THE GREAT ICE AGE. S Scientific superstitions, understanding by this name the reception of hypotheses of prominent men, and using these as fetishes to be worshipped and to be employed in miraculous works, are scarcely less common in our time than superstitions of another kind were in darker ages. One of these which has been dominant for a long time in geology, and has scarcely yet run its course, is that of the Great Ice Age, with its accompaniments of Continental Glaciers and Polar Ice Cap. The cause of this it is not difficult to discern. The covering of till, gravel and travelled boulders which encumbers the surface of the northern hemisphere from the Arctic regions more than half way to the equator, had long been a puzzle to geologists, and this was increased rather than diminished when the doctrine of appeal to recent causes on the principle of uniformity became current. It was seen that it was necessary to invoke the action of ice in some form to account for these deposits, and it was at the same time perceived that there was much evidence to prove that between the warm climate of the early Tertiary and the more subdued mildness of the modern time there had intervened a period of unusual and extreme cold. In this state of affairs attention was attracted to the Alpine glaciers. Their movement, their erosion of surfaces, their heaping up of moraines bearing some resemblance to the widely extended boulder deposits, their former greater extension, as indicated The writer of these pages has, ever since the publication of the first edition of his "Acadian Geology," The questions relating to this subject are too numerous and varied for treatment here. The question of the causes of the great lowering of temperature in the glacial age I shall leave for consideration in the next chapter, and merely state here that I believe changes of distribution of sea and land and of ocean currents are sufficient to account for all the refrigeration of which there is good evidence. I content myself with a comparison of the glacial phenomena of Mont Blanc and of the Gulf of St. Lawrence from my own observation, A scientific voyager carries with him a species of questioning peculiar to himself. Not content with vacantly gazing at the sea, scrutinizing his fellow passengers, noting the changes of the weather and the length of the day's run, he recognises in the sea one of the great features of the earth, and questions it daily as to its present and its past The present features of the sea include much of surpassing interest, but the questions which relate to its origin and early history are still more attractive. Some of these questions are likely to interest a voyager from Canada entering the Atlantic by one of its greatest tributaries, the St. Lawrence. In doing so, we approach the ocean not at a right angle, but along a line only slightly inclined to its western side, and we find ourselves in a broad estuary or trough, having on its north-western side rugged hills of old crystalline rocks, the Laurentian, ridged up in great folds or earth waves parallel to the river. On the south-east or right-hand side we have Here, however, a more modern feature attracts our attention. The sides of the bounding hills are cut in a succession of terraces, rising one above another from the level of the sea to a height of 500 feet or more, capped with long ranges of the white houses and barns of the Canadian habitants, and furnishing level lines for the "concession roads" which run along the coast. These terraces are really old sea margins indicating the stages of the elevation of the land out of the sea immediately before the modern period. On these terraces, and in the clays and sands which form the plateaus extending in some places in front of them, are sea shells of the same kinds with those now living in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, and occasionally we find bones of whales which have been stranded on the old beaches. These terraces are, of course, indications of change of level in very modern times. They show that in what we call the Pleistocene age the land was lower than at present, and we shall find that in the Lower St. Lawrence there is evidence of a depression extending to over 1,000 feet, carrying the sea far up the valley, so that sea shells are found in the clays as far up as Kingston and Ottawa, and stranded skeletons of whales as far west as Smith's Falls, in Ontario. If we examine the shores more minutely, we shall find all along the south coast a belt of boulders which are often as much as eight to ten feet in diameter, and consist largely of rocks found only in the hills of the northern coast, more If we pass inland from the shore belt of boulders, we shall find similar appearances on the inland terraces at various heights, up to at least 400 feet. These are inland boulder belts belonging to old shores now elevated. Like the modern boulder belt these inland belts and patches consist partly of Laurentian rocks from the North Shore, partly of sandstones and conglomerates in place near to their present sites. In some places the stones are smaller than those of the present beach, in other places of gigantic size. These boulders lie not only on the bare rock striated in places with ice grooves pointing to the