THE OLDEST AIR-BREATHERS. A Animal life had its beginning in the waters, and to this day the waters are the chief habitat of animals, especially of the lower forms. If we divide the animal kingdom into great leading types, the lowest of these groups, the Protozoa, includes only aquatic forms; the next, that of the coral animals and their allies, is also aquatic. So are all the species of the Sea Urchins and Star Fishes. Of the remaining groups, the Mollusks, the Crustaceans, and the Worms are dominantly aquatic, only a small proportion being air-breathers. It is only in the two remaining groups, including the Insects and Spiders on the one hand, and the Vertebrate animals on the other, that we have terrestrial species in large proportion. The same fact appears in geological time. The periods represented by the older PalÆozoic rocks have been termed ages of invertebrates, and they might also be termed ages of aquatic animals. It is only gradually, and as it were with difficulty, that animals living in the less congenial element of air are introduced—at first a few scorpions and insects, later, land snails and amphibian reptiles, later still, the higher reptiles and the birds, and last of all the higher mammalia. We need not wonder at this, for the conditions of life with reference to support, locomotion, and vicissitudes of temperature are more complex and difficult in air, and require more complicated and perfect machinery for their maintenance. Thus it was that probably half of the whole history of our It is also worthy of note that it is only in comparatively recent times that we have been able to discover the oldest air-breathing animals, and geologists long believed that the time when animals had existed on the land was even shorter than it had actually been. This arose in part from the infrequency and rarity of preservation of the remains of the earliest creatures of this kind, and perhaps partly from the fact that collectors were not looking for them. That there was dry land, even in the Cambro-Silurian period, we know, and can even trace its former shores. In Canada our old Laurentian coast extends for more than a thousand miles, from Labrador to Lake Superior, marking the southern border of the nucleus of the American continent in the Cambrian and Cambro-Silurian periods. Along a great part of this ancient coast we have the sand flats of the Potsdam Sandstone, affording very favourable conditions for the imbedding of land animals, did these exist; still, notwithstanding the zealous explorations of the Geological Survey, and of many amateurs, no trace of an air-breather has been found. I have myself followed the oldest PalÆozoic beds up to their ancient limits in some localities, and collected the shells which the waves had dashed on the beach, and have seen under the Cambro-Silurian beds the old pre-Cambrian rocks pitted and indented with weather marks, showing that this shore was then gradually subsiding; yet the record of the rocks was totally silent as to the animals that may have trod the shore, or the trees that may have waved over it. All that can be said is that the sun shone, the rain fell, and the wind blew as it does now, and that the sea abounded in living creatures. The eyes Even in the Carboniferous period, though land plants abound, air-breathers are not numerous, and most of them have only been recently recognised. We know, however, with certainty that the dark and luxuriant forests of the coal period were not destitute of animal life. Reptiles It has happened to the writer of these pages to have had some share in the finding of several of these ancient animals. The coal formation of Nova Scotia, so full in its development, so rich in fossil remains, and so well exposed in coast cliffs, has afforded admirable opportunities for such discoveries, which have been so far improved that at least twenty-five out of the not very large number of known Carboniferous land animals have been obtained from it. Footprints. It has often happened to geologists, as to other explorers of new regions, that footprints on the sand have guided them to the inhabitants of unknown lands, and such footprints, proverbially perishable, may be so preserved by being filled up with matter deposited in them as to endure for ever. This we may see to-day in the tracks of sandpipers and marks of rain-drops preserved in the layers of alluvial mud deposited by the tides of the Bay of Fundy, and which, if baked or hardened by pressure, might become imperishable, like the inscriptions of the old Chaldeans on their tablets of baked clay. The first trace ever observed of reptiles in the Carboniferous system consisted of a series of small but well-marked footprints found by Sir W. E. Logan, in 1841, in the lower coal measures of Horton Bluff, in Nova Scotia; and as the authors of most of our general works on geology have hitherto, in so far as I am aware, failed to do justice to this discovery, I shall notice it here in detail. In the year above mentioned, Sir William, then Mr. Logan, examined the coal fields of Pennsylvania and Nova Scotia, with the view of studying their structure, and extending the application of the discoveries as to beds with roots, or Stigmaria underclays, which he had made in the Welsh coal fields. On his return to England he read a paper on these subjects before the Geological Society of London, in which he noticed the subject of reptilian footprints at Horton Bluff. The specimen was exhibited at the meeting of the Society, and was, I believe, admitted, on the high authority of Prof. Owen, to be probably reptilian. Unfortunately Sir William's paper appeared only in abstract in the Transactions; and in this abstract, though the footprints are mentioned, no opinion is expressed as to their nature. Sir William's own opinion is thus stated in a letter to me, dated June, 1843, when he was on his way to Canada, to commence the survey which has since developed so astonishing a mass of geological facts. Footprints of Hylopus Logani, Dawson, Lower Carboniferous, Nova Scotia. These footprints were the first indications of Carboniferous land vertebrates ever observed; they were probably made by a Microsaurian and one of the earliest species of this type. They show a remarkable length of stride and development of limb. "Among the specimens which I carried from Horton Bluff, one is of very high interest. It exhibits the footprints of some reptilian animal. Owen has no doubt of the marks being genuine footprints. The rocks of Horton Bluff are below the gypsum of that neighbourhood; so that the specimen in question (if Lyell's views are correct This extract is of interest, not merely as an item of evidence in relation to the matter now in hand, but as a mark in the progress of geological investigation. For the reasons above stated, the important discovery thus made in 1841, and published in 1842, was overlooked; and the discovery of reptilian bones by Von Dechen, at Saarbruck, in 1844, and that of footprints by Dr. King in the same year, in Pennsylvania, The original specimen of these footprints is still in the collection of the Geological Survey of Canada, and a cast which Logan kindly presented to me is exhibited in the Peter Redpath Museum of McGill University. It is a slab of dark-coloured