In races having a large single comb this is usually erect in the male, but in the female lops over to the right or left side of the head. This lop is determined before hatching; indeed, in the male it may be ascertainable only in the embryo or in the recently hatched chick. The position of the comb is permanent throughout the life of the pullet and hen and, if pressed to the opposite side, it quickly returns to its original position. At one time I entertained the hypothesis that its position was determined by the pressure of the foot against the head while the chick was still within the shell; but after finding the comb lying both to the right and to the left when in contact with the foot I abandoned this hypothesis as untenable. It seemed possible that this position is hereditary, and so data were collected to test this hypothesis. It is not always easy to decide definitely, even for the female, as to the direction of the lop; for the anterior part of the comb may lop to the right, the posterior part to the left, or vice versa. In that case one selects the larger or better defined lopping portion to designate as the lop. This is usually the posterior portion of the comb. However, such doubtful cases may be omitted from consideration here, as there are plenty of examples of well-defined lop on both sides of the head. Table 56.
The conclusion that right and left conditions are not simple, alternative qualities accords with the results obtained by others. Thus Larrabee (1906) finds that the dimorphism of the optic chiasma of fishes (in some cases the right optic nerve being dorsal and in others the left) is not at all inherited, but in each generation the result is strictly due to chance. This is, perhaps, the same as my conclusion that the hereditary factors are complex. Lutz (1908) finds that in the mode of clasping the hands interdigitally the right thumb is uppermost in 73 per cent of the offspring when both parents clasp with right thumb uppermost, but in only 42 per cent of the offspring when both parents clasp with left thumb uppermost. The mode of clasping is inherited, but not in simple Mendelian fashion. |