north-north-east; but on the old till or boulder clay, which also abounds with boulders, and which is more ancient than the superficial boulder drift. Locally we find here and there masses of fossiliferous limestone which must have been derived from the high ground to the south of the St. Lawrence, and which have been borne northward either by drift ice or by local glaciers. If now we study the polished and scored surfaces of rocks in the St. Lawrence valley and the bounding hills, we shall find that while the former testify to a great movement of In addition to the ice formed in winter in the St. Lawrence itself, the snow-clad hills of Greenland send down to the sea great glaciers, which in the bays and fiords of that inhospitable region form at their extremities huge cliffs of everlasting ice, and annually "calve," as the seamen say, or give off a great progeny of ice islands, which, slowly drifted to the southward by the arctic current, pass along the American coast, diffusing a cold and bleak atmosphere, until they melt in the warm waters of the Gulf Stream. Many of these bergs enter the Straits of Belle-Isle, for the Arctic current clings closely to the coast, and a part of it seems to be deflected into the Gulf of St. Lawrence through this passage, carrying with it many large bergs. The voyager passing through this strait in clear weather may see numbers of these ice islands glistening in snowy whiteness, or showing deep green cliffs and pinnacles—sometimes with layers of earthy matter and stones, or dotted with numerous sea birds, which rest upon them when gorged with the food afforded by shoals of fish and others marine animals which haunt these cold seas. In early summer the bergs are massive in form, often with flat tops, but as the summer advances they become eroded by the sun and warm winds, till they present the most grotesque forms of rude towers and spires rising from broad foundations little elevated above the water. Mr. Vaughan, late superintendent of the Lighthouse at Belle-Isle, has kept a register of icebergs for several years. He states that for ten which enter the straits, fifty drift to the southward, and that most of those which enter pass inward on the north side of the island, drift toward the western end of the straits, and then pass out on the south side of the island, so that the straits seem to be merely a sort of eddy in the course of the bergs. The number in the straits varies much in different seasons of the year. The greatest number are seen in spring, especially in May and June; and toward autumn and in the winter very few remain. Those which remain until autumn are reduced to mere skeletons; but if they survive until winter, they again grow in dimensions, owing to the accumulations upon them of snow and new ice. Those that we saw early in July were large and massive in their proportions. The few that remained when we returned in September were smaller in size, and cut into fantastic and toppling pinnacles. Vaughan records that on the 30th of May, 1858, he counted in the Straits of Belle-Isle 496 bergs, the least of them sixty feet in height, some of them half a mile long and 200 feet high. Only one-eighth of the volume of floating ice appears above water, and many of these great bergs may thus touch the ground in a depth of thirty fathoms or more, so that if we imagine four hundred of them moving up and down under the influence of the current, oscillating slowly with the motion of the sea, and grinding on the rocks and stone-covered bottom at all depths from the centre of the channel, we may form some conception of the effects of these huge polishers of the sea floor. Of the bergs which pass outside of the straits, many ground on the banks off Belle-Isle. Vaughan has seen a hundred large bergs aground at one time on the banks, and they ground on various parts of the banks of Newfoundland, and all along the coast of that island. As they are borne by the deep-seated cold current, and are scarcely at all affected by the wind, they In passing through the straits in July, I have seen great numbers of bergs, some low and flat-topped, with perpendicular sides, others convex or roof-shaped, like great tents pitched on the sea; others rounded in outline or rising into towers and pinnacles. Most of them were of a pure dead white, like loaf sugar, shaded with pale bluish green in the great rents and recent fractures. One of them seemed as if it had grounded and then overturned, presenting a flat and scored surface covered with sand and earthy matter. At present we wish to regard the icebergs of Belle-Isle in their character of geological agents. Viewed in this aspect, they are in the first place parts of the cosmical arrangements for equalizing temperature, and for dispersing the great accumulations of ice in the Arctic regions, which might otherwise unsettle the climatic and even the static equilibrium of our globe, as they are believed by some imaginative physicists and geologists to have done in the so-called glacial period. If the ice islands in the Atlantic, like lumps of ice in a pitcher of water, chill our climate in spring, they are at the same time agents in preventing a still more serious secular chilling which might result from the growth without limit of the Arctic snow and