sandstone, glazed with fine clay on the surface; and having a series of seven footprints in two rows, distant about three inches; the distance of the impressions in each row being three or four inches, and the individual impressions about one inch in length. They seem to have been made by the points of the toes, which must have been armed with strong and apparently blunt claws, and appear as if either the surface had been somewhat firm, or the body of the animal had been partly water-borne. In one place only is there a distinct mark of the whole foot, as if the animal had exerted an unusual pressure in turning or stopping suddenly. One pair of feet—the fore feet, I presume—appear to have had four toes touching the ground; the other pair show only three or four, and it is to be observed that the outer toe, as in the larger footprints discovered by Dr. King, projects in the manner of a thumb, as in the cheirotherian tracks of the Trias. At a later date another series of footprints, possibly of the same animal, was obtained at the same place by Prof. Elder, and is now in the Peter Redpath Museum. Each foot in this shows five toes, and it is remarkable that the animal was digitigrade and took a long step for its size, indicating a somewhat high grade of quadrupedal organization. No mark of the tail or belly appears. The impressions are such as may have been made by animals similar to some of those to be described in the sequel. Shortly afterward, Dr. Harding, of Windsor, when examining a cargo of sandstone which had been landed at that place from I have since observed several instances of such impressions at the Joggins, at Horton, and near Windsor, showing that they are by no means rare, and that reptilian animals existed in no inconsiderable numbers throughout the coal field of Nova Scotia, and from the beginning to the end of the Carboniferous period. Most of these, when well preserved, shew five toes both on the anterior and posterior limb. On comparing these earlier Carboniferous footprints with one another, it will be observed that they are of similar general character, and may have been made by one kind of animal, which must have had the fore and hind feet nearly of equal size, and a digitigrade mode of walking. Footprints of similar form are found in the coal formation, as well as others of much larger size. The latter are of two kinds. One of these shows short hind feet of digitigrade character and a long stride, in this resembling the smaller footprints of the Lower Carboniferous, which are remarkable for the length of limb which they indicate by the distance between the footprints. The other kind shows long hind feet, as if the whole heel were brought down to the We have thus two types of quadrupedal footprints, to the first of which I have given the name Hylopus, and have restricted the term Sauropus, The bones of these animals, however, hitherto found in Nova Scotia, may all have belonged to the two groups first named, the Labyrinthodontia and Microsauria, and I shall proceed to give some examples of each of these. In leaving the footprints, I may merely mention that the animals which produced them may, in certain circumstances, have left distinct impressions only of three or four toes, The Labyrinthodonts of the Coal Period, Baphetes Planiceps and Dendrerpeton Acadianum. In the summer of 1851 I had occasion to spend a day at the Albion Mines in the eastern part of Nova Scotia, and on arriving at the railway station in the afternoon, found myself somewhat too early for the train. By way of improving the time thus left on my hands, I betook myself to the examination of a large pile of rubbish, consisting of shale and ironstone from one of the pits, and in which I had previously found scales and teeth of fishes. In the blocks of hard carbonaceous shale and earthy coal, of which the pile chiefly consisted, scales, teeth and coprolites often appeared on the weathered ends and surfaces as whitish spots. In looking for these, I observed one of much greater size than usual on the edge of a block, and on splitting it open, found a large flattened skull, about six inches broad, the cranial bones of which remained entire on one side of the mass, while the palate and teeth, in several fragments, came away with the other half. Carefully trimming the larger specimen, and gathering all the smaller fragments, I packed them up as safely as possible, and The specimen, on further examination, proved somewhat puzzling. I supposed it to be, most probably, the head of a large ganoid fish; but it seemed different from anything of this kind with which I could compare it; and at a distance from comparative anatomists, and without sufficient means of determination, I dared not refer it to anything higher in the animal scale. Hoping for further light, I packed it up with some other specimens, and sent it to the Secretary of the Geological Society of London, with an explanatory note as to its geological position, and requesting that it might be submitted to some one versed in such fossils. For a year or two, however, it remained as quietly in the Society's collection as if in its original bed in the coal mine, until attention having been attracted to such remains by the discoveries made by Sir Charles Lyell and myself in 1852, at the South Joggins, and published in 1853, The parts preserved in my specimen are the bones of the anterior and upper part of the skull in one fragment, and the teeth and palatal bones in others. These parts were carefully examined and described by Owen, and the details will be found in his papers referred to in the note. We may merely observe here that the form and arrangement of the bones showed batrachian affinities, that the surface of the cranium was sculptured in the manner of the group of Unfortunately the original specimen exhibited only the head, and after much and frequent subsequent searching, the only other bones found are a scapula, or shoulder bone, and one of the surface scales which served for protection, and which indicate at least that the creature possessed walking limbs and was armed with bony scales sculptured in the same manner with the skull bones. Of the general form and dimensions of Baphetes, the facts at present known do not enable us to say much. Its formidable teeth and strong maxillary bones show that it must have devoured animals of considerable size, probably the fishes whose remains are found with it, or the smaller reptiles of the coal. It must, in short, have been crocodilian, rather than frog-like, in its mode of life; but whether, like the Labyrinthodonts, it had strong limbs and a short body, or like the crocodiles, an elongated form and a powerful natatory tail, the remains do not decide. One of the limbs or a vertebra of the tail would settle this question, but neither has as yet been found. That there were large animals of the labyrinthodontal form in the coal period is proved by the footprints discovered by Dr. King in Pennsylvania, which may have been produced by an animal of the type of Baphetes, as well as by those of Sauropus unguifer from the Carboniferous of Nova Scotia, and which would very well suit an animal of this size and probable form. On the other hand, that there were large swimming reptiles seems established With