I will hereafter give in this column each month, as near as possible, the breeding places, and the time of nesting of the Birds of North America; beginning this month with the family Turdidae. 1. Wood Thrush—Hylocichla Mustelina—Nests usually found in low, damp woods. Dates of nesting, from May 10th to June 15th. 2. Wilson’s Thrush—Hylocichla fuscesceus—The situation of the nest is retired, and often in the depths of woods. Begins nesting about May 20th. 3. Gray-cheeked Thrush—Hylocichla aliciae—Low, damp woods and thickets. Begins nesting about May 1st. 4. Russet-backed Thrush—Hylocichla ustulata—Pacific coast regions abundant. Begins nesting about May 15th. 4a. Olive-backed Thrush—Hylocichla ustulata swainsoni—Dry, scrubby woods. Begins nesting about June 1st. 5. Dwarf Thrush—Hylocichla unalascae—Thick woods and swamps. Begins nesting early in May. 5b. Hermit Thrush—Hylocichla unalascae pallasi—Low, swampy places. Begins nesting June 1st. 7. American Robin—Merula Migratoria—Nests made near habitations. Nests from May 1st to July 25th. 7a. Western Robin—Merula Migratoria propinqua—Nesting habits similar to that of No. 7. 9. Varied Robin—Hesperocichla naevia—Inhabits all woodland. Begins nesting about May 10th. 10. Sage Thrasher—Oreoscoptes montanus—Inhabits open, mountainous countries. Begins nesting May 15th. 11. Mocking Bird—Mimus polyglottus—Nests placed in open country, orchards, vineyards, etc. Always near man. Begins nesting April 20th. 12. Catbird—Galeoscoptes carolinensis—In gardens or clearings of woods, always near habitations. Nests May 15th to July 1st. 13. Brown Thrasher—Harporhynchus rufus—In blackberry tangle or thickets, high or low land. May 10th to June 20th. 13a. Mexican Brown Thrasher—Harporhynchus rufus longirostris—Nesting 14. Saint Lucas Thrasher—Harporhynchus cinereus xantus—Uplands and high plains, in cactus and other bushes. Begins nesting about May 1st. 14a. Bendire’s Thrasher—Harporhynchus cinereus bendirei—Uplands and high plains. Begins nesting April 1st. 15. Curve-billed Thrasher—Harporhynchus curvirostris—Inhabits thick woods. Nest from May 1st to June 15th. 15a. Palmer’s Thrasher—Harporhynchus curvirostris palmeri—Desert regions of Arizona. Begins nesting about the 10th of May. 16. California Thrasher—Harporhynchus redivivus—Coast region of California, in a clump of bushes, or dense chaparral. Begins nesting early in February. 16a. Leconte’s Thrasher—Harporhynchus redivivus lecontei—Frequents open countries. Begins nesting early in April. 17. Rufus-Vented Thrasher—Harporhynchus crissalis—Common in chapparral thickets, and well shaded undergrowths. Begins nesting early in April. (Continued.) |