[Reprints indicated by heavy type.]
html#Page_1" class="pginternal">1 German Instruction in American Schools (L. Viereck), 2 German Lit. in Eng. before 1790 (J.L. Haney), 1 Germany, vii, 1, 2, 3, 6, 14, 15, 17, 19, 153, 155, 191 Gessner, 4, 5, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 25, 27, 29, 32, 35, 36, 39, 41, 43, 51, 58, 61, 65, 73, 75, 80, 81, 85 Goethe, 1, 5, 13, 17, 19, 20, 23, 24, 34, 80 Golden Verse of Pythagoras, 6 Gothic Castle, The, 138 GÖttingen, University of, 1, 2, 3 GÖttingische Anzeigen, 2 Gray, Thomas, vii, 18, 128, 159, 175 Grim, King of the Ghosts, 18, 152 Guardian Spirit, The (Matthisson), 67 Haller, 5, 16, 20, 21, 25, 27, 78 Haney, John L., 1 Hans Letter to Notchie, 151 Harvard University, 1, 3, 112 On Reading the Sorrows of Werter, 19, 129 On Singing Mozart's "Vergiss Me Nicht," 178 On the Battle of Hohenlinden (T. Campbell), 171, 180 On the compleat Victory, etc., 18, 96 On the Death, etc. (T. Campbell), 153 On the Death of Mr. Handel, 154 On the glorious Victory, etc., 18, 101 Orlando, 139 Paint King, The (W. Allston), 18, 19, 183, 189 Parody on BÜrger's Earl Walter, 18, 76, 165 Parson's Daughter, The (BÜrger), cf. Lass of Fair Wone, The. Passage from Klopstock's Messiah, 66 Patzke, 5, 20, 62 Peasant of the Alps, 134, 140 Pennsylvania Gazette, 13 Pennsylvania, University of, vii, 2, 194, 215 Philadelphia, 8, 215 Philadelphia Library Company, 9, 215 Philadelphia Magazines, etc. (A.H. Smyth), 8, 11 Phila. Repository, 16 Phila. Weekly Mercury, 13, 14 Philandreia, 96 Poem of Haller Versified, The, 78 Poetry, German lyric, 15 Port Folio, 3, 8 Prayer of Frederick II, etc., 18, 158 Pringle, Mr., 2 Pro Patri Mori (BÜrger), 31 Prologue to a Play, 95 Pye, J.H., 78 Quiz, 178 Ranz des Vaches, 16, 19, 156, 176 Relaxation of War (Frederick), 18, 110, 138, 140 Remarks on National Literature (W.E. Channing), 1 Report of the Commissioner of Education, 2 Royal Comet, The, 18, 75 Obvious printer's errors have been fixed. Varied spelling of the personal names has been retained. Fixed errors: - page 20—inserted a missing comma after 'Matthisson'
- page 49—typo fixed: changed 'lossened' to 'loosened'
- page 51—typo fixed: changed 'mispent' to 'misspent'
- page 62—typo fixed: changed 'Labt' to 'Lobt'
- page 71—typo fixed: changed 'stillet' to 'stiller'
- page 108—inserted a missing single quote after 'at stake!'
- page 112—typo fixed: changed 'withold' to 'withhold'
- page 131—inserted a missing quote in front of "I—yes,"
- page 135—typo fixed: changed 'happines' to 'happiness'
- page 141—typo fixed: changed 'watry' to 'wat'ry'
- page 144—typo fixed: changed 'hings' to 'hinges'
- page 145—inserted a missing quote after 'Thomas?'
- page 147—typo fixed: changed 'their' to 'there'
- page 165—typo fixed: changed 'Burger's' to 'BÜrger's'
- page 172—inserted a missing quote after 'blushing day!'
- page 175—inserted a missing quote after 'cask's out!'
- page 188—typo fixed: changed 'yes' to 'eyes'
- page 188—typo fixed: changed 'figer' to 'finger'
- page 194—inserted a missing quote in front of 'I must see thee'
- page 204—typo fixed: changed 'Helan' to 'Helen'
- page 204—typo fixed: changed 'Bulow' to 'BÜlov'
- page 205—inserted a missing quote in front of 'Memoirs of'
- page 211—typo fixed: changed 'Wollstencraft's' to 'Wollstoncraft's'
- page 217—inserted a missing comma after 'Scholar's'
- page 229—typo fixed: changed 'Willam' to 'William'