
1 (return)
[ J. Parsons, in his paper in the Appendix to the ‘Philosophical Transactions’ for 1746, p. 41, gives a list of forty-one old authors who have written on Expression.]

2 (return)
[ ConfÉrences sur l’expression des diffÉrents CaractÈres des Passions.’ Paris, 4to, 1667. I always quote from the republication of the ‘ConfÉrences’ in the edition of Lavater, by Moreau, which appeared in 1820, as given in vol. ix. p. 257.]

3 (return)
[ ‘Discours par Pierre Camper sur le moyen de reprÉsenter les diverses passions,’ &c. 1792. 1844]

4 (return)
[ I always quote from the third edition, 1844, which was published after the death of Sir C. Bell, and contains his latest corrections. The first edition of 1806 is much inferior in merit, and does not include some of his more important views.]

5 (return)
[ ‘De la Physionomie et de la Parole,’ par Albert Lemoine, 1865, p. 101.]

6 (return)
[ ‘L’Art de connaÎtre les Hommes,’ &c., par G. Lavater. The earliest edition of this work, referred to in the preface to the edition of 1820 in ten volumes, as containing the observations of M. Moreau, is said to have been published in 1807; and I have no doubt that this is correct, because the ‘Notice sur Lavater’ at the commencement of volume i. is dated April 13, 1806. In some bibliographical works, however, the date of 1805—1809 is given, but it seems impossible that 1805 can be correct. Dr. Duchenne remarks (‘MÉcanisme de la Physionomie Humaine,’-8vo edit. 1862, p. 5, and ‘Archives GÉnÉrales de MÉdecine,’ Jan. et FÉv. 1862) that M. Moreau “a composÉ pour son ouvrage un article important,” &c., in the year 1805; and I find in volume i. of the edition of 1820 passages bearing the dates of December 12, 1805, and another January 5, 1806, besides that of April 13, 1806, above referred to. In consequence of some of these passages having thus been composed in 1805, Dr. Duchenne assigns to M. Moreau the priority over Sir C. Bell, whose work, as we have seen, was published in 1806. This is a very unusual manner of determining the priority of scientific works; but such questions are of extremely little importance in comparison with their relative merits. The passages above quoted from M. Moreau and from Le Brun are taken in this and all other cases from the edition of 1820 of Lavater, tom. iv. p. 228, and tom. ix. p. 279.]

7 (return)
[ ‘Handbuch der Systematischen Anatomie des Menschen.’ Band I. Dritte Abtheilung, 1858.]

8 (return)
[ ‘The Senses and the Intellect,’ 2nd edit. 1864, pp. 96 and 288. The preface to the first edition of this work is dated June, 1855. See also the 2nd edition of Mr. Bain’s work on the ‘Emotions and Will.’]

9 (return)
[ ‘The Anatomy of Expression,’ 3rd edit. p. 121.]

10 (return)
[ ‘Essays, Scientific, Political, and Speculative,’ Second Series, 1863, p. 111. There is a discussion on Laughter in the First Series of Essays, which discussion seems to me of very inferior value.]

11 (return)
[ Since the publication of the essay just referred to, Mr. Spencer has written another, on “Morals and Moral Sentiments,” in the ‘Fortnightly Review,’ April 1, 1871, p. 426. He has, also, now published his final conclusions in vol. ii. of the second edit. of the ‘Principles of Psychology,’ 1872, p. 539. I may state, in order that I may not be accused of trespassing on Mr. Spencer’s domain, that I announced in my ‘Descent of Man,’ that I had then written a part of the present volume: my first MS. notes on the subject of expression bear the date of the year 1838.]

12 (return)
[ ‘Anatomy of Expression,’ 3rd edit. pp. 98, 121, 131.]

13 (return)
[ Professor Owen expressly states (Proc. Zoolog. Soc. 1830, p. 28) that this is the case with respect to the Orang, and specifies all the more important muscles which are well known to serve with man for the expression of his feelings. See, also, a description of several of the facial muscles in the Chimpanzee, by Prof. Macalister, in ‘Annals and Magazine of Natural History,’ vol. vii. May, 1871, p. 342.]

14 (return)
[ ‘Anatomy of Expression,’ pp. 121, 138.]

15 (return)
[ ‘De la Physionomie,’ pp. 12, 73.]

16 (return)
[ ‘MÉcanisme de la Physionomie Humaine,’ 8vo edit. p. 31.]

17 (return)
[ ‘Elements of Physiology,’ English translation, vol. ii. p. 934.]

18 (return)
[ ‘Anatomy of Expression,’ 3rd edit. p. 198.]

19 (return)
[ See remarks to this effect in Lessing’s ‘Lacooon,’ translated by W. Ross, 1836, p. 19.]

20 (return)
[ Mr. Partridge in Todd’s ‘CyclopÆdia of Anatomy and Physiology,’ vol. ii. p. 227.]

21 (return)
[ ‘La Physionomie,’ par G. Lavater, tom. iv. 1820, p. 274. On the number of the facial muscles, see vol. iv. pp. 209-211.]

22 (return)
[ ‘Mimik und Physiognomik,’ 1867, s. 91.]

101 (return)
[ Mr. Herbert Spencer (‘Essays,’ Second Series, 1863, p. 138) has drawn a clear distinction between emotions and sensations, the latter being “generated in our corporeal framework.” He classes as Feelings both emotions and-sensations.]

102 (return)
[ MÜller, ‘Elements of Physiology,’ Eng. translat. vol. ii. p. 939. See also Mr. H. Spencer’s interesting speculations on the same subject, and on the genesis of nerves, in his ‘Principles of Biology,’ vol. ii. p. 346; and in his ‘Principles of Psychology,’ 2nd edit. pp. 511-557.]

103 (return)
[ A remark to much the same effect was made long ago by Hippocrates and by the illustrious Harvey; for both assert that a young animal forgets in the course of a few days the art of sucking, and cannot without some difficulty again acquire it. I give these assertions on the authority of Dr. Darwin, ‘Zoonomia,’ 1794, vol. i. p. 140.]

104 (return)
[ See for my authorities, and for various analogous facts, ‘The Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication,’ 1868, vol. ii. p. 304.]

105 (return)
[ ‘The Senses and the Intellect,’ 2nd edit. 1864, p. 332. Prof. Huxley remarks (‘Elementary Lessons in Physiology,’ 5th edit. 1872, p. 306), “It may be laid down as a rule, that, if any two mental states be called up together, or in succession, with due frequency and vividness, the subsequent production of the one of them will suffice to call up the other, and that whether we desire it or not.”]

106 (return)
[ Gratiolet (‘De la Physionomie,’ p. 324), in his discussion on this subject, gives many analogous instances. See p. 42, on the opening and shutting of the eyes. Engel is quoted (p. 323) on the changed paces of a man, as his thoughts change.]

107 (return)
[ ‘MÉcanisme de la Physionomie Humaine,’ 1862, p. 17.]

108 (return)
[ ‘The Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication,’ vol. ii. p. 6. The inheritance of habitual gestures is so important for us, that I gladly avail myself of Mr. F. Galton’s permission to give in his own words the following remarkable case:—“The following account of a habit occurring in individuals of three consecutive generations {footnote continues:} is of peculiar interest, because it occurs only during sound sleep, and therefore cannot be due to imitation, but must be altogether natural. The particulars are perfectly trustworthy, for I have enquired fully into them, and speak from abundant and independent evidence. A gentleman of considerable position was found by his wife to have the curious trick, when he lay fast asleep on his back in bed, of raising his right arm slowly in front of his face, up to his forehead, and then dropping it with a jerk, so that the wrist fell heavily on the bridge of his nose. The trick did not occur every night, but occasionally, and was independent of any ascertained cause. Sometimes it was repeated incessantly for an hour or more. The gentleman’s nose was prominent, and its bridge often became sore from the blows which it received. At one time an awkward sore was produced, that was long in healing, on account of the recurrence, night after night, of the blows which first caused it. His wife had to remove the button from the wrist of his night-gown as it made severe scratches, and some means were attempted of tying his arm.

