MARKINGS, FOOTPRINTS AND FUCOIDS. I I believe my attention was first directed to the markings made by animals on the surfaces of rocks, when travelling with the late Sir Charles Lyell in Nova Scotia, in 1842. He noticed with the greatest interest the trails of worms, insects, and various other creatures, and the footprints of birds on the surface of the soft red tidal mud of the Bay of Fundy, and subsequently published his notes on the various markings in these deposits in his "Travels in North America," and in a paper presented to the Geological Society of London. I well remember how, in walking along the edge of the muddy shore, he stopped to watch the efforts of a grasshopper that had leaped into the soft ooze, and was painfully making a most complicated trail in his effort to escape. Sir Charles remarked that if it had been so fortunate as to make these strange and complicated tracks on some old formation now hardened into stone and buried in the earth, it might have given occasion to much learned discussion. At a later period I found myself perplexed in the study of fossil plants by the evident errors of many palÆobotanists unacquainted with modern markings on shores, in referring all kinds of mere markings to the vegetable kingdom, and especially to the group of fucoids or seaweeds, which had become a refuge for destitute objects not referable to other kinds of fossils. It thus became necessary to collect and study these objects, as they existed in rocks of different ages, and to compare It may be well further to introduce the subject by a few extracts from Lyell's work above referred to. "The sediment with which the waters are charged is extremely fine, being derived from the destruction of cliffs of red sandstone and shale, belonging chiefly to the coal measures. On the borders of even the smallest estuaries communicating with a bay, in which the tides rise sixty feet and upwards, large areas are laid dry for nearly a fortnight between the spring and neap tides, and the mud is then baked in summer by a hot sun, so that it becomes solidified and traversed by cracks caused by shrinkage. Portions of the hardened mud may then be taken up and removed without injury. On examining the edges of each slab we observe numerous layers, formed by successive tides, usually very thin, sometimes only one-tenth of an inch thick, of unequal thickness, however, because, according to Dr. Webster, the night tides rising a foot higher than the day tides throw down more sediment. When a shower of rain falls, the highest portion of the mud-covered flat is usually too hard to receive any impressions; while that recently uncovered by the tide, near the water's edge, is too soft. Between these areas a zone occurs almost as smooth and even as a looking-glass, on which every drop forms a cavity of circular or oval form; and if the shower be After mentioning that a continued shower of rain obliterates the more regular impressions, and produces merely a blistered or uneven surface, and describing minutely the characteristics of true rain marks in their most perfect state, Sir Charles adds:— "On some of the specimens the winding tubular tracks of worms are seen, which have been bored just beneath the surface. Sometimes the worms have dived beneath the surface, and then re-appeared. Occasionally the same mud is traversed by the footprints of birds (Tringa minuta), and of musk-rats, minks, dogs, sheep and cats. The leaves also of the elm, maple and oak trees have been scattered by the winds over the soft mud, and having been buried under the deposits of succeeding tides, are found on dividing the layers. When the leaves themselves are removed, very faithful impressions, not only of their outline, but of their minutest veins, are left imprinted on the clay." This is a minor illustration of that application of recent causes to explain ancient effects of which the great English geologist was the apostle and advocate, and which he so admirably practised in his own work. It is also an illustration of the fact that things the most perishable and evanescent may, when buried in the crust of the earth, become its most durable monuments. Footprints in the sand of the tidal shore are in the ordinary course of events certain to be obliterated Let us inquire how this may take place, and the tidal flats of the Bay of Fundy and Basin of Minas may supply us with the information desired. In the upper parts of the Bay of Fundy and its estuaries the rise and fall of tide, as is well known, are excessive. I quote the following description of the appearance they present from a work of earlier date:— "The tide wave that sweeps to the north-east, along the Atlantic coast of the United States, entering the funnel-like mouth of the Bay of Fundy, becomes compressed and elevated, as the sides of the bay gradually approach each other, until in the narrower parts the water runs at the rate of six or seven miles per hour, and the vertical rise of the tide amounts to sixty feet or more. In Cobequid and Chiegnecto Bays these tides, to an unaccustomed spectator, have rather the aspect of some rare convulsion of nature than of an ordinary daily phenomenon. At low tide wide flats of brown mud are seen to extend for miles, as if the sea had altogether retired from its bed; and the distant channel appears as a mere strip of muddy water. At the commencement of flood a slight ripple is seen to break over