Accedens of Armory, 5, 12
Additions outside coat-of-arms, 3
Alfred, Crown of, 13
Amadeus, Earl of Savoy, 10
Anchors shown behind the coat-of-arms of Samuel Pepys, 28
Annulet mark of cadency, 12
Archbishops, coats-of-arms of, 28
Armorial du Bibliophile by Guigard, 1
Army Staff, hats of, 27
Art of Heraldry, 8
Augmentations on coats-of-arms, 3
Badge of the Prince of Wales, 14
" used by Baronets of Nova Scotia, 10
" worn by retainers, 25
Badges of Orders of Knighthood, 27
Baronets, 9, 10
Baronet's helmet, 24
Barons, 19
Barons' coronets, 20
Barons Londonni, 19
" of the Cinque Ports, 19
" of the Exchequer, 19
" of Warwick, 19
Barony by Tenure, 19
" by Writ, 19
"Barry," 32
Basilisk, a, 36
Batons shown behind the coat-of-arms of a Field-marshal, 28
Beaufort, John, Duke of Somerset, coronet of, 15
Beaumont, John, Viscount, 18
Bend, a, 33
Bezant, a, 35
Bishops, coats-of-arms of, 28
Black Prince, at CrÉcy, 14
Black Prince, cap of, 22
" " coronet of, 15
Book of St. Albans, 11
Book-plates, 2
Bordure, 34
Brandon, Charles, Duke of Suffolk, coronet of, 16
British Museum, examples of Book-Stamps in the, 4
Bruges, William, Garter, coronet of, 20
Burke's Peerage, lists of mottoes in, 30
Cadency, marks of, 11
" in relief, 35
" on crests, 26
Caltrap, 37
Cambridge, Duchess of, at the coronation of Queen Victoria, 21
Canton, 34
Cap of a Peer, Dignity, Estate, or Maintenance, 22
" the Black Prince, 22
Cecil, Robert, Viscount Cranbourn, coronet of, 19
Chapeau, 22, 23
" support for a crest, 26
Chequy, 33
Chess-rook, 37
Chevron, 34
Chief, 34
Chief used by the Knights of the English Langue of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, 10
Civil Service, the feathered hats of, 27
Clarion, 37
Coats-of-arms, 31 et seq.
Cockatrice, 36
Cockscomb crest, 25
Collar of SS., 21
Collars of Orders of Knighthood shown with coat-of-arms, 27
College of Arms, 20
Coloured helmets, 25
Colours used in Heraldry, 5, 6
Companions of Orders of Knighthood, badges of, 27
Compony, 33
Coronation, crowns and coronets worn at, 21
" of Queen Victoria, 21
Coronet, Heraldic, Mural, or Naval, 26
" of a Baron, 20
" of a Duke, 16
" of a King-of-arms, 20
" of a Marquis, 16
" of an Earl, 18
" of a Viscount, 19
" of Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk, 16
" of Charles Howard, Earl of Nottingham, 18
" of Charles Somerset, Earl of Worcester, 17
" of Henry Lacy, Earl of Lincoln, 17
" of Henry Somerset, Earl of Worcester, 18
" of John Beaufort, Duke of Beaufort, 15
" of Robert Cecil, Viscount Cranbourn, 19
" of Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, 18
" of Sir William Dugdale, Garter, 21
" of the Black Prince, 15
" of the Duchess of Cambridge, 21
" of the Prince of Wales, 14
" of William de Valence, Earl of Pembroke, 17
Coronets, 12-22
" of Margaret, Countess of Richmond, 17
" of Princes and Princesses, 15
" worn at the coronation, 21
CouchÉe shield, 23
Counts, 17
Crescent mark of cadency, 11
Crest chapeau, 26
" supports, 26
Crests, 24-26
" not borne by ladies, 8
Crista, a crest, 25
Cross crosslet, 32
" fleury, 32
" moline, 12, 32
" pattÉe, 32
Crosses, 32
Crown of England, the, 13, 14
Crowns worn at the coronation, 21
Dancetty, 34
Date of printing of a book, 3
Deans, coats-of-arms of, 28
Dieu et Mon Droit, 30
Dignity, cap of, 22
Dowgate Hill Brooch, 13
Dragon, 36
Dragon's wing for fan crest, 26
Dudley, Robert, Earl of Leicester, coronet of, 18
Dugdale, Sir William, Garter, coronet of, 21
Duke's coronet, 16
Earl's coronet, 16, 18
Ecclesiastics, coats-of-arms of, 28
Embattled, 34
English Royal book-stamps, 2
" Royal Crown, the, 13, 14
Engrailed, 34
Ermine, 7
Escutcheon of Pretence, 32
Esquire's helmet, 24
Esquires of Orders of Knighthood, badges of, 27
Estate, cap of, 22
Fairbairn's Crests, lists of mottoes in, 30
Fan-shaped crests, 25
Fax mentis honestae gloria, 10
Fer-de-Moline, 37
Fermail, 37
Fess, a, 32
Field-marshal's coat-of-arms, 28
Fillet as crest support, 26
Fletcher's English Armorial Book-Stamps, 1
Fleur-de-lys mark of cadency, 12
Fountain, 37
Fox-Davies' Art of Heraldry, 8
Fret, the, 35, 37
Fretty, 33, 35
Furs used in heraldry, 7
Fusil, 37
Garter King-of-Arms, coronet of, 20
Griffin, 36
Guigard's Armorial du Bibliophile, 1
Guige, or shield belt, 23
Gyronny, 33
Hayter, Sir George, his picture of the coronation of Queen Victoria, 21
Heiress, heraldic, 8
Helmet of a Baronet, 24
" of a Knight, 24
" of an Esquire, 24
" of a Peer, 24
" of Royalty, 24
Helmets, 23, 24
" coloured, 25
Henry VIII. and the Lion Supporter, 28
Heraldic coronet, 26
" heiress, 8
Heraldry, origin of, 4
Heralds and the collar of SS., 21
Howard, Charles, Earl of Nottingham, coronet of, 18
Ich dien, 14
Identification of book-stamps, 3
Imitation jewels on coronets, 21
Impaling, 32
Indented, 34
Jewels on crown and coronet, 21
John, King of Bohemia, 14
John of Jerusalem, Knight of the Order of St., 10
King Arthur's Book, 29
King-of-Arms, coronet of a, 20
King-of-Arms and the collar of SS., 21
Knighthood, ceremonial hats of, 27
Knights' helmets, 24
Knights of Orders, badges of, 27
Labels used as marks of cadency, 11, 12
Lacy, Henry, Earl of Lincoln, coronet of, 17
Ladies' shields, 37
Legh's Accedens of Armory, 5, 12
Leopard, 36
Leopard LionnÉ, 36
Lines used to indicate colour, 6
Lion, 36
Lion LeopardÉ, 36
Lion of England, as the crest of Richard I., 26
Livery colours, 25
London, crest of the city of, 26
Lozenge-shaped shields, 37
Lozengy, 33
Lupus, Hugh, Earl of Chester, 17
Maintenance, cap of, 22
Mantling, 24
Margaret, Countess of Richmond, coronet of, 17
Marquis's coronet, 16
Marshalling, 5
Martlet mark of cadency, 12
Mascle, 37
Medals dependent from base of coat-of-arms, 27
Miniver, 22
Miserere mei deus secundum magnam misericordiam tuam, 20
Mitres shewn above ecclesiastical coat-of-arms, 28
Mother's coat-of-arms, quartering of, 32
Mottoes, 30
" of Orders of Knighthood shown with the coat-of-arms, 27
Mullet mark of cadency, 11
Mural coronet as crest support, 26
Naval coronet as crest support, 26
Nebuly, 34
Nova Scotia, Baronets of, 10
O'Neile, Irish chieftain, 9
Orders of Knighthood, ceremonial hats of, 27
Ostrich feather badge of the Prince of Wales, 14
Pale, 31
Peer's cap, 22
" helmet, 24
Pepys, Samuel, coat-of-arms of, 28
Per bend, 33
" chevron, 34
" fess, 32
" pale, 31
" saltire, 33
Personal heraldry in military costume, 4
Petra Sancta's Tesserae Gentilitiae, 6
Pheon, 37
Pile, 33
Plate, the, 35
Pole, William, Baron de la, 19
Pollard's Franks Collection of Armorial Book-Stamps, 1
Potent, 7
Pretence, Escutcheon of, 8, 32
Prince Arthur's Book, 16
Prince of Wales's coronet, 14
Princes and Princesses, coronet of, 15
Quartered coats-of-arms, 32
Quartering of mother's coat-of-arms, 32
Quarterings on coats-of-arms, 8
Quarterly, 32
Quatrefoil mark of cadency, 12
Raguly, 34
Regimental feather head-dresses, 27
Roundels, 35
Royal book-stamps, 2
" books in private ownership, 2
" coronets, 15
" Crown of England, the, 13, 14
Abergavenny, Earl of (Nevill), 303
Achaius, King of Scotland, 246
Adelaide, of Saxe Meiningen, 399
Albemarle, Duke of (Monck), 295, 342
Albert, of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, Prince, 380
Alexander I., Czar, 191
" II., King of Scotland, 246
Almack, E., 74, 94, 252, 253
Alphonso IV., Duke of Modena, 291
Althorp, 352, 355
Ancrum, Earl of (Kerr), 262
Anne, Countess of Lothian, 262
" Princess, 282
Antiquaries, Society of, 307
Apollo Grian, Harp of, 246
Aragon, Catherine of, Queen, 92
" Pomegranate of, 218
Arlington, Earl of (Bennet), 63
Armagh, Archbishop of (Usher), 377
Arms. (Small details not given here.)