“Many years after his death, his son married a lady who had never heard of the family incident. She, however, observed precisely the same peculiarity in her husband; but his nose, from not being particularly prominent, has never as yet suffered from the blows. The trick does not occur when he is half-asleep, as, for example, when dozing in his arm-chair, but the moment he is fast asleep it is apt to begin. It is, as with his father, intermittent; sometimes ceasing for many nights, and sometimes almost incessant during a part of every night. It is performed, as it was by his father, with his right hand.

“One of his children, a girl, has inherited the same trick. She performs it, likewise, with the right hand, but in a slightly modified form; for, after raising the arm, she does not allow the wrist to drop upon the bridge of the nose, but the palm of the half-closed hand falls over and down the nose, striking it rather rapidly. It is also very intermittent with this child, not occurring for periods of some months, but sometimes occurring almost incessantly.”]

109 (return)
[ Prof. Huxley remarks (‘Elementary Physiology,’ 5th edit. p. 305) that reflex actions proper to the spinal cord are natural; but, by the help of the brain, that is through habit, an infinity of artificial reflex actions may be acquired. Virchow admits (‘Sammlung wissenschaft. VortrÄge,’ &c., “Ueber das RÜckenmark,” 1871, ss. 24, 31) that some reflex actions can hardly be distinguished from instincts; and, of the latter, it may be added, some cannot be distinguished from inherited habits.]

110 (return)
[ Dr. Maudsley, ‘Body and Mind,’ 1870, p. 8.]

111 (return)
[ See the very interesting discussion on the whole subject by Claude Bernard, ‘Tissus Vivants,’ 1866, p. 353-356.]

112 (return)
[ ‘Chapters on Mental Physiology,’ 1858, p. 85.]

113 (return)
[ MÜller remarks (‘Elements of Physiology,’ Eng. tr. vol. ii. p. 1311) on starting being always accompanied by the closure of the eyelids.]

114 (return)
[ Dr. Maudsley remarks (‘Body and Mind,’ p. 10) that “reflex movements which commonly effect a useful end may, under the changed circumstances of disease, do great mischief, becoming even the occasion of violent suffering and of a most painful death.”]

115 (return)
[ See Mr. F. H. Salvin’s account of a tame jackal in ‘Land and Water,’ October, 1869.]

116 (return)
[ “Dr. Darwin, ‘Zoonomia,’ 1794, vol. i. p. 160. I find that the fact of cats protruding their feet when pleased is also noticed (p. 151) in this work.]

117 (return)
[ Carpenter, ‘Principles of Comparative Physiology,’ 1854, p. 690, and MÜller’s ‘Elements of Physiology,’ Eng. translat. vol. ii. p. 936.]

118 (return)
[ Mowbray on ‘Poultry,’ 6th edit. 1830, p. 54.]

119 (return)
[ See the account given by this excellent observer in ‘Wild Sports of the Highlands,’ 1846, p. 142.]

120 (return)
[ ‘Philosophical Translations,’ 1823, p. 182.]

201 (return)
[ ‘Naturgeschichte der SÄugethiere von Paraguay,’ 1830, s. 55.]

202 (return)
[ Mr. Tylor gives an account of the Cistercian gesture-language in his ‘Early History of Mankind’ (2nd edit. 1870, p. 40), and makes some remarks on the principle of opposition in gestures.]

203 (return)
[ See on this subject Dr. W. R. Scott’s interesting work, ‘The Deaf and Dumb,’ 2nd edit. 1870, p. 12. He says, “This contracting of natural gestures into much shorter gestures than the natural expression requires, is very common amongst the deaf and dumb. This contracted gesture is frequently so shortened as nearly to lose all semblance of the natural one, but to the deaf and dumb who use it, it still has the force of the original expression.”]

301 (return)
[ See the interesting cases collected by M. G. Pouchet in the ‘Revue des Deux Mondes,’ January 1, 1872, p. 79. An instance was also brought some years ago before the British Association at Belfast.]

302 (return)
[ MÜller remarks (‘Elements of Physiology,’ Eng. translat. vol. ii. p. 934) that when the feelings are very intense, “all the spinal nerves become affected to the extent of imperfect paralysis, or the excitement of trembling of the whole body.”]

303 (return)
[ ‘LeÇons sur les Prop. des Tissus Vivants,’ 1866, pp. 457-466.]

304 (return)
[ Mr. Bartlett, “Notes on the Birth of a Hippopotamus,” Proc. Zoolog. Soc. 1871, p. 255.]

305 (return)
[ See, on this subject, Claude Bernard, ‘Tissus Vivants,’ 1866, pp. 316, 337, 358. Virchow expresses himself to almost exactly the same effect in his essay “Ueber das RÜckenmark” (Sammlung wissenschaft. VortrÄge, 1871, s. 28).]

306 (return)
[ MÜller (‘Elements of Physiology,’ Eng. translat. vol. ii. p. 932) in speaking of the nerves, says, “any sudden change of condition of whatever kind sets the nervous principle into action.” See Virchow and Bernard on the same subject in passages in the two works referred to in my last foot-note.]

307 (return)
[ H. Spencer, ‘Essays, Scientific, Political,’ &c., Second Series, 1863, pp. 109, 111.]

308 (return)
[ Sir H. Holland, in speaking (‘Medical Notes and Reflexions,’ 1839, p. 328) of that curious state of body called the fidgets, remarks that it seems due to “an accumulation of some cause of irritation which requires muscular action for its relief.”]

309 (return)
[ I am much indebted to Mr. A. H. Garrod for having informed me of M. Lorain’s work on the pulse, in which a sphygmogram of a woman in a rage is given; and this shows much difference in the rate and other characters from that of the same woman in her ordinary state.]

310 (return)
[ How powerfully intense joy excites the brain, and how the brain reacts on the body, is well shown in the rare cases of Psychical Intoxication. Dr. J. Crichton Browne (‘Medical Mirror,’ 1865) records the case of a young man of strongly nervous temperament, who, on hearing by a telegram that a fortune had been bequeathed him, first became pale, then exhilarated, and soon in the highest spirits, but flushed and very restless. He then took a walk with a friend for the sake of tranquillising himself, but returned staggering in his gait, uproariously laughing, yet irritable in temper, incessantly talking, and singing loudly in the public streets. It was positively ascertained that he had not touched any spirituous liquor, though every one thought that he was intoxicated. Vomiting after a time came on, and the half-digested contents of his stomach were examined, but no odour of alcohol could be detected. He then slept heavily, and on awaking was well, except that he suffered from headache, nausea, and prostration of strength.]

311 (return)
[ Dr. Darwin, ‘Zoonomia,’ 1794, vol. i. p. 148.]

312 (return)
[ Mrs. Oliphant, in her novel of ‘Miss Majoribanks,’ p. 362. All this reacts on the brain, and prostration soon follows with collapsed muscles and dulled eyes. As associated habit no longer prompts the sufferer to action, he is urged by his friends to voluntary exertion, and not to give way to silent, motionless grief. Exertion stimulates the heart, and this reacts on the brain, and aids the mind to bear its heavy load.]

401 (return)
[ See the evidence on this head in my ‘Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication,’ vol. i. p. 27. On the cooing of pigeons, vol. i. pp. 154, 155.]

402 (return)
[ ‘Essays, Scientific, Political, and Speculative,’ 1858. ‘The Origin and Function of Music,’ p. 359.]

403 (return)
[ ‘The Descent of Man,’ 1870, vol. ii. p. 332. The words quoted are from Professor Owen. It has lately been shown that some quadrupeds much lower in the scale than monkeys, namely Rodents, are able to produce correct musical tones: see the account of a singing Hesperomys, by the Rev. S. Lockwood, in the ‘American Naturalist,’ vol. v. December, 1871, p. 761.]

