Birds of Pennsylvania.


The following data is taken from notes made during a series of years, all within this state, and all from personal observation.

(“C” means common, “R” means rare.)

1. Wood Thrush. (C). Breeds May 1st, to June 15th. Nests generally placed in thick woods, near clearings.

2. Wilson’s Thrush. (R). Breeds June 2nd. Nests placed in thickets, with southern exposure.

7. American Robin. (C). Breeds May 1st to July 25th. Nests made near habitations, in trees, outhouses, anywhere almost.

11. Mocking Bird. (R). Only one known instance in Delaware county.

12. Catbird. (C). Breeds May 15th to July 1st. Nests placed in gardens or clearings of woods, always near man.

13. Brown Thrasher. (C). Breeds May 15th to June 20th. Nests found in blackberry tangle or thickets, high or lowland.

22. Bluebird. (C). Breeds May 1st to July 20th. Nests found anywhere, in bird boxes, natural holes in trees, etc.

41. Black-capped Chickadee. (C). Breeds May 10th to 25th. Nests found in timber cleared districts, in stumps about 6 feet high.

51. White-bellied Nuthatch. (R). Breeds April 15th to May 1st. Nests found in excavated holes, remote from habitation.

60. Carolina Wren. (C). Breeds April 8th to May 10th, (two broods). Nests found about rocks, remote from habitation.

63. House Wren. (C). Breeds May 15th to June 10th. Nests found in Orchards, or about farm houses.

67. Long-billed Marsh Wren. (C). Breeds June 12th to 18th. Nest found in low, fresh meadows.

93. Summer Yellowbird. (C). Breeds June 10th to 20th. Nests found near running water, in low, flat country.

99. Chestnut-sided Warbler. (R). Breeds June 20th. Nests found in pastures, or small woods.

115. Golden-crowned Thrush (C). Breeds June 10th to 25th. Nests found on the ground, in deep woods.

123. Yellow-breasted Chat. (C). Breeds May 28th to June 10th. Nests found in upland thickets, southern exposure.

128. American Redstart. (R). Breeds June 15th. Nests placed near roadsides.

135. Red eyed Vireo. (C). Breeds June 10th to 20th. Nest found in woods of young trees, not over ten feet from the ground.

139. Warbling Vireo. (C). Breeds June 10th to 20th. Nests placed in trees, generally 25 feet from the ground, or more.

143. White-eyed Vireo. (R). Breeds June 10th to 20th. Nests placed in blackberry thickets, near the ground.

151. Cedar Waxwing. (C). Breeds June 15th to 25th. Nests generally found in orchards.

152. Purple Martin. (C). Breeds June 2nd. Nests placed in bird boxes.

153. Cliff Swallow. (C). Breeds June 1st to 5th. Nests placed in barns and under eaves.

154. Barn Swallow. (C). Breeds June 1st to 15th. Nests placed in barns.

155. White-bellied Swallow. (R). Breeds June 1st to 15th. Nests placed in bird boxes.

157. Bank Swallow. (C). Breeds May 22 to June 1st. Nest placed in sand banks, etc., at the end of a burrow.

161. Scarlet Tanager. (C). Breeds June 10th. Nest found in deep woods.

E. S. English Sparrow. (C). Too well known to detail.

181. American Goldfinch. (C). Breeds from July 15th to Aug. 20th. Nests found by a roadside, or in orchards.

197. Grass Finch. (C). Breeds June 10th. Nests placed in pastures or meadow.

198. Yellow-winged Sparrow. (R). Breeds June 25th. Nests placed in meadows or pasture.

211. Chipping Sparrow. (C). Breeds May 8th to June 30th. Nests near houses or in parks.

214. Field Sparrow. (C). Breeds May 1st to June 10th. Nests placed on or near the ground, in high country generally.

231. Song Sparrow. (C). Breeds May 1st to June 30th. (three broods). Nests found anywhere.

233. Swamp Sparrow. (R). Breeds July 4th. Nests placed in swampy meadows.

237. Chewink; Towhee. (C). Breeds June 1st to 15th. Nests placed on the ground in open woodland.

242. Cardinal Grosbeak. (C). Breeds April 20th to May 30th. Nests found in wooded tangle and briars.

244. Rose-breasted Grosbeak. (R). Breeds June 10th. Nests found in borders of woods.

248. Indigo Bunting. (C). Breeds June 2nd. Nests placed in blackberry tangle in open fields.

257. Bobolink. (R). Seldom found breeding in southern Pennsylvania.

258. Cowbird. (C). Breeds from April to August. Eggs placed in nests of Pewees, Sparrows, Chats, Tanagers, etc.

261. Red and Black, Sh’d Blackbird. (C). Breeds May 20th to June 20th. Nests placed on the ground, or in low bushes in swampy places.

