THE GROWTH OF COAL. M My early boyhood was spent on the Coal formation rocks and in the vicinity of collieries; and among my first natural history collections, in a childish museum of many kinds of objects, were some impressions of fern leaves from the shales of the coal series. It came to pass in this way that the Carboniferous rocks were those which I first studied as an embryo geologist, and much of my later work has consisted in collecting and determining the plants of that ancient period, and in studying microscopic sections of coals and fossil woods accompanying them. For this reason, and because I have published so much on this subject, my first decision was to leave it out of these Salient Points: but on second thoughts it seemed that this might be regarded as a dereliction of duty; more especially as some of the conclusions supposed to be the best established on this subject have recently been called in question. Had I been writing a few years ago, I might have referred to the mode of formation of coal as one of the things most surely settled and understood. The labours of many eminent geologists, microscopists and chemists in the old and the new worlds had shown that coal nearly always rests upon old soil-surfaces penetrated with roots, and that coal beds have in their roofs erect trees, the remains of the last forests that grew upon them. Logan and the writer have illustrated this in the case of the series of more than eighty successive coal beds exposed at the A block of the useful mineral which is so important an element in national wealth, and so essential to the comfort of our winter homes, may tell us much as to its history if properly interrogated, and what we cannot learn from it alone we may be taught by studying it in the mine whence it is obtained, and in the cliffs and cuttings where the edges of the coaly beds and their accompaniments are exposed. Our block of coal, if anthracite, is almost pure carbon. If bituminous coal, it contains also a certain amount of hydrogen, which in combination with carbon enables it to yield gas and coal tar, and which causes it to burn with flame. If, again, we examine some of the more imperfect and more recent coals, the brown coals, so called, we shall find that in composition and texture they are intermediate between coal proper and hardened or compressed peat. Now such coaly rocks can, under the present constitution of nature, be produced only in one way, namely, by the accumulation of vegetable matter, for vegetation alone has the power of decomposing the carbonic acid of the atmosphere, and accumulating it as carbon. This we see in modern times in the vegetable soil, in peaty beds, and in But in order that it may accumulate at all, certain conditions are necessary. The first of these includes the climatal and organic arrangements necessary for abundant vegetable growth. The second is the facility for the preservation of the vegetable matter, without decay or intermixture with earthy substances; and this, for a long time, till a great thickness of it accumulates. The third is its covering up by other deposits, so as to be compressed and excluded from air. It is evident that when we have to consider the formation of a bed of coal several feet in thickness, and spread, perhaps, over hundreds of square miles, many things must conduce to such a result, and the wonder is perhaps rather that such conditions should ever have been effectively combined. Yet this has occurred at different periods of geological history and in many places, and in some localities it has been so repeated as to produce many beds of coal in succession. Let us now question our block of coal as to its origin, supposing it to be a piece of ordinary bituminous coal, or still better, a specimen of one of the impure somewhat shaly coals which one sometimes finds accidentally in the coal bin. In looking at the edge of our specimen we observe that it has a "reed" or grain, which corresponds with the lamination or bedding of the seam of coal from which it came. Looking at this carefully, we shall see that there are many thin layers of bright shining coal, and the more of these usually the better the coal. These layers, in tracing them along, we observe often to thin out and disappear. They are not very continuous. If our specimen is an impure coal, we will find that it readily splits along the surfaces of these layers, and that when so split, we can see that each layer of shining coal has certain markings, perhaps the flattened Restoring the mass in imagination to its original state, what do we find? A congeries of prostate trunks with their interstices filled with vegetable muck or mould, and occasional surfaces where rotten wood, disintegrated into fragments, was washed about in local floods or rain storms, and thus thrown over the surface. Lyell seems very nearly to have hit the mark when he regarded the conditions of the great dismal swamp of Virginia as representing those of a nascent coal field. We have only to realize in the coal period the existence of a dense vegetation very different