481, 482, 490, 491
Emboaba rebellion, 379
Encomiendas, 165
Entre Rios, province of Argentina, 34;
Indians in, 62, 71, 74, 186;
gauchos in, 92, 236, 244, 254, 255;
governor of, 128;
revolutionary movement in, 188;
independent, 270;
ruler of, 471, 472
Espirito Santo, 310, 333, 338, 347
Federalist party, 119, 121, 123, 126, 263
FeijÓ, Padre, Regent of Brazil, 432, 433, 437, 440, 443
Ferdinand VII. of Spain, 87, 90, 93, 96, 411
Fernandes Vieira, 361 et seq.
FlorÉs, Venancio, leader of revolutionists in Uruguay, 208, 468;
ruler of Uruguay, 212, 273;
government of his own, 274;
in war against Paraguay, 276;
death, 277
Fonseca, Deodoro da, 493-497, 500, 501
Foreign debts, of Argentina, increased, 144, 160,
how met, 149, 152, 157, 160, 161;
of Uruguay, doubled, 277, 280;
of Brazil, increased, 464, 474, 509,
how met, 480, 489, 510
France, intervenes in Uruguayan civil war, 269;
poaches, 304, 317;
French traders in Brazil, 322, 329, 343;
settlement at Rio, 333;
measures to expel, from Rio, 335;
attempts to colonise MaranhÂo, 345;
takes Rio, 383;
ministers of, with Pedro I., 434
Francia, JosÉ Gaspar, 190-197, 256, 258
Franciscans, 58, 169, 182
Free Masonry, 409, 415, 484
French Revolution, 82
Gama, Basilio da, poet, 399
Gama, Vasco da, 295
Garay, Juan de, founder of Buenos Aires, 30-33, 58, 237
Garcia, Aleixo, 316
Garibaldi, Giuseppe, 270, 442
Gauchos, origin of, 81;
element in Argentine army, 94, 116;
defend Bolivian frontier, 101, 104;
in Entre Rios, 236, 244;
Uruguayan, 248, 279, 442;
in Rio Grande do Sul, 502
Glycerio, Francisco, 495
Goes, Zacarias de, 466
Gold, in Africa, 8;
in Hayti, 10, 12;
Spain's desire for, 49;
value of, 50;
in Peru, 78;
in Brazil, 310, 378-380, 391-393, 397, 405
Gonzaga, poet, 399
Goyaz, 310, 313, 348, 372
Great Britain, fleet of, before Montevideo, 83-86;
gunboats of, hold Paraguayan flagship, 204;
captured Buenos Aires, 248;
besiege Montevideo, 250, 251;
blockade Buenos Aires, 269;
filibustering of, along Brazilian coast, 343;
importations of, into Brazil, 405, 459;
ministers of, 434;
relations with Brazil, 456
Guarany (Tupi), Indians, 42, 297
Guararapes, battle of, 364
Guayabos, battle of, 255
Guayaquil, 112
GuayrÁ cataract, 171, 178, 179
GuayrÁ province, 173, 177, 56, 338, 390, 406
Las Piedras, battle of, 92, 253
Latorre, Lorenzo, 277
Lautaro society, 96
Lavalle, General, 268
Lavalleja, General, 256, 259, 261, 262
Lima, 16, 51
Liniers, General, 83, 85, 87, 91, 251
Local self-government, strong sentiment in favour of, 34;
right of, 115;
struggles for, 380;
effected, 401, 402, 439, 454;
impaired, 444
Lopez II., unnatural cruelties of, 221
Lopez, Carlos Antonio, President of Paraguay, 199-205
Lopez, Francisco Solano, 141, 204-221, 274, 470
Lynch, Madame, 206
Madeira Islands, 8, 37, 292, 361, 412
Madeira River, 314, 391, 392
Magellan, Fernando, 20, 21, 232
Magellan, Strait of, 21, 47
Maldonado, 230, 242, 250
Mandioc, 41, 306, 310, 371
MaranhÃo, location of, 309;
French attempt to colonise, 345;
captured by the Brazilian Creoles, 346;
occupied by Maurice, 357;
revolt in, 362, 375;
new state, 371;
Jesuits in, 374;
development hindered, 393;
takes a new start, 397;
Portuguese expelled from, 420;
not represented in Constituent Assembly, 422;
adhesion to "Confederation of the Equator," 425;
civil war in, 438;
revolution in, 446, 452
Maria Gloria of Portugal, 428
Mascate rebellion, 381
Matte (Paraguayan) tea, 78
