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1909. The Nature of "Unit" Characters. Amer. Nat., XLIII, 243-248 (April).

Wright, L.

1902. The New Book of Poultry. London, etc., viii+600 pp.

Jungle Fowl, male, showing distribution of black and red elements of pattern.
A. Hoen & Co. Baltimore. Kako Morita, pinx.


Jungle Fowl, female, showing coloration and pattern.
A. Hoen & Co. Baltimore. Kako Morita, pinx.


White-faced Black Spanish, male.
A. Hoen & Co. Baltimore. Kako Morita, pinx.


First generation hybrid between White-face Black Spanish Cock and White Silkie Hen.
A. Hoen & Co. Baltimore. Kako Morita, pinx.


First generation hybrid between Black Minorca Cock and White Silkie Hen.
A. Hoen & Co. Baltimore. Kako Morita, pinx.


Second hybrid generation between Silkie and Spanish Minorca, (No. 3898) female.
A. Hoen & Co. Baltimore. Kako Morita, pinx.


Buff Cochin, (No. 545) male.
A. Hoen & Co. Baltimore. Kako Morita, pinx.


Cock of first hybrid generation between Black Cochin and Buff Cochin.
A. Hoen & Co. Baltimore. Kako Morita, pinx.


Cockerel (No. 6094) of first hybrid generation between Buff Cochin Cock and Silkie Hen.
A. Hoen & Co. Baltimore.


Cockerel (No. 2561) of second hybrid generation between Buff Cochin and White Leghorn.
A. Hoen & Co. Baltimore. Kako Morita, pinx.


Dark Brahma, (No. 122) male.
The detailed feathers are in order from right to left from first, third and fourth wing coverts.
A. Hoen & Co. Baltimore. Kenji Toda, pinx.


A cock (No. 5257) of the third hybrid generation between a single-comb Black Minorca and a Dark Brahma shown in plate 6. The detailed feathers are in order from right to left from the first, second, fourth and third wing coverts.
A. Hoen & Co. Baltimore. Kenji Toda, pinx.

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