the nature of the habitat of this formidable creature we are better acquainted. The area of the Albion Mines coal field was somewhat exceptional in its character. It seems to have been a bay or indentation in the Silurian land, separated from the remainder of the coal field by a high shingle beach, now a bed of conglomerate. Owing to this circumstance, while in the other portions of the Nova Scotia coal field the beds of coal are thin, and alternate with sandstones and shales, at the Albion Mines a vast thickness of almost unmixed vegetable matter has been deposited, constituting the "main seam" of thirty-eight feet thick, and the "deep seam," twenty-four feet thick, as well as still thicker beds of highly carbonaceous shale. But, though the area of the Albion coal measures was thus separated, and preserved from marine incursions, it must have been often submerged, and probably had connection with the sea, through rivers or channels cutting the enclosing beach. Hence beds of earthy matter occur in it, containing remains of large fishes. One of the most important of these is that known as the "Holing stone," a band of black highly carbonaceous shale, coaly matter, and clay ironstone, occurring in the main seam, about five feet below its roof, and varying in thickness from two inches to nearly two feet. It was from this band that the rubbish heap in which I found the It is evident that the "Holing stone" indicates one of those periods in which the Albion coal area, or a large part of it, was under water, probably fresh or brackish, as there are no properly marine shells in this, or any of the other beds of this coal series. We may then imagine a large lake or lagune, loaded with trunks of trees and decaying vegetable matter, having in its shallow parts, and along its sides, dense brakes of Calamites, and forests of Sigillaria, Lepidodendron, and other trees of the period, extending far on every side as damp pestilential swamps. In such a habitat, uninviting to us, but no doubt suited to Baphetes, that creature crawled through swamps and thickets, wallowed in flats of black mud, or swam and dived in search of its finny prey. It was, in so far as we know, the monarch of these swamps, though there is, as already stated, evidence of the existence of similar creatures of this type quite as large in other parts of the Nova Scotia coal field. We must now notice a smaller animal belonging to the same family of Labyrinthodonts. The geology of Nova Scotia is largely indebted to the world-embracing labours of Sir Charles Lyell. Though much had previously been done by others, his personal explorations in 1842, and his paper on the gypsiferous formation, published in the following year, first gave form and shape to some of the more difficult features of the geology of the country, and brought it into relation with that of other parts of the world. In geological investigation, as in many other things, patient plodding may accumulate large stores of fact, but the magic wand of genius is required to bring out the true value and significance of these stores of knowledge. It is scarcely too much to say that the exploration of a few weeks, and subsequent study of the subject by Sir Charles, with the impulse and guidance given to the labours of others, did as much for Nova Scotia as might have been effected by years of laborious work under less competent heads. Sir Charles naturally continued to take an interest in the geology of Nova Scotia, and to entertain a desire to explore more fully some of those magnificent coast sections which he had but hastily examined; and when, in 1851, he had occasion to revisit the United States, he made an appointment with the writer of these pages to spend a few days in renewed explorations of the cliffs of the South Joggins. The object specially in view was the thorough examination of the beds of the true coal measures, with reference to their contained fossils, and the conditions of accumulation of the coal; and the results were given to the world in a joint paper on "The remains of a reptile and a land shell discovered in the interior of an erect tree in the coal measures of Nova Scotia," and in the writer's paper on the "Coal Measures of the South Joggins"; The South Joggins Section is, among other things, remarkable for the number of beds which contain remains of erect trees imbedded in situ: these trees are for the most part SigillariÆ, those great-ribbed pillar-like trees which seem to have been so characteristic of the forests of the coal formation flats and swamps, and so important contributors to the formation of coal. They vary in diameter from six inches to five feet. They have grown on underclays and wet soils, similar to those on which the coal was accumulated; and these having been submerged or buried by mud carried down by inundations, the trees, killed by the accumulations around their stems, have decayed, and their tops being broken off at the level of the mud or sand, the cylindrical cavities left open by the disappearance of the wood, and preserved in their form by the greater durability of the bark, have been filled with sand and clay. This, now hardened into stone, constitutes pillar-like casts of the trees, which may often be seen exposed in the cliffs, and which, as these waste away, fall upon the beach. The sandstones enveloping these pillared trunks of the ancient SigillariÆ of the coal, are laminated or bedded, and the laminÆ, when exposed, split apart with the weather, so that the trees themselves become broken across; this being often aided by the arrangement of the matter within the trunks, in layers more or less corresponding to those without. Thus one of these fossil trees usually falls to the beach in a series of discs, somewhat resembling the grindstones which are extensively manufactured on the coast. The surfaces of these fragments often exhibit remains of plants which have been washed into the hollow trunks, and have been imbedded there; and in our explorations of the shore, we always carefully scrutinized such specimens, both with the view of observing The specimens were subsequently taken to London and reexamined by Prof. Owen, who confirmed Wyman's inferences, added other characters to the description, and named the larger and better preserved species Dendrerpeton Acadianum, in allusion to its discovery in the interior of a tree, and to its native country of Acadia or Nova Scotia. It is necessary to state in explanation of the fragmentary character of the remains obtained, that in the decay of the animals imbedded in the erect trees at the Joggins, their skeletons have become disarticulated, and the portions scattered, either by falling into the interstices of the vegetable fragments in the bottom of the hollow trunks, or by the water with which these may have sometimes been partly filled. We thus usually obtain only separate bones; and though all of these are no doubt present in each case, it is often impossible in breaking up the hard matrix to recover more than a portion of them. The original description by Owen was therefore based on somewhat imperfect material, but additional specimens subsequently found have supplemented it in such a manner as to enable us somewhat completely to restore in imagination the form of the