Matto Grosso, seized by Lopez, 142, 210;
at the mercy of Lopez, 208;
location of, 314;
beginning of the state, 391;
expedition against, 471;
safety of, assured, 476
Maurice of Nassau, 356
Mello, Admiral, 504, 505
Mem da Sa, 335, 337
Mendoza, Pedro de, 23, 165, 236
Mendoza (city), 15, 41, 64, 106
Miguel, pretender to Portuguese crown, 428, 439
Military operations among uncivilised Indians, 18, 26
Minas Geraes, location of, 310,
description of, 311, 313;
gold in, 379, 391, 392, 397;
population of, 397;
literature in, 399;
attitude of, toward Pedro I., 433, 438;
revolution in, 453
Missions, negotiations concerning, 72, 77, 186, 245, 246, 388, 390;
attacked, 105;
established in Paraguay, 180;
conquered by Rio Grandenses, 248;
loyal to Artigas, 255;
invaded, 407
Mitre, BartolomÉ, resistance of Rioja to, 64;
historian, 98;
established civil government in Buenos Aires, 126;
on Argentine constitution, 137;
in Paraguayan war, 141, 142, 153, 160, 471;
party leader, 154
Mohammedanism, 325
Monopolies, of Cadiz merchants, 48, 50, 51, 82;
Portuguese, 374, 393;
abolished, 397, 404
Montevideo, harbours, 31, 241;
taken by the Spanish, 70;
population of, 78;
sieges of, 92, 250, 253, 254, 269;
captured by the patriots, 103, 255;
captured by the Portuguese, 105, 408;
named, 232;
fortified, 242;
captured by the British, 250;
blockaded, 276;
founded, 386;
Portuguese garrison expelled from, 420
Montoya, Father, 178
Moors, 3-5, 288, 290
Moraes, Prudente, President, 488, 506, 507, 508
Mules, trade in, 63
Municipal government, characteristic of Spain, 3, 53;
adaptation of, 44;
Spanish form of, 54;
in Portugal, 290, 291;
of Bahia, 325;
granted to Brazilian towns, 374;
character of, 424
Nabuco, Joaquim, 481
Napoleon Bonaparte. See Bonaparte, Napoleon.
Natal, 344
Negroes, 102, 105, 311, 375, 405
New Granada, 100
Nobrega, Padre Manuel, 326, 328, 330
Office-holding, 52, 409, 459
O'Higgins, Bernard, 109, 111
Ojeda, Alonso de, 301
Orellana, discoverer of the Amazon, 344
Oribe, Manuel, retreat of, 256;
president of Uruguay, 265;
leader of party, 265, 267, 461;
defeated Argentine unitarians, 268;
surrendered, 271
Oruro, 16
Ouro Preto, Viscount of, 494, 495, 497
Ouro Preto (city), 399
Pacific, Spanish control of, 21
Pampas, explored, 32;
character of, 38;
description, 40, 41;
expedition over, 58
Pampean sea, prehistoric, 229
Panama, Isthmus of, 12, 21, 48, 49
Paper currency, in Argentine, 149, 150, 157, 160;
in Paraguay, 223;
in Uruguay, 282;
in Brazil, 458, 463, 464, 466, 473, 479, 480, 501, 507, 509, 510
ParÁ, Indians in, 346, 405;
Portuguese possession of, 358;
part of MaranhÃo, 371;
Jesuits in, 374;
development hindered, 393;
takes a new start, 397;
cotton trade in, 405;
coffee in, 406;
expedition from, to Cayenne, 407;
Spanish constitution in, 412;
Portuguese garrison expelled from, 420;
and Constituent Assembly, 422;
attitude toward "Confederation of the Equator," 425;
action of troops in, 436, 441;
production of rubber in, 490;
prosperity of, 501
Paraguay (country), 165-224;
settlement of, 25, 27;
Jesuit missions in, 34;
Indians in, 42, 80;
separate province, 61;
intendencia, 75;
population, 75, 220;
products of, 78;
attitude toward revolutionary movement, 91;
war against Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay, 141, 142, 206-219, 276, 471;
independence of, 184, 189, 190, 222, 476;
commercial isolation of, 192, 197;
Brazilian protectorate of, 221;
Paulistas in, 348
