FIRST CENTURY. YEAR 1. St Peter, 66 2. St. Lin, son of Hercolanus, born at Volterra in Toscany, died in 78 3. St. Anaclet, or Clet, died in 91 4. St. Clement, son of Faustinas, born at Rome, died in 100 SECOND CENTURY. 5. St. Evanstas, born in Syria, died in 109 6. St. Alexander I. 119 7. St. Sixtus I. born at Rome, 127 8. St. Telesphore, 139 9. St. Hyginus, died in 142 10. St. Pius I. 157 11. St. Anacetus, 168 12. St. Soter, born at Fondi, 177 13. St. Eleutberius, died the last day of the year 192 14. St. Victor, 202 THIRD CENTURY. 15. St. Zephirinus, died in 219 16. St. Calixtus I. 14th October, 222 17. St. Urban I. 25th May, 230 18. St. Pontien, 28th Sept. 235 19. St. Antherus, 3rd Jan. 236 20. St. Fabian, 28th Jan. 250 21. St. Cornelius, 14th Sept. 253 22. St. Lucius, I. 4th or 5th March, 255 28. St. Stephen I. 2nd Aug. 257 24. St. Sixtus II. 6th Aug. 258 25. St. Dionysius, 26th Dec. 269 26. St. Felix I. 22nd Dec. 274 27. St. Eutychian, 7th or 8th Dec. 283 28. St. Caius, 22nd April, 296 29. St. Marcellinus, 24th Oct. 304 FOURTH CENTURY. 30. St. Marcellus, a Roman by birth, died 16th Jan. 310 31. St. Eusebius, 26th Sept. 310 32. St. Miltiades or Melchiades, died 10th or 11th Jan. 314 33. St. Sylvester I. born at Rome, died 31st Dec. 335 Pretended donation of Constantine. Council of Nice, 1st oecumenical, in 325 34. St. Mark, died the 7th Oct. 336 35. St. Julius I. a Roman by birth, died 13th April, 352 36. St. Liberius, 24th April, 366 Felix II. antipope, 22nd Nov. 365 37. St Damasiuc, a Roman, 10th or 11th Dec. 384 Council of Constantinople 2nd oecum. 381. 38. St. Siricius, a Roman, died 25th Nov, 398 The first of whom we have an authentic decree 39. St. Anastasius I. a Roman, died in 401 or 402 FIFTH CENTURY. 40. St. Innocent I. died 12th March 417 41. St. Zosimus, born in Greece, died 26th Dec. 418 42. St. Boniface I. a Roman, son of the priest Jocundus, died 4th Sept. 422 43. St. Celestine I. a Roman, 30th July, 432 Council of Ephesus, 3rd oecumen. in 431. 44. St. Sixtus III. a Roman, 18th Aug. 440 46. St. Leo I. or the Great, born at Rome, one of the doctors of the Latin Church, died 6th or 8th Nov. 461 Council of Chalcedon, 4th oecumen. 451. 46. St. Hilary, a Sardinian, died 21st Feb. 468 47. St. Simplicius, native of Tivoli, died 25th Feb. 483 48. St. Felix III. a Roman, 24th or 25th Feb. 492 49. St. Gelaaias, born at Rome, 19th Nov. 498 50. St. Anastasias II. 17th Nov. 498 SIXTH CENTURY. 51. Symmachas, born in Sardinia, died the 9th July 514 52. Hormisdas, born at Frusignone in Campania died 6th Aug. 523 53. St. John I. a Toscan, 18th May, 525 54. Felix IV. a Samnite, in 530 55. Boniface II. born at Rome, of Gothic origin, died 532 56. John II. called Mercnrins, born at Rome, died 535 57. Agapit, son of the priest Gordian, died the 22d of April 536 58. Sylverius, a native of Campania son of pope Hormisdas 538 59. Vigilias, son of the Consul John, elected pope Nov. 537, before the death of Sylverius, died at Syracuse, 10th Jan. 555 2nd Council of Constantinople, and 6th oecumenical, held in 553 60. Pelagias I. died 1st March, 560 61. John III. called Cateline, born at Rome, died 13th July 575 62. Benedict Bonosius, 30th July, 557 63. Pelagias II. died 8th Feb. 590 64. St. Gregory I. or the Great, born at Rome, one of the fathers or doctors of the Latin Cburch 12th March, 604 SEVENTH CENTURY. 65. Sabinian, died 22nd Feb. 606 66. Boniface III. 607 67. Boniface IV. native of Valeria, country of the Moors, 615 68. St. Dens Dedit, a Roman, 3rd Dec. 618 69. Boniface V. born at Naples, died 22d Oct. 626 70. Honoriua I. a native of Campania, son of the consul Petronius, died 12th Oct. 638 AN INTERREGNUM OF TWENTY MONTHS 71. Severinus, born at Rome, consecrated in May, died 640 72. John IV. of Dalmatia, 11th Oct. 642 73. Theodore I. born at Jerusalem, died 13th May, The first who received the title of sovereign pontiff. 