the edge of the flats. It rushes swiftly forward, and, covering the lower flats almost instantaneously, gains rapidly on the higher swells of mud, which appear as if they were being dissolved in the turbid waters. At the same time the torrent of red water enters all the channels, creeks and estuaries; surging, whirling, and foaming, and often having in its front a white, breaking wave, or 'bore,' which runs steadily forward, meeting and swallowing up the remains of the ebb still trickling down the channels. The mud flats are soon covered; and then, as the stranger sees the water gaining with noiseless and steady rapidity on the steep sides of banks and cliffs, a sense of insecurity creeps over him, as if no limit "The rising tide sweeps away the fine material from every exposed bank and cliff, and becomes loaded with mud and extremely fine sand, which, as it stagnates at high water, it deposits in a thin layer on the surface of the flats. This layer, which may vary in thickness from a quarter of an inch to a quarter of a line, is coarser and thicker at the outer edge of the flats than nearer the shore; and hence these flats, as well as the marshes, are usually higher near the channels than at their inner edge. From the same cause,—the more rapid deposition of the coarser sediment,—the lower side of each layer is arenaceous, and sometimes dotted over with films of mica, while the upper side is fine and slimy, and when dry has a shining and polished surface. The falling tide has little effect on these deposits, and hence the gradual growth of the flats, until they reach such a height that they can be overflowed only by the high spring tides. They then become natural or salt marsh, covered with the coarse grasses and carices which grow in such places. So far the process is carried on by the hand of nature; and before the colonization of Nova Scotia, there were large tracts of this grassy alluvium to excite the wonder and delight of the first settlers on the shores of the Bay of Fundy. Man, however, carries the land-making process farther; and by diking and draining, excludes the sea water, and produces a soil capable of yielding for an indefinite period, without manure, the most valuable cultivated grains and grasses." The mud of these great tidal flats is at the surface of a red colour, and so fine that when the tide leaves it and its surface becomes dry, it shines in the sun as if polished. It is thus capable of taking the finest impressions. When the tide is in, If we examine it minutely, we shall find that the tidal deposit is laminated. The tidal water is red and muddy, and holds in suspension sediment of various degrees of coarseness. This, undergoes a certain process of levigation. In the first run of the flood the coarser material falls to the bottom. As its force diminishes the finer material is deposited, and at full tide, when the current has ceased, the finest of all settles, forming a delicate coat of the purest and most tenacious clay. Thus, if a block of the material is taken up and allowed to dry, it tends to separate into thin laminÆ, each of which represents a tide, and is somewhat sandy below, and passes into the finest moulding clay above. The tracks and impressions preserved are naturally made on the last or finest deposit, and filled in with the coarser or more sandy of the next tide. But this may take place in different ways. Impressions made under water at flood tide, or on the surface left bare by the ebb, may in favourable localities be sufficiently tenacious or firm to resist the abrading action of the flood, and may thus be covered and preserved by the next layer, and in this way they may be seen on splitting up a block of the dried mud. But in shallow places and near the shore, where the deposit It is further to be noticed that all these markings and impressions on tidal shores may, when covered by succeeding deposits, appear either in intaglio or relief. On the upper surface they are of course sunken, but on the lower surface of the bed deposited on them they are in relief. It often happens The great and multiform army of the sea worms is indeed Creatures of higher grade, provided with jointed limbs, naturally make their actions known in more complicated ways. Some years ago I had the pleasure of spending a few weeks at the favourite sea-side resort of Orchard Beach on the New England coast, and there made my first acquaintance with that very ancient and curious creature the Limulus, or Horse-shoe Crab, or King-crab, as it is sometimes called. Orchard Beach is, I presume, near its northern range on our coast, and the specimens seen were not very large in size, though by no means The King-crab, viewed from above, consists of three parts. The anterior shield or carapace is semi-circular in form, with two spines or projecting points at the angles, raised in the middle and sloping down to a smooth or moderately sharp edge in front. The eyes are set like windows in this shield. Two large ones at the sides, which are compound eyes consisting of numerous ocelli or little eyes, and two microscopic ones in front, at the base of a little spine, which are simple. The second or abdominal part is also in one piece, somewhat quadrate in form, with ridges and serratures at the sides armed with spines, and which may be said to simulate the separate joints into which the abdomen of an ordinary Crustacean is divided. The third part is