Mediaeval names of persons are arranged alphabetically under the English form of the Christian name.
"pginternal">78, 81, 174. Azzo, marquis of Este, 72, note. Bagora, Mount (Macedonia), 99, note. Bagulatus, Mons, see Bagora. Baldric, archbishop of Dol, historian of the First Crusade, 208, 221. Baldwin, count of Edessa, brother of Godfrey of Bouillon, 104, note, 111, 196, note, 235. Baldwin V, count of Flanders, 4, 155, note. Baldwin VII, count of Flanders, 182. Ballinger, John, 188, note. Ballon (Sarthe), castle, 70, 71, 225. Bardarium, see Vardar. Barfleur (Manche), 161, 164. Bari (province of Bari), 97, 98; see St. Nicholas, church of. Barnwell (Cambridgeshire), priory, 95, 225. Bartholomew, abbot of Marmoutier, 12. Bath, bishop of, see John. Battle of Ascalon, 115-116; of BrÉmule, 182; of Dorylaeum, 103; of Gerberoy, 26-27; with Kerboga of Mosul, 107; of Tinchebray, 173-176, 245-248. Baudart, 196. Bavent (Calvados), 71, note, 75, 79. Bayeux (Calvados), 15, note, 16, 51, note, 53, note, 55, note, 91, note, 153, note, 159, 160, 165, 166, 167, 225; bishop of, see Odo, Thorold. Bazoge, La (Sarthe), 224. Beaumont-le-Roger (Eure), 140, 145, 156. Beaumont-sur-Sarthe (Sarthe), 14. Beauvais, abbey at, see Saint-Quentin. Bec-Hellouin (Eure), Le, abbey, 81, 83, 104. Cintheaux (Calvados), 167. Clarence, river, 127, 144, note. Gournay (Seine-InfÉrieure), 54, 56. Grandor of Douai, trouvÈre, 192, note, 197, note. GravenÇon (Seine-InfÉrieure), 71, note, 75. Great St. Bernard, pass over the Alps, 96. Gregory VII, pope, 30. Guibert, anti-pope, see Clement III. Guibert of Nogent, 208, 234, 239, 240. Guinemer of Boulogne, pirate chief, 235, 237, 238. Guise, W. V., 189, note. Gulfer, son of Aimeric de Villeray, 23. Guy, son of Gerard le Duc, 223. Guy de SarcÉ, 224. Hagenmeyer, Heinrich, 96, note, 104, note, 209, 250, 251. Hainovilla, 79. Halphen, Louis, 9, note. Hamo de Huna, 224. Harim (Syria), 105. Harold, king of the English, 12, note, 40, 232, note. Harvard Historical Studies, 207. Haskins, C. H., 81, note, 207, 217, note. Hastings (Sussex), 73, note, 84, 86; battle of Hastings or Senlac, 12, note, 15, note. Helias, count of Maine, son of John of La FlÈche, 70, 71, 72, 74, 94, 95, note, 125, 126, 164, 167, 174, 178, 247. Helias of Saint-SaËns, 39, 55, 75, 85, 181; his wife a natural daughter of Robert Curthose, 39. Henry, earl of Warwick, son of Roger of Beaumont, 28, 128. Henry, son of William de ColombiÈres, 139, 224. Ivo Taillebois, 104, 110. Osmond de GaprÉe, 70, note. Otranto (province of Lecce), 193. Pain de Mondoubleau, 70, 223, 225. Pain Peverel, 95, 225-226. Pain, brother of Guy de SarcÉ, 224. Palermo (Sicily), 98, 220, 223, 225; cathedral of St. Mary at, 99, 225. Palestine, see Holy Land. Palgrave, Sir Francis, 97, note, 118, note. Panados (Thrace), 99, note. Papacy, relations with Henry I, 169; with Robert Curthose, 82, 153-155. Paris, Gaston, 192, 250. Paris, Paulin, 196, note, 197, note. Pascal II, pope, 152, 153, 154, 171, note, 208, 218. Patronage over the bishopric of Le Mans, 72. Paula, daughter of Herbert Éveille-Chien, mother of Helias of La FlÈche, 71. Peckham (Kent), 92, note. Penarth (Glamorganshire), promontory of, 188, note. Pension paid by Henry I to Robert Curthose, 134, 138, 148; by William Rufus to Malcolm, king of Scotland, 68. Perche, 94; counts of, see Geoffrey, Rotrou. Persians, 196. Peter the Hermit, 101. Peter Langtoft, 199, 210. Pevensey (Sussex), 47, 49, 50, 52, 130. Pfister, Christian, 5, note. Philip of BellÊme, called the Clerk, fifth son of Roger of Montgomery, 93, 226. Philip I, king of France, 12, 23, 25-29, passim, 38, note, 39, 55, 56<
