- A
- Agius, Cardinal, 235
- Aglipay, Father, 109, 237, 262, 312
- Aglipayanos, 109, 155, 195, 197, 235, 237
- Agriculture, neglect of, 298, 299
- Aguinaldo, Emilio, 11, 51
- “American Ideal,” The, 134, 185
- American occupation of the Philippines, 88, 156
- Anting-anting, 69, 204
- Antipolo, 6
- Ants, 70
- Arms of the Philippines, 122
- Azotea, the, 24
- B
- Baile, a, or ball, 164, 201, 279
- Baker, Sir Samuel, 283
- Bananas, 206
- Banda de Musica Popular, La, 184, 295
- Banquet, 329
- Beds, 45
- Beggars, 193
- Benguet, 151, 239
- Betel-nut, 219
- Bilibid prison, 135
- Bolo, or native knife, 232
- Bombardment of Iloilo, 89
- Bread, price of, 34
- Bridge, 132, 149
- Business houses, 44
- Butuan, S.S., 110, 152, 157
- C
- Camarins, 175
- Camp Josman, 85, 280
- Canloon volcano, 16
- Carabaos, 79, 293
- Card-playing, 132
- Carnival, 161, 199
- Carromatas, 63
- Carter, Mrs, 328
- Catbologan, 289
- CebÚ, 9
- Children, 64, 129<
age_162" class="pginternal">162, 184
- N
- Nagaba, 202, 213, 215, 306
- Native houses, 203, 205
- Negritos, 193
- Negros Island, 16, 56, 266
- Nipa thatch, 204
- Nursery garden, a, 129
- O
- Opera, Italian, 213, 227
- Orchids, 39, 40, 130
- P
- Palm Sunday, 193
- Panay, 17, 182, 289
- Paper-chase, attempt at a, 260
- Pasig River, 2, 116
- Pearls, 294
- Philippines, arms of the, 122
- PiÑa, 54, 268
- Plaza Libertad, the, at Iloilo, 90
- Ponies, Philippine, 4
- Processions, 5, 193, 196, 198, 271, 323
- Provincial treasurer, the, 168
- Pulajanes, 288
- Q
- Quilez, or native carriage, 92, 170
- R
- Railways, 129
- Rain, 191
- Rainbow, U.S.S., 103
- Rats, 211
- Reclamation of mud-flats, 178
- Rents, 24, 141
- Rice, 35
- Rigodon dance, the, 59, 123, 279
- Rizal, Doctor, 50, 162
- Roman Catholics, 107, 194, 198, 235
- Roosevelt, Miss Alice, 247, 307, 317, 327
- S
- St Louis Exhibition, 136