3 Altars, each supported by a lion rampant. Smith, Sir T.
3 Annulets, with a chevron. Sutton, T.
3 Annulets in chief, with 3 martlets. Cowper, W., Earl Cowper
An Archiepiscopal Staff, with a pall. Abbot, G., Archbishop of Canterbury
" " Usher, J., Archbishop of Armagh
" " Whitgift, J., Archbishop of Canterbury
An Arm holding a ring. Schwerin. Charlotte of Mecklenburg, Queen
2 Bars. Oldenburg. Anne of Denmark, Queen
2 Bars with a canton. Boyes. Covert, W.
2 Bars with a chief. Manners. Noel, B., Earl of Gainsborough
" " Manners, J., Duke of Rutland
" " Martin. Naunton, Sir R.
3 Bars. Gulston, W., Bishop of Bristol
3 Bars. Raymond. Chetwynd, W.
Barry of 6. Grey. Egerton, F. H., Earl of Bridgwater
" Grey. Grey, H., Earl of Stamford
" Grey. Radcliffe, R., Earl of Sussex
" Grey. Sydney, R., Earl of Leicester
Barry of 8. Fitzalan. Russell, F., Earl of Bedford
" Gower, G. L., Duke of Sutherland
Barry of 10. Botevile. Campbell, J. F., Earl Cawdor
" Brandon. Gower, G. L., Duke of Sutherland
" Brandon. Sydney, R., Earl of Leicester
" Cecil, W., Baron Burghley
" Valence. Sydney, R., Earl of Leicester
3 Batons. Usher, J., Archbishop of Armagh
A Bend. Bayntun, W.
A Bend. Blackborne. Trewarthen
" Bradeston. Hatton, Sir C.
" Chalon. William III.
" Harley, R., Earl of Oxford
" Philpot, J., Somerset Herald
" Pye, Sir R.
" Radcliffe, R., Earl of Sussex
A Bend between 6 crosses. Bingham. Spencer, G. J., Earl Spencer
" " Howard, H., Earl of Northampton
" " Howard, T., Earl of Arundel
" " Marr. Douglas, W., Duke of Queensberry
A Bend between 2 escallops. Sydney, R., Earl of Leicester
A Bend between 2 horses' heads. Pepys, S.
A Bend between 2 lions rampant. Newport. Sheldon, R.
A Bend charged with 3 bucks' heads. Stanley. Digby, Sir K.
" " Stanley. Gower, G. L., Duke of Sutherland
A Bend charged with 3 cinquefoils. Berondon. Cecil, W., Baron Burghley
A Bend charged with 3 crosses. Charnock. Smith, Sir T.
A Bend charged with 3 eagles. Manley. Salwey, H.
A Bend charged with 3 escallops. Spencer. Churchill, G. S., Duke of Marlborough
" " Spencer, C., Earl of Sunderland
A Bend charged with an escutcheon. Howard, H., Earl of Northampton
" " Howard, T., Earl of Arundel
A Bend charged with 3 fleurs-de-lys. Garshall. Chetwynd, W.
" " Pepys, S.
A Bend charged with 3 goats' heads. Mulsho. Digby, Sir K.
A Bend charged with a magnetic needle. Petty, W. F., Marquis of Lansdowne
A Bend charged with 3 martlets. Kinnear, J. G.
A Bend charged with 3 plates. Gulston, W., Bishop of Bristol.
A Bend charged with 3 quatrefoils. Chitting, H.
A Bend charged with 3 swans. Dawes. Salwey, H.
A Bend charged with a wyvern. Newport. Sheldon, H.
A Bend within a bordure. Kinnear, J. G.
" " Westcote. Lyttelton, W. H., Baron Lyttelton
2 Bendlets. Bradshaw. Gilbert, J., Archbishop of York
" Bradshaw. Salwey, H.
Bendy of 4. Carrell. Hatton, Sir C.
Bendy of 10. Montfort. Salwey, H.
Per Bend. Trevor, M., Viscount Dungannon
A Bezant between 3 demi lions. Bennet, H., Earl of Arlington
3 Bezants, with a lion. Harborne, W.
3 Bezants in chief, with a lymphad. Utterson, E. V.
4 Bezants on a cross. Whitgift, J., Archbishop of Canterbury
10 Bezants. Zouch. Naunton, Sir R.
10 Billets. Salter. Chetwynd, W.
10 Billets, and a demi lion on a chief. Dormer, R., Earl of Carnarvon
A Boar passant. Trewarthen
2 Boars' heads, a sword between them. Sloane, Sir H.
3 Boars' heads. Lloyd, D., Dean of St. Asaph
" " with a chevron. Cochrane, J., Earl of Dundonald
" " with a fess. Alyson. Salwey, H.
" " with a fess raguly. Judd. Smythe, T., Viscount Strangford
A Bordure with a bend. Kinnear, J. G.
A Bordure charged with 8 escallops. Ware, Sir J.
A Bordure with a lion. Burnell. Radcliffe, R., Earl of Sussex
" " Grey. Pepys, S.
A Bordure with 3 lions. Chiche. Smythe, T., Viscount Strangford
A Bordure with 3 lozenges. Montagu, J., Duke of Montagu
A Bordure charged with 7 towers. Catherine of Braganza, Queen
A Bordure with a double tressure, flory counterflory. Douglas, W., Duke of Queensberry
" " Mary, Queen of Scotland
A Bordure semÉe of stars. Lindsay, D., Baron Lindsay
A Bordure engrailed. Astle, T.
" " with a bend cotised. Westcote. Lyttelton, W. H., Baron Lyttelton
A Bordure engrailed with 3 garbs. Kemp, T. R.
A Bordure engrailed with a lion rampant. Burley. Lyttelton, W. H., Baron Lyttelton
" " Tyrrell. Sydney, R., Earl of Leicester
A Bordure gobony, with the arms of England. Talbot. Lyttelton, W. H., Baron Lyttelton
A Bordure indented, with 3 fleurs-de-lys. Ferrara. Mary of Modena, Queen
3 Bucks statant. Green, J. H.
3 Bucks' heads. Cavendish, W. G. S., Duke of Devonshire
3 Bucks' heads on a bend. Stanley. Digby, Sir K.
" " Stanley. Gower, G. L., Duke of Sutherland
A Bugle. Orange. William III.
3 Bugles with a chevron. Wyerley. Salwey, H.
A Bull's head in bend. Rostock. Charlotte of Mecklenburg, Queen
A Bull's head in pale. Mecklenburg. Charlotte of Mecklenburg, Queen
A Canton and 2 bars. Boyes. Covert, W.
A Canton charged with a castle. Carrell. Hatton, Sir C.
A Canton and 2 crescents. Symonds. Hatton, Sir C.
A Canton charged with a cross, with a lion. Churchill, G. S., Duke of Marlborough
A Castle. Castile. Catherine of Aragon, Queen
A Castle on a canton. The field bendy. Carrell. Hatton, Sir C.
3 Castles and a plate. Etchington. Cecil, W., Baron Burghley
Chequy. Warren. Anne Bullen, Queen
" Warren. Howard, C., Baron Howard
" Warren. Howard, H., Earl of Northampton
" Geneva. William III.
Chequy with a chief. Coleshill. Trewarthen
A Chevalier on horseback. Ditzmers. Anne of Denmark, Queen
" " Poland. Anne of Denmark, Queen
A Chevron. Trelawny
A Chevron ermine. The field chequy. Warwick. Sydney, R., Earl of Leicester
A Chevron between 3 annulets. Sutton, T.
A Chevron between 3 batons. Usher, J., Archbishop of Armagh
A Chevron between 3 boars' heads. Cochrane, J., Earl of Dundonald
A Chevron between 3 bugles. Wyerley. Salwey., H.
A Chevron between 3 chess-rooks. Pinchbeck. Cecil, W., Baron Burghley
A Chevron between 3 cinquefoils. Chichele. Smythe, T., Viscount Strangford
A Chevron between 3 cinquefoils, an escallop on a chief. Tash, T.
A Chevron between 10 cinquefoils. Berkeley, R.
A Chevron between 3 coots. Coote, C.
A Chevron between 3 crescents. Glover. Philpot, J., Somerset Herald
" " Walker, Sir E.
A Chevron between 3 crosses crosslet. Davenport. Digby, Sir K.
A Chevron between 3 eagles. Challeston
A Chevron between 3 escallops. Lyttelton, W. H., Baron Lyttelton
A Chevron between 3 estoiles. Laud, W., Archbishop of Canterbury
" " Butts. Trewarthen
A Chevron between 3 fountains. Sykes, Sir M. M.
A Chevron between 3 garbs. Hatton, Sir C.
" " Sheffield. Covert, W.
" " Sheffield, J., Earl of Mulgrave
A Chevron between 3 griffins. Finch, H., Earl of Aylesford
A Chevron between 3 Hebrew letters. Naunton, Sir R.
A Chevron between 3 human heads. Williams, J., Bishop of Lincoln
A Chevron between 3 keys. Parker, M., Archbishop of Canterbury
A Chevron between 3 lions passant. Smythe, T., Viscount Strangford
A Chevron between 3 martlets. Watson, L., Earl of Rockingham
A Chevron between 3 mullets. Chetwynd, W.
A Chevron between 3 oak leaves. Haslerigg. Chetwynd, W.
A Chevron between 3 pears. Abbot, G., Archbishop of Canterbury
A Chevron between 3 ravens. Pye, Sir R.
A Chevron between 3 seals' heads. Ley, J., Earl of Marlborough
A Chevron between 3 stags' faces. Williams, J., Bishop of Lincoln
A Chevron between 3 unicorns' heads. Ker, J., Duke of Roxburghe
A Chevron charged with 3 crescents. Sutton, T.
" " Watson, L., Earl of Rockingham
A Chevron charged with 3 crosses crosslet. Laud, W., Archbishop of Canterbury
A Chevron charged with 3 escallops. Pye, Sir R.