404 (return)
[ Mr. Tylor (‘Primitive Culture,’ 1871, vol. i. p. 166), in his discussion on this subject, alludes to the whining of the dog.]

405 (return)
[ ‘Naturgeschichte der SÄugethiere von Paraguay,’ 1830, s. 46.]

406 (return)
[ Quoted by Gratiolet, ‘De la Physionomie,’ 1865, p. 115.]

407 (return)
[ ‘ThÉorie Physiologique de la Musique,’ Paris, 1868, P. 146. Helmholtz has also fully discussed in this profound work the relation of the form of the cavity of the mouth to the production of vowel-sounds.]

408 (return)
[ I have given some details on this subject in my ‘Descent of Man,’ vol. i. pp. 352, 384.]

409 (return)
[ As quoted in Huxley’s ‘Evidence as to Man’s Place in Nature,’ 1863, p. 52.]

410 (return)
[ Illust. Thierleben, 1864, B. i. s. 130.]

411 (return)
[ The Hon. J. Caton, Ottawa Acad. of Nat. Sciences, May, 1868, pp. 36, 40. For the Capra, Ægagrus, ‘Land and Water,’ 1867, p. 37.]

412 (return)
[ ‘Land and Water,’ July 20, 1867, p. 659.]

413 (return)
[ Phaeton rubricauda: ‘Ibis,’ vol. iii. 1861, p. 180.]

414 (return)
[ On the Strix flammea, Audubon, ‘Ornithological Biography,’ 1864, vol. ii. p. 407. I have observed other cases in the Zoological Gardens.]

415 (return)
[ Melopsittacus undulatus. See an account of its habits by Gould, ‘Handbook of Birds of Australia,’ 1865, vol. ii. p. 82.]

416 (return)
[ See, for instance, the account which I have given (‘Descent of Man,’ vol. ii. p. 32) of an Anolis and Draco.]

417 (return)
[ These muscles are described in his well-known works. I am greatly indebted to this distinguished observer for having given me in a letter information on this same subject.]

418 (return)
[ ‘Lehrbuch der Histologie des Menschen,’ 1857, s. 82. I owe to Prof. W. Turner’s kindness an extract from this work.]

419 (return)
[ ‘Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science,’ 1853, vol. i. p. 262.]

420 (return)
[ ‘Lehrbuch der Histologie,’ 1857, s. 82.]

421 (return)
[ ‘Dictionary of English Etymology,’ p. 403.]

422 (return)
[ See the account of the habits of this animal by Dr. Cooper, as quoted in ‘Nature,’ April 27, 1871, p. 512.]

423 (return)
[ Dr. GÜnther, ‘Reptiles of British India,’ p. 262.]

424 (return)
[ Mr. J. Mansel Weale, ‘Nature,’ April 27, 1871, p. 508.]

425 (return)
[ ‘Journal of Researches during the Voyage of the “Beagle,”’ 1845, p. 96. I have compared the rattling thus produced with that of the Rattle-snake.]

426 (return)
[ See the account by Dr. Anderson, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1871, p. 196.]

427 (return)
[ The ‘American Naturalist,’ Jan. 1872, p. 32. I regret that I cannot follow Prof. Shaler in believing that the rattle has been developed, by the aid of natural selection, for the sake of producing sounds which deceive and attract birds, so that they may serve as prey to the snake. I do not, however, wish to doubt that the sounds may occasionally subserve this end. But the conclusion at which I have arrived, viz. that the rattling serves as a warning to would-be devourers, appears to me much more probable, as it connects together various classes of facts. If this snake had acquired its rattle and the habit of rattling, for the sake of attracting prey, it does not seem probable that it would have invariably used its instrument when angered or disturbed. Prof. Shaler takes nearly the same view as I do of the manner of development of the rattle; and I have always held this opinion since observing the Trigonocephalus in South America.]

428 (return)
[ From the accounts lately collected, and given in the ‘Journal of the Linnean Society,’ by Airs. Barber, on the habits of the snakes of South Africa; and from the accounts published by several writers, for instance by Lawson, of the rattle-snake in North America,—it does not seem improbable that the terrific appearance of snakes and the sounds produced by them, may likewise serve in procuring prey, by paralysing, or as it is sometimes called fascinating, the smaller animals.]

429 (return)
[ See the account by Dr. R. Brown, in Proc. Zool. Soc. 1871, p. 39. He says that as soon as a pig sees a snake it rushes upon it; and a snake makes off immediately on the appearance of a pig.]

430 (return)
[ Dr. GÜnther remarks (‘Reptiles of British India,’ p. 340) on the destruction of cobras by the ichneumon or herpestes, and whilst the cobras are young by the jungle-fowl. It is well known that the peacock also eagerly kills snakes.]

431 (return)
[ Prof. Cope enumerates a number of kinds in his ‘Method of Creation of Organic Types,’ read before the American Phil. Soc., December 15th, 1871, p. 20. Prof. Cope takes the same view as I do of the use of the gestures and sounds made by snakes. I briefly alluded to this subject in the last edition of my ‘Origin of Species.’ Since the passages in the text above have been printed, I have been pleased to find that Mr. Henderson (‘The American Naturalist,’ May, 1872, p. 260) also takes a similar view of the use of the rattle, namely “in preventing an attack from being made.”]

432 (return)
[ Mr. des Voeux, in Proc. Zool. Soc. 1871, p. 3.]

433 (return)
[ ‘The Sportsman and Naturalist in Canada,’ 1866, p. 53. p. 53.{sic}]

434 (return)
[ ‘The Nile Tributaries of Abyssinia,’ 1867, p. 443.]

501 (return)
[ ‘The Anatomy of Expression,’ 1844, p. 190.]

502 (return)
[ ‘De la Physionomie,’ 1865, pp. 187, 218.]

503 (return)
[ ‘The Anatomy of Expression,’ 1844, p. 140.]

504 (return)
[ Many particulars are given by GueldenstÄdt in his account of the jackal in Nov. Comm. Acad. Sc. Imp. Petrop. 1775, tom. xx. p. 449. See also another excellent account of the manners of this animal and of its play, in ‘Land and Water,’ October, 1869. Lieut. Annesley, R. A., has also communicated to me some particulars with respect to the jackal. I have made many inquiries about wolves and jackals in the Zoological Gardens, and have observed them for myself.]

505 (return)
[ ‘Land and Water,’ November 6, 1869.]

506 (return)
[ Azara, ‘QuadrupÈdes du Paraquay,’ 1801, tom. 1. p. 136.]

507 (return)
[ ‘Land and Water,’ 1867, p. 657. See also Azara on the Puma, in the work above quoted.]

508 (return)
[ Sir C. Bell, ‘Anatomy of Expression,’ 3rd edit. p. 123. See also p. 126, on horses not breathing through their mouths, with reference to their distended nostrils.]

509 (return)
[ ‘Land and Water,’ 1869, p. 152.]

510 (return)
[ ‘Natural History of Mammalia,’ 1841, vol. 1. pp. 383, 410.]

511 (return)
[ Rengger (‘Sagetheire von Paraquay’, 1830, s. 46) kept these monkeys in confinement for seven years in their native country of Paraguay.]

512 (return)
[ Rengger, ibid. s. 46. Humboldt, ‘Personal Narrative, Eng. translat. vol. iv. p. 527.]

513 (return)
[ Nat. Hist. of Mammalia, 1841, p. 351.]

514 (return)
[ Brehm, ‘Thierleben,’ B. i. s. 84. On baboons striking the ground, s. 61.]

515 (return)
[ Brehm remarks (‘Thierleben,’ s. 68) that the eyebrows of the Inuus ecaudatus are frequently moved up and down when the animal is angered.]

516 (return)
[ G. Bennett, ‘Wanderings in New South Wales,’ &c. vol. ii. 1834, p. 153. FIG. 18.-Chimpanzee disappointed and sulky. Drawn from life by Mr. Wood.]