from that of modern Virginia, of a humid and mild climate, and of a vast extension of low swampy plains, to restore the exact conditions of the coal swamps. But how does this correspond with the facts observed in mines and sections? To the late Sir William Logan is due the merit of observing that in South Wales the underclays or beds of indurated clay and earth underlying the coal seams are usually filled with the long cylindrical rootlets and branching roots of a curious plant, very common in the coal formation, the Stigmaria. He afterwards showed that the same fact occurs in the very numerous coal beds exposed in the fine section cut by the tides of the Bay of Fundy, in the coal rocks of Nova Scotia. In that district I have myself followed up Some of the thinnest coals, and some beds so thin and impure that they can scarcely be called coals at all, are the most instructive. Witness the following from my section of the South Joggins. Coal Group 1, of Division 3, is the highest of the series. Its section is as follows:— "Grey argillaceous shale. "The roof holds abundance of fern leaves (Alethopteris Here is another example which may be called a coal group, and is No. 11 of the same division: "Grey argillaceous shale, erect Calamites. "This is an alternation of thin, coarse coals with fossil soils. The roof shale contains erect Calamites, which seem to have been the last vegetation which grew on the surface of the upper coal." Such facts, with many minor varieties, extend through the whole eighty-one coal groups of this remarkable section, as any one may see by referring to the paper and work cited in the preceding note. It is possibly because in most coal fields the smaller and commercially useless beds are so little open to observation, that so crude ideas derived merely from imperfect access to the beds that are worked exist among geologists. The following summary of facts may perhaps serve to place the evidence as to the mode of accumulation of coal fairly before the reader:— (1) The occurrence of Stigmaria under nearly every bed of coal proves, beyond question, that the material was accumulated by growth in situ, while the character of the sediments intervening between the beds of coal proves with equal certainty the abundant transport of mud and sand by water. In other words, conditions similar to those of the swampy deltas of great rivers, or the swampy flats of the interiors of great continents, are implied. (2) The true coal consists principally of the flattened bark of sigillaroid and other trees, intermixed with leaves of ferns and Cordaites, and other herbaceous dÉbris, including vast numbers of spores and spore cases, and with fragments of decayed wood constituting "mineral charcoal," all their materials having manifestly alike grown and accumulated where we find them. (3) The microscopical structure and chemical composition of the beds of cannel coal and earthy bitumen, and of the more highly bituminous and carbonaceous shales, show them to have been of the nature of the fine vegetable mud which accumulates in the ponds and shallow lakes of modern swamps. These beds are always distinct from true subaËrial coal. When such fine vegetable sediment is mixed, as is often the case, with mud, it becomes similar to the bituminous limestone and calcareo-bituminous shales of the coal measures. (4) A few of the underclays which support beds of coal are of the nature of the vegetable mud above referred to; but the greater part are argillo-arenaceous in composition, with little vegetable matter, and bleached by the drainage from them of water containing the products of vegetable decay. They are, in short, loamy or clay soils in the chemical condition in which we find such soils under modern bogs, and must have been sufficiently above water to admit of drainage. The absence, or small quantity of sulphides, and the occurrence of carbonate of iron in connection with them, prove that (5) The coal and the fossil trees present many evidences of subaËrial conditions. Most of the erect and prostrate trees had become hollow shells of bark before they were finally imbedded, and their wood had broken into cubical pieces of mineral charcoal. Land snails and galley worms (Xylobius) crept into them, and they became dens or traps for reptiles. Large quantities of mineral charcoal occur on the surfaces of all the larger beds of coal. None of these appearances could have been produced by subaqueous action. (6) Though the roots of Sigillaria bear some resemblance to the rhizomes of certain aquatic plants, yet structurally they have much resemblance to the roots of Cycads, which the stems also resemble. Further, the SigillariÆ grew on the same soils which supported conifers, Lepidodendra, Cordaites, and ferns, plants which could not have grown in water. Again, with the exception, perhaps, of some PinnulariÆ and Asterophyllites, and Rhizocarpean spores, there is a remarkable absence from the coal measures of any form of properly aquatic vegetation. (7) The occasional occurrence of marine or brackish-water animals in the roofs of