A Cheap Charcoal Stove48
Approximate Measures116
Baking Powders15
Bay Rum, Best40
Blood Purifier, Dr. Hamilton’s120
Blood Purifying Tea121
Breath Solution34
Butter Color125
Care of Teeth, Mouth, and Breath32
Cascara Cordial120
Catarrh Remedy, Electric121
Catarrh Snuff122
Catarrh Salve122
Cements and Glue24
Armenian Glue24
Glutina Cement24
Iron Cement25
Metal, Glass, and Stone Cement25
Cement, Rubber123
Chapped Hands, etc., Lotion for39
Chilblains, Treatment of42, 43
Cider, Artificial15
Cleaning Preparations7
Lightning Grease Renovator7
Glove-Cleaning Compound7
Cleaning Tarnished Silverware8
Cleaning Carpets8
Universal Stain-Removing Table9
Cleaning Soiled Wall-paper12
Cleaning Marble and Tombstones13
Cleaning Powder for Show-windows, etc.13
Cologne, Hoyt’s German41
Common Names of Chemical Substances117
Copying Paper, Magic6
Copying Pad, Gelatine1
Perspiration Powder42
Phrases and Abbreviations Used in Prescriptions114, 115
Pimple Lotion40
Plating Without a Battery31
Silver-Plating Solution31
Silvering Powder31
Gold Plating Solution31
Nickeling Iron31
Polishing Preparations12
Polishing Powder12
Polishing Pastes and Balls13
Preservative Compounds49
Barff’s Boroglyceride49 to 57
Fickett’s Preservative Compound57
Howard’s Preservative Compound58
Preservation of Butter, Lard, etc.58
Corwin’s Preservative Compound59
Fruit Juice Preservatives59
Smoke or Vapor Preserving Compounds60
Salicylic Acid as a Preservative60 to 64
Radway’s Ready Relief120
Red Noses, Preparation for39
Rose Water, Fine40
Rubber Patching123
Rubber Stamps, How to Make17
Sea Foam, Quillaya41
Shampoo Compound, Clifford’s41
Shirts, How to Iron10
Silos and Ensilage73 to 84
Stage Illusions85
The Three-Headed Woman85 to 87
The Mysterious Voice87 to 89
An Improved Psycho89 to 92
Magic Cabinets, Boxes, etc.92 to 96
The Swinging Half Lady


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