A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z - A
- A Bold Rider, 14.
- A Buffalo Hunt, 154.
- A Cloud in the Sky, 148.
- A Fatal Venture, 29.
- A Hurried Ride, 40.
- A Treacherous Shot, 46.
- A Voice in the Wilderness, 48.
- Acequias, 22.
- Across the Border, 136.
- Adaes, Mission of, 18, 29.
- Aes, Mission of, 21, 22, 29.
- Agricultural and Mechanical College, 170.
- Aguayo, Marquis de, 21, 23.
- Aimable, The, 2, 4.
- Alamo, The, 18, 27, 71, 81, 82, 103, 176.
- Almonte, Colonel, 86, 101, 103, 136.
- Along the old San Antonio Road, 14, 25, 27, 30, 180.
- Alvarez, SeÑora, 95.
- Ampudia, General, 128, 138.
- An Unexpected Meeting, 56.
- Anahuac, Fort, 38, 61.
- Anastase, Father, 7.
- Andrade, General, 110.
- Annexation, 113, 135.
- Anti-trust Laws, 172.
- Apaches, The, 19, 24, 30, 142.
- Arbitration Laws, 172.
- Archer, Branch T., 59, 74.
- Archives, War of the, 124.
- Arredondo, General, 39.
- Arroyo Hondo, 36.
- Artesian Wells, 182.
- Asylums, 141, 172.
- Aury, Luis d’, 42.
- Austin, Bursting of Dam at, 175.
- Austin City, 122, 126, 132, 135, 141, 148, 150, 152, 178.
- Austin, Moses, 50.
- Austin, Stephen F., Character and Appearance, 51.
- —— Contract with Martinez, 52.
- —— Arrival with Colonists, 52.
- —— Journey to Mexico, 53.
- —— Return from Mexico, 55.
- —— Imprisonment in Mexico, 60.
- —— Release from Prison, 62.
- —— In Command of Volunteers, 66.
- —— Commissioner to United States, 69.
- —— Secretary of State, 113.
- —— Death and Burial, 113.
- Austin’s Colonists, 52.
- B
- Banks, General, 165.
- Barbier, Sieur, 6, 7.
- Barry, “Buck,” 148.
- Bastrop, Baron de, 50, 55.
- Battle of the Alamo, 82.
- —— of Colita, 91.
- —— of Concepcion, 67.
- —— of Galveston, 160.
- —— of Mier, 128.
- —— of Palo Alto, 137, 165.
- —— of Resaca de la Palma, 137.
- —— of Rosillo, 38.
- —— of Sabine Pass, 164.
- —— of Three Trees, 43.
- —— of Velasco, 54.
- Bay of Bernard, 3, 11, 12.
- —— of Matagorda, 3, 156.
- Baylor, John R., 155.
- Bean, Ellis P., 31, 32, 33.
- Beaujeu, 3, 4.
- Bell, Hansborough P., 140.
- Belle, The, 2, 6.
- Belleisle, 11, 12.
- Benevidas, Placido, 81.
- Bexar, Duke de, 18.
- Bienville, Sieur de, 12.
- Blackburn, Ephraim, 35.
- Blanco, El, 32.
- Blockade-running, 159.
- Blue, The, and the Gray, 167, 168.
- Blue Wing, 144.
- Bolivar Point, 46, 48, 53.
- Bonham, James, 81, 83, 87.
- Bowie, James, 66, 79, 83, 86.
- Bowie, Rezin, 43, 80.
- Bradburn, Juan Davis, 58.
- Brazoria, 55, 85.
- Brazos, Flood in, 175.
- Brazos River, 52, 74, 87.
- Brown, Captain Jerry, 107, 118.
- Brownsville, 137, 165.
- Brutus, The, 117, 118, 119, 120.
- Buffalo Bayou, 91, 97, 98, 99, 111, 115.
- Burleson, Edward, 65, 69, 73, 124, 138.
- Burnet, David G., 59, 87, 98, 105, 107, 108, 112, 120.
- Burton, Isaac, 112.
- Bustamente, 57, 61.
- By the Brazos, 74.
- C
- Cabet, Etienne, 148.
- Calder, Robert, 67, 106.
- Caldwell, Matthew, 122, 126.
- Canary Islands, 23.
- Cannon at Concepcion, 67.
- —— at Gonzales, 62.
- —— at San Jacinto, 99, 100.
- Capital, The, at Austin, 120, 138.
- —— at Columbia, 112.