al">185, note. Richard le PÈlerin, ministrel, 192, note, 197, note. Richard de Redvers, 62, 79, 128. Richard, natural son of Robert Curthose, 38. Ridwan of Aleppo, 106, 194. Riou de LohÉac, 94, 226, 227. Rivallonus, archdeacon of Saint-Malo, 227. Robert of Arbrissel, 227. Robert de Beauchamp, vicomte of Arques, 181. Robert of BellÊme, son of Roger of Montgomery, 22, 43, 47, 50, 52, 57, 59, 76, 77, 78, 127, 131, 134, note, 135, note, 139-150, passim, 156, 158, 159, 160, 162, 169, 174, 175, 177, 221, 247, note. Robert de Bonebos, 79, 176. Robert the Burgundian, 70. Robert de Courcy, 141. Robert Curthose, see Contents. Robert II d’Estouteville, 160, 165. Robert III d’Estouteville, son of Robert II, 170, 171, 175. Robert, count of Eu, 54. Robert Fitz Hamon, 62, 128, 134, note, 158, 159, 165, 166, note, 187. Robert I the Frisian, count of Flanders, 24. Robert II of Jerusalem, count of Flanders, son of Robert the Frisian, 93, 98, 101, 105-119, passim, 170, 182, Herbert Losinga. Thiel (province of Gelderland), 235, note. Thierry, son of Ralph Fitz Ogier, citizen of Caen, 166, note. Thomas, son of Ranulf Flambard, 151. Thomas de Saint-Jean, 172. Thomas Walsingham, 210. Thorold, bishop of Bayeux, 153, note. Thurstan, archbishop of York, 183, note. Thurstin, son of Turgis, prÉvot of Luc-sur-Mer, 221, 228. Tickhill (Yorkshire), fortress, 139. Tila, see Thiel. Tinchebray (Orne), 39, 55, 135, 138, 171, 172, 200; battle of, 136, note, 173-176, 177, 180, 192, 206, 245-248. Tirel de MainiÈres, tutor of William Clito, 181. Title of Robert Curthose before his accession to the duchy of Normandy, 13, note. Tokig, son of Wigod, 26. Tomb of Robert Curthose in Gloucester cathedral, 189, note. Topaz brought from Jerusalem by Robert Curthose, 125, note. Torigny (Manche), 166, note. Tortosa (Syria), 241, note, 244. Toulouse, count of, see Raymond of Saint-Gilles. Tournay-sur-Dive (Orne), 162. Tours (Indre-et-Loire), 73, note, 90, 228; abbey at, see Saint-Julien; archbishop, see Ralph II. Tower of David, see Jerusalem. Tower of London, see London. Tracey, Sir Humphrey, of Stanway, 189, note. Traianopolis, 99, note. Treaty of Alton, 134-136, 137, 138, 141, 148, 157; of La BruÈre (or of Blanchelande) between William the Conqueror and Fulk le RÉchin, see La BruÈre; between Henry I and Robert of Jerusalem, count of Flanders, 155-156; between Robert Curthose and William Rufus (1091), 60-61; between Robert Curthose and William Rufus (1096), 91-92; between William the Conqueror and Geoffrey le Barbu, count of Anjou, 9; between William the Conqueror and Herbert II, count of Maine, 7-8. TrÉport (Seine
tml@files@59231@59231-h@59231-h-3.htm.html#Page_78" class="pginternal">78, 79, 140, 143, 144, 146, 158. William, archdeacon of Évreux, bishop-elect of Lisieux, 151-152. William de FerriÈres, 175. William Giffard, bishop of Winchester, 121. William of Grandmesmil, 107, note. William of JumiÈges, Gesta Normannorum Ducum, 205. William, brother of Riou de LohÉac, 227. William of Malmesbury, 3, 17, 27, 38, 61, 95, 146, 149, 170, 183, 190, 193, 195, 198, 206, 208, 209, 211, 233, 237. William, count of Mortain and earl of Cornwall, 131, 134, note, 157, 159, 160, 169, 172, 174, 175, 179. William de Moulins, 22, note. William of Newburgh, 190, note, 209. William de Pacy, 152. William de Percy, 95, 229. William Peverel, 86. William of Poitiers, 205. William, natural son of Robert Curthose, 38. William de Rupierre, 22, note. William of Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham, 33, note, 46, 51, note, 52, note, 59, 65, note, 67, 68, note, 211-216. William of Tyre, 218. William du Vast, 229. William of Warenne I, 55. William of Warenne II, earl of Surrey, son of William of Warenne I, 131, PRINTED AT THE HARVARD UNIVERSITY PRESS CAMBRIDGE, MASS., U. S. A. |