517 (return)
[ W. L. Martin, Nat. Hist. of Mamm. Animals, 1841, p. 405.]

518 (return)
[ Prof. Owen on the Orang, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1830, p. 28. On the Chimpanzee, see Prof. Macalister, in Annals and Mag. of Nat. Hist. vol. vii. 1871, p. 342, who states that the corrugator supercilii is inseparable from the orbicularis palpebrarum.]

519 (return)
[ Boston Journal of Nat. Hist. 1845—-47, vol. v. p. 423. On the Chimpanzee, ibid. 1843-44, vol. iv. p. 365.]

520 (return)
[ See on this subject, ‘Descent of Man,’ vol. i. p. 20.]

521 (return)
[ ‘Descent of Man,’ vol, i. p, 43.]

522 (return)
[ ‘Anatomy of Expression,’ 3rd edit. 1844, pp. 138, 121.]

601 (return)
[ The best photographs in my collection are by Mr. Rejlander, of Victoria Street, London, and by Herr Kindermann, of Hamburg. Figs. 1, 3, 4, and 6 are by the former; and figs. 2 and 5, by the latter gentleman. Fig. 6 is given to show moderate crying in an older child.]

602 (return)
[ Henle (‘Handbuch d. Syst. Anat. 1858, B. i. s. 139) agrees with Duchenne that this is the effect of the contraction of the pyramidalis nasi.]

603 (return)
[ These consist of the levator labii superioris alaeque nasi, the levator labii proprius, the malaris, and the zygomaticus minor, or little zygomatic. This latter muscle runs parallel to and above the great zygomatic, and is attached to the outer part of the upper lip. It is represented in fig. 2 (I. p. 24), but not in figs. 1 and 3. Dr. Duchenne first showed (‘MÉcanisme de la Physionomie Humaine,’ Album, 1862, p. 39) the importance of the contraction of this muscle in the shape assumed by the features in crying. Henle considers the above-named muscles (excepting the malaris) as subdivisions of the quadratus labii superioris.]

604 (return)
[ Although Dr. Duchenne has so carefully studied the contraction of the different muscles during the act of crying, and the furrows on the face thus produced, there seems to be something incomplete in his account; but what this is I cannot say. He has given a figure (Album, fig. 48) in which one half of the face is made, by galvanizing the proper muscles, to smile; whilst the other half is similarly made to begin crying. Almost all those (viz. nineteen out of twenty-one persons) to whom I showed the smiling half of the face instantly recognized the expression; but, with respect to the other half, only six persons out of twenty-one recognized it,—that is, if we accept such terms as “grief,” “misery,” “annoyance,” as correct;—whereas, fifteen persons were ludicrously mistaken; some of them saying the face expressed “fun,” “satisfaction,” “cunning,” “disgust,” &c. We may infer from this that there is something wrong in the expression. Some of the fifteen persons may, however, have been partly misled by not expecting to see an old man crying, and by tears not being secreted. With respect to another figure by Dr. Duchenne (fig. 49), in which the muscles of half the face are galvanized in order to represent a man beginning to cry, with the eyebrow on the same side rendered oblique, which is characteristic of misery, the expression was recognized by a greater proportional number of persons. Out of twenty-three persons, fourteen answered correctly, “sorrow,” “distress,” “grief,” “just going to cry,” “endurance of pain,” &c. On the other hand, nine persons either could form no opinion or were entirely wrong, answering, “cunning leer,” “jocund,” “looking at an intense light,” “looking at a distant object,” &c.]

605 (return)
[ Mrs. Gaskell, ‘Mary Barton,’ new edit. p. 84.]

606 (return)
[ ‘Mimik und Physiognomik,’ 1867, s. 102. Duchenne, MÉcanisme de la Phys. Humaine, Album, p. 34.]

607 (return)
[ Dr. Duchenne makes this remark, ibid. p. 39.]

608 (return)
[ ‘The Origin of Civilization,’ 1870, p. 355.]

609 (return)
[ See, for instance, Mr. Marshall’s account of an idiot in Philosoph. Transact. 1864, p. 526. With respect to cretins, see Dr. Piderit, ‘Mimik und Physiognomik,’ 1867, s. 61.]

610 (return)
[ ‘New Zealand and its Inhabitants,’ 1855, p. 175.]

611 (return)
[ ‘De la Physionomie,’ 1865, p. 126.]

612 (return)
[ ‘The Anatomy of Expression,’ 1844, p. 106. See also his paper in the ‘Philosophical Transactions,’ 1822, p. 284, ibid. 1823, pp. 166 and 289. Also ‘The Nervous System of the Human Body,’ 3rd edit. 1836, p. 175.]

613 (return)
[ See Dr. Brinton’s account of the act of vomiting, in Todd’s Cyclop. of Anatomy and Physiology, 1859, vol. v. Supplement, p. 318.]

614 (return)
[ I am greatly indebted to Mr. Bowman for having introduced me to Prof. Donders, and for his aid in persuading this great physiologist to undertake the investigation of the present subject. I am likewise much indebted to Mr. Bowman for having given me, with the utmost kindness, information on many points.]

615 (return)
[ This memoir first appeared in the ‘Nederlandsch Archief voor Genees en Natuurkunde,’ Deel 5, 1870. It has been translated by Dr. W. D. Moore, under the title of “On the Action of the Eyelids in determination of Blood from expiratory effort,” in ‘Archives of Medicine,’ edited by Dr. L. S. Beale, 1870, vol. v. p. 20.]

616 (return)
[ Prof. Donders remarks (ibid. p. 28), that, “After injury to the eye, after operations, and in some forms of internal inflammation, we attach great value to the uniform support of the closed eyelids, and we increase this in many instances by the application of a bandage. In both cases we carefully endeavour to avoid great expiratory pressure, the disadvantage of which is well known.” Mr. Bowman informs me that in the excessive photophobia, accompanying what is called scrofulous ophthalmia in children, when the light is so very painful that during weeks or months it is constantly excluded by the most forcible closure of the lids, he has often been struck on opening the lids by the paleness of the eye,—not an unnatural paleness, but an absence of the redness that might have been expected when the surface is somewhat inflamed, as is then usually the case; and this paleness he is inclined to attribute to the forcible closure of the eyelids.]

617 (return)
[ Donders, ibid. p. 36.]

618 (return)
[ Mr. Hensleigh Wedgwood (Dict. of English Etymology, 1859, vol. i. p. 410) says, “the verb to weep comes from Anglo-Saxon wop, the primary meaning of which is simply outcry.”]

619 (return)
[ ‘De la Physionomie,’ 1865, p. 217.]

620 (return)
[ ‘Ceylon,’ 3rd edit. 1859, vol. ii. pp. 364, 376. I applied to Mr. Thwaites, in Ceylon, for further information with respect to the weeping of the elephant; and in consequence received a letter from the Rev. Mr Glenie, who, with others, kindly observed for me a herd of recently captured elephants. These, when irritated, screamed violently; but it is remarkable that they never when thus screaming contracted the muscles round the eyes. Nor did they shed tears; and the native hunters asserted that they had never observed elephants weeping. Nevertheless, it appears to me impossible to doubt Sir E. Tennent’s distinct details about their weeping, supported as they are by the positive assertion of the keeper in the Zoological Gardens. It is certain that the two elephants in the Gardens, when they began to trumpet loudly, invariably contracted their orbicular muscles. I can reconcile these conflicting statements only by supposing that the recently captured elephants in Ceylon, from being enraged or frightened, desired to observe their persecutors, and consequently did not contract their orbicular muscles, so that their vision might not be impeded. Those seen weeping by Sir E. Tennent were prostrate, and had given up the contest in despair. The elephants which trumpeted in the Zoological Gardens at the word of command, were, of course, neither alarmed nor enraged.]

621 (return)
[ Bergeon, as quoted in the ‘Journal of Anatomy and Physiology,’ Nov. 1871, p. 235.]

