PAGE Greeting.—The Broad District.—Hickling Broad.—Felling a Tree.—Dodging the Swallows.—Shooting the Crossbills.—The Boat-house. Stuffing the Crossbills.—The proposed Yacht.—An impaled Woodcock. A Momentous Decision. Digging for PupÆ.—Dick Carleton.—Metamorphoses of Butterfly. Building the Yacht.—The Launch.—Great Crested Grebe's nest.—A floating Coot's nest.—Golden Crested Wrens.—Their Migration.—The Flight of a Heron. Mr. Meredith.—"Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might."—A Botanical Lecture.—The Goat Moth.—Blowing up a Tree.—An astonished Cow.—Caterpillars in the Wood. A Trial Sail.—Preparing for a Cruise.—Charging a Reed Bed.—An explosion of Birds.—The First Adventure.—Orange-Tip Butterfly.—No Salt.—How Salt is obtained. An Eerie Night.—A Ghostly Apparition.—The Barn Owl.—A Will-o'-the-Wisp.—The Ruff and Reeve.—Snaring Ruffs.—A Nest.—Wroxham Broad.—Mud-boards and Leaping-pole.—Wild Duck's Nest in a Tree. Chameleon.—Light-coloured Eggs.—Sitting Birds have no Scent.—Forget-me-nots.—Trespassing.—The Owner.—A Chase.—Capture.—Pintail Duck.—Drumming of Snipe.—Swallow-tail Butterfly.—A Perilous Adventure. Moonlight.—Instinct and Reason.—Death's Head Moth.—Bittern.—Water-rail.—Quail.—Golden Plover.—Hen-Harrier and Weasel.—Preserving Bird-skins. To the Rescue.—A Long-tailed Tit's Nest.—A Shower of Feathers. Yarmouth.—The "Rows."—A Stiff Breeze.—An Exciting Sail.—Sparrow-hawk's Nest.—A Nasty Fall.—Long-eared Owl.—Partridge.—Sandpiper. A Grizzly Bear.—Gossamers.—Strike only on the Box. Oulton Broad.—Lateeners.—Lowestoft.—Ringed Plover's Nest.—Oyster-catcher.—Shore-fishing.—A Perilous Sail. Animals which never die.—A Wonderful Tip to his Tail.—Thunderstorm.—Swan's Nest.—Bearded Tit.—Reed-wrens and Cuckoo. CHAPTER XVI.104 Old School-fellows.—Tom-Tit's Nest in Boot.—Nuthatch.— Wryneck.—Ant-hill.—Marsh-Tit.—A Comical Fix. The Boat-race.—Winning.—Mr. Marston.—Nightingale and Nest.—The noise of the Nightingales. A queer Umbrella.—Visit to Scoulton Gullery.—Driving Tandem.—Running away.—Black-headed Gulls.—Collecting the Eggs.—Carp.—Wood Argus Butterfly.—Scarlet Pimpernel.—Grasshopper Warbler.—Chiff-Chaff.—Gall-Fly.—Robins' Pincushions. CHAPTER XIX.132 Back again.—Taken in Tow.—Bobbing for Eels.—Glow-worms.—Home.—Urticating Caterpillars. CHAPTER XX.137 Golden Oriole.—Landrail.—House-martins in Trouble.—Siskin.—Peacock and Red Admiral Butterflies.—Winchat's Nest.—Bitten by a Viper.—Viper and Snake.—Slow-worm. CHAPTER XXI.149 Fishing.—Jimmy's Dodge.—Bream-fishing.—Good Sport.—Fecundity of Fish.—Balance Float.—Fish-hatching.—Edith Rose.—A Night Sail. Calling for Landrails.—Landrail Shamming Death.—Yellow-Under-wing Moth and Wasp.—Dragon-Fly and Butterfly.—Stink-horn Fungus.—Sundew. Setting Night-Lines.—An Encounter with Poachers. Water Insects.—Aquaria. CHAPTER XXV.176 Making a Fern Case.—Ferns.—Harvest Mouse.—Mole.—Ladybird.—Grasses. The Life of a Fern. On the "War-path."—Rabbit-shooting.—Flapper-shooting.—Duck-shooting.—Wood-pigeons.—Life in an Oak-tree.— Burying-beetles.—Lace-wing Fly.—Stag-beetle.—Hair-worm. Purple Emperor.—His taste for Carrion.—Woodpecker.—Blue and Small Copper Butterflies.—Buff-tip Moth.—Moths at Ivy.—Strange-looking Caterpillars. How to Attract Perch.—Perch-fishing.—Pike.—Good Sport.—Plaster Casts.—Model Eggs. CHAPTER XXX.214 Eel-fishing.—Setting the Nets.—Elvers.—The Merivale Float. Hawking. Heron-hawking.—Great Bustard.—Stock-Dove in Rabbit-hole.—"Dowe" Dogs.—Search for Bustard's Egg. Water-hen swallowed by Pike.—Casting-net.—Trapping Water-hen for Bait.—A Monster Pike. Fishing on Stilts.—A Capsize.—Wild-fowl Shooting.—A Flare-up. Punt-shooting on Breydon.—A Narrow Escape. Drifted to Sea.—A Perilous Position.—Rescue. The Broad Frozen.—Skating.—Fish Frozen in Ice.—Birds Frozen to the Ice.—Ice Ships. The Thaw.—Cromer.—Prehistoric Remains. The Boys' Note Book. CHAPTER XL.259 The Regatta.—The "Waterlog's" Victory. CHAPTER XLI.264 The Conclusion. |