649 74. St. Martin I. of Todi, 17th Sept. 654 75. St. Eugene I. a Roman, 1st Jan. 657 76. Vitalian, born at Segni, 27th Jan. 662 77. Adeodat, a Roman, in June, 676 78. Donus or Domnas, a Roman, 11th April, 678 79. Agathon, a Sicilian, 10th June, Third Council of Constantinople, the 6th oecumenical, held in 680 and 681. 682 80. St. Leo II. a Sicilian, died in 683 or 684 81. Benedict II. a Roman, died 7th May, 685 82. John V. a Syrian, 7th Aug. 687 83. Conon, born in Sicily, of Thracian origin, died Sept. 687 84. St. Sergius I. born at Palermo, of Antiochian 8th Sept. 701 EIGHTH CENTURY. 85. John VI. a Greek, died 9th Jan. 705 86. John VII. a Greek, 17th Oct. 707 87. St.Sinnius, a Syrian, 7th Feb. 708 88. Constantine, a Syrian, 9th April, 715 89. St. Gregory II. a Roman, died the 10th Feb. 731 Quarrel with the Emperor Leo the Isaurian. 90. Gregory III. a Syrian, 27th Nov. 741 Excommunication of the Iconoclastes —Roman Republic. 91. Zachary, a Greek, 14th March, 752 Accession of Pepin the Short. Stephen elected pope in 752 died before being consecrated. 92. Stephen II. died 25th April, 757 Pretended sacred donation of Pepin, letters of St. Peter, &c. 93. Paul I. brother of the preceding, died 28th Jan. 767 94. Stephen III. a Sicilian, 1st Feb. 772 95. Adrian I. son of Theodale, duke of Rome, 25th Dec. 795 Charlemagne in Italy. Second Council of Nice, 7th oecumenical, in 787. 96. Leo III. a Roman, 11th June, 816 Charlemagne crowned emperor in 800. False decretals NINTH CENTURY. 97. Stephen IV. installed 22d June 816, died 24th Jan. 817 98. Pascal I. a Roman, installed 25th Jan. 817, died May 824 99. Eugene II. born at Rome installed and died in Aug. 827 100. Valentine, born at Rome installed and died, 827 101. Gregory IV. installed at the close of 827, died in Jan. 844 Humiliation of the emperor Louis-le-Debonairre. 102. Sergius II. installed the 27th January 844, 27th Jan. 847 103. St. Louis IV, elected in 847, died 17th July, 855 Leonine City, pages 48, 50. 104. Benedict III. installed 29th Sept. 855, died 8th April 858 105. Nicholas I. a Roman, installed 24th April 858 died Nov. 867 106. Adrian II. a Roman, installed 14th Dec. 867, died in 872 4th Council of. Constantinople, the 8th oecumenical, held in 869. 107. John VIII. installed the 14th December 872, died Dec. 888 Charles the Bold crowned emperor in 875, and Charles the Fat in 880. 108. Marinas, installed the end of December 882, died in May, 884 109. Adrian III. a Roman, installed in 884, died in Sept. 885 110. Stephen V. a Roman installed in Sept. 885, died 7th Aug. 891 111. Formosus, installed in Sept. 891, died in April 896 112. Boniface VI. installed and died in 896 113. Stephen VI. installed in 896, strangled 897 114. Romanus, born at Rome, installed 20th Aug. 897 115. Theodore II. installed and died in 898 116. John IX. a native of Tibar or Tivoli, died 900 TENTH CENTURY. 117. Benedict IV. elected in December, 900, died in October 903 118. Leo V. a native of Ardee, installed 28th Oct. 903, banished in Nov. 903 119. Christophas, a Roman, installed in November, 903, banished in Jane, 904 120. Sergios III. installed in 905, died in August, 911 121. Anastasias III. a Roman, installed Aug. 911, died Oct. 913 122. Landon, installed in 913, died April, 914 123. John X. installed the end of April, 914, died in prison 928 The lover of Theodora, the conqueror of the Saracens, dethroned by Marosia 124. Leo VI. installed Jan. 928, died the 3rd of February 929 125. Steshen VII. installed in March 929, died in Mar. 931 126. John XI. son of Marosia, and it is said of< in November the same year, died 6th of Nov. 1406 210. Gregory XII. Ange Corrario, Venetian, car- dinal, elected the 30th Nov. 