ice. They are also constantly employed in wearing down the Arctic land, and aided by the great northern current from Davis's Straits, in scattering stones, boulders and sand over the banks along the American coast. Incidentally to this work, they smooth and level the higher parts of the sea bottom, and mark it with furrows and striÆ indicative of the direction of their own motion. When we examine a chart of the American coast, and observe the deep channel and hollow submarine valleys of the Arctic current, and the sandbanks which extend parallel to this But such large speculations might soon carry us far from Belle-Isle, and to bring us back to the American coast and to the domain of common things, we may note that a vast variety of marine life exists in the cold waters of the Arctic current, and that this is one of the reasons of the great and valuable fisheries of Labrador, Newfoundland and Nova Scotia, regions in which the sea thus becomes the harvest field of much of the human population. On the Arctic current and its ice also floats to the southward the game of the sealers of St. John and the whalers of GaspÉ. We may now proceed to connect these statements as to the distribution of icebergs, with the glaciated condition of our continents, with the remarkable fact that the same effects now produced by the ice and the Arctic current in the Strait of Belle-Isle and the deep-current channel off the American coast, are visible all over the North American and European land north of forty degrees of latitude, and that there is evidence that the St. Lawrence valley itself was once a gigantic Belle-Isle, in which thousands of bergs worked perhaps for thousands of years, grinding and striating its rocks, cutting out its deeper parts, and heaping up in it quantities of northern dÉbris. Out of this fact of the so-called glaciated condition of the surface of our continents has, however, arisen one of the great controversies of modern geology. While all admit the action of ice in distributing and arranging the materials which constitute the last coating which has been laid upon the surface of our continents, some maintain that land glaciers have done the work, others, that sea-borne ice has been the main agent employed. As in some other controversies, the truth seems to lie between the extremes. Glaciers are slow, inactive, and limited in their sphere. Floating ice is locomotive and far-travelled, extending its action to great distances from its sources. So far, the advantages are in favour of the flotation. But the work which the glacier does is done thoroughly, and, In the midst of these controversies a geologist resident in Great Britain or Canada should have some certain doctrine as to the question whether at that period, geologically recent, which we call the Pleistocene period, the land was raised to a great height above the sea, and covered like Greenland with a mantle of perpetual ice, or whether it was, like the strait of Belle-Isle and the banks of Newfoundland, under water, and annually ground over by icebergs, or whether, as now seems more probable, it was in part composed of elevated ridges covered with snow and sending down glaciers, and partly depressed under the level of ice-laden straits and seas. A great advocate of the glacier* theory has said that we cannot properly appreciate his view without exploring thoroughly the present glaciers of Greenland and ascertaining their effects. This I have not had opportunity to do, but I have endeavoured to do the next best thing by passing as rapidly as possible from the icebergs of Belle-Isle to the glaciers of Mont Blanc, and by asking the question whether Canada was in the Pleistocene period like the present Belle-Isle or the present Mont Blanc, or whether it partook of the character of both? and taking advantage of these two most salient points in order to elicit a reply. Transporting ourselves, then, to the monarch of the Alps, let us suppose we stand upon the Flegere, a spur of the mountains fronting Mont Blanc, and commanding a view of the entire group. From this point the western end of the range presents the rounded summit of Mont Blanc proper, flanked by the Glaciers have been termed rivers of ice; but there is one respect in which they differ remarkably from rivers. They are broad above and narrow below, or rather, their width above corresponds to the drainage area of a river. This is well seen in a map of the Mer de Glace. From its termination in the Glacier du Bois to the top of the Mer de Glace proper, a distance of about three and a half miles, its breadth does not exceed half a mile, but above this point it spreads out into three great glaciers, the Geant, the Du Chaud, and the Talefre, the aggregate width of which is six or seven miles. The snow and ice of a large interior table-land or series of wide valleys are thus emptied into one narrow ravine, and pour their whole accumulations through the Mer de Glace. Leaving, however, the many interesting phenomena connected with the motion of glaciers, and which have been so well interpreted by Saussure, Agassiz, Forbes, Hopkins, Tyndall, and others, we may consider their effects on the mountain valleys in which they operate. 