622 (return)
[ See, for instance, a case given by Sir Charles Bell, ‘Philosophical Transactions,’ 1823, p. 177.]

623 (return)
[ See, on these several points, Prof. Donders ‘On the Anomalies of Accommodation and Refraction of the Eye,’ 1864, p. 573.]

624 (return)
[ Quoted by Sir J. Lubbock, ‘Prehistoric Times,’ 1865, p. 458.]

701 (return)
[ The above descriptive remarks are taken in part from my own observations, but chiefly from Gratiolet (‘De la Physionomie,’ pp. 53, 337; on Sighing, 232), who has well treated this whole subject. See, also, Huschke, ‘Mimices et Physiognomices, Fragmentum Physiologi-cum,’ 1821, p. 21. On the dulness of the eyes, Dr. Piderit, ‘Mimik und Physiognomik,’ 1867, s. 65.]

702 (return)
[ On the action of grief on the organs of respiration, see more especially Sir C. Bell, ‘Anatomy of Expression,’ 3rd edit. 1844, p. 151.]

703 (return)
[ In the foregoing remarks on the manner in which the eyebrows are made oblique, I have followed what seems to be the universal opinion of all the anatomists, whose works I have consulted on the action of the above-named muscles, or with whom I have conversed. Hence throughout this work I shall take a similar view of the action of the corrugator supercilii, orbicularis, pyramidalis nasi, and frontalis muscles. Dr. Duchenne, however, believes, and every conclusion at which he arrives deserves serious consideration, that it is the corrugator, called by him the sourcilier, which raises the inner corner of the eyebrows and is antagonistic to the upper and inner part of the orbicular muscle, as well as to the pyramidalis nasi (see MÉcanisme de la Phys. Humaine, 1862, folio, art. v., text and figures 19 to 29: octavo edit. 1862, p. 43 text). He admits, however, that the corrugator draws together the eyebrows, causing vertical furrows above the base of the nose, or a frown. He further believes that towards the outer two-thirds of the eyebrow the corrugator acts in conjunction with the upper orbicular muscle; both here standing in antagonism to the frontal muscle. I am unable to understand, judging from Henle’s drawings (woodcut, fig. 3), how the corrugator can act in the manner described by Duchenne. See, also, on this subject, Prof. Donders’ remarks in the ‘Archives of Medicine,’ 1870, vol. v. p. 34. Mr. J. Wood, who is so well known for his careful study of the muscles of the human frame, informs me that he believes the account which I have given of the action of the corrugator to be correct. But this is not a point of any importance with respect to the expression which is caused by the obliquity of the eyebrows, nor of much importance to the theory of its origin.]

704 (return)
[ I am greatly indebted to Dr. Duchenne for permission to have these two photographs (figs. 1 and 2) reproduced by the heliotype process from his work in folio. Many of the foregoing remarks on the furrowing of the skin, when the eyebrows are rendered oblique, are taken from his excellent discussion on this subject.]

705 (return)
[ MÉcanisme de la Phys. Humaine, Album, p. 15.]

706 (return)
[ Henle, Handbuch der Anat. des Menschen, 1858, B. i. s. 148, figs. 68 and 69.]

707 (return)
[ See the account of the action of this muscle by Dr. Duchenne, ‘MÉcanisme de la Physionomie Humaine, Album (1862), viii. p. 34.]

801 (return)
[ Herbert Spencer, ‘Essays Scientific,’ &c., 1858, p. 360.]

802 (return)
[ F. Lieber on the vocal sounds of L. Bridgman, ‘Smithsonian Contributions,’ 1851, vol. ii. p. 6.]

803 (return)
[ See, also, Mr. Marshall, in Phil. Transact. 1864, p. 526.]

804 (return)
[ Mr. Bain (‘The Emotions and the Will,’ 1865, p. 247) has a long and interesting discussion on the Ludicrous. The quotation above given about the laughter of the gods is taken from this work. See, also, Mandeville, ‘The Fable of the Bees,’ vol. ii. p. 168.]

805 (return)
[ ‘The Physiology of Laughter,’ Essays, Second Series, 1863, p. 114.]

806 (return)
[ J. Lister in ‘Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science,’ 1853, vol. 1. p. 266.]

807 (return)
[ ‘De la Physionomie,’ p. 186.]

808 (return)
[ Sir C. Bell (Anat. of Expression, p. 147) makes some remarks on the movement of the diaphragm during laughter.]

809 (return)
[ ‘MÉcanisme de la Physionomie Humaine,’ Album, LÉgende vi.]

810 (return)
[ Handbuch der System. Anat. des Menschen, 1858, B. i. s. 144. See my woodcut (H. fig. 2).]

811 (return)
[ See, also, remarks to the same effect by Dr. J. Crichton Browne in ‘Journal of Mental Science,’ April, 1871, p. 149.]

812 (return)
[ C. Vogt, ‘MÉmoire sur les MicrocÉphales,’ 1867, p. 21.]

813 (return)
[ Sir C. Bell, ‘Anatomy of Expression,’ p. 133.]

814 (return)
[ ‘Mimik und Physiognomik,’ 1867, s. 63-67.]

815 (return)
[ Sir T. Reynolds remarks (‘Discourses,’ xii. p. 100), “it is curious to observe, and it is certainly true, that the extremes of contrary passions are, with very little variation, expressed by the same action.” He gives as an instance the frantic joy of a Bacchante and the grief of a Mary Magdalen.]

816 (return)
[ Dr. Piderit has come to the same conclusion, ibid. s. 99.]

817 (return)
[ ‘La Physionomie,’ par G. Lavater, edit. of 1820, vol. iv. p. 224. See, also, Sir C. Bell, ‘Anatomy of Expression,’ p. 172, for the quotation given below.]

818 (return)
[ A ‘Dictionary of English Etymology,’ 2nd edit. 1872, Introduction, p. xliv.]

819 (return)
[ Crantz, quoted by Tylor, ‘Primitive Culture,’ 1871, Vol. i. P. 169.]

820 (return)
[ F. Lieber, ‘Smithsonian Contributions,’ 1851, vol. ii. p. 7.]

821 (return)
[ Mr. Bain remarks (‘Mental and Moral Science,’ 1868, p. 239), “Tenderness is a pleasurable emotion, variously stimulated, whose effort is to draw human beings into mutual embrace.”]

822 (return)
[ Sir J. Lubbock, ‘Prehistoric Times,’ 2nd edit. 1869, p. 552, gives full authorities for these statements. The quotation from Steele is taken from this work.]

823 (return)
[ See a full acount,{sic} with references, by E. B. Tylor, ‘Researches into the Early History of Mankind,’ 2nd edit. 1870, p. 51.]

824 (return)
[ ‘The Descent of Man,’ vol. ii. p. 336.]

825 (return)
[ Dr. Mandsley has a discussion to this effect in his ‘Body and Mind,’ 1870, p. 85.]

826 (return)
[ ‘The Anatomy of Expression,’ p. 103, and ‘Philosophical Transactions,’ 1823, p. 182.]

827 (return)
[ ‘The Origin of Language,’ 1866, p. 146. Mr. Tylor (‘Early History of Mankind,’ 2nd edit. 1870, p. 48) gives a more complex origin to the position of the hands during prayer.]

901 (return)
[ ‘Anatomy of Expression,’ pp. 137, 139. It is not surprising that the corrugators should have become much more developed in man than in the anthropoid apes; for they are brought into incessant action by him under various circumstances, and will have been strengthened and modified by the inherited effects of use. We have seen how important a part they play, together with the orbiculares, in protecting the eyes from being too much gorged with blood during violent expiratory movements. When the eyes are closed as quickly and as forcibly as possible, to save them from being injured by a blow, the corrugators contract. With savages or other men whose heads are uncovered, the eyebrows are continually lowered and contracted to serve as a shade against a too strong light; and this is effected partly by the corrugators. This movement would have been more especially serviceable to man, as soon as his early progenitors held their heads erect. Lastly, Prof. Donders believes (‘Archives of Medicine,’ ed. by L. Beale, 1870, vol. v. p. 34), that the corrugators are brought into action in causing the eyeball to advance in accommodation for proximity in vision.]