A Chevron charged with 3 estoiles. Parker, M., Archbishop of Canterbury
A Chevron charged with 3 lions' heads. Monck, C., Duke of Albemarle
A Chevron charged with 3 lozenges. Butts. Trewarthen
A Chevron charged with 3 martlets. Topsfield
A Chevron charged with a mullet. Mirfin. Smythe, T., Viscount Strangford
A Chevron charged with 3 mullets. Ker, J., Duke of Roxburghe
" " Kerr, W., Earl of Lothian
A Chevron charged with an otter's head. Beaton, J., Archbishop of Glasgow
A Chevron charged with 3 roses. Gilbert, J., Archbishop of York
2 Chevrons. Bagot, Sir C.
" Bagot. Chetwynd, W.
2 Chevrons with a canton. Dexter. Smythe, T., Viscount Strangford
2 Chevrons with a chief. Smith, J.
2 Chevrons with a fess. Radcliffe, R., Earl of Sussex
" " Walpole, H., Earl of Oxford
3 Chevrons. Langton. Sydney, R., Earl of Leicester
" Matthew, T., Archbishop of York
" Wyse. Russell, F., Earl of Bedford
5 Chevrons. Sutton. Smythe, T., Viscount Strangford
A Chief with 3 crosses pattÉe. Dyall. Covert, W.
A Chief with 3 lions. Yonge. Covert, W.
A Chief ermine with a saltire. Petty, W. F., Marquis of Lansdowne
A Chief indented. Hillock. Naunton, Sir R.
A Chief quarterly. Manners. Noel, B., Earl of Gainsborough
A Child carried off by an eagle. Culcheth. Radcliffe, R., Earl of Sussex
4 Choughs and a cross. Aylmer, M., Baron Aylmer
4 Choughs and a cross flory. Offley. Hatton, Sir C.
A Cinquefoil. Astle, T.
3 Cinquefoils. Hamilton, J., Archbishop of St. Andrews
3 Cinquefoils with a bend. Berondon. Cecil, W., Baron Burghley
3 Cinquefoils with a chevron. Chichele. Smythe, T., Viscount Strangford
3 Cinquefoils with a chevron and a chief. Tash, T.
5 Cinquefoils. Holdenby. Hatton, Sir C.
10 Cinquefoils with a chevron. Berkeley, R.
3 Clarions. Granville. Gower, G. L., Duke of Sutherland
3 Coots with a chevron. Coote, C.
3 Covered Cups. Butler
A Crescent with a fess. York. Hatton, Sir C.
2 Crescents with a canton. Symonds. Covert, W.
3 Crescents. Kemp, T. R.
3 Crescents on a chevron. Sutton, T.
" " Watson, L., Earl of Rockingham
3 Crescents with a chevron. Philpot, J., Somerset Herald
" " Walker, Sir E.
3 Crescents with a fess. Coventry, W., Earl of Coventry
A Cross. See also Saltire
" Bourke. Covert, W.
" Gower, G. L., Duke of Sutherland
" Lort. Campbell, J. F., Earl Cawdor
" Ratzeburg. George II.
A Cross. St. George. The Commonwealth
" George III.
" Henry VIII.
" Tudor Rose
A Cross on a canton. Churchill. Montagu, J., Duke of Montagu
" " Churchill, G. S., Duke of Marlborough
A Cross in saltire. St. Andrew. George III.
" " St. Andrew. Mary, Queen of Scotland
A Cross between 4 choughs. Aylmer, M., Baron Aylmer
" " Offley. Hatton, Sir C.
A Cross between 2 crosses crosslet in upper quarters. Balderstone. Covert, W.
A Cross between 4 martlets. Edward the Conqueror. Cotton, Sir R. B.
A Cross between 4 swords. Philpot, J., Somerset Herald
A Cross between 4 water bougets. Bourchier. Grey, H. E., Earl of Stamford
" " Bourchier, R., Countess of Bath
A Cross charged with 4 bezants. Whitgift, J., Archbishop of Canterbury
A Cross charged with another cross. Frederick II., King of Denmark
" " Anne of Denmark, Queen
A Cross charged with a dagger. London. Henry VIII.
" " Tudor Rose
A Cross charged with 5 leopards' faces. Walker, Sir E.
A Cross charged with 5 mullets. Bodenham. Russell, F., Earl of Bedford
A Cross charged with 5 torteaux. Grenville, T.
A Cross engrailed. Houghton. Naunton, Sir R.
" " Stanton. Hatton, Sir C.
A Cross flory. Trussell. St. George, Sir R.
A Cross formÉe fitchÉe. Dalmenhurst. Anne of Denmark, Queen
A Cross pattÉe. Ratzeburg. Charlotte of Mecklenburg, Queen
A Cross voided. Duckenfield. Smythe, T., Viscount Strangford
" " Pilkington. Smythe, T., Viscount Strangford
A Cross with a sword in the first quarter. London, City of. Henry VIII. Tudor Rose
2 Crosses crosslet in two upper quarters, Balderstone. Covert, W.
2 Crosses crosslet with a rose on a chief. Bullingham
3 Crosses on a bend. Charnock. Smith, Sir T.
3 Crosses crosslet on a chief. Dyall. Covert, W.
" " Long, C., Baron Farnborough
3 Crosses crosslet on a fess. Walpole, H., Earl of Oxford.
3 Crosses crosslet with a chevron. Davenport. Digby, Sir K.
3 Crosses crosslet with a fess. Bayntun, W.
" " Sandys, Sir T.
3 Crosses crosslet with a lion. Capell, W., Earl of Essex
6 Crosses with a bend. Douglas, W., Duke of Queensberry
" " Howard, H., Earl of Northampton
" " Howard, T., Earl of Arundel
" " Bingham. Spencer, G. T., Earl Spencer
6 Crosses with a fess. Beauchamp. Sydney, R., Earl of Leicester
" " Boteler. Salwey, H.
12 Crosses with a saltire. Windsor, T., Baron Windsor
14 Crosses with a lion. Powell. Naunton, Sir R.
Crosses semÉe with 3 leopards' heads. Neville. Digby, Sir K.
The Crown of Charlemagne.
" " George I.
" " George II.
" " George III.
" " George IV.
" " William IV.
3 Crowns. Sweden. Anne of Denmark, Queen
3 Dovecotes. Sapcote. Russell, F., Earl of Bedford
3 Ducks and a fess. Bateman, W., Viscount Bateman
An Eagle. Brandenburg. George II.
" Browne. Hatton, Sir C.
" Bullingham.
" Cotton, Sir R. B.
" Crossen. George II.
" D'Este. Mary of Modena, Queen
" JÄgerndorff. George II.
" Monthermer. Montague, J., Duke of Montague
" Tufton. Coke, T., Earl of Leicester
An Eagle between 3 bezants. Busserard. Naunton, Sir R.
An Eagle carrying off a child. Culcheth. Radcliffe, R., Earl of Surrey
3 Eagles. Coke, T., Earl of Leicester
3 Eagles on a bend. Manley. Salwey, H.
3 Eagles with a chevron. Challeston.
An Escallop on a chief. Tash, T.
3 Escallops on a bend. Spencer. Churchill, G. L., Duke of Marlborough
" " Spencer, C., Earl of Sunderland
" " Spencer, G. T., Earl Spencer
3 Escallops on a chevron. Pye, Sir R.
3 Escallops on a chief. Gamage. Sydney, R., Earl of Leicester
8 Escallops on a bordure. Ware, Sir J.
An Escutcheon. Brownlow, J., Viscount Tyrconnel
" Holstein. Anne of Denmark, Queen
3 Escutcheons. Burrell, Sir W.
5 Escutcheons. Catherine of Braganza, Queen
6 Escutcheons. Cecil, W., Baron Burghley
An Estoile. Ingleby. St. George, Sir R.
An Estoile between 3 fleurs-de-lys. Masterman. Sykes, Sir M. M.
3 Estoiles on a chevron. Parker, M., Archbishop of Canterbury
3 Estoiles, with a chevron with 3 crosses. Laud, W., Archbishop of Canterbury
3 Estoiles, with a chevron with 3 lozenges. Butts. Trewarthen
A Fess. Bayntun, W.
" Buren. William III.
" Calthrop. Sydney, R., Earl of Leicester
" Dene. Sydney, R., Earl of Leicester
" Lindsay, D., Baron Lindsay
" Moers. William III.
" Rockly. Covert, W.
" Somers, J., Baron Somers
" Towneley, R.
" Vianden. William III.
" York. Hatton, Sir C.
A Fess between 3 boars' heads. Alyson. Salwey, H.
" " Judd. Smythe, T., Viscount Strangford
A Fess between 2 chevrons. Fitz-Walter. Radcliffe, R., Earl of Sussex
A Fess between 3 crescents. Coventry, W., Earl of Coventry
A Fess between 3 crosses. Sandys, Sir T.
A Fess between 6 crosses. Beauchamp. Sydney, R., Earl of Leicester
" " Boteler. Salwey, H.
A Fess between 3 ducks. Bateman, W., Viscount Bateman
A Fess between 6 escallops. Dengayne. St. George, Sir R.
A Fess between 3 lions' heads. St. Clair. Covert, W.
A Fess between 3 lioncels. Smith, Sir T.
A Fess between 3 martlets. Covert, W.
A Fess between 3 mascles. Beaton, J., Archbishop of Glasgow
A Fess between 3 mullets. Wesenham. Cotton, Sir R. B.
A Fess between 3 pheons. Rawdon, M., Baron Rawdon
A Fess between 3 sheldrakes. Sheldon, R.
A Fess charged with 3 crosses. Walpole, Earl of Oxford
A Fess within a double tressure flory counterflory. Stuart
, C., Baron Stuart
Per Fess. Butler. Anne Bullen, Queen
" Magdeburg. George II.