animal, which, though much smaller than Baphetes, agrees with it in its sculptured bones, in its bony armature, especially beneath, and in its plicated teeth. Humerus and Mandibles of Dendrerpeton Acadianum. Natural size, with one of the teeth enlarged. (From a Photograph.) The specimen illustrates the sculptured bones of Dendrerpeton and its plaited teeth, as well as large size and massive development of the arm bone. In form, Dendrerpeton Acadianum was probably lizard-like; with a broad flat head, short stout limbs and an elongated tail; and having its skin, and more particularly that of the belly, protected by small bony plates closely overlapping each other, and arranged en chevron, in oblique rows meeting on the mesial line, where in front was a thoracic plate. It may have attained the length of two feet. The form of the head is not unlike that of Baphetes, but longer in proportion; and much resembles that of the labyrinthodont reptiles of the Trias. The bones of the skull are sculptured as in Baphetes, but in a smaller pattern. The fore limb of the adult animal, including the toes, must have been four or five inches in length, and is of massive proportions. The bones were hollow, and in the case of the phalanges the bony walls were thin, so that they are often crushed flat. The humerus, or arm bone, however, was a strong bone, with thick walls and a cancellated structure toward its extremities; still even these have sometimes yielded to the great pressure to which they have been subjected. The cavity of the interior of the limb bones is usually filled with calc-spar stained with organic matter, but showing no structure; and the inner side of the bony wall is smooth without any indication of cartilaginous matter lining it. The vertebrÆ, in the external aspect of their bodies, remind one of those of fishes, expanding toward the extremities, and The external scales are thin, oblique-rhomboidal or elongated-oval, marked with slight concentric lines, but otherwise smooth, and having a thickened ridge or margin, in which they resemble those of Archegosaurus, and also those of Pholidogaster pisciformis, described by Huxley from the Edinburgh coal field,—an animal which indeed appears in most respects to have a close affinity with Dendrerpeton. The microscopic structure of the scales is quite similar to that of the other bones, and different from that of the scales of ganoid fishes, the shape of the cells being batrachian. For other particulars of its structure reference may be made to the papers named at the end of the chapter. With respect to the affinities of the creature, I think it is obvious that it is most nearly related to the group of Lahyrinthodonts, and that it has the same singular mixture of batrachian and reptilian characters which distinguish these ancient animals, and which give them the appearance of prototypes of the reptilian class. A second and smaller species of Dendrerpeton was subsequently obtained at the Joggins, and others have been found, more especially by Fritsch, in the Carboniferous and Permian of Europe. This ancient inhabitant of the coal swamps of Nova Scotia The dentition of Dendrerpeton shows it to have been carnivorous in a high degree. It may have captured fishes and smaller reptiles, either on land or in water, and very probably fed on dead carcases as well. If, as seems likely, any of the All the bones of Dendrerpeton hitherto found, as well as those of the smaller reptilian species hereafter described, have been obtained from the interior of erect SigillariÆ, and all of these in one of the many beds, which, at the Joggins, contain such remains. The thick cellular inner bark of Sigillaria was very perishable; the slender woody axis was somewhat more durable; but near the surface of the stem, in large trunks, there was a layer of elongated cells, or bast tissue, of considerable durability, and the outer bark was exceedingly dense and indestructible. A reptiliferous Tree in situ, South Joggins, N. Scotia. This is a sketch of a tree which afforded remains of Dendrerpeton, PupÆ, etc. The history of a bed containing reptiliferous erect trees would thus be somewhat as follows:— A forest or grove of the large-ribbed trees known as SigillariÆ, was either submerged by subsidence, or, growing on low ground, was invaded with the muddy waters of an inundation, or successive inundations, so that the trunks were buried to the depth of several feet. The projecting tops having been removed by subaËrial decay, the buried stumps became hollow, while their hard outer bark remained intact. They thus became hollow cylinders in a vertical position, and open at top. The surface having then become dry land, covered with vegetation, was haunted by small quadrupeds and other land animals, which from time to time fell into the open holes, in some cases nine feet deep, and could not extricate themselves. On their death, and the decomposition of their soft parts, their bones and other hard portions remained in the bottom of the tree intermixed with any vegetable dÉbris or soil washed in by rain, and which formed thin layers separating successive animal deposits from each other. Finally, the area was again submerged or overflowed by water, bearing sand and mud. The hollow trees were filled to the top, and their animal contents thus sealed up. At length the material filling the trees was by pressure and the access of cementing matter hardened into stone, not infrequently harder than that of the containing beds, and the whole being tilted to an angle of 20°, and elevated into land exposed to the action of the tides and waves, these singular coffins present themselves as stony cylinders projecting from the cliff or reef, and can be extracted and their contents studied. The singular combination of accidents above detailed was, I may add that I believe all the trees, about thirty in number, which have become exposed in this bed since its discovery, have been ransacked for such remains; and that while the majority have afforded some reward for the labour, some have been far more rich than others in their contents. It is also to be observed that owing to the mode of accumulation of the mass filling the trees, the bones are usually found scattered in every position, and those of different species intermingled; and that being often much more friable than the matrix, much labour is required for their development; while after all has been done, the result is a congeries of fragments. A few specimens only have been found, showing skeletons complete, or nearly so, and I shall endeavour to figure one or two of these by way of illustration in the present chapter. The beds on a level with the top of the reptiliferous erect trees are arenaceous sandstones, with numerous erect Calamites. I have searched the surfaces of these beds in vain for bones or footprints of the reptiles which must have traversed them, and which, but for hollow erect trees," would apparently have left no trace of their existence. On a surface of similar character, sixty feet higher, and separated by three coals, with their accompaniments, and a very thick compact sandstone, I observed a series of footprints, which may be those of Dendrerpeton or Hylonomus. A typical Carboniferous Microsaurian, Hylonomus Lyelli Restoration showing