1. They carry quantities of dÉbris from the hill tops and mountain valleys downward into the plains. From every peak, cliff and ridge the frost and thaw are constantly loosening stones and other matters which are swept by avalanches to the surface of the glacier, and constitute lateral moraines. When two or more glaciers unite into one, these become medial moraines, and at length are spread over and through the whole mass of the ice. Eventually all this material, including stones of immense size, as well as fine sand and mud, is deposited in the terminal moraine, or carried off by the streams. 2. They are mills for grinding and triturating rock. The pieces of rock in the moraine are, in the course of their movement, crushed against one another and the sides of the valley, and are cracked and ground as if in a crushing mill. Further The Arve, which drains the glaciers of the north side of Mont Blanc, carries its burden of mud into the Rhone, which sweeps it, with the similar material of many other Alpine streams, into the Mediterranean, to aid in filling up the bottom of that sea, whose blue waters it discolours for miles from the shore, and to increase its own ever-enlarging delta, which encroaches on the sea at the rate of about half a mile per century. The upper waters of the Rhone, laden with similar material, are filling up the Lake of Geneva; and the great deposit of "loess" in the alluvial plain of the Rhine, about which Gaul and German have contended since the dawn of European history, is of similar origin. The mass of material which has thus been carried off from the Alps, would suffice to build up a great mountain chain. Thus, by the action of ice and water— "The mountain falling cometh to naught, And the rock is removed out of its place." Many observers who have commented on these facts have taken it for granted that the mud thus sent off from glaciers, and which is so much greater in amount than the matter remaining in their moraines, must be ground from the bottom of the glacier valleys, and hence have attributed to these The glaciers have their periods of advance and of recession. A series of wet and cool summers causes them to advance and encroach on the plains, pushing before them their moraines, and even forests and human habitations. In dry and warm summers they shrink and recede. Such changes seem to have occurred in bygone times on a gigantic scale. All the valleys below the present glaciers present traces of former glacier action. Even the Jura mountains seem at one time to have had glaciers. Large blocks from the Alps have been carried across the intervening valley and lodged at great heights, on the slopes of the Jura, leading the majority of the Swiss and Italian geologists to believe that even this great valley and the basin of Lake Leman were once filled with glacier ice. But, unless we can suppose that the Alps were then vastly higher than at present, this seems scarcely to be physically possible, and it seems more likely that the conditions were just the reverse of those supposed, namely, that the low land was submerged, and that the valley of Lake Leman was a strait like Belle-Isle, traversed by powerful currents and receiving icebergs from both Jurassic and Alpine glaciers, and probably I have long maintained that in America all the observed facts imply a climate no colder than that which would have resulted from the subsidence which we know to have occurred in the temperate latitudes in the Pleistocene period, and though I would not desire to speak so positively about Europe, I confess to a strong impression that the same is the case there, and that the casing of glacier ice imagined by many geologists, as well as the various hypotheses which have been devised to account for it, and to avoid the mechanical, meteorological, and astronomical difficulties attending it, are alike gratuitous and chimerical, as not being at all required to account for observed facts, and being contradictory, when carefully considered, to known physical laws as well as geological phenomena. Carrying with me a knowledge of the phenomena of the glacial drift as they exist in North America, and of the modern ice drift on its shores, I was continually asking myself the question To what extent do the phenomena of glacier drift and erosion resemble these? and standing on the moraine of the Bosson glacier, which struck me as more like boulder clay 1. Glaciers heap up their dÉbris in abrupt ridges. Floating ice sometimes does this, but more usually spreads its load in a more or less uniform sheet. 2. The material of moraines is all local. Floating ice carries its deposits often to great distances from their sources. 3. The stones carried by glaciers are mostly angular, except where they have been acted on by torrents. Those moved by floating ice are more often rounded, being acted on by the waves and by the abrading action of sand drifted by currents. 4. In the marine glacial deposits mud is mixed with stones and boulders. In the case of land glaciers, most of this mud is carried off by streams and deposited elsewhere. 5. The deposits from floating ice may contain marine shells. Those of glaciers cannot, except where, as in Greenland and Spitzbergen, glaciers push their moraines out into the sea. 6. It is of the nature of glaciers to flow in the deepest ravines they can find, and such ravines drain the ice of extensive areas of mountain land. Floating ice, on the contrary, acts with greatest ease on flat surfaces or slight elevations in the sea bottom. 