" Stangard. Charlotte of Mecklenburg, Queen
A Fish. Glasgow. Beaton, J., Archbishop of Glasgow
3 Fishes hauriant. Herringham. Russell, F., Earl of Bedford
" " Lucy. Digby, Sir K.—Radcliffe, R., Earl of Sussex
3 Fishes naiant. Verney. Chetwynd, W.
A Fleur-de-lys. Digby, Sir K.
2 Fleurs-de-lys on a chief. Manners, J., Duke of Rutland
3 Fleurs-de-lys. France. All the sovereigns of England from Henry VII. to George III.
" " Egerton, F. H., Earl of Bridgwater
" " Frederick, Prince of Wales
" " Henry, Prince of Wales
" " Henry Benedict, Cardinal
" " James, Prince of Wales
" " Mary, Princess
" " Talbot. Lyttelton, W. H., Baron Lyttelton
3 Fleurs-de-lys on a bend. Garshall. Chetwynd, W.
" " Pepys, S.
3 Fleurs-de-lys with 9 crosses. Mortimer. St. George, Sir R.
3 Fleurs-de-lys with an estoile. Masterman. Sykes, Sir M. M.
3 Fleurs-de-lys within a bordure. Ferrara. Mary of Modena, Queen
6 Fleurs-de-lys. Smith, J.
Fleurs-de-lys semÉe. AngoulÊme. Anne Bullen, Queen
" " Bereford. Radcliffe, R., Earl of Sussex
3 Fountains. Sykes, Sir M. M.
A Fret. Churchill, G. S., Duke of Marlborough
" Gardiner. Kinnear, J. G.
" Maltravers. Fitz-Alan, H., Earl of Arundel
" Spencer, C., Earl of Sunderland
" Spencer, G. J., Earl Spencer
" Tollemache. Grey, H., Earl of Stamford
Fretty. Noel, B., Earl of Gainsborough
4 Fusils. Carteret, J., Baron Carteret
" Carteret, G., Baron Carteret
5 Fusils. Bradeston. Covert, W.
" Percy. Digby, Sir K.
A Garb and 2 helmets. Cholmondeley, G., Earl Cholmondeley
3 Garbs. Comyn. Covert, W.
" Hatton, Sir C.
" Kemp, T. R.
" Sheffield. Covert, W.
" Sheffield, J., Earl of Mulgrave
3 Gauntlets. Fane. Bourchier, R., Countess of Bath
3 Goats' heads. Mulsho. Digby, Sir K.
A Griffin. Froxmere. Russell, F., Earl of Bedford
" Kassuben. George II.
" Pommern. George II.
" Schwerin. Charlotte of Mecklenburg, Queen
" Wenden. Charlotte of Mecklenburg, Queen
" Wenden. George II.
3 Griffins. Finch, H., Earl of Aylesford
Gyronny. Campbell, H., Earl of Loudoun
" Campbell, J. F., Earl Cawdor
Harp. Ireland. All the sovereigns of England from James I. to Edward VII.
Harp. Ireland. The Commonwealth
" " Frederick, Prince of Wales
" " Henry, Prince of Wales
" " Henry Benedict, Cardinal
A Heart. Douglas, W., Duke of Queensberry
9 Hearts. Gothes. Anne of Denmark, Queen
Hearts semÉe. Denmark, Anne of Denmark, Queen
" " Lunenburg. George I., George II., George III., George IV., and William IV.
3 Heathcocks. Heath, B.
3 Hebrew letters. Naunton, Sir R.
2 Helmets. Cholmondeley, G., Earl Cholmondeley
3 Herrings. Herringham. Russell, F., Earl of Bedford
A Horse current. Saxony. George I., George II., George III., George IV., and William IV.
2 Horses' heads. Pepys, S.
2 Human heads. Williams, J., Bishop of Lincoln
2 Keys. Minden. George II.
" York, See of. Matthew, T., Archbishop of York
3 Keys. Parker, M., Archbishop of Canterbury
3 Laurel leaves. Leveson. Gower, G. L., Duke of Sutherland
2 Leopards' heads. White, R. S.
3 Leopards' heads. Digby, Sir K.
5 Leopards' heads. Walker, Sir E.
A Lion passant. Aston. Salwey, R.
" " Guyenne. Anne Bullen, Queen
" " Gothes. Anne of Denmark, Queen
" " Bridgman, Sir O.
" " Harborne, W.
" " Long, C. Baron Farnborough
" " Say, W.
" " Smith, J.
2 Lions passant. Brunswick. George I., George II., George III., George IV., and William IV.
" " Catsenelboge. William III.
" " Dudley. Sydney, R., Earl of Leicester
" " Lincoln, See of. Williams, J., Bishop of Lincoln
" " Sleswick. Anne of Denmark, Queen
" " Strange. Gower, G. L., Duke of Sutherland
" " Ware, Sir J.
3 Lions passant. Brotherton. Anne Bullen, Queen
" " Brotherton. Howard, G., Baron Howard
" " Brotherton. Howard, H., Earl of Northampton
" " Carew, G., Earl of Totness
" " England. All sovereigns of England from Henry VII. to Edward VII.
" " Egerton, F. H., Earl of Bridgwater
" " Frederick, Prince of Wales
" " Henry, Prince of Wales
" " Henry Benedict, Cardinal
" " James, Prince of Wales
" " Mary, Princess
" " Talbot. Lyttelton, W. H., Baron Lyttelton
" " Frederick II., King of Denmark. Anne of Denmark, Queen
" " Lancaster, Earl of. Anne Bullen, Queen
" " Smythe, T., Viscount Strangford
A Lion rampant. Abernethy. Lindsay, D., Baron Lindsay3 Seals' heads. Ley, J., Earl of Marlborough
3 Sheldrakes. Sheldon, R.
3 Shields. Burrell, Sir W.
5 Shields. Portugal. Catherine of Braganza, Queen
A Stag's head. Calder. Campbell, J. F., Earl Cawdor
" " Horton, F.
3 Stags' heads. Williams, J., Bishop of Lincoln
3 Stirrups. Scudamore. Pye, Sir R.
A Swan. Stormer. Anne of Denmark, Queen
3 Swans. Dawes. Salwey, H.
A Sword. Sloane, Sir H.
4 Swords. Philpot, J., Somerset Herald
5 Torteaux. Grenville, T.
A Tower. De la Tour. Russell, F., Earl of Bedford
" Garrick, D.
7 Towers. Castile. Catherine of Braganza, Queen
A Tree supported by a lion. Wynstone. Cecil, W., Baron Burghley
" " Wynstone. Pye, Sir R.
A Tressure, double, flory counterflory. Cochrane, J., Earl of Dundonald
" " Maitland, J., Earl of Lauderdale
" " Mary, Queen of Scotland
" " Scotland. See Lion rampant
" " Stuart, C., Baron Stuart
3 Unicorns' heads. Ker, J., Duke of Roxburghe
Vairy. Nowers. Sydney, R., Earl of Leicester
4 Water bougets. Bourchier. Grey, H., Earl of Stamford
" " Bourchier, R., Countess of Bath
A Wolf's head. Lupus. Sydney, R., Earl of Leicester
A Wyvern. Newport. Sheldon, R.
" Vandals. Anne of Denmark, Queen
Arran, Earl of (Stewart), 201
Arthgallus, Earl of Warwick, 151
Arthur, Prince of Wales, 93
Arundel, Earl of (Fitz-Alan), 164, 227
" " (Howard), 226, 237
Ashburnham, Earl of (Ashburnham), 54
" House, 128
Augusta, Princess of Saxe-Gotha, 169
Axon, W. E., 367
Aylesford, Earl of (Finch), 162
The Castle of De Beaufort. Henry VIII.
A Crescent. Percy, H., Earl of Northumberland
A Daisy, crowned. Edward VI.
An Escallop. Rawlinson, R.
A Falcon crowned with sceptre. Elizabeth, Queen
" " James I.
The Feather plume, triple, of the Black Prince. Edward VI.
" " George II.
" " George IV.
" " Henry, Prince of Wales
" " James I.
A Fleur-de-lys. Henry VIII.
" " Henry, Prince of Wales
" " James I.
The Harp of Ireland. George III.
A Horse courant with a sprig of oak in his mouth. Fitz-Alan, H., Earl of Arundel
A Lion rampant. Henry, Prince of Wales
A Pomegranate. Henry VIII.
Portcullis. Henry VIII.
" James I.
" Mary, Princess
Portcullis. Nevill, G., Earl of Abergavenny
A Rose, Lancastrian. Nevill, G., Earl of Abergavenny
A Rose, Tudor. Anne, Queen.
" " Elizabeth, Queen
" " George I.
" " George III.
" " Henry VIII.
" " Henry, Prince of Wales
" " James I.
" " Mary, Princess
" " William IV.
Roses. George II.
Shamrocks. George III., George IV., William IV.
A Thistle. Anne, Queen
" George I.
" George II.
" George III.
" James I.
" Mary, Queen of Scotland
" William IV.
