How Hildebrand gave a Battle Cry 1
I. How Baron William sallied forth 13
II. How Richard won Three Friends 24
III. How Richard won a Brother 37
IV. How Richard went to Palermo 46
V. How Richard won Two Foes 53
VI. How Rollo met Insult 64
VII. How De Valmont sent his Gage 74
VIII. How Iftikhar sped a Vain Arrow 81
IX. How Trenchefer drove Home 94
X. How Iftikhar said Farewell to Sicily 113
XI. How Richard fared to Auvergne 121
XII. How Richard came to St. Julien 127
XIII. How Richard sinned against Heaven 138
XIV. How Richard's Sin was rewarded 148
XV. How Richard found the Crucifix 158
XVI. How Lady Ide forgave Richard 168
XVII. How Richard saw Peter the Hermit 179
XVIII. How Richard met Godfrey of Bouillon 187
XIX. How Richard took the Cross 195
XX. How Richard received Great Mercy 206
XXI. How Richard returned to La Haye 214
XXII. How Richard parted with his Brother 224
XXIII. How Iftikhar's Messenger returned 235
XXIV. How they slew the First Infidel 247
XXV. How Duke Godfrey saved the Day 258
XXVI. How Richard was again chastened 272
XXVII. How the Army came to Antioch 283
XXVIII. How Richard regained his Brother 293
XXIX. How Iftikhar bore Home his Prize 302
XXX. How there was Festival at Aleppo 315
XXXI. How Mary redeemed her Soul 328
XXXII. How Morgiana proffered Two Cups

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