coal beds, or even in the coal itself, affords no evidence of subaqueous accumulation, since the same thing occurs in the case of modern submarine forests. Such facts merely imply that portions of the areas of coal accumulation were liable to inundation of a character so temporary as not finally to close the process, as happened when at last a roof shale was deposited by water over the coal. Cannel coals and bituminous shales holding mussel-like shells, fish scales, etc., imply the existence sometimes for long periods of ponds, lakes or lagoons in the coal swamps, but ordinary coal did not accumulate in these. It is in the cannels and similar subaqueous coals that the macrospores which I For these and other reasons, some of which are more fully stated in the papers referred to, while I admit that the areas of coal accumulation were frequently submerged, I must maintain that the true coal is a subaËrial accumulation by vegetable growth on soils wet and swampy, it is true, but not submerged. I would add the further consideration, already urged elsewhere, that in the case of the fossil forests associated with the coal, the conditions of submergence and silting-up which have preserved the trees as fossils, must have been precisely those which were fatal to their existence as living plants, a fact sufficiently evident to us in the case of modern submarine forests, but often overlooked by the framers of theories of the accumulation of coal. It seems strange that the occasional inequalities of the floors of the coal beds, the sand or gravel ridges which traverse them, the channels cut through the coal, the occurrence of patches of sand, and the insertion of wedges of such material splitting the beds, have been regarded by some able geologists as evidences of the aqueous origin of coal. In truth, these appearances are of constant occurrence in modern swamps and marshes, more especially near their margins, or where they are exposed to the effects of ocean storms or river inundations. The lamination of the coal has also been adduced as a proof of aqueous deposition; but the miscroscope shows, as I have elsewhere pointed out, that this is entirely different from aqueous lamination, and depends on the superposition of successive generations of more or less decayed trunks of trees and beds of leaves. The lamination in the truly aqueous cannels and carbonaceous shales is of a very different character. It is scarcely necessary to remark that in the above summary A curious point in connection with the origin of coal is the question how could vegetable matter be accumulated in such a pure condition? There is less difficulty in regard to this if we consider the coal as a swamp accumulation in situ. It is in this way that the purest vegetable accumulations take place at present, whereas in lakes and at the mouths of rivers vegetable matter is always mixed up with mud. Coal swamps, however, must have been liable to submergences or to temporary inundations, and it is no doubt to these that we have to attribute the partings of argillaceous matter often found in coal beds, as well as the occasional gulches cut into the coal and filled with sand and lenticular masses of earthy matter. To a similar cause we must also attribute the association of cannel with ordinary coal. The cannel is really a pulpy, macerate mass of vegetable matter accumulated in still water, surrounded and perhaps filled with growing aquatic herbage. Hence it is in such beds that we find the greatest accumulations of macrospores, derived, probably, in great part from aquatic plants. Buckland long ago compared the matter of cannel to the semi-fluid discharge of a bursting bog, and Alex. Agassiz has more recently shown that in times of flood the vegetable muck of the Everglades of Florida flows out in thick inky streams, and may form large beds of vegetable matter having the character of the materials of cannel. It is evident that in swamps of so great extent as those of the coal formation, there must have been shallow lakes and ponds, and wide sluggish streams, forming areas for the accumulation of vegetable dÉbris and this readily accounts for the association of ordinary beds of coal with those of cannel, and with bituminous shales or Where great accumulations of sediment are going on, as at the mouths of modern rivers, there is a tendency to subsidence of the area of the deposit, owing to its weight. This applies, perhaps, to a greater extent to coal areas. Thus the area of a coal swamp would ultimately sink so low as to be overflowed, and a roof shale would be deposited to bury up the bed of coal, and transmit it to future ages, chemically, and mechanically changed by pressure and by that slow decomposition which gradually converts vegetable matter into carbon and hydrocarbons. The long continuance and great extent of these alternations of growth and subsidence is perhaps the most extraordinary fact of all. At the South Joggins, if we include the surfaces having erect trees with those having beds of coal, the process of growth of a forest or bog, and its burial by