Balcarres, Baron Lindsay of, 269
Bannatyne Club, 264
Barker, Christopher, 247
" Robert, 247
Barnard, Sir F., 188
Bastard, Pollexpen, 317
Bateman, Abraham, 247
" John, 247
" Sir J., 57
Bath, Countess of. Bourchier, 71
Bath, Earl of. Bourchier, 72
" " Granville, 91
Bath, Order of the. Badge and collar, 183, 358
" " Badge, collar and motto, 273
" " Badge and motto, 58
Bavaria, Duke of, 167
Bayntun, Sir H., 60
Bear and ragged staff, 151
Beaton, D., Primate of Scotland, 201
Beaufort, Margaret, 213
Bedford, Duke of. Russell, 327
" Earl of. Russell, 325, 326
The Beldornie Press, 378
Belvoir Castle, 280
Bennet, Sir J., 63
Berkeley, T., 65
Berthelet, T., Bookbinder, 152, 154, 220, 284
Bingham, Lavinia, 355
Bishops' Bible, 307
Blanch Lion Pursuivant, 316
Blandford, Marquis of. Churchill, 118
Blenheim, 353
Blount, S., 363
Blundell, R., 66
Bodleian Library, Oxford, 87, 144, 202, 323, 381, 384
Bohemia, Frederick, King of, 166, 167
Borough, Sir J., 330
Boscawen, E., 70
Bosworth Field, 213
Bothwell, Earl of. Hepburn, 288
Bowood, 314
Braganza, Catherine of, Queen, 94
Brandenburg-Anspach, Caroline of, Princess, 176
Bridgwater, Earl of. Egerton, 156
Bridgwater Treatises, 157
Bright, B. H., 260
Bristol, Bishop of. Gulston, 199
British Museum, 49, 53, 54, 79, 87, 128, 135, 154, 157, 171, 177, 178, 188, 191, 195, 202, 205, 213, 222, 228, 237, 248, 260, 266, 274, 314, 330, 342, 371, 384, 399
Brownlow, Sir W., 75
Buckingham, Duke of the County of. Sheffield, 337
Buckingham, Marquis of. Villiers, 54
Bullen, Anne, Queen, 46, 161, 220
" Sir T., 46
Burghley, Baron. Cecil, 98, 307, 314
Burrell, P., 78
Cadency Marks.
An Annulet. Fifth son. Walker, Sir E.
A Crescent. Second son. Abrol, W.
" Ashby. Naunton, Sir R.
" Bacon, F., Viscount St. Albans
" Dudley, R., Earl of Leicester
" Green, J. H.
" Grenville, T.
" Hatton, Sir C.
A Crescent. Henry Benedict, Cardinal
" Horton, F.
" Howard, H., Earl of Northampton
" Mirfin. Smythe, T., Viscount Strangford
" Pye, Sir R.
" Fitzalan. Russell, F., Earl of Bedford
" Say, W.
" Smith, Sir T.
" Stanley. Digby, Sir K.
A Fleur-de-lys. Sixth son. Sandys, Sir T.
A Label of 3 points. Eldest son. Brotherton. Anne Bullen, Queen
" " Brotherton. Howard, H., Earl of Northampton
" " Frederick, Prince of Wales
" " George, Prince of Wales, afterwards George II.
" " Grey, H., Earl of Stamford
" " Henry, Prince of Wales
" " Howard, C., Baron Howard
" " James, Prince of Wales. Mary of Modena, Queen
A Label of 3 points, each charged with 3 Fleurs-de-lys. Earl of Lancaster. Anne Bullen, Queen
A Label of 5 points. AngoulÊme. Anne Bullen, Queen
A Martlet. Fourth son. Charnock. Smith, Sir T.
A Mullet. Third son. Howard, C., Baron Howard
" Sapcote. Russell, F., Earl of Bedford
" Stuart, C., Baron Stuart
" Topsfield. Walpole, H., Earl of Oxford
Cadwallader, Dragon of, 213, 220, 247
CÆsar, Sir J., 314
Calder, Muriel, 84
Cambridge, University of, 307
Camden, W., Clarencieux Herald, 316, 381
Camden Society, 322
Campbell, J., Baron Cawdor, 84
" J., Earl of Loudoun, 82
" Sir J., 84
Campden, Viscount. Noel, 305
Canterbury, Archbishop of, Cranmer, 165
" " Kempe, 258
" " Laud, 265
" " Parker, 306
" " Whitgift, 390
Capell, A., Earl of Essex, 85
Carew, G., Dean of Windsor, 86
Carnarvon, Earl of. Dormer, 145
Caroline, Queen, 179
Caroline of Brandenburg-Anspach, 176
Carteret, Sir G., 89
Cassano-Serra, Duke of, 355
Catherine of Aragon, Queen, 220
Catton, 231
Cavendish, W., Duke of Devonshire, 96
Cawdor, Baron. Campbell, 84
" Earl. Campbell, 83
Cecil, R., 101
Chapman, C., Bookbinder, 205
Charlemagne, Crown of, 171, 174, 180, 190, 395
Charlemagne, Emperor, 246
Charles V., Emperor, 346
" II., King of England, 124
" VI., King of France, 213
" Prince of Wales, 124
" Louis, Duke, 111
Charnock, Agnes, 345
Charterhouse School, 360
Chenies, 326
Chester, Bishop of. Bridgman, 73
Chester Herald. Chitting, 114
Christchurch, Dean of. Jackson, 135
Churchill, Anne, 119
" Henrietta, Duchess of Marlborough, 353
" J., Duke of Marlborough, 297
" Mary, 297
Clanricarde, Marquis of. Canning, 341
Clarence, Duke of, 398
Clarencieux Herald. Camden, 316, 381
Cobham, Viscount. Lyttelton, 276
Cocks, C., Baron Somers, 121, 350
Cocks, Jane, 121
Coke, E., 123
Coleridge, S. T., 195
College of Arms, 237, 340, 381
Commonwealth of England, 124
Conway Castle, 401
Coote, H. G., 125
" John, 125
Corinth, Archbishop of, 222
Coronets, Crowns, etc.
Baron. Aylmer, M., Baron Aylmer
" Campbell, J. E., Earl Cawdor
" Carteret, J., Baron Carteret
" Cocks, J., Baron Somers
" Long, C., Baron Farnborough
" Lyttelton, W. H., Baron Lyttelton
" Rawdon, J., Baron Rawdon
" Somers, J., Baron Somers
Cardinal's Hat. Henry Benedict, Cardinal
Crest coronet. Astle, T.
" " Bagot, Sir C.
" " Brownlow, J., Viscount Tyrconnel
" " Coke, T., Earl of Leicester
" " Fitz-Alan, H., Earl of Arundel
" " Howard, C., Baron Howard
" " Hutchison, T.
" " Lloyd, D., Dean
" " Manners, F., Earl of Rutland
" " Philpot, J., Somerset Herald
" " Sackville, E., Earl of Dorset
" " Spencer, C., Earl of Sunderland
" " Vincent, A., Windsor Herald
Duke. Cavendish, W. G. S., Duke of Devonshire
" Churchill, G. S., Duke of Marlborough
" Douglas, W., Duke of Queensberry
" Gower, G. L., Duke of Sutherland
" Ker, J., Duke of Roxburghe
Duke. Manners, J., Duke of Rutland
" Monck, E., Duke of Albemarle
" Montagu, J., Duke of Montagu
" Russell, W., Duke of Bedford
" Foreign, William III.
Earl. Bennet, H., Earl of Arlington
" Bourchier, H., Countess of Bath
" Campbell, H., Earl of Loudoun
" Capell, W., Earl of Essex
" Cholmondeley, G., Earl Cholmondeley
" Cochrane, J., Earl of Dundonald
" Coventry, W., Earl of Coventry
" Dormer, R., Earl of Carnarvon
" Egerton, F. H., Earl of Bridgwater
" Finch, H., Earl of Aylesford
" Grey, H., Earl of Stamford
" Harley, R., Earl of Oxford
" Hastings, F., Earl of Huntingdon
" Howard, H., Earl of Northampton
" Howard, T., Earl of Arundel
" Kerr, W., Earl of Lothian
" Maitland, J., Earl of Lauderdale
" Manners, F., Earl of Rutland
" Nevill, G., Earl of Abergavenny
" Noel, B., Earl of Gainsborough
" Percy, H., Earl of Northumberland
" Radcliffe, R., Earl of Sussex
" Sackville, E., Earl of Dorset
" Sheffield, J., Earl of Mulgrave
" Spencer, G. T., Earl Spencer
" Waldegrave, J., Earl Waldegrave
" Watson, L., Earl of Rockingham
Electoral cap. George III.
Marquis. Churchill, G. S., Duke of Marlborough
" Petty, W. F., Marquis of Lansdowne
Mural. Rawdon, J., Baron Rawdon
Princely. Henry, Prince of Wales
" James II.
" James, Prince of Wales
" Mary of Modena, Queen
Royal. All of the sovereigns of England
" Henry Benedict, Cardinal
" French. Mary, Queen of Scotland
" Hanoverian. George III.
" " George IV.
" " William IV.
" Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, Prince
" Scottish. Mary, Queen of Scots.
Viscount. Bateman, W., Viscount Bateman
" Brownlow, J., Viscount Tyrconnel
" Maitland, J., Earl of Lauderdale
" Mordaunt, J., Viscount Mordaunt
Corpus Christi College, 306
Cottage Design on bookbindings, 109
Cotton, Sir J., 127
" Sir R., 139
" Thos., 127
" Sir T., 127
Cottonian Library, 178
Courten, W., 342
Coventry, W., 130
Covert, Ernest, Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, 44
Essex, Earl of. Capell, 85, 229, 320
Falmouth, Viscount. Boscawen, 69
Farmer, R., 188
Farnborough, Baron. Long, 273
Ferdinand, King of Spain, 93
Fitz-Alan, H., Earl of Arundel, 227
" W., Earl of Arundel, 165
Fitzwalter, Viscount. Radclyffe, 320
Foundation Libraries of the British Museum, 178
France, Arms of, 189
" Queen of. Mary of England, 293
Francis II., King of France, 287
Franks, Sir W., 287
Frederick V., Elector, 49
" II., King of Denmark, 49
" Prince of Wales, 187
Frisingfield, 369
Gainsborough, Earl of. Noel, 304-5
Gamage, Barbara, 363
The Garter. Alone, 44, 50, 63, 100, 103, 158, 164, 168, 171, 174, 180, 193, 214, 224, 234, 239, 249, 279, 295, 296, 312, 313, 319, 336, 392
" With the Great George and the Collar. Frontispiece, 183, 186, 190, 395
George III., 222, 344
" IV., 97, 222
The George. The badge of the Order of the Garter. Frontispiece, 183, 186, 190, 395
Germany, English Dominions in. Arms of, 189
Gibson, John, Bookbinder, 247
Glasgow, Archbishop of. Beaton, 61
Glover, M., 235
" R., 316
" Susan, 316
Gower, Baron, 194
Granby, Marquis of. Manners, 282
Granville, Countess, 89
Green, J., 195
Grenville, Baron, 195
" George, 196
Grey, Lady Jane, 101, 150, 154, 293
Grey of Groby, Baron, 197
The Great George. Frontispiece, 183, 186, 190, 395
Great Wymondley, Manor of, 135
Grolier, the English, 407
Guernsey, Baron of. Finch, 163
Gulston, Elise, 200
Gunpowder Plot, 312
Hampden, John, 318
Hanover, 189, 379
Harley, Sir E., 204
" R., 260
" Library of, 178, 197, 205
The Harp of Ireland, 187, 246
Haselrig, Sir A., 197
Hatton, W., 210
Esquire. Berkeley, R.
