| PAGE | “Read that, Mr. Robert, said the good man” | 18 | “Seeing me so thoroughly determined, the Keeper pressed my hand” | 35 | “Colaquet managed to take us tolerably straight” | 56 | “Old Guillard brought out a large jug of sparkling wine” | 68 | “They began drinking out of their caps” | 74 | “He lay sprawling at full length on the stone bench” | 79 | “At that instant a man rushed across the moonlit orchard” | 111 | The Watch | 128 | “It was a balloon” | 140 | “I found a pigeon” | 148 | “We crossed a heavy punt” | 160 | “I seized hold of the chain with both hands and lowered myself into the river” | 171 | “They blew out his brains with a revolver” | 186 | “I heard the clinking of glasses, the uncorking of bottles” | 191 | “Forgetful of the lost harvest in preparing for that of the future” | 199 | Invalid lying on a sofa