1406, to suc- ceed Innocent VII. ; abdicated the 4th July 1415, died at the age of ninety- two the 18th Oct. at Rimini, 1417 Council of Pisa in 1409; it deposes Gre- gory XII. and Benedict XIII.; it elects Alexander V. 211. Alexander V. Peter Philarge, born in the Isle of Candia, bishop of Vicenza and Novara, archbishop of Milan, cardinal, elected pope, in the Council of Pisa, the 26th June, 1409, crowned 7th July, the same year, died at Bologna, May, 1410 212. John XXIII. Balthasar. Cossa, bora at Naples, of a noble family, cardinal deacon, elected at Bologna by sixteen cardinals, the 17th May; 1410, to succeed Alexander V. is deposed by the Council of Constance, 29th May, 1415, died 22d of Nov. 1419 Council of Constance, from the 5th Nov. 1414, to the 22d April, 1418; 16th oecu- menical 213. Martin V. Otho Colonna, a Roman, cardinal deacon, elected pope at the Council of Con- stance, the 11th Nov. 1417, crowned the 2l3th: he entered Rome the 22d Sept. 1420, died the 21st Feb. 1431 214. Clement VIII. Gilles de Mugnos, canon of Bar- celona, elected by two cardinals in 1424, to succeed Benedict XIII. or Peter de Lune, abdicates the 26th July, 1429 216. Eugene IV. Gabriel Condolmere, a Venetian, cardinal, bishop of Sienna, elected in the month of March 1431, to succeed Martin V. crowned the 11th of the same month; declares for the Orsini against the Colon- lias; is deposed by the Council of Basle, 22d of June, 1439, died the 23d of Feb. 1440 Council of Basle, from the 23d of July, 1431, to the month of May 1043, the 17th oecumenical Council of Florence, from the 26th Feb. 1439, to the 26th April, 1442, 18th oecu- menical Pragmatic Sanction of Charles VIII. in 1439 216. Felix V. Amadeus VIII. duke of Savoy, elected pope by the Council of Basle, the 6th of Nov. 1439, crowned the 24th of July, 1440, renounced the pontificate the 9th April, 1449 217. Nicholas V. Thomas de Sarzane, a Tuscan, cardinal, bishop of Bologna, elected 6th Nov. 1447, to succeed Eugene IV. and crowned pope the 18th of the same month, died the 24th March, 1455 End of the schism in the West in 1449. Taking of Constantinople by the Turks in 1453 218. Calixtus, III. Alphonso Borgia, born in 1377 at Valencia in Spain, cardinal, archbishop of Valencia, elected pope the 8th April, 1455, and crowned the 20th, died 8th Aug. 1458 219. Plus II. Piccolomini, born in 1405 near Sienna, an author under the name of Eneae Sylvias, cardinal, bishop of. Sienna, elected pope in 1468, died at Ancona, in July, 1464 Bull ‘Execrabiiis.’—Abrogation of the Pragmatic of Louis XI.—Letter of Pius II. to Mahomet II. 220. Paul II. Peter Barbo, born at Venice in 1417, cardinal of St. Mark, elected pope the 31st Aug. 1464, crowned the 16th of Sept. the same year, died the 28th July, 1471 221. Sixtes IV. Francisco d’Albeacola de la Rovere, born in 1413 at Celles near Savona, a Franciscan, cardinal, elected pope 9th Aug. 1471; died the 13th Aug. 1484 Conspiracy of the Pazzi against the Me- dici at Florence in 1478 222. Innocent VIII. John Baptist Cibo, a noble Genoese, of Greek extraction, born in 1432, cardinal, elected pope the 29th Aug. 1484, crowned 12th Sept. same year, died the 26th July, 1492 222. Alexander VI. Rodrigo Borgia, born at Valencia in Spain in 1431, cardinal, archbishop of Valencia, elected pope llth Aug. 1492, crowned the 26th: died the 18th Aug. 1503 He betrayed Charles VIII. Louis XII. SIXTEENTH CENTURY. 224. Pius III. Peter Piccolomini, nephew of Pius II. cardinal of Sienna, elected pope the 22d Sept. 1603, crowned the 8th Oct. same year, died the 18th of same month. 1503 225. Julius II. Julian de la Rovere, born in 1441 near Savona, nephew of Sixtus IV. bishop of Carpentras, Albano, Ostia, Bologna, and Avignon, cardinal, elected pope 1st of Nov. 1503, and crowned the 19th, died the 21st Feb. 1513 League of Cambray.