
The tail of vertebrates is, historically, the post-anal part of the trunk. Containing no longer any part of the alimentary canal, it has lost much of its primitive importance, so that its disappearance in any case is a matter of relatively little importance. Accordingly we find groups of animals in which it is rudimentary or wholly absent, such as many amphibia and the anthropoid apes and man. In all recent birds the tail is a distinct but much reduced organ—the uropygium—which contains several vertebrÆ in a degenerate condition. The uropygium supports the tail feathers, which are of much use in directing the bird in flight, but in ground birds, such as the grouse and poultry, seem to function only for display in the male and, in the female, to facilitate copulation.

Now, among various typically tailed vertebrates the tail is sometimes absent. Tailless dogs, cats, sheep, and horses are known; on the other hand, several cases of tails in man have been described (Harrison, 1901). Thus the tail is a part of the body subject to sporting; and it has also become the differential character for some specific groups. In other words, it is an organ that has played an important part in evolution and consequently its method of inheritance is a matter of great interest.

The origin of the tailless poultry which I have bred has been twofold. The most important strain is that referred to in an earlier report[7] as Bantam Games. The second lot consists of rumpless fowl that have arisen in my yards, spontaneously, from normal blood. Of these more later.

The two rumpless Game cocks bore the numbers 117 and 116. Dr. A. G. Phelps, of Glens Falls, New York, from whom the birds were purchased, wrote that he had imported No. 117 from England, and No. 116 was its son. The birds were very closely similar in all external features.

The matings made with No. 117 and their results are given in table 26.

Table 26.—Progeny of tailless cock and tailed hens.

Serial No. Pen No. Father. Mother. Offspring.
No. Races. Condition of uropygium. Per cent
Present. Small. Absent.
1 525 117 114 Nankin. 3 ... 0 0
2 526 117 20a Frizzle. 8 ... 0 0
3 532 117 ... Bl. Coch. 14 ... 0 0
4 532a 117 127 Wh. Legh. 19 ... 0 0
4a 653 117 508 Bl. Coch. × Wh. Legh. 8 3 0 0
Totals 52 3 0 0

In 25 cases of the 52 an oil-gland was looked for and, in every case, it was found to be missing.

Table 26, the conclusions from which were drawn in my 1906 report, seemed to indicate the dominance of tail over its absence. On this hypothesis I suspected that if No. 117 were bred to his (tailed) offspring about 50 per cent of the progeny would be tailless, and if the tailed hybrids of the F1 were bred together about 25 per cent of their progeny should be tailless. The actual result of such matings is shown in table 27.

Table 27.Heterozygotes mated with father.

Serial No. Pen No. Tailless cock × heterozygotes. Offspring.
Father. Mother. Condition of uropygium.
No. From
pen No.
No. From
pen No.
Present. Small. Absent.
5 653 117 Original. 577 532 6 1 0
6 653 117 Do. 587 532 8 2 0
7 653 117 Do. 635 532 7 0 0
8 653 117 Do. 691 532 5 2 0
9 653 117 Do. 652 532 15 0 0
10 653 117 Do. 691 532 5 2 0
11 653 117 Do. 705 532 9 2 0
12 653 117 Do. 713 532 7 2 0
13 653 117 Do. 760 532 13 2 0
14 653 117 Do. 799 532 7 0 0
Total 82 13 0

Table 28.Heterozygotes mated inter se.

Serial No. Pen No. Father. Mother. Condition of uropygium in offspring.
Frequency. Percentage.
No. From
pen No.
No. From
pen No.
Present. Small. Absent. Present. Small. Absent.
15 661 466 526 401a 526 5 0 0 100 0 0
16 661 466 526 635 532 5 0 0 100 0 0
17 661 466 526 691 532 4 0 0 100 0 0
18 661 466 526 799 532 4 1 0 80 20 0
19 649 516 532a 521 532a 17 4 0 81 19 0
20 649 516 532a 565 532a 24 7 0 77 23 0
21 649 516 532a 665 532a 11 4 0 73 27 0
22 649 516 532a 692 532a 18 1 0 95 5 0
23 652 343 525 344 525 8 2 0 80 20 0
24 661 428 526 635 532 4 0 0 100 0 0
25 661 428 526 691 532 3 0 0 100 0 0
26 661 428 526 799 532 5 0 0 100 0 0
Total 108 19 0 85 15 0