263. Meadow Lark. (C). Breeds May 20th to June 30th. Nests placed in dry pastures and fields.

270. Orchard Oriole. (C). Breeds June 5th to 20th. Nests placed in orchards.

271. Baltimore Oriole. (C). Breeds June 5th to 20th. Nests found near houses generally.

278. Purple Grackle. (C). Breeds April 25th. Nesting in colonies, in cedar trees.

282. Common Crow. (C). Breeds April 15th to 30th. Nests placed in very high trees in woods.

289. Blue Jay. (R). Breeds April 15th to 30th. Nests found in deep woods.

304. Kingbird. (C). Breeds June 1st to 20th. Nests placed in sycamore trees, or in orchards.

312. Gt. Crested Flycatcher. (C). Breeds June 1st to 20th. Nests found in orchards, in natural cavities of trees.

315. Pewee; Phoebebird. (C). Breeds April 20th to June 10th. Nests placed under bridges or eaves of small spring houses, etc.

320. Wood Pewee. (C). Breeds June 1st. Nests placed in woods or orchards.

324. Acadian Flycatcher. (C). Breeds June 5th to 20th. Nests found near running water or sloping ground.

335. Ruby-throated Hummingbird. (R). Breeds June 1st to 15th. Nests found near a spring of water in orchard or woods.

351. Chimney Swift. (C). Breeds July 1st to 15th. Nests placed in chimneys.

357. Night Hawk. (C). Breeds June 1st to 20th. Nests placed on bare ground on an elevated plateau.

361. Downy Woodpecker. (R). Breeds in May. Nests placed in excavated holes in woods.

575. Red-headed Woodpecker. (C). Breeds June 15th. Nests placed in solitary trees in fields.

378. Yellow-shafted Flicker. (C). Breeds May 15th to June 15th. Nests placed anywhere.

382. Belted Kingfisher. (C). Breeds May 10th to June 15th. Nests placed in holes in banks along streams in low lands.

387. Yellow-billed Cuckoo. (C). Breeds June 5th to 12th. Nests placed in densest thickets of bramble and grapevine.

388. Black-billed Cuckoo. (C). Breeds same as preceding species.

394. Am. Barn Owl. (R). Breeds April 1st to 15th. Nests placed in dead trees, on low meadow lands.

402. Little Screech Owl. (C). Breeds April 1st to 15th. Nests placed in beech trees, or apple trees.

420. Sparrow Hawk. (C). Breeds May 1st to June 1st. Nests placed in holes of dead trees, anywhere.

425. Fish Hawk. Common in New Jersey, but rare in Pennsylvania.

431. Cooper’s Hawk. (C). Breeds April 10th to May 1st. Nests generally placed in deep and solitary woods, in large trees.

432. Sharp-shinned Hawk. (R). Same as 431.

436. Red-tailed Hawk. (R), Same as 431.

439. Red-shouldered Hawk. (R). Same as 431.

443. Broad-winged Hawk. (R). Same as 431.

460. Mourning Dove. (C). Breeds May 1st to June 30th (2 broods). Nests found remote from man, in silent places.

480. Bobwhite. (C). Breeds May 20th to June 30th. Nests on the ground in field or pasture.

494. Green Heron. (C). Breeds May 10th to June 10th. Nests placed in large trees, sometimes in orchards near swamps.

516. Killdeer. (C). Breeds June 1st to 15th. Eggs placed on ground (no nest), on a slope near water.

557. Spotted Sandpiper. (C). Breeds June 1st to 15th. No nest. Eggs placed on the ground, on a slope near water.

The Rails breed plentifully on New Jersey coast, but sparsely in Pennsylvania.

613. Summer Duck. (R). Breeds May to June 15th. Nest placed in hollow tree near water.

In filling out the above data, I have omitted several species which occasionally breed here.

Harry G. Parker.

Chester, Delaware Co., Pa.


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