dermal armour and ornaments. Skeleton restored from measurements of the bones of the type specimen figured at the beginning of the chapter. Species of Microsauria. Hylonomus Lyelli. In the original reptiliferous tree discovered by Sir C. Lyell and the writer, at the Joggins, in 1851, there were, beside the bones of Dendrerpeton Acadianum, some small elongated vertebrÆ, evidently of a different species. These were first detected by Prof. Wyman, in his examination of these specimens, and were figured, but not named, in the original notice of the specimens. In a subsequent visit to the Joggins I obtained from another erect stump many additional remains of these smaller reptiles, and, on careful comparison of the specimens, was induced to refer them to three species, all apparently generically allied. I proposed for them the generic name Hylonomus, "forest dweller." They were described in the Proceedings of the Geological Society for 1859, with illustrations of the teeth and other characteristic parts. Hylonomus Lyelli was an animal of small size. Its skull is about an inch in length, and its whole body, including the tail, could not have been more than six or seven inches, long. The bones appear to have been thin and easily separable; and even The dermal covering of this animal is represented in part by oval bony scales, which are so constantly associated with its bones that I can have no doubt that they belonged to it, being, It is evident from the remains thus described, that we have in Hylonomus Lyelli an animal of lacertian form, with large and stout hind limbs, and somewhat smaller fore limbs, capable of walking and running on land; and though its vertebrÆ were imperfectly ossified externally, yet the outer walls were sufficiently strong, and their articulation sufficiently firm, to have enabled the creature to erect itself on its hind legs, or to leap. They were certainly proportionately larger and much more firmly knit than those of Dendrerpeton. Further, the ribs were long and much curved, and imply a respiration of a higher character than that of modern Batrachians, and consequently a more highly vitalized muscular system. If to these structural points we add the somewhat rounded skull, indicating a large brain, we have before us a creature which, however puzzling in its affinities when anatomically considered, is clearly not to be ranked as low in the scale of creation as modern tailed Batrachians, or even as the frogs and toads. We must add to these also, as important points of difference, the bony scales with which it was armed below, and the ornate apparatus With respect to the affinities of this species, I think it is abundantly manifest that it presents no close relationship with any reptile hitherto discovered in the Carboniferous system, except perhaps some of the smaller forms in the Permian of Europe, with which Credner and Fritsch have compared it. It is scarcely necessary to say that the characters above described entirely remove this animal from the Labyrinthodonts. Equal difficulties attend the attempt to place it in any other group of recent or extinct Batrachians or proper reptiles. The structures of the skull, and of some points in the vertebrÆ, certainly resemble those of Batrachians; but, on the other hand, the well-developed ribs, evidently adapted to enlarge the chest in respiration, the pelvis, and the cutaneous covering, are unexampled in modern Batrachians, and assimilate the creature to the true lizards. I have already, in my original description of the animal in 1859, expressed my belief that Hylonomus may have had lacertian affinities, but I do not desire to speak too positively in this matter; It is likely that Hylonomus Lyelli was less aquatic in its habits than Dendrerpeton, Its food consisted, apparently, of insects and similar creatures. The teeth would indicate this, and near its bones there are portions of coprolite, containing remains of insects and myriapods. It probably occasionally fell a prey to Dendrerpeton, as bones, which may have belonged either to young individuals of this species or to its smaller congener H. Wymani, are found in larger coprolites, which may be referred with probability to Dendrerpeton Acadianum. This coprolitic matter, which is somewhat plentiful on some of the surfaces in the erect trees, also informs us that the imprisoned animals may in some cases have continued to live for some time, feeding on such animals as may have fallen into their place of confinement, which was destined also to be their tomb. Some other points of interest appear on the Dolichosoma longissimum, a serpentiform Permian Batrachian after Fritsch. This and Hylonomus are opposite or extreme types in regard to general form. In addition to the reptilian species above noticed, the erect trees of Coal Mine Point have afforded several others. There is a second and smaller species of Dendrerpeton (D. Oweni) and other forms belonging to the group of Microsauria of which Hylonomus is the type. A second species of that genus (H. Wymani) has already been mentioned. A similar creature, but of larger size and with teeth of a wedge or chisel shape, has been referred to a distinct genus, Smilerpeton. It seems to have been rare, and the only skeleton found is very imperfect. Its teeth are of a form that may have served even for vegetable food, as their sharp edges must have had considerable cutting power. Another curious form of tooth appears in the genus Hylerpeton. It has the points worked into oblique grooves separated by sharp edges, which must have greatly aided in piercing tough integument. These creatures seem to have been of stout and robust build, with large limbs. Still another generic type (Fritschia) is represented by a species near to Hylonomus in several respects, and with long and beautifully formed limb bones, but with the belly protected with rod-like bodies instead of scales. In this respect Hylerpeton is somewhat intermediate, having long and narrow scales on the belly instead of the oval or roundish scales of Hylonomus. All these last-mentioned forms are Microsaurians, with simple teeth and well-developed ribs and limbs, and smooth cranial bones. Two other species are represented by portions of single skeletons too imperfect to allow them to be certainly determined. I would emphasize here that the vertebrate animals found in the erect trees are necessarily a selection from the most exclusively terrestrial forms, and from the smaller species of these. The numerous newt-like and serpentiform species found in the shales of the coal formation could not find access to these peculiar repositories, nor could the larger species of the Labyrinthodonts and their allies, even if they were in the habit of occasionally prowling in the forests in search of prey, and this would scarcely be likely, more especially as the waters must have afforded to them much more abundant supplies of food. Of the numerous species figured by Fritsch, Cope and Huxley, only a few approach very near to the forms entrapped in the old hollow SigillariÆ, though several have characters half batrachian and half reptilian. Invertebrate Air-breathers. The coal formation rocks have afforded Land Snails, Millipedes, Spiders, Scorpions and Insects, so that all the great types of