7. Glaciers must descend slopes and must be backed by large supplies of perennial snow. Floating ice acts independently, and being water-borne may work up slopes and on level surfaces. 8. Glaciers striate the sides and bottoms of their ravines very unequally, acting with great force and effect only on those places where their weight impinges most heavily. Floating 9. The direction of the striÆ and grooves produced by glaciers depends on the direction of valleys. That of floating ice, on the contrary, depends upon the direction of marine currents, which is not determined by the outline of the surface, but is influenced by the large and wide depressions of the sea bottom. 10. When subsidence of the land is in progress, floating ice may carry boulders from lower to higher levels. Glaciers cannot do this under any circumstances, though in their progress they may leave blocks perched on the tops of peaks and ridges. I believe that in all these points of difference the boulder clay and drift on the lower lands of Canada and other parts of North America, correspond rather with the action of floating ice than of land ice; though certainly with glaciers on such land as existed at the different stages of the submergence, and these glaciers drifting stones and earthy matter in different directions from higher land toward the sea. More especially is this the case in the character of the striated surfaces, the bedded distribution of the deposits, the transport of material up the natural slope, the presence of marine shells, and the mechanical and chemical characters of the boulder clay. In short, those who regard the Canadian boulder clay as a glacier deposit, can only do so by overlooking essential points of difference between it and modern accumulations of this kind. I would wish it here to be distinctly understood, that I do not doubt that at the time of the greatest Pleistocene submergence of Eastern America, at which time I believe the greater part of the boulder clay was formed, and the more important striation effected, the higher hills then standing as islands would The preceding pages give the substance of my conclusions These conclusions have, in my judgment, been confirmed, and their bearing extended, more especially by the researches of Mr. Chalmers, who has shown in the most convincing way that glaciers proceeding from local centres along with sea-borne ice, may have been the agents in glaciating surfaces and transporting boulders in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. Taken in connection with the observations of Dr. Dawson and Mr. McConnell in the Cordillera region of the west, and those of Dr. Bell, Dr. Ells, Mr. Low, and others in the Laurentian country north of the St. Lawrence, and in the Province of Quebec, we may now be said to know that there was not, even at the height of the glacial refrigeration of America, a continental ice sheet, but rather several distinct centres of ice action,—one in the Cordillera of the West, one on the Laurentian V-shaped axis, and one on the Appalachians, with subordinate centres on isolated masses like the Adirondacks, and at certain periods even on minor hills like those of Nova Scotia. It would further seem that, in the west at least, elevation of the mountain ridges coincided with depression of the plains. In Newfoundland also, it would appear from the observations of Captain Kerr, with which those of Mr. Murray are in harmony, The labours of Murray in Newfoundland, of Matthew, Chalmers, Bailey, and others, in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, have considerably enlarged our knowledge of Pleistocene fossils, showing, however, that the marine fauna is the same The general conditions of the period may be thus summarized:— In this district, and the eastern part of North America generally, it is, I think, universally admitted that the later Pliocene period was one of continental elevation, and probably of temperate climate. The evidence of this is too well known to require re-statement here. It is also evident, from the raised beaches holding marine shells, extending to elevations of 600 feet, and from drift boulders reaching to a far greater height, that extensive submergence occurred in the middle and later Pleistocene. This was the age of the beds I have named the Leda clays and Saxicava sands, found at heights of 600 feet above the sea in the St. Lawrence valley, nearly as far west as Lake Ontario. It is reasonable to conclude that the till or boulder clay, under the Leda clay, belongs to the earliest period of probably gradual subsidence, accompanied with a severe climate, and with snow and glaciers on all the higher grounds, sending glaciated stones into the sea. This deduction agrees with the marine shells, polyzoa, and cirripedes found in the boulder deposits on the lower St. Lawrence, with the unoxidized character of the mass, which proves subaqueous deposition, with the fact that it contains soft boulders, which would have crumbled if exposed to the air, with its limitation to the lower levels and All these indications coincide with the conditions of the modern boulder drift on