" Boothby, Sir B.
" Challeston
" Chitting, H.
" Coke, T., Earl of Leicester
" Digby, Sir K.
" Hatton, Sir C.
" Ley, J. Earl of Marlborough
" Naunton, Sir R.
" Pepys, S.
" Pye, Sir R.
" Smith, Sir T.
" Sutton, T.
" Topsfield
Esquire. Vincent, A., Windsor Herald
" Walpole, H., Earl of Oxford
Knight. Bagot, Sir C.
" Somers, J., Baron Somers
Peer. Brownlow, J., Viscount Tyrconnel
" Campbell, Earl of Loudoun
" " J. F., Earl Cawdor
" Carteret, G., Baron Carteret
" Cecil, W., Baron Burghley
" Coventry, W., Earl of Coventry
" Fitz-Alan, H., Earl of Arundel
" Howard, C, Baron Howard
" Lindsay, D., Baron Lindsay
" Maitland, J., Earl of Lauderdale
Royal. Anne, Queen
" Charles I.
" " II.
" Frederick, Prince of Wales
" George I.
" " II.
" " III.
" " IV.
" James II.
" Mary, Queen of Scotland
" William III.
" " IV.
Henry VII., 220, 293
" Prince of Wales, 165, 237
Hepburn, J., Earl of Bothwell, 288
Herbert, Anne, 146
Heydon, Sir C., 229
Hickman, Dixie, 403
Highcliffe Castle, 358
Howard, P., Earl of Arundel, 237
" W., Baron Howard
Huntingdon, Earl of. Hastings, 208, 321
Hutchinson, P., 238
Hyde, Anne, 53, 395
" E., 53
India, Emperor of, 155
" Empress of, 379
Ingestre, 113
A. Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, Prince
A. R. Anne, Queen
C. C. Charles II.
C. R. "
Car. Rex. "
E. H. L. Locker, E. H.
E. P. Edward VI.
E. R. "
E. R. Elizabeth, Queen
G. P. George II.
G. R. " I.
G. R. " III.
H. B. Blundell, H.
H. C. Chitting, H.
I. D. Trevor, M., Viscount Dungannon
I. R. (i.e. I. Reynes.) Tudor Rose
J. D. James II.
J. R. " I.
K. D. V. Digby, Sir K.
M. D. Henry VIII.
M. M. S. Sykes, Sir M. M.
M. F. Mary, Queen of Scotland
M. R. William III. and Mary II.
M. S. Mary, Princess
R. D. Dudley, R., Earl of Leicester
W. D. Douglas, W., Duke of Queensberry
W. R. William III.
The Irish Harp, 187, 246
Isabella, Queen of Spain, 93
Jackson, Cyril, Dean of Christchurch, 135
James I., King of England, 227, 280
" II., " " 395
" IV., King of Scotland, 246
" V. " " 287
John of Gaunt, 276
Johnson, Dr. S., 188
Juan IV., King of Portugal, 95
Judd, Alice, 348
" Sir A., 348
Kalthoeber, C., Bookbinder, 188, 355
Kemp Town, 258
Kempe, J., Archbishop of Canterbury, 258
Kempe, T., Bishop of London, 258
" Sir T., 258
Kenilworth, 151
Kent, Edward, Duke of, 379
Ker, R., Duke of Roxburghe, 260
Kerr, R., Earl of Ancrum, 262
The King's Library, British Museum, 188
La Garrique, family of, 170
Lambeth Palace Library, 42, 266
Lansdowne, Earl and Marquis of. Petty, 314
Lauderdale, Viscount and Earl of. Maitland, 278
Legends. See Mottoes.
Legislative Union of Great Britain with Ireland, 1801, 188
Legislative Union of England and Scotland, 1706, 53
Leicester, Earl of. Coke, 121
" " Dudley, 150
" " Sydney, 363
Lewis, G., 196
" J., 373
Ley, H., 268
" J., Baron Ley, 268
Lincoln, Bishop of. Williams, 401
" Earl of. Clinton, 233
Lindsay, Baron, 270
" J., Lord Menmuir, 270
L'Isle, Viscount. Sydney, 363
Liverpool, Earl of. Jenkinson, 191
Llandaff, Bishop of. Gilbert, 192
Locker, W., 272
Locker-Lampson, F., 272
London, Bishop of. Kempe, 258
Long, Beeston, 274
Lothian, Countess of. Kerr, 262
" Earl of. Kerr, 262
Loudoun, Earl of. Campbell, 82
Louis XII., King of France, 293
" XIV., King of France, 144, 291
Lovel, Baron, 123
Lucan, Earl of. Bingham, 355
Lumley, Baron, 165, 227
Lyttelton, Baron, 276
" G. C., Viscount Cobham, 276
" Sir T., 276
Magdalene College, Cambridge, 309
Maitland, Baron, 278
Malpas, Viscount. Cholmondeley, 115
Manners, Dorothy, 305
" J., Earl of Rutland, 279
" Sir R., 280
March, Earls of. Mortimer, 213
Marie Louisa, of Saxe-Coburg, Saalfield, 379
Marlborough, Duke of. Churchill, 297, 353
Marlborough, Henrietta, Duchess of, 297, 353
Marlborough, Earl of. Ley, 267
Mary, Queen of Scotland, 101, 246
Masterman, Henrietta, 365
" Henry, 365
Matthew, J., 294
Maurice, John, 227
Mearne, S., Bookbinder, 109, 124
Mecklenburg, Charlotte of, Queen, 110
Menmuir, Lord. Lindsay, 270
Middlesex, Earl of. Cranfield, 72
Modena, Alphonso IV., Duke of, 289, 291
Moira, Earl of. Hastings, 321
Monck, D., Duke of Albemarle, 342
" G., " " 295
Montagu, Duke of, 297
" House, 342
The Moon, 219, 375
Mordaunt, J., Earl of Peterborough, 299
Mortimer, Earl of. Harley, 203
Mottoes and Legends.
AGE QUOD AGIS. Blundell, H.
ANNA. Anne, Queen
ASTRA CASTRA (with the crest). Lindsay, D., Baron Lindsay
AVITO VIRET HONORE. Stuart, C., Baron Stuart
BE MINDFULL. Campbell, J. F., Earl Cawdor
BIBLIOTHECA ARUNDELIANA. Howard, T., Earl of Arundel
BON TEMPS VIENDRA. Bourchier, R., Countess of Bath
CAVENDO TUTUS. Cavendish, W. G. S., Duke of Devonshire
CONSILIO ET ANIMIS (with the crest). Maitland, T., Earl of Lauderdale
COR VNV VIA VNA. Cecil, W., Baron Burghley
DARE QUAM ACCIPERE. Lloyd, D., Dean of St. Asaph
DESIR NA' REPOS. Howard, C., Baron Howard of Effingham
DIEU DEFEND LE DROIT. Churchill, G. S., Duke of Marlborough
" " Spencer, C., Earl of Sunderland
" " Spencer, G. J., Earl Spencer
" " Charles II.
" " George I.
" " George II.
" " George III.
" " George IV.
" " Henry VIII.
" " James I.
" " James II.
ELIZABETH. Elizabeth, Queen
ESSE QUAM VIDERE. Brownlow, J., Viscount Tyrconnel
FARI QUÆ SENTIAT. Walpole, H., Earl of Oxford
FERENDVM VT VINCAS. Beaton, J., Archbishop of Glasgow
FIDE ET FORTITUDINE. Capell, W., Earl of Essex
FIEL PERO DESDICHADO. Churchill, G. S., Duke of Marlborough
FORDWARD. Douglas, W., Duke of Queensberry
GOD WITH US. The Commonwealth
HONI SOIT QVI MAL Y PENSE. (The motto of the order of the Garter.)
Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, Prince.
Anne, Queen.
Bennet, H., Earl of Arlington.
Cecil, W., Baron Burghley.
Charles I.
Charles II.
Elizabeth, Queen.
Fitz-Alan, H., Earl of Arundel.
Frederick, Prince of Wales.
George I.
George II.
George III.
George IV.
Gower, G. L., Duke of Sutherland.
Henry VIII.
Boteler. See Salwey, H.
Botevile. See Campbell, J. F., Earl Cawdor
Bourchier. See Grey, H., Earl of Stamford
" R., Countess of Bath
Bourke. See Covert, W.
Boyes. See Covert, W.
Brabant, Duke of. See Digby, Sir K.
Bradeston. See Covert, W.
" See Hatton, Sir C.
Bradshaw. See Gilbert, J., Archbishop of York
" See Salwey, H.
Brandon. See Gower, G. L., Duke of Sutherland
" " Sydney, R., Earl of Leicester
Bridgman, Sir O.
Brotherton. See Anne Bullen, Queen
" " Howard, C., Baron Howard
" " Howard, H., Earl of Northampton
Browne. See Hatton, Sir C.
Brownlow, J., Viscount Tyrconnel
Bruce. See Cotton, Sir R. B.