invertebrate life which up to this day can live on land already had representatives in this ancient period. Some of them, indeed, we can trace further back, the land snails probably to the Devonian, the Millipedes to the same period, and the Scorpions and insects as far as the Silurian. No land vertebrate is yet known, older than the Lower Carboniferous, but there is nothing known to us in physical condition, to preclude the existence of such creatures at least in the Devonian. It would take us too far afield to attempt to notice the invertebrate land life of the PalÆozoic in general. This has been done in great detail by Dr. Scudder. I shall here limit myself to the animals found in our erect trees, and merely touch incidentally on such others as may be connected with them. I have already mentioned the occurrence of a land-snail, a true pulmonate mollusk, in the first find by Lyell and myself at Coal Mine Point, and this was the first animal of this kind known in any rocks older than the Purbeck formation of England. It is one of the groups of so-called Chrysalis-shells, scarcely distinguishable at first sight from some modern West Indian species, and distinctly referable to the modern genus Pupa. It was named Pupa vetusta, and a second and smaller species subsequently found was named P. Bigsbyi, and a third of different form, and resembling the modern snails, bears the name Zonites priscus. The only other PalÆozoic land mollusks known at present are a few species found in the coal formation of Ohio, and a fragment supposed to indicate another species from the Devonian plant-beds of St. John's, New Brunswick. This last is the oldest known evidence of pulmonate snails. If we ask the precise relations of these creatures to modern snails, it may be answered that of the two leading subdivisions of the group of air-breathing snails (Pulmonifera), the Operculate, or those with a movable plate to close the mouth of the shell, and the Inoperculate, or those that are destitute of any such shelly lid or operculum to close the shell, the first has been traced no farther back than the Eocene. The second or inoperculate division, includes some genera that are aquatic and some that are terrestrial. Of the aquatic genera no representatives are known in formations older than the Wealden and Purbeck, and these only in Europe. The terrestrial group, or the family of the HelicidÆ, which, singularly enough, is that which diverges farthest from the ordinary gill-bearing Gasteropods, is the one which has been traced farthest back, and includes the PalÆozoic species. It is further remarkable that a very great gap exists in the geological history of this family. No species are known between the Carboniferous and the early Tertiary, though in the intervening formations there are many fresh-water and estuarine deposits in which such remains might be expected to occur. There is perhaps no reason to doubt the continuance of the HelicidÆ through this long portion of geological time, though it is probable that during the interval the family did not increase much in the numbers of its species, more especially as it seems certain that it has its culmination in the modern period, where it is represented by very many and large species, which are dispersed over nearly all parts of our continents. Carboniferous Land Snails. Pupa vetusta, Dawson, and Conulus priscus, Carpenter, with egg of Pupa vetusta—the whole considerably magnified. I published in 1880, in the American Journal of Science, a fragment of what seemed to be a land-snail, from the Middle Erian plant-beds of St. John, New Brunswick (Strophia grandava, figured here), but have mentioned it with some doubt in the text. Mr. G. F. Matthew has, however, recently communicated to the Royal Society of Canada a second species, found by Mr. W. I. Wilson in the same beds, and which he names Pupa primava. It is accompanied with a scorpion and a millipede. Thus the existence of Land Snails of the Pupa type in the Devonian may be considered as established. The mode of occurrence of the PalÆozoic Pulmonifera in the few localities where they have been found is characteristic. The earliest known species, Pupa vetusta, was found, as already stated, in the material filling the once hollow stem of a Sigillaria at the South Joggins in Nova Scotia, and many additional specimens have subsequently been obtained from similar repositories in the same locality, where they are associated with bones of Batrachians and remains of Millipedes. Other specimens, and also the species Zonites priscus, have The specimen first obtained in 1887 having been taken by Sir Charles Lyell to the United States, and submitted to the late Prof. Jeffries Wyman, the shell in question was recognised by him and the late Dr. Gould, of Boston, as a land shell. It was subsequently examined by M. Deshayes and Mr. Gwyn Jeffries, who concurred in this determination; and its microscopic structure was described by the late Prof. Quekett, of London, as similar to that of modern land shells. The single specimen obtained on this occasion was somewhat crushed, and did not show the aperture. Hence the hesitation as to its nature, and the delay in naming it, though it was figured and described in the paper above cited in 1852. Better specimens showing the aperture were afterward obtained by the writer, and it was named and described by him in his "Air-breathers of the Coal Period," in 1863. Owen, in his "PalÆontology," subsequently proposed the generic name Dendropupa. This I have hesitated to accept, as expressing a generic distinction not warranted by the facts; but should As already stated, this shell seems closely allied to some modern PupÆ. Perhaps the modern species which approaches most nearly to it in form, markings and size, is Macrocheilus Gossei from the West Indies, specimens of which were sent to me some years ago by Mr. Bland, of New York, with the remark that they must be very near to my Carboniferous species. Such edentulous species as Pupa (Leucochila) fallax of Eastern America very closely resemble it; and it was regarded by the late Dr. Carpenter as probably a near ally of those species which are placed by some European conchologists in the genus Pupilla. Pupa vetusta has been found at three distinct levels in the coal formation of the South Joggins. The lowest is the shale above referred to. The next, 1,217 feet higher, is that of the original discovery. The third, 800 feet higher, is in an erect Sigillaria holding no other remains. Thus, this shell has lived in the locality at least during the accumulation of 2,000 feet of beds, including a number of coals and erect forests, as well as beds of bituminous shales and calcareo-bituminous shale, the growth of which must have been very slow. In the lowest of these three horizons the shells are found, as already stated, in a thin bed of concretionary clay of dark They may also have formed part of the food of the reptilian animals whose remains occur with them. In illustration of this I have elsewhere stated that I have found as many as eleven unbroken shells of Physa heterostropha in the stomach of a modern Menobranchus. I think it certain, however, that both the shells and the reptiles occurring in these trees must have been strictly terrestrial in their