902 (return)
[ ‘MÉcanisme de la Physionomie Humaine,’ Album, LÉgende iii.]

903 (return)
[ ‘Mimik und Physiognomik,’ s. 46.]

904 (return)
[ ‘History of the Abipones,’ Eng. translat. vol. ii. p. 59, as quoted by Lubbock, ‘Origin of Civilisation,’ 1870, p. 355.]

905 (return)
[ ‘De la Physionomie,’ pp. 15, 144, 146. Mr. Herbert Spencer accounts for frowning exclusively by the habit of contracting the brows as a shade to the eyes in a bright light: see ‘Principles of Physiology,’ 2nd edit. 1872, p. 546.]

906 (return)
[ Gratiolet remarks (De la Phys. p. 35), “Quand l’attention est fixee sur quelque image interieure, l’oeil regarde dons le vide et s’associe automatiquement a la contemplation de l’esprit.” But this view hardly deserves to be called an explanation.]

907 (return)
[ ‘Miles Gloriosus,’ act ii. sc. 2.]

908 (return)
[ The original photograph by Herr Kindermann is much more expressive than this copy, as it shows the frown on the brow more plainly.]

909 (return)
[ ‘MÉcanisme de la Physionomie Humaine,’ Album, LÉgende iv. figs. 16-18.]

910 (return)
[ Hensleigh Wedgwood on ‘The Origin of Language,’ 1866, p. 78.]

911 (return)
[ MÜller, as quoted by Huxley, ‘Man’s Place in Nature,’ 1863, p. 38.]

912 (return)
[ I have given several instances in my ‘Descent of Man,’ vol. i. chap. iv.]

913 (return)
[ ‘Anatomy of Expression.’ p. 190.]

914 (return)
[ ‘De la Physionomie,’ pp. 118-121.]

915 (return)
[ ‘Mimik und Physiognomik,’ s. 79.]

1001 (return)
[ See some remarks to this effect by Mr. Bain, ‘The Emotions and the Will,’ 2nd edit. 1865, p. 127.]

1002 (return)
[ Rengger, Naturgesch. der SÄugethiere von Paraguay, 1830, s. 3.]

1003 (return)
[ Sir C. Bell, ‘Anatomy of Expression,’ p. 96. On the other hand, Dr. Burgess (‘Physiology of Blushing,’ 1839, p. 31) speaks of the reddening of a cicatrix in a negress as of the nature of a blush.]

1004 (return)
[ Moreau and Gratiolet have discussed the colour of the face under the influence of intense passion: see the edit. of 1820 of Lavater, vol. iv. pp. 282 and 300; and Gratiolet, ‘De la Physionomie,’ p. 345.]

1005 (return)
[ Sir C. Bell ‘Anatomy of Expression,’ pp. 91, 107, has fully discussed this subject. Moreau remarks (in the edit. of 1820 of ‘La Physionomie, par G. Lavater,’ vol. iv. p. 237), and quotes Portal in confirmation, that asthmatic patients acquire permanently expanded nostrils, owing to the habitual contraction of the elevatory muscles of the wings of the nose. The explanation by Dr. Piderit (‘Mimik und Physiognomik,’ s. 82) of the distension of the nostrils, namely, to allow free breathing whilst the mouth is closed and the teeth clenched, does not appear to be nearly so correct as that by Sir C. Bell, who attributes it to the sympathy (i. e. habitual co-action) of all the respiratory muscles. The nostrils of an angry man may be seen to become dilated, although his mouth is open.]

1006 (return)
[ Mr. Wedgwood, ‘On the Origin of Language,’ 1866, p. 76. He also observes that the sound of hard breathing “is represented by the syllables puff, huff, whiff, whence a huff is a fit of ill-temper.”]

1007 (return)
[ Sir C. Bell ‘Anatomy of Expression,’ p. 95) has some excellent remarks on the expression of rage.]

1008 (return)
[ ‘De la Physionomie,’ 1865, p. 346.]

1009 (return)
[ Sir C. Bell, ‘Anatomy of Expression,’ p. 177. Gratiolet (De la Phys. p. 369) says, ‘les dents se dÉcouvrent, et imitent symboliquement l’action de dÉchirer et de mordre.’I If, instead of using the vague term symboliquement, Gratiolet had said that the action was a remnant of a habit acquired during primeval times when our semi-human progenitors fought together with their teeth, like gorillas and orangs at the present day, he would have been more intelligible. Dr. Piderit (‘Mimik,’ &c., s. 82) also speaks of the retraction of the upper lip during rage. In an engraving of one of Hogarth’s wonderful pictures, passion is represented in the plainest manner by the open glaring eyes, frowning forehead, and exposed grinning teeth.]

1010 (return)
[ ‘Oliver Twist,’ vol. iii. p. 245.]

1011 (return)
[ ‘The Spectator,’ July 11, 1868, p. 810.]

1012 (return)
[ ‘Body and Mind,’ 1870, pp. 51-53.]

1013 (return)
[ Le Brun, in his well-known ‘Conference sur l’Expression’ (‘La Physionomie, par Lavater,’ edit. of 1820, vol. lx. p. 268), remarks that anger is expressed by the clenching of the fists. See, to the same effect, Huschke, ‘Mimices et Physiognomices, Fragmentum Physiologicum,’ 1824, p. 20. Also Sir C. Bell, ‘Anatomy of Expression,’ p. 219.]

1014 (return)
[ Transact. Philosoph. Soc., Appendix, 1746, p. 65.]

1015 (return)
[ ‘Anatomy of Expression,’ p. 136. Sir C. Bell calls (p. 131) the muscles which uncover the canines the snarling muscles.]

1016 (return)
[ Hensleigh Wedgwood, ‘Dictionary of English Etymology,’ 1865, vol. iii. pp. 240, 243.]

1017 (return)
[ ‘The Descent of Man,’ 1871, vol. L p. 126.]

1101 (return)
[ ‘De In Physionomie et la Parole,’ 1865, p. 89.]

1102 (return)
[ ‘Physionomie Humaine,’ Album, LÉgende viii. p. 35. Gratiolet also speaks (De la Phys. 1865, p. 52) of the turning away of the eyes and body.]

1103 (return)
[ Dr. W. Ogle, in an interesting paper on the Sense of Smell (‘Medico-Chirurgical Transactions,’ vol. liii. p. 268), shows that when we wish to smell carefully, instead of taking one deep nasal inspiration, we draw in the air by a succession of rapid short sniffs. If “the nostrils be watched during this process, it will be seen that, so far from dilating, they actually contract at each sniff. The contraction does not include the whole anterior opening, but only the posterior portion.” He then explains the cause of this movement. When, on the other hand, we wish to exclude any odour, the contraction, I presume, affects only the anterior part of the nostrils.]

1104 (return)
[ ‘Mimik und Physiognomik,’ ss. 84, 93. Gratiolet (ibid. p. 155) takes nearly the same view with Dr. Piderit respecting the expression of contempt and disgust.]

1105 (return)
[ Scorn implies a strong form of contempt; and one of the roots of the word ‘scorn’ means, according to Mr. Wedgwood (Dict. of English Etymology, vol. iii. p. 125), ordure or dirt. A person who is scorned is treated like dirt.]

1106 (return)
[ ‘Early History of Mankind,’ 2nd edit. 1870, p. 45.]

1107 (return)
[ See, to this effect, Mr. Hensleigh Wedgwood’s Introduction to the ‘Dictionary of English Etymology,’ 2nd edit. 1872, p. xxxvii.]