Paraguay River, the, explorations along, 22, 26;
settlement on, 33;
watershed of, 37;
description of, 38;
free navigation on, 200, 464, 471, 476
Paraguayan army, discipline in, 214
Parahyba do Norte, location, 309;
population, 338;
Spaniards take possession of, 343;
reduced by the Dutch, 355;
devastated, 363;
adhesion to the "Confederation of the Equator," 425
Parahyba do Sul, 312, 347, 373
ParanÁ, Marquis of, 463, 464, 465
ParanÁ (Brazilian state), 313, 377, 405
ParanÁ (city), 134
ParanÁ River, the, explorations of, 14, 22, 26, 30, 31, 165;
settlements on, 27, 33, 34, 62, 134, 168;
description of, 38;
Jesuit missions on, 60, 171;
Paulistas on, 67;
open only to Argentine vessels, 200;
free navigation on, 202, 270, 464;
European navies enter, 269;
valley of, 312, 313, 377
Patagonia, 40, 41, 43, 146
Paulista pioneers, 318, 348
Pavon, battle of, 64, 137
Paysandu, capture of, 210
Pedro I. of Brazil, 180;
held by the Portuguese, 77, 244;
people of, 247;
Brazilian province, 270;
and Uruguay, 284;
description of, 313, 314;
Brazilian possession of, 377;
settled, 397;
Spanish Constitution in, 412;
Argentine invasion of, 429;
rebellions in, 441, 442, 454, 502, 504;
Paraguayan invasion of, 473, 474
Rioja, 15, 63, 64
Rio Negro, 392
Rio Real, 338
Rivadavia, Bernardino, 104, 119, 120, 262
Rivera, Fructuoso, 255, 259, 261-269, 461
Roca, Julio, General, successes of, 145;
candidate for president, 147, 157;
his first administration, 150;
party leader, 153;
took command of army, 155;
his second administration, 158, 160;
his followers, 160
Rodrigues, Alves, President, 511
Rojas, Diego de, 14
Rondeau, JosÉ, General, 254, 263
Rosario, 40, 63, 136, 155
Rosas, Juan Manuel, laudation of, 114;
federalist leader in Buenos Aires, 122 et seq., 266;
growth of his power, 200;
and Montevideo, 268;
relations with Entre Rios, 270;
and Oribe faction, 461
Rubber, 490, 501, 511
SabarÁ, 378, 391
Saldanha Marinho, 482
Salta, province of Argentina, 15;
intendencia, 75;
social conditions in, 80;
Buenos Airean army passes through, 91;
warfare in, 94;
rebellion in, 155
San Ildefonso, treaty of, 246, 389
San John d'El Rei, 400
San Juan, 15, 40, 64, 137
San Luiz, 64, 155
San Martin, JosÉ, General, 77, 96-114
Santa Catharina, 19, 26;
captured by Spain, 77, 246;
description of, 313;
exploration of, 316;
Brazilian possession of, 377;
settlement of, 386, 397;
captured by the Spaniards, 389;
restored to Portugal, 390;
invasion of, 446, 504, 506;
seat of revolutionary government, 504
Santa FÉ, Argentina (city), Spanish settlement of, 29;
desire of, for independence, 116;
founded, 168
Santa FÉ, Argentina (province), governor of, sent Indians and supplies to Buenos Aires, 31;
Indians in, 63, 130;
a part of intendencia of Buenos Aires, 75;
invasion of, 121;
Brazilian army in, 129;
Congress held in, 131;
revolution in, 155;
Creoles of, defeat Charruas, 242;
loyal to Artigas, 255
Santa Luzia, battle of, 453
Santa Rita DurÃo (poet), 399
Santiago de Chile, 42, 51, 107
Santiago del Estero (Argentina), 14, 15, 63, 121, 154
Santo Amaro, 319
Santos, 51, 316, 318
SÃo Francisco River, the, why so named, 302;
valley of, 310, 311;
Pernambucos on, 344;
military raids near, 357;
cattle-raisers established on, 372;
gold around headwaters of, 378
SÃo Paulo (city), menaced by Indians, 333;
prosperity of, 501,
the home of Rodrigues Alvez, 511
SÃo Paulo (province), opposition to the extension of Spanish dominions, 66;
