
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P, R, S, T, V, W

An Argument in behalf of the Science of a Connoisseur,” 8
Armstrong, Sir Walter, 39
Bleackley’s, Horace, “Ladies Fair and Frail,” 39
British Painting in the Eighteenth Century, 2
Burke, Edmund, 16
Burney Family, 41
Catts’, Jacob, Book of Emblems, 6
Chudleigh, Miss, commissioned to paint, 9
Dilettanti Society, 35
Dulwich Gallery, 44
Elizabeth, Queen, 36
“English Society of the Eighteenth Century in Contemporary Art,” 10
Farington, Joseph, R.A., 20
Fisher, Kitty, 39
Gainsborough, Thomas, 14, 37, 51
Hogarth, William, 2, 11, 39
Portrait of Bishop of Winchester, 29
Holbein’s Duchess of Milan, 35
Hoppner, 14
Hudson, Thomas, 8, 20
Johnson, Samuel, 17, 41
Keppel, Captain, invites Reynolds to accompany him to the Mediterranean, 12
Lawrence, Sir Thomas, 14
Lucan, Lord, 39
Malone, Edmund, 16, 21, 47
Marlborough Group, 11
Mason’s “Observations on Sir Joshua Reynolds’ Method of Colouring,” 22
Metastasio, 25
Michel Angelo, 14, 15, 52
Morland, George, 16
Mudge, Rev. Zachariah, 17
Northcote, James, R.A., 9, 31, 45, 49
Pictures by Sir Joshua Reynolds
A Gipsy telling Fortunes, 48
A Holy Family, 48
Boy in a Turban, 20
Captain Keppel, 20, 22, 30, 31
Captain Orme, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33
Cardinal Beaufort, 48, 51
Charity, 50
Continence of Scipio, 48, 51
Conversation Piece, 10
Count Hugolino, 48
Heads of Angels, 52
Infant Hercules, 33, 48, 49, 51
Kitty Fisher, 39
Ladies Sarah Lenox, Susan Strangways, and Charles James Fox, 34
Ladies Waldegrave, 35
Lady Caroline Russell, 35
Lady Elizabeth Keppel, 34, 35, 36
Lord Heathfield, 32
Lord Holderness, 22
Lord Ligonier, 28, 32, 33
Lords Huntingdon and Stormont, 22
Macbeth, 48, 51
Mr. Fane and his Two Guardians, 32
Mrs. Bonfoy, 36
Mrs. Molesworth, 37
Mrs. Siddons as the Tragic Muse, 43
Muscipula, 33
Nelly O’Brien, 41
Pitt (Lord Chatham), 39
Polly Kennedy, 42
Puck, 51
Sleeping Girl, 33
The Age of Innocence, 52
The Graces adorning a Term of Hymen, 47
The Marlborough Family, 47
The Nativity, 48, 50
The Strawberry Girl, 52
Tuccia, the Vestal Virgin, 48
Plympton, Birthplace of Reynolds, 5
Reynolds, Sir Joshua, birth of, 5
drawing of Plympton School, 7
early efforts, 5
effects of his studies in Italy, 19
England’s debt to, 52
entries in his pocket-book, 28
introduction to Captain Keppel, 11
lecturing at the Academy, 14
letter to Sir Charles Bunbury, 43
letter to Valentine Green, 46
memoranda of his efforts in Beechey’s Memoir, 24
painting The Infant Hercules, 48
portrait of himself, 9
President of the Royal Academy, 42
prices obtained for pictures commissioned, 48
residence in Italy, 12
sent to London, 8
settled at Plymouth, 9
studied under Thomas Hudson, 8
success and continued improvement, 25
three years’ tour, 19
Leslie and Taylor’s Life of, 16
Reynolds, Rev. Samuel, 5
Richardson, Jonathan, 7, 29
“Essay on the whole Art of Criticism as it relates to Painting,” 8
“An argument in behalf of the Science of Connoisseur,” 8
Romney, George, 14, 37, 38
Shakespeare, Quotation from, 32
Siddons, Mrs., story of her portrait by Sir Joshua, 44
Taylor, Tom, 37, 41, 49
Thornhill, Sir James, 2
Veronese, Paul, 35
Walpole, Horace, 8
West, Benjamin, 15
Westmorland, Earl of, Collection, 32



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