Burley. See Lyttelton, W. H., Baron Lyttelton
Burnell. See Radcliffe, R., Earl of Sussex
Burrell, Sir W.
Busserard. See Naunton, Sir R.
Butler. See Anne Bullen, Queen
" " St. George, Sir R.
Butts. See Trewarthen
Calder. See Campbell, J. F., Earl Cawdor
Calthrop. See Sydney, R., Earl of Leicester
Campbell, H., Earl of Loudoun
" J. F., Earl Cawdor
Capell, W., Earl of Essex
Carew, G., Earl of Totness
Caroline of Brandenburg. See George II.
Carrell. See Hatton, Sir C.
Carteret, G., Baron Carteret
" J., " "
Catherine of Aragon, Queen
" Braganza, Queen
Cavendish, W. G. S., Duke of Devonshire
Cecil, W., Baron Burghley
Charles I.
" II.
Charlotte of Mecklenburg, Queen
Chetwynd, W.
Chiche. See Smythe, T., Viscount Strangford
Chichele. See Smythe, T., Viscount Strangford
Charnock. See Smith, Sir T.
Chitting, H.
Cholmondeley, G., Earl Cholmondeley
Churchill, G. S., Duke of Marlborough
Cochrane, J., Earl of Dundonald
Cocks, J., Baron Somers
Coke, T., Earl of Leicester
Coleshill. See Trewarthen
Colvile. See Worthington
Comyn. See Covert, W.
Coote, C.
Cotton, Sir R. B.
Coventry, W., Earl of Coventry
Covert, W.
Cowper, W., Earl Cowper
Cracherode, C. M.
Culcheth. See Radcliffe, R., Earl of Sussex
Davenport. See Digby, Sir K.
Dawes. See Salwey, H.
De La Tour. See Russell, F., Earl of Bedford
Dene. See Sydney, R., Earl of Leicester
Dengayne. See St. George, Sir R.
Dering, Sir E.
D'Este. See Mary of Modena, Queen
D'Ewes, Sir S.
Dexter. See Smythe, T., Viscount Strangford
Digby, Sir K.
Dormer, R., Earl of Carnarvon
Douglas, W., Duke of Queensberry
Duckenfield. See Smythe, T., Viscount Strangford
Dudley. See Sydney, R., Earl of Leicester
" R., Earl of Leicester
Dyall. See Covert, W.
Edward the Confessor. See Cotton, Sir R. B.
Edward VI.
" VII.
Egerton. See Chetwynd, W.
" " Gower, G. L., Duke of Sutherland
" F. H., Earl of Bridgwater
Elizabeth, Queen
Etchington. See Cecil, W., Baron Burghley
Fane. See Bourchier, R., Countess of Bath
Ferrara. See Mary of Modena, Queen
Ferrers. See Sydney, R., Earl of Leicester
Finch, H., Earl of Aylesford
Fitzalan. See Russell, F., Earl of Bedford
Fitz-Alan, H., Earl of Arundel
Fitz-Walter. See Radcliffe, R., Earl of Sussex
Frederick, Elector Palatine
" II., King of Denmark. See Anne of Denmark, Queen
" Prince of Wales
Froxmere. See Russell, F., Earl of Bedford
Gamage. See Sydney, R., Earl of Leicester
Gardiner. See Kinnear, J. G.
Garrick, D.
Garshall. See Chetwynd, W.
George I.
" II.
" III.
" IV.
Gilbert, J., Archbishop of York
Glover. See Philpot, J., Somerset Herald
Gore. See Bayntun, W.
Gower, G. L., Duke of Sutherland
Granville. See Gower, G. L., Duke of Sutherland
Green, J. H.
Grenville, T.
Grey. See Egerton, F. H., Earl of Bridgwater
" " Pepys
Grey. See Radcliffe, R., Earl of Sussex
" Sydney, R., Earl of Leicester
" H., Earl of Stamford
Gulston, W., Bishop of Bristol
Gurnon. See Chetwynd, W.
Hamilton, J., Archbishop of St. Andrews
Harborne, W.
Harding. See Radcliffe, R., Earl of Sussex
Harley, R., Earl of Oxford
Haslerigg. See Chetwynd, W.
Hastings. See Sydney, R., Earl of Leicester
Hatton, Sir C.
Hayward. See Berkeley, R.
Heath, B.
Henderson. See Chetwynd, W.
Henry VII.
" Prince of Wales
" Benedict, Cardinal York
Herbert. See Dormer, R., Earl of Carnarvon
" " Finch, H., Earl of Aylesford
Herringham. See Russell, F., Earl of Bedford
Heydon, Sir C.
Hillock. See Naunton, Sir R.
Hoare, Sir R. C.
Holdenby. See Hatton, Sir C.
Horton, F.
Houghton. See Naunton, Sir R.
Howard, C., Baron Howard of Effingham
" H., Earl of Northampton
" T., Earl of Arundel
Hutchinson, T.
Ingleby. See St. George, Sir R.
Inglish. See Naunton, Sir R.
James I.
" I. See Frederick, Elector
" II.
" Prince of Wales
Judd. See Smythe, T., Viscount Strangford
Kemp, T. R.
Ker, J., Duke of Roxburghe
Kerr, W., Earl of Lothian
Kinnear, J. G.
Lancaster, Earl of. See Anne Bullen, Queen
Langton. See Sydney, R., Earl of Leicester
" See Worthington
Laud, W., Archbishop of Canterbury
Leveson. See Gower, G. L., Duke of Sutherland
Ley, J., Earl of Marlborough
Lindsay, D., Baron Lindsay
Lloyd, D., Dean of St. Asaph
Locker, E. H.
Long, C., Baron Farnborough
Lorn. See Campbell, J. F., Earl Cawdor
Lort. See Campbell, J. F., Earl Cawdor
Lucy. See Digby, Sir K.
" " Radcliffe, R., Earl of Sussex
Lupus. See Sydney, R., Earl of Leicester
Lyle. See Sydney, R., Earl of Leicester
Lyttelton, W. H., Baron Lyttelton
Maitland, J., Earl of Lauderdale
Maltravers. See Fitz-Alan, H., Earl of Arundel
Manners. See Noel, B., Earl of Gainsborough
" F., Earl of Rutland
" J., Duke of Rutland
Marr. See Douglas, W., Duke of Queensberry
Marlin. See Naunton, Sir R.
Mary I., Queen of England
" II., " "
" Queen of Scotland
" of Modena, Queen
" Princess of England
" " See Egerton, F. H., Earl of Bridgwater
" " See Gower, G. L., Duke of Sutherland
Mason. See Brownlow, J., Viscount Tyrconnel
Masterman. See Sykes, Sir M. M.
Matthew, T., Archbishop of York
Meriford. See Chetwynd, W.
Meynell. See Windsor, T., Baron Windsor
Mirfin. See Smythe, T., Viscount Strangford
Monck, C., Duke of Albemarle
Montagu, J., Duke of Montagu
Montfort. See Salwey, H.
Monthermer. See Montagu, J., Duke of Montagu
Mordaunt, J., Viscount Mordaunt
Mortimer. See St. George, Sir R.
Mulsho. See Digby, Sir K.
Murray. See Cochrane, J., Earl of Dundonald
Musgrave, Sir W.
Naunton, Sir R.
Nevill. See Hatton, Sir C.
" G. E., Earl of Abergavenny
Neville. See Digby, Sir K.
Newport. See Sheldon, R.
Noel, B., Earl of Gainsborough
Nowers. See Sydney, R., Earl of Leicester
Offley. See Hatton, Sir C.
Parker, M., Archbishop of Canterbury
Pepys, S.
Percy, H., Earl of Northumberland
Petty, W. F., Marquis of Lansdowne
Philpot, J., Somerset Herald
Pilkington. See Smythe, T., Viscount Strangford
Pinchbeck. See Cecil, W., Baron Burghley
Poulett, B., Lady
Powell. See Naunton, Sir R.
Pye, Sir R.
Radcliffe, R., Earl of Sussex
Rawdon, J., Baron Rawdon
" M.
Rawlinson, R.
Raymond. See Chetwynd, W.
Rivers, Sir. J.
Rochford. See Anne Bullen, Queen
Rockly. See Covert, W.
Russell, F., Earl of Bedford
" W., Duke of Bedford
Sackville, E., Earl of Dorset
St. Andrew. See Commonwealth
" " George III.
" " Mary, Queen of Scotland
St. Clair. See Covert, W.
St. George. See Commonwealth
" " George III.
" " Henry VIII.
St. George. See Tudor Rose
St. George, Sir R.
Salter. See Chetwynd
Salwey, H.
Sandys, Sir T.
Sapcote. See Russell, F., Earl of Bedford
Say, W.
Scudamore. See Pye, Sir R.
Sheffield. See Covert, W.
" J., Earl of Mulgrave
Sheldon, R.
Sloane, Sir H.
Smith. See Spencer, G. J., Earl Spencer
" J.
" Sir T.
Smythe, T., Viscount Strangford
Somers, J., Baron Somers
Spencer. See Churchill, G. S., Duke of Marlborough
" C., Earl of Sunderland
" G. J., Earl Spencer
Stanley. See Digby, Sir K.
" " Gower, G. L., Duke of Sutherland
" T.
Stanton. See Hatton, Sir C.
Strange. See Gower, G. L., Duke of Sutherland
Stuart, C., Baron Stuart de Rothesay
Sutton, See Smythe, T., Viscount Strangford
" T.
Sydney, R., Earl of Leicester
Sykes, Sir M. M.
Symonds. See Covert, W.
Talbot. See Lyttelton, W. H., Baron Lyttelton
Tash, T.
Thynne. See Campbell, J. F., Earl Cawdor
Tollemache. See Grey, H., Earl of Stamford
Towneley, R.