Jesuits in, 169, 328, 330, 347, 374;
description of, 313;
conditions of, for settlement, 318;
nucleus of settlement of Brazil, 320;
inhabitants of, 322;
spread of Indians in, 332;
not a sugar-raising province, 338;
profits by secret trade, 373;
gold in, 378;
depopulated, 393;
an Englishman in, 407;
revolution in, 453;
representation of, in Chamber of Brazil, 488;
coffee in, 489
SÃo Vicente, 23, 318
Saraiva, Aparcicio, 280
Saraiva, Gomercindo, 503, 504
Saraiva, JosÉ Antonio, 486, 488
Sarandi, battle of, 120, 260, 427
Schouten, 48
Sea-power, of England, 82, 269, 366;
of Spain, 93, 103, 111, 255;
of France, 269;
of Brazil, 426, 462;
of Argentina, 428
Sergipe, 310, 343, 344, 357
Seville Junta, 88, 251
Sheep-raising, 131, 148, 278
Silver mining, in Bolivia and Peru, 16, 22, 78, 233;
Spain's desire for, 49;
value of, 50
Sipe-Sipe, battle of, 104
Slavery, Indian, in Argentine provinces, 17, 33;
tendency of, 56;
Hernandarias opposed to, 59;
forbidden by Spanish Government, 60, 175;
under Spaniards, 165;
Paulistas and, 174, 322, 347;
forbidden by Portuguese Government, 321;
Jesuits fought against, 327;
Mem da Sa and, 335;
Pombal and, 398
Slavery, negro, 82, 324, 458;
encouraged, 328, 335;
increased, 398;
proportion of slaves in population of Brazil, 405.
See Emancipation of slaves.
Solis, Juan Diaz de, 19, 230
Soracaba, 373, 453
Soriano, first settlement in Uruguay, 238, 241
Souza, Thomas de, 323, 329
Spain, war with Portugal, 382;
revolt of 1820 in, 411
Spanish authority unquestioned, 52
Spanish Creoles at war with Brazilian Creoles, 66, 68, 105, 240, 242, 245, 248, 254, 256, 382, 388, 389, 409
Spanish discoveries and conquests, 7, 8, 12-15, 301
Spanish monarchy, structure of, 4, 7, 20
Spanish possession of Portugal and Brazil, 342
Spanish treasure fleet, capture of, by the Dutch, 353
Street-car tax riots, 485
SucrÉ (Charcas), 16, 33, 89, 182
Sugar, districts of cultivation of, 78, 309, 310, 312, 321, 343, 371;
first cultivation of, 317, 321;
industry prosperous, 321, 324, 336, 448:
annual production of, 338;
trade, 351;
price, 361, 392, 397;
industry decadent, 393;
staple production, 405;
comparative cultivation, 458;
plantation companies, 501
Suipacha, battle of, 91
Tabocas, battle of, 362
Tamoyo Indians, 331, 335
Tandil Mountains, 237
Tapajos River, 314
Taxation, 338, 393
Theresina Christina, Empress of Brazil, 457, 498
"Thirty-three," the, 259
Tierra del Fuego, 41
TietÉ River, 347
Tiradentes, 400
Tobacco, 78, 310, 393, 405, 448
Tocantins River, 310, 392
Tucuman, battle of, 94
Tucuman (city), founded, 15;
Congress at, 105;
Paz's army in, 123, 124
Tucuman (province), Spanish rule in, 15, 17;
political dependency, 17, 33, 61;
thriving towns in, 62, 63;
revolt in, 155;
missionary work in, 182
Unitarian party, 119, 121, 123, 126, 263
United States of America, and Lopez, 202, 203;
arbitrator, 222;
influence of, on Brazil, 399, 500;
recognises Brazil's independence, 426;
does not support Pedro, 434;
prevents commercial blockade, 506
Urquiza, Justo JosÉ, General, defeats allied unitarians and colorados, 126;
governor of Entre Rios, 128;
forms alliance with Brazil and colorado faction in Uruguay, 129, 462, 472;
favours federal constitution, 131-134;
first president of Argentine Republic, 135;
his term expires, 137;
refuses to revolt against Buenos Aires, 142;
revolt against, 144;
his friendship with Lopez, 200;
general-in-chief, 271;
successes in Uruguay, 271,