Delena Children | 8 |
Two Convenient Handles | 8 |
“I Protest!” | 9 |
Parent and Child | 9 |
Would he Take a Prize? | 24 |
Throwing the Spear | 25 |
Whip-tops in Season | 25 |
Paroparo | 28 |
The Snake Game | 29 |
Delena School Group | 29 |
The Cuscus Game | 36 |
A Fine Frizzy Head | 37 |
A Friend Lends a Hand | 37 |
A Tight-laced Dandy | 44 |
Bringing in the Firewood | 44 |
Bridal Procession | 45 |
“Out like a Coal-scuttle Bonnet” | 45 |
Firing Pots | 52 |
Making Pots | 52 |
Thatchers at Work | 53 |
Delena House | 53 |
Dressed up in Paint and Feathers | 56 |
Cooking Supper | 56 |
The Cradle | 57 |
Waiting for Mother | 72 |
The Front Steps | 72 |
Papuan Treasures | 73 |
Cooking Food under the House | 73 |
Miria the Sorcerer | 76 |
Delena Church | 76 |
Nara Village and Church | 77 |
Queen Koloka | 77 |
Nara Dancers | 84 |
Delena Man at Nara Dance | 84 |
Who is He? | 85 |
Round the Rocks | 85 |
Breakfast on the Beach | 88 |
The Papuan Tailor | 88 |
A Long Drink | 89 |
Oa | 89 |
Hisiu Girls in their Best | 104 |
Morabi Village | 104 |
Bad Walking: Over the Mangrove Roots | 105 |
Fafoa with her Boy and Papauta | 105 |
Scramble in Front of Timoteo’s House | 120 |
A Widower | 121 |
A Crocodile | 121 |
Kopuana School | 136 |
Delena Mission House | 136 |
Delena District Teachers | 137 |
Motumotu Man |