- —— at Houston, 115, 126.
- —— at San Antonio, 50, 56.
- —— at Saltillo, 56, 60.
- —— at Washington, 130.
- Capitol, Dedication of, 178.
- Carankawaes, 5, 10, 42, 43, 77, 142.
- Cart War, 141.
- Cash, Mrs., 95.
- Castenado, Captain, 63.
- Castle of Perote, 127, 129, 139.
- Castro, Henry, 132.
- Cenis, 5, 6, 10, 142.
- Champ d’Asile, 44.
- Chrisman, Lieutenant, 148.
- Clark, Edward, 152.
- ClÈre, Le, 115.
- Coahuila, 9, 59.
- Coke, Richard, 169.
- Colita, Battle of, 92.
- Collingsworth, George A., 64.
- Colonists, 23, 24, 52, 53, 55.
- Colorado, Flood in, 175.
- Colorado River, 52, 122.
- Columbia, 111, 112, 113, 180.
- Comanches, 9, 19, 24, 30, 121, 140, 142, 147.
- Concepcion, Battle of, 67.
- —— Mission of, 20, 67, 127.
- Confederate States, The, 151, 166.
- Congress, The Texan, 105, 113, 115, 122, 126, 132.
- Considerant, Victor, 150.
- Cordero, Antonio, 55, 59.
- Corpus Christi, 137.
- Cortina, 151.
- Cos, Martin Perfecto de, 61, 66, 72.
- Cotton, Captain, 147.
- Cotton, Texas, 181.
- Council-house Fight, 121.
- Coushattis, 45, 142.
- Cowl and Carbine, 16.
- Crocker, Captain, 165.
- Crockett, David, 83, 86, 145.
- Culberson, Charles A., 169.
- Cushing, E. H., 159.
- D
- Davis, E. J., 168.
- Davis Guards, 163.
- Davis, Jefferson, 138.
- Dawson, Nicholas, 127.
- Declaration of Independence,
- Lamar, Mirabeau B., 120, 123, 139.
- Lanham, S. W. T., 177.
- Las Almagras, 20, 25.
- Lea, Edward, 162.
- Lee, Robert E., 151, 165.
- Les Vaches, 4, 143.
- Liberty, The, 117.
- Lincoln, Abraham, 151.
- Liotot, 7.
- Lively, The, 117.
- Lockhart, Matilda, 121.
- Long, David, 40, 46.
- —— General James, 40, 46, 49, 77.
- —— Mrs., 40, 46, 48, 53.
- Lubbock, F. R., 157.
- M
- Magee, Augustus W., 27, 28, 49.
- Magruder, John B., 160.
- Martinez, Governor, 50, 53.
- Massacre at Goliad, 95, 103.
- —— at San Saba, 20, 25.
- Matagorda Bay, 3, 156.
- Matamoras, 78, 137.
- McCulloch, Benjamin, 138, 155, 166.
- McLeod, General Hugh, 123, 139, 166.
- Messengers of Distress, 77.
- Mexico, 9, 24, 27, 42, 53, 55, 61, 74, 82, 111, 120, 124, 128, 132, 144.
- Mier, Battle of, 128.
- Milam, Benjamin, 64, 70, 128.
- Sam Houston Normal Institute, The, 170.
- San Antonio, 14, 18, 21, 23, 39, 45, 50, 56, 82, 83, 155, 180.
- San Bernard, Bay of, 3, 12.
- San Felipe de Austin, 50, 56, 62, 65, 69, 74, 76.
- San Fernando Church, 24.
- San Francisco, Mission of, 10.
- San Jacinto, Battle Ground, 174.
- San JosÉ, Mission of, 18, 23, 28, 180.
- San Patricio, 55, 81.
- San Pedro River, 83.
- San Saba Mission, 20, 25.
- Sandoval, Colonel, 65.
- Santa Anna, 58, 60, 83, 87, 96, 97, 102, 108, 124, 129, 131, 137, 139.
- Santa FÉ Expedition, 123, 139.
- Sayers, J. D., 169.
- School, Prairie View Normal, 170.
- School Tax, 172.
- Schools, Texas, 123, 141, 169, 182.
- Scott, General Winfield, 139.
- Seal, The Texas, 111.
- Secession of Texas, 152.
- Shackleford, Doctor, 76, 95.
- Sherffius, Henry, 159.
- Sheridan, General, 167.
- Sherman, General Sidney, 100.
- —— Lieutenant Sidney, 162.
- Sibley Expedition, 157