1108 (return)
[ Duchenne believes that in the eversion of the lower lip, the corners are drawn downwards by the depressores anguli oris. Henle (Handbuch d. Anat. des Menschen, 1858, B. i. s. 151) concludes that this is effected by the musculus quadratus menti.]

1109 (return)
[ As quoted by Tylor, ‘Primitive Culture,’ 1871, vol. i. p. 169.]

1110 (return)
[ Both these quotations are given by Mr. H. Wedgwood, ‘On the Origin of Language,’ 1866, p. 75.]

1111 (return)
[ This is stated to be the case by Mr. Tylor (Early Hist. of Mankind, 2nd edit. 1870, p. 52); and he adds, “it is not clear why this should be so.”]

1112 (return)
[ ‘Principles of Psychology,’ 2nd edit. 1872, p. 552.]

1113 (return)
[ Gratiolet (De la Phys. p. 351) makes this remark, and has some good observations on the expression of pride. See Sir C. Bell (‘Anatomy of Expression,’ p. 111) on the action of the musculus superbus.]

1114 (return)
[ ‘Anatomy of Expression,’ p. 166.]

1115 (return)
[ ‘Journey through Texas,’ p. 352.]

1116 (return)
[ Mrs. Oliphant, ‘The Brownlows,’ vol. ii. p. 206.]

1117 (return)
[ ‘Essai sur le Langage,’ 2nd edit. 1846. I am much indebted to Miss Wedgwood for having given me this information, with an extract from the work.]

1118 (return)
[ ‘On the Origin of Language,’ 1866, p. 91.]

1119 (return)
[ ‘On the Vocal Sounds of L. Bridgman;’ Smithsonian Contributions, 1851, vol. ii. p. 11.]

1120 (return)
[ ‘MÉmoire sur les MicrocÉphales,’ 1867, p. 27.]

1121 (return)
[ Quoted by Tylor, ‘Early History of Mankind,’ 2nd edit. 1870, p. 38.]

1122 (return)
[ Mr. J. B. Jukes, ‘Letters and Extracts,’ &c. 1871, p. 248.]

1123 (return)
[ F. Lieber, ‘On the Vocal Sounds,’ &c. p. 11. Tylor, ibid. p. 53.]

1124 (return)
[ Dr. King, Edinburgh Phil. Journal, 1845, p. 313.]

1125 (return)
[ Tylor, ‘Early History of Mankind,’ 2nd edit. 1870, p. 53.]

1126 (return)
[ Lubbock, ‘The Origin of Civilization,’ 1870, p. 277. Tylor, ibid. p. 38. Lieber (ibid. p. 11) remarks on the negative of the Italians.]

1201 (return)
[ ‘MÉcanisme de la Physionomie,’ Album, 1862, p. 42.]

1202 (return)
[ ‘The Polyglot News Letter,’ Melbourne, Dec. 1858, p. 2.]

1203 (return)
[ ‘The Anatomy of Expression,’ p. 106.]

1204 (return)
[ MÉcanisme de la Physionomie,’ Album, p. 6.]

1205 (return)
[ See, for instance, Dr. Piderit (‘Mimik und Physiognomik,’ s. 88), who has a good discussion on the expression of surprise.]

1206 (return)
[ Dr. Murie has also given me information leading to the same conclusion, derived in part from comparative anatomy.]

1207 (return)
[ ‘De la Physionomie,’ 1865, p. 234.]

1208 (return)
[ See, on this subject, Gratiolet, ibid. p. 254.]

1209 (return)
[ Lieber, ‘On the Vocal Sounds of Laura Bridgman,’ Smithsonian Contributions, 1851, vol. ii. p. 7.]

1210 (return)
[ ‘Wenderholme,’ vol. ii. p. 91.]

1211 (return)
[ Lieber, ‘On the Vocal Sounds,’ &c., ibid. p. 7.]

1212 (return)
[ Huschke, ‘Mimices et Physiognomices,’ 1821, p. 18. Gratiolet (De la Phys. p. 255) gives a figure of a man in this attitude, which, however, seems to me expressive of fear combined with astonishment. Le Brun also refers (Lavater, vol. ix. p. 299) to the hands of an astonished man being opened.]

1213 (return)
[ Huschke, ibid. p. 18.]

1214 (return)
[ ‘North American Indians,’ 3rd edit. 1842, vol. i. p. 105.]

1215 (return)
[ H. Wedgwood, Dict. of English Etymology, vol. ii. 1862, p. 35. See, also, Gratiolet (‘De la Physionomie,’ p. 135) on the sources of such words as ‘terror, horror, rigidus, frigidus,’ &c.]

1216 (return)
[ Mr. Bain (‘The Emotions and the Will,’ 1865, p. 54) explains in the following manner the origin of the custom “of subjecting criminals in India to the ordeal of the morsel of rice. The accused is made to take a mouthful of rice, and after a little time to throw it out. If the morsel is quite dry, the party is believed to be guilty,—his own evil conscience operating to paralyse the salivating organs.”]

1217 (return)
[ Sir C. Bell, Transactions of Royal Phil. Soc. 1822, p. 308. ‘Anatomy of Expression,’ p. 88 and pp. 164-469.]

1218 (return)
[ See Moreau on the rolling of the eyes, in the edit. of 1820 of Lavater, tome iv. p. 263. Also, Gratiolet, De la Phys. p. 17.]

1219 (return)
[ ‘Observations on Italy,’ 1825, p. 48, as quoted in ‘The Anatomy of Expression,’ p. 168.]

1220 (return)
[ Quoted by Dr. Maudsley, ‘Body and Mind,’ 1870, p. 41.]

1221 (return)
[ ‘Anatomy of Expression,’ p. 168.]

1222 (return)
[ MÉcanisme de la Phys. Humaine, Album, LÉgende xi.]

1223 (return)
[ Ducheinne takes, in fact, this view (ibid. p. 45), as he attributes the contraction of the platysma to the shivering of fear (frisson de la peur); but he elsewhere compares the action with that which causes the hair of frightened quadrupeds to stand erect; and this can hardly be considered as quite correct.]

1224 (return)
[ ‘De la Physionomie,’ pp. 51, 256, 346.]

1225 (return)
[ As quoted in White’s ‘Gradation in Man,’ p. 57.]

1226 (return)
[ ‘Anatomy of Expression,’ p. 169.]

1227 (return)
[ ‘MÉcanisme de la Physionomie,’ Album, pl. 65, pp. 44, 45.]

1228 (return)
[ See remarks to this effect by Mr. Wedgwood, in the Introduction to his ‘Dictionary of English Etymology,’ 2nd edit. 1872, p. xxxvii. He shows by intermediate forms that the sounds here referred to have probably given rise to many words, such as ugly, huge, &c.]

1301 (return)
[ ‘The Physiology or Mechanism of Blushing,’ 1839, p. 156. I shall have occasion often to quote this work in the present chapter.]

1302 (return)
[ Dr. Burgess, ibid. p. 56. At p. 33 he also remarks on women blushing more freely than men, as stated below.]

1303 (return)
[ Quoted by Vogt, ‘MÉmoire sur les MicrocÉphales,’ 1867, p. 20. Dr. Burgess (ibid. p. 56) doubts whether idiots ever blush.]

1304 (return)
[ Lieber ‘On the Vocal Sounds,’ &c.; Smithsonian Contributions, 1851, vol. ii. p. 6.]

1305 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 182.]

1306 (return)
[ Moreau, in edit. of 1820 of Lavater, vol. iv. p. 303.]

1307 (return)
[ Burgess. ibid. p. 38, on paleness after blushing, p. 177.]

1308 (return)
[ See Lavater, edit. of 1820, vol. iv. p. 303.]

1309 (return)
[ Burgess, ibid. pp. 114, 122. Moreau in Lavater, ibid. vol. iv. p. 293.]

1310 (return)
[ ‘Letters from Egypt,’ 1865, p. 66. Lady Gordon is mistaken when she says Malays and Mulattoes never blush.]