The results given in tables 27 and 28 are remarkable. Neither in the DR × R nor the DR × DR crosses did the tail fail to develop. The tailless condition, that I had strongly suspected of being recessive and expected in 25 per cent to 50 per cent of the offspring, never once appeared. The only point of variation in the uropygium of the chicks derived from the back cross or from F1's bred inter se was that in some the uropygium seemed distinctly smaller than in the others. This small uropygium was as a matter of fact recorded chiefly in chicks that failed to hatch, but it was occasionally noticed in older birds, being then usually associated with a slight convexity of the back. In some of the families the uropygium is recorded as small in suspiciously close to 25 per cent of the offspring. There is little doubt in my mind that this small uropygium represents in some way the "absence" of tail that was expected.

The next step was to cross the other rumpless bantam (No. 116), to see if he behaved like his father. Accordingly, in pen 653, I replaced the cock No. 117 by 116, the hens remaining the same, and got the result shown in table 29.

Table 29.Heterozygotes mated with No. 116.

Serial No. Father's No. Mother's No. Condition of uropygium in offspring.
Present. Small. Absent. Per cent
27 116 508 5 2 10 59
28 116 577 3 0 3 50
29 116 587 3 1 4 50
30 116 652 4 0 2 33
31 116 705 3 1 5 56
32 116 713 1 0 2 67
33 116 760 4 0 2 33
Totals (55) 23 4 28 51

Here we get a result almost exactly in accord with Mendelian expectation. Having, now, obtained rumpless hens, it became possible for the first time to test the inheritance of rumplessness in both parents. The result is shown in the table 30.

Table 30.Rumpless fowl mated inter se.

[A] Both from chicks that died in shell.
[B] From a hatched chicken.
Serial No. Pen No. Father. Mother. Condition of tail in offspring.
No. From
Serial No.
No. From
Serial No.
Present. Small. Absent.
34 742 2978 27 2601 29 0 0 4
35 854 2978 27 3430 27 0 0 9
36 742 2978 27 3430 ... [A]2 0 7
37 854 2978 27 2977 27 [B]1 0 1
Total 3 0 21

Table 30 is unfortunately small; one may say, fragmentary. Rumpless hens are incapable of copulating unless the tail coverts are trimmed; moreover my birds have been so much inbred that they are very weak; finally, the chicks are so small that it is impracticable to rear them in brooders and the eggs are particularly apt to be broken by the brooding hens. However, it suffices to show that two tailless fowl are able to throw some tailed offspring. The second lot of rumpless fowl, namely, those that arose de novo in my yards, must now be considered. In 1906, 2 birds hatched out from ordinary tailed strains. As one was a cock and the other a hen these were mated in 1907. The cock (No. 2464) came from No. 71? (a pure White Leghorn bred by myself from original White Leghorn stock described in my 1906 report) and No. 235? (an F1 hybrid between one of these White Leghorns and my original Rose-comb Black Minorca). The hen was No. 1636. Her mother (No. 618) was an F1 hybrid between a Minorca and Dark Brahma of series V, 1906 report, and her father (No. 637) had the same origin. Thus the parents and grandparents of both of these new rumpless birds were well known to me and known to be fully tailed and to throw only tailed birds, with the exception of these two birds.

The result of the mating of Nos. 2464 and 1636 in pen 736 was 25 chicks, of which 24 had tails and 1 (No. 5335) was without tail or oil-gland. This, unfortunately, died early, so it was impossible to breed it. In 1908, the hen No. 1636 having in the meantime died, I mated No. 2464? to 6 of his (tailed) daughters. He was not well and soon died, leaving no descendants by them, but 5 offspring by a female cousin, all tailed. Then one of his sons (tailed) was mated to its own sisters and produced 49 offspring, all tailed. Thus the strain seems to have died out. The whole history is important both because an apparently new mutation had taken place and because it was, in a degree, "hereditary."