a long tail spine, triangular in cross section, sharply pointed, and so jointed to the posterior end of the abdomen that it can be freely moved in any direction as a bayonet-like weapon of defence. When unable to escape from an enemy it is the habit of the creature to double itself up by bending the abdomen against the carapace, and erecting the sharp spine. Thus, with fixed bayonet it awaits attack, like the kneeling soldier in front of a square. Below this upper shield, which is thin and papery in the young, somewhat horny in the adult, are the numerous limbs of the creature, with which we are at present most concerned. Let us now see what use the creature can make of these numerous and varied pedal appendages, and for distinctness' sake we shall call the anterior set thoracic and the posterior abdominal. When placed in shallow water on fine sand it walked slowly forward, and its tracks then consisted of a number of punctures on the sand in two lines. If, however, the water was very shallow or the sand very soft or inclined upward the two edges of the carapace touched the bottom, making a slight furrow at each side; and if the tail was trailed on the bottom, this made a third or central furrow. When climbing a slope, or when placed at the edge of the water, it adopted another mode of locomotion, pushing with great force with its two posterior limbs, and thus moving forward by jerks. It then made four deep marks with the toes of each hind limb, and more or less interrupted marks with the edges of the carapace and the tail. In these circumstances the marks were almost exactly like those of some forms of the Protichnites of the Potsdam sandstone. When in sufficiently deep-water and desirous to escape, it flapped its abdominal feet, and then swam or glided close to the bottom. In this case, when moving near the soft bottom, it produced a series of transverse ridges and furrows like small ripple marks, with a slight ridge in the middle, I thus found that the common King-crab could produce a considerable variety of tracks and burrows comparable with those which have been named Protichnites, Climactichnites, Bilobites, Cruziana, Rusichnites, etc.; and that the kind of markings depended partly on the differences of gait in the animal, and partly on the circumstances in which it was placed; so that different kinds of tracks do not always prove diversity in the animals producing them. The interest of this investigation as applied to Limulus is increased by the fact that this creature is the near ally of Trilobites, Eurypterids and other Crustaceans which were abundant in the earlier geological ages, and whose footprints are probably among the most common we find on the rocks. Rusichnites Grenvillensis, Billings a "Bilobite." Probably the Cast of a Crustacean burrow. Lastly, on this part of the subject, it is to be observed that many other marine animals, both crustaceans and worms, make impressions resembling in general character those of Limulus. In addition to those already mentioned, Nathorst and Bureau have shown that various kinds of shrimps and lobster-like Crustaceans, when swimming rapidly by successive strokes of the tail, make double furrows with transverse ridges resembling those of Bilobites, and there are even some mollusks which by the undulations of the foot or the hook-like action of its anterior part, can make similar trails. A question arises here as to the value of such things as fossils. This depends on the fact that many creatures have left their marks on the rocks when still soft on the sea bottom, of which we have no other indications, and it also depends on our ability to understand the import of these unconscious hieroglyphics. They will certainly be of little use to us so long as we persist in regarding them as vegetable forms, and until we have very carefully studied all kinds of modern markings. I have said nothing of true AlgÆ or seaweeds, of which there are many fossil species known to us by their forms, and also by the carbonaceous or pyritous matter, or discharge of colour from the matrix, which furnishes evidence of the presence of organic material; nor of the marks and trails left by seaweeds and land plants drifting in currents, some of which are very curious and fantastic; nor of those singular trails referred to the arms of cuttle-fishes and the fins of fishes, or to sea jellies and starfishes. These might form materials for a treatise. My object here is merely to indicate the mode of dealing with such things, and the kind of information to be derived from them. When we come to the consideration of actual footprints of The Dinosaurs which have left their footprints on the sandstones of Connecticut and Massachusetts are, however, greatly more numerous than those known to us by osseous remains. Thus footprints have the further use of filling up the imperfections of our geological record, or at least of pointing out gaps which but for them we might not have suspected. The remarkable References:—On Rusichnites (a form of Bilobite), Canadian Naturalist, 1864. On Footprints of Limulus compared with Protichnites, etc. Ibid. On Footprints and Impressions of Aquatic Animals and Imitative Markings, Amer. Journal of Science, 1873. On Burrows and Tracks of Invertebrate Animals, Quarterly Journal of Geological Society, 1890. On Footprints of Carboniferous Batrachians. "Acadian Geology," "Air-breathers of the Coal Period," etc.