habits, as they could not have found admission to the erect trees unless the ground had If we exclude the alleged PalÆorbis referred to below, all the PalÆozoic Pulmonifera hitherto found are American. Since, however, in the Carboniferous age, Batrachians, Arachnidans, Insects and Millipedes occur on both continents, it is not unlikely that ere long European species of land snails will be announced The species hitherto found in Eastern America are in every way strangely isolated. In the plant beds of St. John, about 9,000 feet in thickness, and in the coal formation of the South Joggins, more than 7,000 feet in thickness, no other Gasteropods occur, nor, I believe, do any occur in the beds holding land snails in Illinois. Nor, as already stated, are any of the aquatic Pulmonifera known in the PalÆozoic. Thus, in so far as at present known, these PalÆozoic snails are separated not only from any predecessors, if there were any, or successors, but from any contemporary animals allied to them. It is probable that the land snails of the Erian and Carboniferous were neither numerous nor important members of the faunas of those periods. Had other species existed in any considerable numbers, there is no reason why they should not have been found in the erect trees, or in those shales which contain land plants. More especially would the discovery of any larger species, had they existed, been likely to have occurred. Further, what we know of the vegetation of the PalÆozoic period would lead us to infer that it did not abound It may be proper to mention here the alleged Pulmonifera of the genus PalÆorbis described by some German naturalists. These I believe to be worm tubes of the genus Spirorbis, and in fact to be nothing else than the common S. carbonarius or S. pusillus of the coal formation. The history of this error may be stated thus. The eminent palÆobotanists Germar, Goeppert and Geinitz have referred the Spirorbis, so common in the Coal measures to the fungi, under the name Gyromyces, and in this they have been followed by other naturalists, though as long ago as 1868 I had shown that this little organism is not only a calcareous shell, attached by one side to vegetable matters and shells of mollusks, but that it has the microscopic structure characteristic of modern shells of this type. The erect trees of Coal Mine Point are rich in remains of Millipedes. The first of these (Xylobius SigillariÆ), which was the first known PalÆozoic Myriapod, was described by me from specimens found in a tree extracted in 1852, and this, with a number of other remains subsequently found, was afterwards placed in the hands of Dr. Scudder, who has recognised in the material submitted to him eight species belonging to three genera (Xylobius, Archiulus, and Amynilyspes). These animals in all probability haunted these trees to feed on the decaying wood and other vegetable matter, and were undoubtedly themselves the prey of the Microsaurians. Though these were the earliest known, their discovery was followed by that of many other species in Europe and America, and some of them as old as the Devonian. The only other remains of Air-breathers found in the erect trees belong to Scorpions, of which some fragments remain in such a state as to make it probable that they have been partially devoured by the imprisoned reptiles. No remains of any aquatic animals have been found in these trees. The In the previous paper we have considered the mode of accumulation of Coal, and it may be useful here to note the light thrown on this subject by the Air-breathers of the coal formation and their mode of occurrence. In no part of the world are the coal measures better developed, or more fully exposed, than in the coast sections of Nova Scotia and Cape Breton; and in these, throughout their whole thickness, no indication has been found of any of the marine fossils of the Lower Carboniferous Limestone. Abundant remains of fishes occur, but these may have frequented estuaries, streams and ponds, and the greater part of them are small ganoids which, like the modern Lepidosteus and Amia, may have been specially fitted by their semi-reptilian respiration, for the impure waters of swampy districts. Bivalve mollusks also abound; but these are all of the kinds to which I have given the generic name Naiadites, and Mr. Salter those of Anthracomya and Anthracoptera. These shells are all distinct from any known in the marine limestones. Their thin edentulous valves, their structure consisting of a wrinkled epidermis, a thin layer of prismatic shell and an inner layer of imperfectly pearly shell, all remind us of the Anodons and Unios. A slight notch in front concurs with their mode of occurrence in rendering it probable that, like mussels in modern estuaries, they attached themselves to floating or sunken timber. They are thus removed, both in structure and habit, from truly marine species; and may have been fresh-water or brackish-water mussels closely allied to modern Unios. Carboniferous Millipedes, Xylobius SigillariÆ, Dawson (a, c), and Archiulus xylobioides, Scudder (b). Carboniferous Cockroach.—Blattina Bretonensis, Sc.Carboniferous Scorpion.—Anthracomartus Carbonarius, abdominal segments. The crustaceans (Eurypterus, Diplostylus, Cyprids), and the worm shell (Spirorbis) found with them, are not necessarily marine, though some of them belonged probably to brackish water, and they have not yet been found in those carboniferous beds deposited in the open sea. There is thus in the whole thickness of the middle coal measures of Nova Scotia a remarkable absence at least of open sea animals; and if, as is quite probable, the sea inundated at intervals the areas of coal accumulation, the waters must have been shallow, and to a great extent land-locked, so that brackish-water rather than marine animals inhabited them. On the other hand, there are in these coal measures abundant evidences of land surfaces; and subaËrial decay of vegetable matter in large quantity is proved by the occurrence of the mineral charcoal of the coal itself, as I have elsewhere shown. In the coal measures of Nova Scotia, therefore, while marine conditions are absent, there are ample evidences of fresh-water or brackish-water conditions, and of land surfaces, suitable for the air-breathing animals of the period. Nor do I believe that the coal measures of Nova Scotia were exceptional in this respect. It is true that in Great Britain evidences of marine life do occur in the coal measures; but not, so far as I am aware, in circumstances which justify the inference that the coal is of marine origin. Alternations of marine and land remains, and even mixtures of these, are frequent in modern submarine forests. When we find, as at Fort Lawrence in Nova Scotia, a modern forest rooted in upland soil forty feet below high-water mark, These considerations serve, I think, to explain all the apparently anomalous associations of coal plants with marine fossils; and I do not know any other arguments of apparent weight that can be adduced in favour of the marine or even It is also noticeable that, in conditions such as those of the coal formation, it would be likely that some plants would be specially adapted to occupy newly emerged flats and places liable to inundation and silting