—Louis XII. excommunicated &c. Fifth Council of the Lateran, 19th oecumenical, in 1512, 1517. 226. Leo X. John de Medicis, son of Lorenzo, born at Florence in 1447, cardinal deacon, elected pope the 11th of March 1513, died 1st Dec. 1521 Excommunication of Luther.—Concordat with Francis the I. in 1516 227. Adrian VI. Adrian Florent, born in 1459, cardinal, bishop of Tortosa, elected pope the 9th of January, 1522 died Sept. 1523 228. Clement VII., natural and posthumous son of Julian de Medicis, born at Florence in 1478, archbishop of Florence, cardinal, elected pope 19th Nov. 1523, and crowned the 25th; died Sept 1534 Holy league against Charles V.—Excommunication of the king of England, Henry VIII. 229. Paul III. Alexander Famese, born at Rome in 1466, bishop of Ostia, dean of the sacred college, elected pope the 13th Octo. 1534, crowned the 7th of Nov. died 10th Nov. 1549 Bull “In coena Domini,” Council of Trent, from 1545 to 4th Dec. 1563, and last oecumenical. 230. Julius III. John Maria del Monte, born at Rome, the 10th Sept. 1487, bishop of Pales- trina, archbishop of Siponte, cardinal, elected pope the 8th of February 1550, and crowned the 20th; died the 23rd of March, 1555 Excommunication of the king of France, Henry II. 231. Marcellus II. Marcel Servin, born at Monte Pulciano, cardinal, elected pope 9th of April, crowned the 26th, and died the 30th same month 1555 232. Paul IV. John Peter Caraffa, a noble Venetian, born in 1476, cardinal, elected pope 25th May 1555, crowned the 26th; died 18th Aug. 1559 The enemy of Spain.—Excommunication of Elizabeth, Queen of England 233. Pius IV. John Angelo de Medicis, born at Milan in 1499, cardinal, elected pope the 26th Dec. 1559, and crowned the 6th of Jan. 1550; died the 9th Dec. 1565 Proscribes the nephews of his predecessors 234. Pius V. Michael Ghisleri, a Ligurian, born the 17th Jan. 1504, a Dominican, cardinal, elect- ed pope the 7th Jan. 1556, and crowned the 17th ; died the 1st of May, 1572 Canonized by Clement XI. in 1712 Pius renews the bull: “In coena Domini.” He bestows on Cosmo de Medecis the title of Grand Duke of Tuscany 235. Gregory XIII. Hugues Buon-Compagno, born at Bologna in 1502, bishop of Vesti, cardinal, elected pope 13th of May 1572, and crowned the 25th; died 10th of April, 1585 Massacre of St. Bartholomew’s-day the 24th of Aug. 1572.—The league 236. Sixtus V. Felix Peretti, born at Montalto, in the Marche of Ancona, the 12th Dec. 1521, a herdsman, Cordelier, bishop of St. Agatha, cardinal, elected pope the 24th of April, 1585, died 27th Aug. 1590 Anathemas against Elizabeth, against Henry IV. king of Navarre, &c.—Henry III. assassinated by James Clement.— The power of Philip II. king of Spain, detestable to Sixtus Quintus 237. Urban VII. John Baptist Castagna, born at Rome in 1521, son of a Genoese gentleman, archbishop of Rossano, cardinal, elected pope the 15th Sept. 1520, died the 27th of Sept. 1590 238. Gregory XIV. Nicholas Sfondrate, born at Cremona in 1535, bishop of Cremona, cardinal, elected pope the 3rd Dec. 1590, and crowned the 8th; died the 15th October 1591 239. Innocent IX. John Anthony Facchinetti, born at Bologna in 1519, bishop of Nicastro in Calabria, elected pope the 29th Oct. 1591, crowned the 3rd Nov. died the 30th Dec. 1591 240. Clement VIII. Hippolytus Aldobrandiri, born at Fano in 1536, cardinal, elected pope the 30th of Jan. 1593, crowned eight days after, died in the month of March 1605 Abjuration and absolution of Henry IV. Pithou’s Treatise on the Liberties of the Gallican Church, published in 1594 SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. 241. Leo XI. Alexander Octavian de Medicis, born at Florence in 1535, cardinal, elected pope 1st of April END OF THE FIRST VOLUME. |