1311 (return)
[ Capt. Osborn (‘Quedah,’ p. 199), in speaking of a Malay, whom he reproached for cruelty, says he was glad to see that the man blushed.]

1312 (return)
[ J. R. Forster, ‘Observations during a Voyage round the World,’ 4to, 1778, p. 229. Waitz gives (‘Introduction to Anthropology,’ Eng. translat. 1863, vol. i. p. 135) references for other islands in the Pacific. See, also, Dampier ‘On the Blushing of the Tunquinese’ (vol. ii. p. 40); but I have not consulted this work. Waitz quotes Bergmann, that the Kalmucks do not blush, but this may be doubted after what we have seen with respect to the Chinese. He also quotes Roth, who denies that the Abyssinians are capable of blushing. Unfortunately, Capt. Speedy, who lived so long with the Abyssinians, has not answered my inquiry on this head. Lastly, I must add that the Rajah Brooke has never observed the least sign of a blush with the Dyaks of Borneo; on the contrary under circumstances which would excite a blush in us, they assert “that they feel the blood drawn from their faces.”]

1313 (return)
[ Transact. of the Ethnological Soc. 1870, vol. ii. p. 16.]

1314 (return)
[ Humboldt, ‘Personal Narrative,’ Eng. translat. vol. iii. p. 229.]

1315 (return)
[ Quoted by Prichard, Phys. Hist. of Mankind, 4th edit 1851, vol. i. p. 271.]

1316 (return)
[ See, on this head, Burgess, ibid. p. 32. Also Waitz, ‘Introduction to Anthropology,’ Eng. edit. vol. i. p. 139. Moreau gives a detailed account (‘Lavater,’ 1820, tom. iv. p. 302) of the blushing of a Madagascar negress-slave when forced by her brutal master to exhibit her naked bosom.]

1317 (return)
[ Quoted by Prichard, Phys. Hist. of Mankind, 4th edit. 1851, vol. i. p. 225.]

1318 (return)
[ Burgess, ibid. p. 31. On mulattoes blushing, see p. 33. I have received similar accounts with respect to, mulattoes.]

1319 (return)
[ Barrington also says that the Australians of New South Wales blush, as quoted by Waitz, ibid. p. 135.]

1320 (return)
[ Mr. Wedgwood says (Dict. of English Etymology, vol. iii. 1865, p. 155) that the word shame “may well originate in the idea of shade or concealment, and may be illustrated by the Low German scheme, shade or shadow.” Gratiolet (De la Phys. pp. 357-362) has a good discussion on the gestures accompanying shame; but some of his remarks seem to me rather fanciful. See, also, Burgess (ibid. pp. 69, 134) on the same subject.]

1321 (return)
[ Burgess, ibid. pp. 181, 182. Boerhaave also noticed (as quoted by Gratiolet, ibid. p. 361) the tendency to the secretion of tears during intense blushing. Mr. Bulmer, as we have seen, speaks of the “watery eyes” of the children of the Australian aborigines when ashamed.]

1322 (return)
[ See also Dr. J. Crichton Browne’s Memoir on this subject in the ‘West Riding Lunatic Asylum Medical Report,’ 1871, pp. 95-98.]

1323 (return)
[ In a discussion on so-called animal magnetism in ‘Table Talk,’ vol. i.]

1324 (return)
[ Ibid. p. 40.]

1325 (return)
[ Mr. Bain (‘The Emotions and the Will,’ 1865, p. 65) remarks on “the shyness of manners which is induced between the sexes.... from the influence of mutual regard, by the apprehension on either side of not standing well with the other.”]

1326 (return)
[ See, for evidence on this subject, ‘The Descent of Man,’ &c., vol. ii. pp. 71, 341.]

1327 (return)
[ H. Wedgwood, Dict. English Etymology, vol. iii. 1865, p. 184. So with the Latin word verecundus.]

1328 (return)
[ Mr. Bain (‘The Emotions and the Will,’ p. 64) has discussed the “abashed” feelings experienced on these occasions, as well as the stage-fright of actors unused to the stage. Mr. Bain apparently attributes these feelings to simple apprehension or dread.]

1329 (return)
[ ‘Essays on Practical Education,’ by Maria and R. L. Edgeworth, new edit. vol. ii. 1822, p. 38. Dr. Burgess (ibid. p. 187) insists strongly to the same effect.]

1330 (return)
[ ‘Essays on Practical Education,’ by Maria and R. L. Edgeworth, new edit. vol. ii. 1822, p. 50.]

1331 (return)
[ Bell, ‘Anatomy of Expression,’ p. 95. Burgess, as quoted below, ibid. p. 49. Gratiolet, De la Phys. p. 94.]

1332 (return)
[ On the authority of Lady Mary Wortley Montague; see Burgess, ibid. p. 43.]

1333 (return)
[ In England, Sir H. Holland was, I believe, the first to consider the influence of mental attention on various parts of the body, in his ‘Medical Notes and Reflections,’ 1839 p. 64. This essay, much enlarged, was reprinted by Sir H. Holland in his ‘Chapters on Mental Physiology,’ 1858, p. 79, from which work I always quote. At nearly the same time, as well as subsequently, Prof. Laycock discussed the same subject: see ‘Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal,’ 1839, July, pp. 17-22. Also his ‘Treatise on the Nervous Diseases of Women,’ 1840, p. 110; and ‘Mind and Brain,’ vol. ii. 1860, p. 327. Dr. Carpenter’s views on mesmerism have a nearly similar bearing. The great physiologist MÜller treated (‘Elements of Physiology,’ Eng. translat. vol. ii. pp. 937, 1085) of the influence of the attention on the senses. Sir J. Paget discusses the influence of the mind on the nutrition of parts, in his ‘Lectures on Surgical Pathology,’ 1853, vol. i. p. 39: 1 quote from the 3rd edit. revised by Prof. Turner, 1870, p. 28. See, also, Gratiolet, De la Phys. pp. 283-287.]

1334 (return)
[ De la Phys. p. 283.]

1340 (return)
[ Dr. Maudsley has given (‘The Physiology and Pathology of Mind,’ 2nd edit. 1868, p. 105), on good authority, some curious statements with respect to the improvement of the sense of touch by practice and attention. It is remarkable that when this sense has thus been rendered more acute at any point of the body, for instance, in a finger, it is likewise improved at the corresponding point on the opposite side of the body.]

1341 (return)
[ The Lancet,’ 1838, pp. 39-40, as quoted by Prof. Laycock, ‘Nervous Diseases of Women,’ 1840, p. 110.]

1342 (return)
[ ‘Chapters on Mental Physiology,’ 1858, pp. 91-93.]

1343 (return)
[ ‘Lectures on Surgical Pathology,’ 3rd edit. revised by Prof. Turner, 1870, pp. 28, 31.]

1344 (return)
[ ‘Elements of Physiology,’ Eng. translat. vol. ii. p. 938.]

1345 (return)
[ Prof. Laycock has discussed this point in a very interesting manner. See his ‘Nervous Diseases of Women,’ 1840, p. 110.]

1346 (return)
[ See, also, Mr. Michael Foster, on the action of the vaso-motor system, in his interesting Lecture before the royal Institution, as translated in the ‘Revue des Cours Scientifiques,’ Sept. 25, 1869, p. 683.]

1401 (return)
[ See the interesting facts given by Dr. Bateman on ‘Aphasia,’ 1870, p. 110.]

1402 (return)
[ ‘La Physionomie et la Parole,’ 1865, pp. 103, 118.]

1403 (return)
[ Rengger, ‘Naturgeschichte der SÄugethiere von Paraguay,’ 1830, s. 55.]

1404 (return)
[ Quoted by Moreau, in his edition of Lavater, 1820, tom. iv. p. 211.]

1405 (return)
[ Gratiolet (‘De la Physionomie,’ 1865, p. 66) insists on the truth of this conclusion.]


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