subsidence and deposition must have been repeated about a hundred times before the final burial of the whole under the thick sandstones of the Upper Carboniferous and Permian. Mention has been made of Sigillaria and other trees of the coal formation period. These trees and others allied to them, of which there were many kinds, may be likened to gigantic club mosses, which they resembled in fruit and foliage, though vastly more complex in structure of stem and branch. Some of them, perhaps, were of much higher rank than any of the modern plants most nearly allied to them. One of their most remarkable features was that of their roots—those StigmariÆ, to which so frequent reference has been made. They differed from modern roots, not only in some points of structure, but in their regular bifurcation, and in having huge root fibres articulated to the roots, and arranged in a regular spiral manner, like leaves. They radiate regularly from a single stem, and do not seem to have sent up buds or secondary stems. They thus differed from the botanical definition of a root, and also from that of a rhizoma, or root stock; being, in short, a primitive and generalized contrivance, suited to trees themselves primitive and generalized, and to special and peculiar circumstances of growth. Some botanists have imagined that they were aquatic plants, growing at the bottom of lakes, but their mode of occurrence negatives this. I have elsewhere stated this as follows:— "It is quite certain that StigmariÆ are not 'rhizomes which floated in water, or spread themselves out on the surface of mud.' Whether rhizomes or not, they grew in the soil, or in the upper layers of peaty deposits since changed into coal. The late Richard Brown and the writer have shown that they grew in the underclays or fossil soils, and that their rootlets radiated in these soils in all directions. "The objection to calling the StigmariÆ roots and their processes rootlets, appears to me a finical application of modern botanical usages to times for which they do not hold. We might equally object to the application of the term roots to those which spring from the earthed-up stems of Calamites, radiating as they do from nodes which, in the air, would produce branchlets. Grand' Eury's figures show abundant instances of this. We might also object to the exogenous stems described by Williamson, which belong to cryptogamous plants; and, unlike anything modern, are made up exclusively of scalariform tissue. If the articulation and regular arrangement of those gigantic root hairs, the rootlets, or 'leaves' of Dr. Williamson, in a recent paper, expresses the same view in the following terms With the remarkable trees above referred to, there coËxisted a vast multitude of ferns, some arborescent, others herbaceous, tall, reed-like plants, the Calamites, allied to modern Mare's-tails, a very remarkable family of plants allied to modern Cycads and Pines; the Cordaites, which seem to have grown plentifully in certain parts of the coal areas—probably the drier parts, so that their remains sometimes constitute the greater part of small seams of coal. There were also true pine-like trees, though these would seem to have grown most abundantly We have hitherto confined our attention to the great Carboniferous period, so called, as emphatically the age of coal; but this mineral, and allied forms of carbon, were produced both before and after. Even in that old Laurentian age, which includes the oldest rocks that we know, formed when the first land had just risen out of the waters, there are thick beds of graphite, or plumbago, chemically the same with anthracite coal, and which must have been produced by the agency of plants, whether terrestrial or aquatic. We may suppose that the plants of this remote age were of very humble type as much lower than those of the coal formation as these are lower than those of the present day; but if so, then, on the analogy of the Carboniferous, they would be high and complex representatives of those low types. But there is another and more startling possibility; that the Laurentian may have been a period when vegetable life culminated on the earth, and existed in its most complete and grandest forms in advance of the time when it was brought into subordination to the higher life of the animal. In the meantime, the Laurentian rocks are in a state of so extreme metamorphism that they have afforded no certain indication of the forms or structures of the vegetation of the period. We find indications of plant life through all the PalÆozoic groups succeeding the Laurentian; but it is not till we reach the Devonian, the system immediately preceding the Carboniferous, Above the great coal formation the Permian and Jurassic contain beds of coal, though of limited extent, and formed in the case of the two latter of very different plants from those of the Carboniferous. In the Cretaceous and Tertiary ages, after the abundant introduction of species of forest trees still living, coal making seems to have obtained a new impulse, so that in China and the western