up. I believe that many of the SigillariÆ, and still more eminently the Calamites, were suitable to such stations. There is direct evidence that the nuts named Trigonocarpa were drifted extensively by water over submerged flats of mud. Many Cardiocarpa were winged seeds which may have drifted in the air. The Calamites may, like modern Equiseta, have produced spores with elaters capable of floating them in the wind. One of the thinner coals at the Joggins is filled with spores or spore cases that seem to have carried hairs on their surfaces, and may have been suited to such a mode of dissemination. I have elsewhere proved The reptiles of the coal formation are probably the oldest known to us, and possibly, though this we cannot affirm, the highest products of creation in this period. Supposing, for the moment, that they are the highest animals of their time, and, what is perhaps less likely, that those which we know are a fair average of the rest, we have the curious fact that they are all carnivorous, and the greater part of them fitted to find food in the water as well as on the land. The plant feeders of the period, on the land at least, are all invertebrates, as snails, A gally-worm, if, like its modern relatives, hiding in crevices of wood in forests, was one of the least likely animals to be found in aqueous deposits. The erect trees gave it its almost sole chance of preservation. Pupa vetusta is a small species, and its shell very thin and fragile, while it probably lived among thick vegetation. Further, the measures 2,000 feet thick, separating the lowest and highest beds in which it occurs, include twenty-one coal seams, having an aggregate thickness of about twenty feet, three beds of bituminous limestone of animal origin, and perhaps twenty beds holding Stigmaria in situ, or erect SigillariÆ and Calamites. The lapse of time implied by this succession of beds, many of them necessarily of very slow deposition, must be very great, though it would be mere guess work to attempt to resolve it into years. Yet long though this interval must have been, Pupa vetusta lasted without one iota of change through it all; and, more remarkable still, was not accompanied by more than two other species of its family. Where so many specimens occur, and in situations so diverse, without any additional species, the inference is strong that no other of similar habits existed. If in any of those subtropical islands, whose climate and productions somewhat resemble those of the coal period, after searching in and about decaying trees, and also on the bars upon which rivers and lakes drifted their burdens of shells, we should find only three species, but one of these in very great numbers, we would surely conclude that other species, if present, were very rare. Again, footprints referable to Dendrerpeton, or similar animals, If we could affirm that the Air-breathers of the coal period were really the first species of their families, they might acquire additional interest by their bearing on this question of origin of species. We cannot affirm this; but it may be a harmless and not uninstructive play of fancy to suppose for a moment that they actually are so, and to inquire on this supposition as to the mode of their introduction. Looking at them from this point of view, we shall first be struck with the fact that they belong to all of the three great leading types of animals which include our modern Air-breathers the Vertebrates, the Arthropods, and the Mollusks. We have besides to consider in this connection that the breathing organs of an insect are air tubes opening laterally (tracheÆ), those of a land snail merely a modification of the chamber which in marine species holds the gills, while those of the reptiles represent the air bladder of the fishes. Thus, in the three groups the breathing organs are It may be said, however, that the links of connection between the coal reptiles and fishes are better established. All the known coal reptiles have leanings to the fishes in certain characters; and in some, as in Archegosaurus, these are very close. Still the interval to be bridged over is wide, and the differences are by no means those which we should expect. Were the problem given to convert a ganoid fish into an Archegosaurus or Dendrerpeton, we should be disposed to retain unchanged such characters as would be suited to the new habits of the creature, and to change only those directly related to the objects in view. We should probably give little attention to differences in the arrangement of skull bones, in the parts of the vertebrÆ, in the external clothing, in the microscopic structure of the bone, and other peculiarities for serving similar purposes by organs on a different plan, which are so conspicuous so soon as we pass from the fish to the Batrachian. It is not, in short, an improvement of the organs of the fish that we witness so much as the introduction of new organs. Again, our reptiles of the coal do not constitute a continuous series, and belong to a great number of distinct genera and families, nor is it possible that they can all, except at widely different times, have originated from the same source. It either happened, for some unknown reason, that many kinds of fishes put on the reptilian guise in the same period, or else the vast lapse of ages required for the production of a reptile from a fish must be indefinitely increased for the production of many dissimilar reptiles from each other; or, on the other hand, we must suppose that the limit between the fish and reptile being once overpassed, a facility for comparatively rapid changes became the property of the latter. Either supposition would, I think, contradict such facts bearing on the subject as are known to us. We commenced with supposing that the reptiles of the Coal might possibly be the first of their family, but it is evident from the above considerations, that on the doctrine of natural selection, the number and variety of reptiles in this period would imply that their predecessors in this form must have existed from a time as early as any in which even fishes are known to exist; so that if we adopt any hypothesis of derivation, it would probably be necessary to have recourse to that which supposes at particular periods a sudden and as yet unaccountable transmutation of one form into another; a view which, in its remoteness from anything included under ordinary natural laws, does not materially differ from that currently received idea of creative intervention, with which, in so far as our coal reptiles can inform us, we are for the present satisfied. There is one other point which strikes the naturalist in considering these animals, and which has a certain bearing on such References:—"Air-breathers of the Coal Period." Montreal, 1886. Papers on Reptiles, etc., in South Joggins Coal Field, Journal of Geological Society of London, vols. ix. x. xi. xvi. Remains of Animals in Erect Trees in the Coal Formation of Nova Scotia, Trans. Royal Society, 1881. "Acadian Geology," fourth edition, 1891. Revision of Land Snails of the PalÆozoic Era, Am. Journal of Science, vol. xx., 1880. Supplementary Report to Royal Society of London, Proceedings, 1892. Notice of additional Reptilian Remains, Geological Magazine of London, 1891.