Punctuation, hyphenation, and spelling were made consistent when a predominant preference was found in this book; otherwise they were not changed. Simple typographical errors were corrected; occasional unbalanced quotation marks retained. Ambiguous hyphens at the ends of lines were retained. The corrections listed in “Additions and Corrections” at the beginning of the book have been made to the main text of this eBook. The additions have not been added. The errors listed for pages 196 and 201 were not found in the text, and both the opening and closing inverted commas (quotation marks) have been removed on page 386. Unlike the printed book, all illustrations in this eBook appear between paragraphs, so the page references in the List of Illustrations do not necessarily match their actual positions. However, links, in versions of this eBook that support them, do lead directly to the corresponding illustrations. The Index was not checked for proper alphabetization or correct page references. Text has many references to “Lartet” and just a few to “Lortet”. They seem to refer to the same person, but both are listed in the Index, so both spellings have been retained. Text refers to “Rev. J. MacEnery”, “Rev. J. McEnery” and “McEnery”. These all refer to the same person, but the correct spelling is uncertain, so both variations have been retained. Some of the fractional numbers (e.g., 1/1, 1/2) in illustration captions were unclear and may have been incorrectly transcribed. In some tables, a special space character was used to align decimals. Display software that does not support that character may show a question mark in its place. Page 2: “dwellings of evil spirits” was misprinted as “swellings”. Page 147: Footnote 95 (originally 2) was not referenced in the text. Transcriber has arbitrarily placed a reference to it. Page 199: “Valcleuse” currently is spelled “Valcluse”. Page 310: The reference to “Figs. 92, 93” was misprinted as “Figs. 92, 33” and has been corrected here. Page 339: Identifications of the three illustrations were added by Transcriber. Page 381: The top of the map was close to the physical book’s binding and was distorted during scanning. The Transcriber attempted to remedy this distortion. Page 436: The letters in the diagram were printed in italics. For readability, the Plain Text version of this eBook omits the underscores that indicate italics. The HTML and mobile versions use an image of the diagram. Page 449 (Index): “Caves, used as places of refuge” gave no page reference. The Table of Contents refers to page 102, and the Transcriber added that to the index entry. These are images of wide tables whose text versions in the body of this eBook may not display properly or in their entirety on some devices: Page 166 Page 171 Page 173 Page 174 Page 197 Page 199 Page 360 Page 361 Page 443 |