part of America there are coals of great extent and value, all made of plants of genera still existing. In the Cretaceous coal of Vancouver Island there are remains of such modern trees as the Poplars, Magnolias, Palmettos, Sequoias, and a great variety of other genera still living in America. Out of the remains of these, under favouring conditions, quite as good coal as that of the coal formation has been made, although the plants are so different. There is, indeed, reason to believe that those now rare trees, the Sequoias, represented at the present time only by the big trees of California, and their companion, the redwood, were then spread universally over the northern hemisphere, and formed dense forests on swampy flats which led to the accumulation of coal beds in which the trunks and leaves of the Sequoias formed main ingredients, so that Sequoia and its allies in this later age take the place of the SigillariÆ of the coal formation. Last of all, coal accumulation is still going on in the Everglades of Florida, the dismal swamp of Virginia, and the peat-bogs of the more northern regions. So the vegetable kingdom To the modern naturalist, vegetable life, with regard to its uses, is the great accumulator of pabulum for the sustenance of the higher forms of vital energy manifested in the animal. In the PalÆozoic this consideration sinks in importance. In the Coal period we know few land animals, and these not vegetable feeders, with the exception of some insects, millipedes, and snails. But the Carboniferous forests did not live in vain, if their only use was to store up the light and heat of those old summers in the form of coal, and to remove the excess of carbonic acid from the atmosphere. In the Devonian period even these utilities fail, for coal does not seem to have been accumulated to any great extent, though the abundant petroleum of the Devonian is, no doubt, due to the agency of aquatic vegetation. In addition to scorpions, a few insects are the only known tenants of the Devonian land, and these are of kinds whose lame probably lived in water, and were not dependent on land plants. We may have much yet to learn of the animal life of the Devonian; but for the present, the great plan of vegetable nature goes beyond our measures of utility; and there remains only what is perhaps the most wonderful and suggestive correlation of all, namely, that our minds are able to trace in these perished organisms structures similar to those of modern plants, and thus to reproduce in imagination the forms and habits of growth of living things which so long preceded us on the earth. In another way Huxley has put the utilitarian aspect of the case so admirably, that I cannot refrain from quoting his clever apotheosis of nature in connection with the production of coal. "Nature is never in a hurry, and seems to have had always before her eyes the adage, 'Keep a thing long enough, and "I suppose that nineteen hundred years ago, when Julius CÆsar was good enough to deal with Britain as we have dealt with New Zealand, the primÆval Briton, blue with cold and woad, may have known that the strange black stone which he found here and there in his wanderings would burn, and so help to warm his body and cook his food. Saxon, Dane, and Norman swarmed into the land. The English people grew into a powerful nation; and Nature still waited for a return for the capital she had invested in ancient club mosses. The eighteenth century arrived, and with it James Watt. The brain of that man was the spore out of which was developed the steam engine, and all the prodigious trees and branches of modern industry which have grown out of this. But coal is as much an essential of this growth and development as carbonic acid is of a club moss. Wanting the coal, we could not have smelted the iron needed to make our engines; nor have worked our engines when we got them. But take away the engines, and the great towns of Yorkshire and Lancashire vanish like a dream. Manufactures give place to agriculture and pasture, and not ten men could live where now ten thousand are amply supported. "Thus all this abundant wealth of money and of vivid life is Nature's investment in club mosses and the like so long ago. But what becomes of the coal which is burnt in yielding All this is true and well told; but who is "Nature," this goddess who, since the far-distant Carboniferous age, has been planning for man? Is this not another name for that Almighty Maker who foresaw and arranged all things for His people "before the foundation of the world." References:—On Structures in Coal, Journal Geological Society of London, xv., 1853. Contains results of microscopic study of Nova Scotia coals. Conditions of Accumulation of Coal, Ibid., xxii., 1866. Contains South Joggins section. Spore-cases in Coal, Am. Journal of Science, 3rd series, vol. I, 1871. Rhizocarps in the Devonian, Bulletin Chicago Academy, vol. I, 1886. "Acadian Geology and Supplement," 3rd edition, 1891, Cumberland Coal Field. "Geological History of Plants," chap, iv., London and New York, 2nd edition, 1892.