CHAPTER I. EARLY RECORDS. | Rock inscriptions—Marks on wood—Quipus—Wampum—Modern ideographs—Indian palm-leaf books—Ideographs and alphabets—Diptychs | p. 1 | CHAPTER II. ROLLS, BOOKS AND BOOKBINDINGS. | Papyrus and vellum rolls—Quaternions—The sewing of books—Headbands—The rounding and backing of books—MediÆval books—Irish cumdachs—Byzantine bindings—Oriental books—Modern methods of sewing and binding | p. 26 | CHAPTER III. PAPER. | Paper—Watermarks and quiring | p. 62 | CHAPTER IV. PRINTING. | Assyrian bricks with printed inscriptions—Oiron ware—Chinese types—Block books—Costeriana—Types and stereotypes—Printing presses | p. 85 | CHAPTER V. ILLUSTRATIONS. | Wood engraving—Line engraving—Etching—Stipple—Mezzotint—Aquatint—Lithography—Photography | p. 102 | CHAPTER VI. MISCELLANEA. | Book edges and their decoration—Embroidered books—Cloth bindings—Account books—End papers—Small metal-bound books—Books bound in tortoiseshell—Chained books—Horn books | p. 141 | CHAPTER VII. LEATHERS. | Vellum—Calf—Pig skin—Sheep skin—Goat skin—Seal skin, etc. | p. 169 | CHAPTER VIII. THE ORNAMENTATION OF LEATHER BOOKBINDINGS WITHOUT GOLD. | Blind tooling and stamping—Panel stamps—Cut leather—Stained calf—Cut vellum—Transparent vellum | p. 181 | CHAPTER IX. THE ORNAMENTATION OF LEATHER BOOKBINDINGS WITH GOLD. | Gold tooling in leather introduced from the East to Venice—Early Italian gold tooled work—The spread of gold tooling in Europe—Modern work—Gold tooling in leather—Early Venetian gold tooled bindings—The work of Thos. Berthelet, John Day, John Gibson, Mary Collet, Samuel Mearne, Suckerman, Eliot and Chapman, Roger Payne, Richard Wier, Charles Hering, Kalthoeber, Staggemeier, Walther, Charles Lewis, T. J. Cobden-Sanderson, Sir Edw. Sullivan, Douglas Cockerell, E. M. MacColl, S. Prideaux, Adams, Woolrich, Etienne Roffet, Geoffrey Tory, Nicholas and Clovis Eve, Le Gascon, Florimond Badier, MacÉ Ruette, L. A. Boyet, Padeloup le Jeune, J. le Monnier, Derome le Jeune, CapÉ, Duru, Thouvenin, Bauzonnet, Trautz, Lortic | p. 205 | INDEX | p. 245 |