html#Page_350" class="pginternal">350–1; his head, 351 and f.n., 352 f.n.; portrait of, 363 Dorset, Margaret, Dowager Lady, 5–6 and f.n. Dorsets, residences of the, in London, 23–4; friendship of the Howards for, 94, 95 Dudley, Lord Ambrose, 228, 273, 275; imprisoned, 281 f.n., 292; 298; 316; trial of, 317, 319; 356 f.n. Dudley, Sir Andrew, 225 and f.n., 233, 271, 273, 281 f.n.; condemnation and recantation, 304 and f.n. Dudley, Edmund, 8, 190–1 Dudley, Guildford. (See Guildford Dudley) Dudley, Henry, 281 f.n., 284 f.n., 298, 316; trial of, 317; 319; 356 f.n. Dudley, John. (See Northumberland, Duke of) Dudley, Lord Robert, 23, 209, 229, 275, 292, 315, 320, 324, 356 f.n. Durham House, 234, 236, 299, 252 Edward VI, King, birth, 14 and f.n., 52; never Prince of Wales, 101 f.n.; 103 and f.n.; learns of his father’s death, 106; his movements at that time, 106 f.n.; enters London, 107, 111; writes to Katherine Parr on her marriage, 123–4; infancy, 126; education, 126–8; little intercourse with his sisters, 128; Coronation procession, 130–1; Coronation, 132 and f.n.; has to hear innumerable sermons, 156–7; state of his health, is deformed and deaf, 172–3; ill-treated by her parents, 173, 230 and f.n., 303; her knowledge of languages, 174; appears at Court, 181, 182; her travels in 1551–2, 183–4; illness, 185; makes presents to Bullinger’s wife, 186; movements in 1552–4, 186, 223 f.n.; story of, 189; doubtful legitimacy, 197, 224–5; coerced into marrying Guildford Dudley, 230; preparations for the wedding, 230; date of wedding, 232 and f.n.; special attire for, 233 and f.n.; details of the wedding, 233–4, 235; her dress at her wedding, 235 and f.n.; her own account of her interview with the Duchess of Northumberland, 236; goes to Chelsea and falls ill, 237; nominated successor to Edward VI, 240; goes to Sion House, 250–1; is informed of Edward VI’s will, 251; homage done her as Queen, 252; her distress thereat, 252; proceeds to the Tower, 252; her entry into the Tower as Queen, her appearance, 253; proclaimed Queen, 256; signs documents, 259, 267, 276, 283; dines in State, 260; scene with the Duchess of Northumberland, refuses to make Guildford Dudley King, 260; receives the Regalia, 261, 270; her Royal Seal, 266; falls ill, 268; list of her property sent to the Tower, 271–3; makes appointments, 276; collapse of her cause, 281, 283; strange incident, sends for Lord Winchester, 282; Suffolk announces her downfall to her, abandons the Throne, 288; deserted in the Tower, 289; her imprisonment, 291, etc.; relinquishes the Regalia and her money, 292–3; her will, 294; indictment against, 298–9; writ against, 316; proceeds to Guildhall for her trial, 316–7; trial and condemnation, 305–6; his sincerity in changing his faith, 142 Sudeley, Thomas Seymour, Lord, 36, 77, 82; at Henry VIII’s death, 101, 106; becomes Lord High-Admiral, 112; his intrigues to obtain possession of Lady Jane Grey, 115; his London residence, 116 and f.n.; obtains wardship of Lady Jane, 117; his appearance, morals, and early intrigues, 120–1; endeavours to marry a Princess, 121; his courtship of Katherine Parr, 121–2; marriage with her, 123; gets Edward VI to countenance this marriage, 123; the marriage made public, 123–4; indignation of the Somersets thereat, 124; created Baron Sudeley, 129; 130; his improper behaviour with Princess Elizabeth, 136 et seq.; rumours about the same, 140 and f.n.; intrigues against the Protector, 143, 155; is arrested but released, 143; conduct during Katherine Parr’s illness, 144–5; effect of her death, 147; writes to Dorset relinquishing Jane, 147–9; intrigues to again obtain possession of Lady Jane, on payment of money, and interviews Dorset, 152; negotiations concluded, 154; pays for Jane and takes her back to Hanworth with him, 155; again plots to marry a Princess, 157–9; tries to obtain the Protectorship, 160; arrested, 161; evidence against him, 162; condemned to death, 164; beheaded, 165; sermon on, 166; fate of his child, 166–7 f.n. Suffolk, Katherine, Duchess of, 11, 34, 39, 108, 357–8; portrait of, 363 Suffolk, Duke of. (See Dorset, Marquess of) Suffolk, Duchess of. (See Frances Brandon, Marchioness of) Surrey, Earl of Surrey (the “Poet-Earl”), 54, 66, 74; his many talents, 75–6; appearance, 76; riotous life, 78; brought before the Privy Council, 79 and f.n.; committed to prison, 80; quarrels with Edward Seymour (then Lord Hertford), 81; makes impolitic rePrinted by Morrison & Gibb Limited, Edinburgh