Table of Contents

Chapter Page
I. The Fief of St. Aliquis; Its History and Denizens 1
II. The Castle of St. Aliquis 16
III. How the Castle Wakes. Baronial Hospitality 41
IV. Games and Diversions. Falconry and Hunting. The Baroness's Garden 51
V. The Family of the Baron. Life of the Women 70
VI. The Matter of Clothes. A Feudal Wedding 88
VII. Cookery and Mealtimes 113
VIII. The Jongleurs and Secular Literature and Poetry 132
IX. The Feudal Relationship. Doing Homage 146
X. Justice and Punishments 159
XI. The Education of a Feudal Nobleman 176
XII. Feudal Weapons and Horses. Dubbing a Knight 189
XIII. The Tourney 208
XIV. A Baronial Feud. The Siege of a Castle 224
XV. A Great Feudal Battle—Bouvines 241
XVI. The Life of the Peasants 253
XVII. Charity. Care of the Sick. Funerals 275
XVIII. Popular Religion. Pilgrimages. Superstitions. Relic Worship 286
XIX. The Monastery of St. Aliquis: Buildings, Organization. An Ill-Ruled Abbey 312
XX. The Monastery of St. Aliquis: The Activities of Its Inmates. Monastic Learning 330
XXI. The "Good Town" of Pontdebois: Aspect and Organization 343
XXII. Industry and Trade in Pontdebois. The Great Fair 357
XXIII. The Lord Bishop. The Canons. The Parish Clergy 373
XXIV. The Cathedral and Its Builders 393


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