the lower St. Lawrence and in the Arctic regions, where the great belts and ridges of boulders accumulated by the coast ice would, if the coast were sinking, climb upward and be filled in with mud, forming a continuous sheet of boulder deposit similar to that which has accumulated and is accumulating on the shores of Smith's Sound and elsewhere in the Arctic, and which, like the older boulder clay, is known to contain both marine shells and driftwood. The conditions of the deposit of "till" diminished in intensity as the subsidence continued. The gathering ground of local glaciers was lessened, the ice was no longer limited to narrow sounds, but had a wider scope, as well as a freer drift to the southward, and the climate seems to have been improved. The clays deposited had few boulders and many marine shells, and to the west and north there were land-producing plants akin to those of the temperate regions; and in places only slightly elevated above the water, peaty deposits accumulated. The shells of the Leda clay indicate depths of less than 100 fathoms. The numerous Foraminifera, so far as have been observed, belong to this range, and I have never seen in this clay the assemblage of foraminiferal forms now dredged from 200 to 300 fathoms in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. I infer that the subsidence of the Leda clay period and of the interglacial beds of Ontario belongs to the time of the sea beaches from 450 to 600 feet in height, which are so marked and extensive as to indicate a period of repose. In this period This, however, must have been followed by a second subsidence, since the water-worn gravels and loose, far-travelled boulders of the later drift rose to heights never reached by the till or the Leda clay, and attained to the tops of the highest hills of the St. Lawrence valley, 1,200 feet in height, and elsewhere to still greater elevations. This second boulder drift must have been wholly marine, and probably not of long duration. It shows no evidence of colder climate than that now prevalent, nor of extensive glaciers on the mountains; and it was followed by a paroxysmal elevation in successive stages till the land attained even more than its present height, as subsidence is known to have been proceeding in modern times. I am quite aware that the above sequence and the causes assumed are somewhat different from those held by many geologists with reference to regions south of Canada; but must hold that they are the only rational conclusions which can be propounded with reference to the facts observed from the parallel of 45° to the Arctic Ocean. My own observations have been chiefly in the eastern part of North America. My son, Dr. G. M. Dawson, has much more ably and thoroughly explored those of the west; and after describing the immense Cordilleran ice mass which extended for a length of 1,200 miles along the mountains of British Columbia and discharged large glaciers to the north, as well as to the west and south, and stating his reasons for believing in that differential elevation and depression which "It is now distinctly known, as the result of work done under the auspices of the Geological Survey of Canada, and more particularly of observations by the writer and his colleagues, Messrs. McConnell and Tyrrell, that the extreme margins of the western and eastern glaciated areas of the continent barely overlap, and then only to a very limited extent, while the two great centres of dispersion were entirely distinct. For numerous reasons which cannot be here entered into, the writer does not consider it probable, or even possible, that the great confluent glacier of the north-eastern part of the continent extended at any time far into the area of the great plains; but erratics and drift derived from this ice mass did so extend, and are found between the 49th and 50th parallels, stranded on the surface of moraines produced by the large local glaciers of the Rocky Mountains. Recognising, however, the essential separateness of the western and eastern confluent ice masses, and the fact that it is no longer appropriate to designate one of these the "continental glacier," the writer ventures to propose that the eastern mer de glace may appropriately be named the great Laurentide glacier, while its western fellow is known as the "Cordilleran glacier." It may be added that there is good evidence to show that both the Laurentide and Cordilleran glaciers discharged into open water to the north." These conclusions, based on a large induction of facts applying to a very large area of the North American Continent, coincide with my own observations in the east, and with the inferences deducible from the present condition of Greenland and Arctic America. When extreme glacialists point to Greenland and ask us to The great interior plain of western Canada, between the Laurentian axis on the east and the Rocky Mountains on the west, is seven hundred miles in breadth, and is covered with glacial drift, presenting one of the greatest examples of this deposit in the world. Proceeding eastward from the base of the Rocky Mountains, the surface, at first more than 4,000 feet above the sea level, descends by successive steps to 2,500 feet, and is based on Cretaceous and Laramie rocks, covered with boulder