

Those marked with [*] are either printed for the first time, or for the first time published among Davies' Poems.

Note 3
Ad Musam 7
Of a Gull 8
In Ruffum 10
In Quintum 10
In Plurimos 11
In Titam 12
In Faustum 12
In Katum 13
In Librum 14
In Medontem 14
In Gellam 15
In Quintum 15
In Severum 15
In Leucam 16
In Macrum 17
In Fastum 17
In Cosmum 18
In Flaccum 18
In Cineam 19
In Gerontem 20
In Marcum 21
In Ciprum 21
In Cineam 22
In Decium 24
In Gellam 26
In Syllam 27
In Haywodum 29
In Dacum 30
In Priscum 31
In Brunum 31
In Francum 31
In Castorem 32
In Septimium 32
Of Tobacco 32
In Crassum 35
In Philonem 36
In Fuscum 37
In Afram 38
In Paulum 39
In Licum 40
In Publium 40
In Sillam 41
In Dacum 42
In Marcum 43
Meditations of a Gull 43
Ad Musam 44
*Appendix to Epigrams 47
*In Superbiam 47
*Epi. 5 48
*Epi. 6 48
*In Amorosum 48
*Epi. 9 49
*Epi. 10 49
*Epitaph and Epigram 50
V. Gullinge Sonnets
Note 53
Dedicatory Sonnet—To His Good Friends Sr Anth. Cooke. 55
*Gullinge Sonnets 57
Minor Poems:
*I. Yet Other Twelve Wonders of the World—
*The Courtier 65
*The Divine 66
*The Souldier 67
*The Lawyer 67
*The Physitian 68
*The Merchant 68
*The Country Gentleman 69
*The Country Gentleman 69
*The Bacheler 69
*The Married Man 69
*The Wife 70
*The Widdow 70
*The Maid 71
*II. A Contention betwixt a Wife, a Widdow, and a Maide 72
*III. A Lottery. Presented before the late Queenes Maiesty at the Lord Chancelors House, 1601 87
*The Lots 89
*IV. Canzonet. A Hymne in Praise of Musicke 96
*V. Ten Sonets to Philomel:
*Vpon Loues entring by the Ears 99
*Of his owne, and his Mistresse sicknesse at one time 100
*Another of her sicknesse and recovery 101
*Allusion to Theseus voyage to Crete, against the Minotaure 102
*Vpon her looking secretly out at a window as he passed by 102
*To the Sunne of his Mistresse beauty eclipsed with frownes 104
*Vpon sending her a gold ring with this Posie 104
*The hearts captivitie 105
*VI. To George Chapman on his Ovid 107
*VII. Reason's Moane 108
*VIII. On the Death of Lord Chancellor Ellesmere's Second Wife in 1599 112
*IX. Tityrus to his faire Phillis 114
*Upon a Coffin by S. J. D. 115
*X. Epitaph and Epigram 116
*Hitherto Unpublished Poems:
Note 119
*Metaphrase of some of the Psalms 127
Miscellaneous Poems. Hitherto Unpublished.
*Of Faith the first Theologicall Vertue 211
*A Songe of Contention betweene Fowre Maids concerninge that which addeth most perfection to that sexe 212
*A Maid's Hymne in Praise of Virginity 213
*Part of an Elegie in Praise of Marriage 215
*A Fragment of a Love Elegie 217
*To the Q:[Queene] 222
*To Faire Ladyes 223
*Upon a Paire of Garters 224
*To his Lady-love 225
*Tobacco 226
*Elegies of Loue 227
*The Kinges Welcome 229
*To the Kinge upon his Ma'ties first comming into England 233
*To the Queene at the same time 236
*Mira loquor sol occubuit nox nulla secuta est 237
*Charles his Waine 237
*Of the name of Charolus, being the diminutive of Charus 238
*Verses sent to the Kinge with Figges: by Sr John Davis 234
*Love Lines 239
*Love Flight 240
*An Elegiecall Epistle on Sir John Davis death 241
*Entertainment of Queen Elizabeth at Harefield by the Countesse of Derby 243
Note 244
*The Complaint of the V Satyres against the Nymphs 256
Errata x


A very few 'slips' have met my eyes on a final reading. They are—as says an ancient Divine—"as easily corrected as espied." Nevertheless they are here recorded that the Reader of his charity may put them right, and any others that may have escaped Editor and Printer. In Nosce Teipsum, the heading and head-line (Vol. I., pp. 25, 26 onward) has 'Immortalitie' misprinted 'Immortalite'—a common contemporary spelling—but it is 'tie' in the title-page (p. 5): ib. p. 80, l. 15, read 'be best.' In Hymnes to AstrÆa, ib. p. 147, l. 3, remove period (.) after 'rayes.' In Orchestra, ib. p. 181, st. 53, l. 7, read 'perfect-cunning': p. 185, foot-note 7, put G. at end: p. 192, st. 81, l. 7, 'Ply' = entwine (omitted): p. 194, foot-note 7, is 'coach,' not 'couch': p. 202, l. 10, 'shoe' was the contemporary spelling: p. 204, st. 113, l. 6, insert 'it' before 'shine.'—G.


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