How, if at all, can this case and those of the bantams be brought under known laws of inheritance? First of all, it must be confessed that the provisional hypothesis, suggested in my earlier report, that rumplessness is in my strain recessive has not been supported by the newer facts. In the light of the principle of imperfect dominance to which the facts of the last two chapters have led us, everything receives a satisfactory explanation. The only conclusion that meets all the facts is this: The inhibitor of tail development—the tailless factor—is dominant; its absence—permitting a continuation of the normal development of the tail region—is recessive.

The application of this hypothesis to the various matings may now be attempted. No. 117 is to be regarded as a heterozygote. The matings with tailed birds is of the order DR × R, and expectation in the typical case is 50 per cent DR (interrupted tail) and 50 per cent RR (non-interrupted). But, owing to the relatively weak potency of the interrupter derived from No. 117, growth of the tail is not interrupted in the heterozygous offspring. These offspring are, by hypothesis, so far as their gametes go, of two equally numerous sorts, DR and RR. Mated to No. 117, two sorts of families are to be expected, namely, the products of DR × RR (=50 per cent DR, 50 per cent RR) and the products of DR × DR (=25 per cent DD, 50 per cent DR, 25 per cent RR). The first lot of families might be expected to resemble the preceding generation in consisting entirely of tailed birds; the latter might be expected to show in the 25 per cent extracted DD's evidence of the presence of the undiluted interrupter. Actually in matings of the latter sort (table 27) 3 families show no trace of the tail-interrupter, but in 7 there is evidence of a disturbance, as shown by the small size of the uropygium and the bent back. In these families there are 13 cases of small uropygium to 53 of large, being about 20 per cent of the affected uropygium where 25 per cent was to be looked for—not a wide departure, considering the liability of not recognizing the reduced uropygium as such. This failure even of the extracted dominants completely to stop the development of the tail gives a measure of the weakness of the inhibitor in this case. Also, in table 28, matings are varied. Some are probably matings of two heterozygotes, others of two recessives, and others still of a recessive with a heterozygote. On our hypothesis we should expect some of the families of the mated hybrids to show evidence of the inhibiting factor and others to show no such evidence. In those families in which small tail appears it is found in about 19 per cent of the cases. On account of this weakness of the inhibitor in the germ-plasm of No. 117 that inhibitor is rarely fully activated. Only in one case out of the 250 or more in which that germ-plasm is used is the development of the tail completely stopped. In this case a hybrid cock derived from pen 526 (series 2, table 26) was crossed with various birds of tailed races (probable RR's), and produced in addition to 20 tailed offspring 1 devoid of uropygium and oil-gland. In this case we may conceive that an unusually potent condition of the inhibitor wholly stopped the development of the tail.

The behavior of No. 116 is that of a pure dominant. Mated to DR (and some RR?) females he produces pure dominants and heterozygotes. His inhibiting factor is potent enough to be active in the DD offspring at least; as a matter of fact 47 per cent of his get have their tails inhibited. Even in the DR's the inhibitor may sometimes work itself out. Thus No. 116 crossed on No. 508, without tailless ancestry, had 56 per cent of the progeny without tail. Since tailless birds may be either pure dominants or DR's, we may expect families of two sorts when two such are bred together—those containing only tailless offspring and those containing only 75 per cent or less of such. Both sorts of families are to be expected in a table with the composition of table 30, and both appear there.

The case of the rumpless fowl that arose de novo will be explained, then, as follows: Even in normal RR matings the inhibiting factor may arise by mutation. But even when two of these inhibiting factors are paired they show themselves so weak as not to appear in 25 per cent, much less the typical 75 per cent of cases, but, as in our case, merely 4 per cent. The strain takes on, indeed, the essential features of the "eversporting varieties" of De Vries (1905). It seems probable, therefore, that even in eversporting varieties inheritance may be Mendelian, modified by variations in "potency" as shown by irregularities in dominance.


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