clay and sand, in some places from one hundred to two hundred feet in depth, and filling up pre-existing hollows, though itself sometimes piled into ridges. Near the Rocky Perhaps the most remarkable feature of the western drift region The till or boulder clay has been called a "ground moraine," but there are really no Alpine moraines at all corresponding to it. On the other hand, it is more or less stratified, often rests on soft materials which glaciers would have swept away, sometimes It follows from all this that the great "continental moraine," which the United States Geological Survey has now "delineated for several thousand miles extending from the Atlantic to the Pacific," cannot be a glacier moraine, but must be, like its great continuation northward, the Missouri coteau, a margin of sea drift, and that we must explain the whole of the drift of the American continent by the supposition, first, of a period of elevation of the hills and subsidence of the valleys in which there were great accumulations of snow on the Western Cordillera; the Laurentian axis, and the Appalachians and Adirondacks radiating in every direction from these points, while The late Prof. Alexander Winchell, a man who did not hesitate to express his convictions, thus bears similar testimony:—"There has been no continental glacier. There has been no uniform southerly movement of glacier masses. There has been no persistent declivity as a sine qua non, down which glacier movements have taken place. The continuity of the supposed continental glacier was interrupted in the regions of the dry and treeless plains of the west; and in the interior and Pacific belts of the continent within the United States, ancient glaciation was restricted to the elevated slopes." My friend Prof. Claypole, who, however, has some hesitation, fearing, I presume, to be cast out of the synagogue for heresy, ventures to say, In Europe there is equally good evidence of the existence of huge glaciers on the Scandinavian mountains and the Alps, and of lesser accumulations of ice on the hills, as, for instance, those of the British Islands; but the Scandinavian boulders scattered over the plains of Great Britain must have been water-borne. In connection with these extracts I would observe that the writer, and those with whom he has acted in this matter, have never held that icebergs alone, or fields of ice alone, have produced the Pleistocene deposits. Their contention has been that the period was one in which glaciers, icebergs, and field Applying these laws and conclusions to the whole northern hemisphere, we learn that the conditions to produce a glacial period are the diversion of the warm currents from the northern seas, the submergence of land in the temperate regions, and its invasion by cold Arctic water, and great condensation of snow on the higher lands. Whether this condensation has a tendency finally to rectify the state of affairs, by pressing down the mountains and elevating the plains, we do not know, but I should imagine that it has not; for the high lands will, in the case supposed, be lightened by denudation, while the plains will be burdened with a great weight of deposit. Perhaps we should rather look to this as the agency for depressing and submerging the plains and elevating the hills, and suppose some other and more general pressure proceeding from the great sea basins, to effect the re-elevation of the plains. These questions suggest that of the date of the Glacial period. This subject has recently been discussed by Prestwich and others, with the result that there is no purely geological ground Still another question of great cosmic interest relates to the possible alternation of glacial conditions in the northern and southern hemispheres. There is evidence of drift in the southern part of South America, similar to that in the north; but was it deposited at the same time? If we could be sure that it was not, many difficulties would be removed. The southern hemisphere I have often thought that in the southern hemisphere the condition of Kerguelen Island and Heard Island, as described in the reports of the Challenger, Perhaps no discussion carries with it more of warning to geologists to exercise caution in framing theories than this of the great ice age; and if the collapse of extreme views on this subject shall have the effect of inducing geologists to keep within the limits of well-ascertained facts and sound induction, to adhere to the Lyellian doctrine of modern causes to explain ancient phenomena, and to bear in mind that most great effects involve not one cause, but many co-operating causes, it may lead to consequences beneficial to science; and so, emerging from the cold shadows of the continental glacier, we may find ourselves in the sunshine of truth. References:—"Acadian Geology," 1st ed., 1855; 4th ed., 1892. Icebergs of Belle-Isle, and Glaciers of Mont Blanc, Canadian Naturalist, 1865. "Notes on Pleistocene of Canada," Montreal, 1871. Papers at various dates in the Canadian Naturalist and Canadian Record of Science. "The Ice Age in Canada," Montreal, 1893. Canadian Pleistocene, London Geological Magazine, March, 1883. Flora of the Pleistocene, Bulletin of Geological Society of America, vol. i., 1890, p. 311, Dawson and Penhallow. |