Trelawny. See Sydney, R., Earl of Leicester
Trevor, M., Viscount Dungannon
Trussell. See St. George, Sir R.
Tyrrell. See Sydney, R., Earl of Leicester
Usher, J., Archbishop of Armagh
Utterson, E. V.
Valence, Earl of Pembroke. See Sydney, R., Earl of Leicester
Vandals. Anne, of Denmark, Queen
Verney. See Chetwynd, W.
Victoria, Queen
Vincent, A., Windsor Herald
Waldegrave, J., Earl Waldegrave
Walker, Sir E.
Walpole, H., Earl of Oxford
Ware, Sir J.
Warren. See Anne Bullen, Queen
" " Howard, C., Baron Howard
" " Howard, H., Earl of Northampton
Warwick. See Sydney, R., Earl of Leicester
Watson, L., Earl of Rockingham
Weapont. See Ker, J., Duke of Roxburghe
Wedson. See Hatton, Sir C.
Wellington. See Sheldon, R.
Wesenham. See Cotton, Sir R. B.
Westcote. See Lyttelton, W. H., Baron Lyttelton
White, R. S.
Whitgift, J., Archbishop of Canterbury
William III. and Mary II.
Williams, J., Bishop of Lincoln
Windsor, T., Baron Windsor
Wodhull, M.
Wotton, E., Baron Wotton
Wright, J.
Wyerley. See Salwey, H.
Wyndham, Sir H.
Wynstone. See Cecil, W., Baron Burghley
" " Pye, Sir R.
Wyse. See Russell, F., Earl of Bedford
Yonge. See Covert, W.
York. See Hatton, Sir C.
Zouch. See Naunton, Sir R.
Peterborough, Earl of. Mordaunt, 299
Philip II., King of Spain, 283
Phillips, T., 65
Philpot, H., 316
Pirckheimer family, 237
Places, the Arms of which are figured.
AngoulÊme. Anne Bullen, Queen
Aragon. Catherine, of Aragon, Queen
Armagh, See of. Usher, J., Archbishop of Armagh
Bavaria. Frederick, Elector Palatine
Brabant. Sydney, R., Earl of Leicester
Brandenburg. George II.
Brunswick. George I. George II. George IV. William IV.
Buren. William III.
Canterbury, See of. Abbot, G., Archbishop of Canterbury
" " Laud, W., Archbishop of Canterbury
" " Whitgift
Castile. Catherine, of Aragon, Queen
Castile, a bordure of. Catherine, of Braganza, Queen
Catsenelboge. William III.
Chalon. William III.
Crossen. George II.
Dalmenhurst. Anne, of Denmark, Queen
Denmark. Anne, of Denmark, Queen
Dietz. William III.
Ditzmers. Anne, of Denmark, Queen
England. All the sovereigns of England from Henry VII. to Edward VII.
" Frederick, Prince of Wales
" Gower, G. L., Duke of Sutherland
" Henry, Prince of Wales.
" Henry Benedict, Cardinal.
" James, Prince of Wales
" Lyttelton, W. H., Baron Lyttelton
" Mary, Princess
" " of Modena, Queen
France. " " "
Geneva. William III.
Gothes. Anne, of Denmark, Queen
Grenada. Catherine, of Aragon, Queen
Guyenne. Anne Bullen, Queen
Halberstadt. George II.
Hohenzollern. George II.
Holstein. Anne, of Denmark, Queen
Ireland. All the sovereigns of England from James I. to Edward VII. Frederick, Prince of Wales. Henry, Prince of Wales. Henry Benedict, Cardinal. James, Prince of Wales. Mary, of Modena, Queen
JÄgerndorff. George II.
Leon. Catherine, of Aragon, Queen
Lincoln, See of. Williams, J., Bishop of Lincoln
London, City of. Henry VIII.
" " Tudor Rose
Lunenburg. George I. George II. George III. George IV. William IV.
Magdeburg. George II.
Mecklenburg. Charlotte, of Mecklenburg, Queen
Minden. George II.
Moers. William III.
Nassau. William III.
Norway. Anne, of Denmark, Queen
NÜremberg. George II.
Oldenburg. Anne, of Denmark, Queen
Orange. William III.
Pfalz-am-Rhein. Frederick, Elector Palatine
Pommern. George II.
Portugal. Catherine, of Braganza, Queen
Prussia. George II.
Ratzeburg. Charlotte, of Mecklenburg, Queen
" George II.
Saxony. George I. George II. George III. George IV. William IV.
Scotland. All sovereigns of England from James I. to Edward VII. Frederick, Prince of Wales. Henry, Prince of Wales. Henry Benedict, Cardinal. James, Prince of Wales. Mary, Queen of Scotland. Mary, of Modena, Queen
Schwerin. Charlotte, of Mecklenburg, Queen
Sicily. Catherine, of Aragon, Queen
Sleswick. Anne, of Denmark, Queen
Stormer. Anne, of Denmark, Queen
Sweden. " " "
Vianden. William III.
Wenden. Charlotte, of Mecklenburg, Queen
Wenden. George II.
York, See of. Matthew, T., Archbishop of York
Plot, Robert, 113
Poulett, Earl, 317
Queensberry, Duke of. Douglas, 147
" Earl of. Douglas, 149
" Marquis of. Douglas, 147, 149
Radclyffe, H., 320
" R., 320
Ratcliffe, J., 188
Rawdon, Sir J., 321
" L., 322
Rawlinson, Sir T., 323
Raymond, Sir C., 78
The Record Office, 213
Reviczky, Count, 355
Reynes, J., Bookbinder, 219, 376
Richard III., 213, 303
Richmond, Earl of. Tudor, 213
Rivers, Sir G., 324
" Sir J., 324
Rivet, Mirabel, 229
Robsart, Amy, 150
Rockingham, Earl of. Watson, 314
" " " 388
Ros, of Hamlake, Baron. Manners, 280
" Eleanor, 280
Rothesay, Baron Stuart de. Stuart, 357
Rouge Dragon Pursuivant. Philpot, 316
Rows, John, 151
" Roll, 151
Roxburghe, Duke of. Ker, 259, 260
" Club, 260
Royal Libraries, 399
" Society, 237
" Titles, 189
Rutland, Duke of. Manners, 281, 305
" Earl of. " 279
Rylands, J., 355
" Mrs. 355
Sackville, R., Earl of Dorset, 328
Saint Albans, Viscount. Bacon, 56
" Andrews, Archbishop of. Hamilton, 201
" Asaph, Dean of. Lloyd, 271
" Benet's College, 306
" George, 375
" " The Chevalier, 222, 257
" " Sir H., 384
" " T., 330
" John's Gate, Clerkenwell, 170
Salic Law, 380
Salisbury, Bishop of. Gilbert, 192
" Dean of. Williams, 401
Sandys, E., Archbishop of York, 333
Sandys Islands, 334
Say, W., 335
Sceptre with the Dove, 280
Semper eadem, 53
Shelburne, Earl of. Petty, 314
Sheldon, W., 340
Sloane, Alex., 341
" Sir H., 178
Smith, J., 345
" Sir T., 205
Smythe, Sir J., 348
" Sir T., 334
Sobieski, Mary Clementina, 222
Solebay, Battle of, 337
Somers, Baron. Cocks, 121, 350
Somers Islands, 334
Somerset Herald. Philpot, 315, 316
Sondes, Viscount, 388
Sophia, Electress, 167, 173
Southampton, Earl of. Wriothesley, 327
Spanish Armada, 233
Stafford, Marquis of. Gower, 194
Stamford, Earl of. Grey, 197, 205
Stanley, Sir E., Earl of Richmond, 213
" Margaret, 246, 287
" Rose, 213, 375
Tufton, Mary, 123
Tyrconnel, Viscount. Brownlow, 74
The Ulster Hand. Boothby, Sir B.
" " Burrell, Sir W.
" " Carteret, G., Baron Carteret
" " Ley, J., Earl of Marlborough
" " Sloane, Sir H.
" " Sykes, Sir M. M.
The Unicorn of Scotland, 247
The Union of England and Ireland, 188
The Union of England and Scotland, 53
University Library, Cambridge, 356
Usher, Arnold, 377
Utterson, John, 378
Velvet Bindings, 161
Venice, Consul at. Smith, 188
Verulam, Baron. Bacon, 56
Victoria, Queen, 44, 97
Vincent, W., 381
The Virginia Company, 334
Vives, Ludovicus, 93
Waddington, G., 121
Wales, Princes of, 176, 187, 191, 223, 256
Walpole, R., Earl of Oxford, 386
Warwick, Arthgallus, Earl of, 151
" Richard, Earl of. Neville, 303
Watson, Edith, 389
Wendeborn, F., 191
West, J., 188
" Mr., 260
Westcote, Baron. Lyttelton, 275
Westminster, Dean of. Williams, 401
" Abbey Library, 213
Westminster School Dormitory, 128
Westmoreland, Earl of. Fane, 72
Wheatley, H. B., 311
White Knights, 119
Whitechurch, Sir M., 373
Whitgift, H., 390
Wilhelmina Caroline, Queen, 179
Williams, Edmond, 401
Williamson, Sir J., 64
Wiltshire, Earl of. Bullen, 160
Windsor, Baron, 402
" Dean of. Carew, 86
" Herald. Vincent, 379
" Library at, 222
Woburn, 326
Wodhull, J., 404
Worsley, Frances, 91
" Sir R., 91
" Sir W., 90, 127
Wotton, T., 407
Wright, A., 408
Wriothesley, Rachel, 327
" T., Earl of Southampton, 327
Wyndham, Sir J., 410
York, Archbishop of. Gilbert, 192
" " " Matthew, 294
" " " Sandys, 333
" " " Williams, 401
" Cardinal. Henry Benedict, 221-222
" Duke of. (Aft. James II.), 254-337
Young, Patrick, 227