One would, with a general knowledge of the nesting habits of the Jays, look for their nests in trees and bushes; but with the recent observations on the habits of this bird, by N. S. Goss, in the Auk, April, 1885, we have additional light thrown upon the subject. He found quite a number of nests of the Blue-fronted Jay in the vicinity of Julian, California, in the spring of 1884, and “in all cases but one, in holes and trough-like cavities in trees and stubs, ranging from four to fifty feet from the ground, generally ten to twenty feet. The nest found outside was built upon a large horizontal limb of an oak close beside a gnarl, the sprout-like limbs of which thickly covered the nest overhead, and almost hid it from view below.” They were quite bulky, loosely made of sticks, stems of weeds, and lined with fibrous rootlets and grasses; and, as they were all built at or near the opening, the tell-tale sticks projected and made the finding of the nests not difficult. Mr. Goss gives the color of the eggs as light blue, speckled and spotted with dark brown, rather thickest at large end, and the measurements of two sets, as follows: One taken May 19, 1.20 by .87, 1.20 by .88, 1.21 by .88; May 21, 1.22 by .88, 1.15 by .86, 1.19 by .86, 1.16 by .85.
Mr. W. O. Emerson informs me that he finds the nests in the vicinity of Haywards, Cal., placed in oaks, redwood and other tall trees.