- Air-bubbles, 56.
- Air-pump, 13;
- use of, 57.
- Alcock, Dr., on tongues of Mollusca, 118.
- AlgÆ, mounting of, 91.
- Anacharis alsinastrum, rotation in, 143;
- to cultivate, 144.
- Animal tissues, dissection of, 114.
- AntennÆ of insects, 71;
- in preservative liquid, 94.
- Apparatus required in mounting objects, i.
- Arteries, how to distinguish, in injection, 131.
- Asparagus, spiral vessels of, 114.
- Asphaltum, 15;
- and india-rubber, as cement and varnish, 18.
- Bat, circulation of blood in wings of, 142.
- Beale’s, Dr., Prussian blue for injecting, 134;
- carmine, 135.
- Bell-glasses, use of, 12.
- Berg-mehl, 40.
- Bermuda earth, 40.
- Bichromate of lead, injection with, 132.
- Bird, Dr. Golding, on preparation of Zoophytes, 65.
- Black-japan, as a cement, 16.
- Black varnish, 18.
- Blood, as a microscopic object, 50;
- circulation of, 140–142.
- Bone, sections of, 102;
- fossil, 103.
- Brass plate for heating glasses, &c., 13.
- CactaceÆ, raphides of, 52.
- Camel-hair pencils, use of, 10.
- Canada balsam, 14;
- with chloroform, 14, 60, 132;
- with turpentine, 14;
- air bubbles in, 56;
- Dr. Carpenter’s syringe for, 59;
- to fill cells with, 60;
- mounting of objects in, 56.
- Carbolic acid, 86.
- Carmine injecting fluid, Dr. Beale’s, 135:
- Dale & Davies’, 138.
- Cartilage, dissection of, 114.
- Castor oil, as a preservative, 86.
- Cells for dry objects, 6;
- with rings of cardboard, 7;
- with gutta-percha, 7;
- with leather, 7;
- with ivory, 8;
- with thin glass, 7;
- with varnish, 23, 26;
- for balsam, 60;
- for preservative liquids, 87–89;
- Shadbolt’s turntable useful in making, 107;
- scales of, 46, 81.
- Liquid-glue, 16.
- Lungs of animals injected, 137.
- Mallow, pollen of, 47.
- Marine glue, 15, 88.
- Microscope for dissection, 111.
- Miscellaneous, vii., 140.
- Mites, 73.
- Molluscs, tongues of, 116.
- Mosses, 51;
- in preservative fluids, 91.
- Mould (see Fungi).
- Mounting objects, apparatus for, i.;
- dry, ii., 22;
- in Canada balsam, iii., 56;
- in cells, iv., 83.
- Mouse, ear of, 114;
- circulation of blood in, 142.
- Mouth of insects, 72.
- Muscle, dissection of, 114.
- Needles, how to mount, 10;
- for dissection, 112;
- curved, for injection, 123.
- Nervous tissue, dissection of, 115.
- Nettle leaf, 52.
- Newts, injected, 136.
- Onion, raphides of, 52.
- Orbitolite, section of, 97.
- Oxalurate of ammonia, crystals of, 75.
- Palates of Molluscs (see tongues).
- Papers, ornamental, to cover slides, 8, 27.
- Photographs, microscopic, to produce, 147;
- Mr. Shadbolt on, 149.
- Pipes for injecting syringe, 122.
- Podura, scales of, 49.
- Polariscope, objects for, 74–82, 104.
- Pollen, 47, 74.
- Polycystina, preparation and mounting of, 63.
- Preservative liquids, iv., 83;
- cells suited for, 87–89.
- Prussian blue for injection, 134.
- Raphides, vegetable, 52, 80.
- Rhinoceros, horn of, 104.
- Rhubarb, spiral vessels of, 113.
- Rings and cross of crystals, 109.
- Rotation of fluid in cells of plants, 143–145.
- Rush, section of, 108.