Solar volcanos analogous to terrestrial and lunar ones. Spots of the sun are excavations 14 Spherical form of the earth. Ocean from condensed vapour. Character of Granite the oldest part of the earth. Then limestone. And lastly, clay, iron, coal, sandstone. Three great concentric divisions of the globe 35 Formation of primeval islands before the production of the moon. Paradise. The Golden Age. Rain-bow. Water of the sea originally fresh 36 Venus rising from the sea an hieroglyphic emblem of the production of the earth beneath the ocean 47 First great volcanos in the central parts of the earth. From steam, inflammable gas, and vital air. Present volcanos like mole-hills 68 Moon has little or no atmosphere. Its ocean is frozen. Is not yet inhabited, but may be in time 82 Earth's axis changed by the ascent of the moon. Its diurnal motion retarded. One great tide 84 Limestone produced from shells. Spars with double refractions. Marble. Antient statues of Hercules. Antinous. Apollo. Venus. Designs of Morasses rest on limestone. Of immense extent 116 Salts from animal and vegetable bodies decompose each other, except marine salt. Salt mines in Poland. Timber does not decay in them. Rock- salt produced by evaporation from sea-water. Fossil shells in salt mines. Salt in hollow pyramids. In cubes. Sea-water contains about one- thirtieth of salt 119 Nitre, native in Bengal and Italy. Nitrous gas combined with vital air produces red clouds, and the two airs occupy less space than one of them before, and give out heat. Oxygene and azote produce nitrous acid 143 Iron from decomposed vegetables. Chalybeat springs. Fern-leaves in nodules of iron. Concentric spheres of iron nodules owing to polarity, like iron-filings arranged by a magnet. Great strata of the earth owing to their polarity 183 Hardness of steel for tools. Gave superiority to the European nations. Artificial magnets improved by Savery and Dr. Knight, perfected by Mr. Michel. How produced. Polarity owing to the earth's rotatory motion. The electric fluid, and the matter of heat, and magnetism gravitate on each other. Magnetism being the lightest is found nearest the axis of the motion. Electricity produces northern lights by its centrifugal motion 193 Acids from vegetable recrements. Flint has its acid from the new world. Its base in part from the old world, and in part from the new. Precious stones 215 Diamond. Its great refraction of light. Its volatibility by heat. If an inflammable body. 228 Fires of the new world from fermentation. Whence sulphur and bitumen by sublimation, the clay, coal, and flint remaining 275 Colours not distinguishable in the enamel-kiln, till a bit of dry wood is introduced 283 Etrurian pottery prior to the foundations of Rome. Excelled in fine forms, and in a non-vitreous encaustic painting, which was lost till restored by Mr. Wedgwood. Still influences the taste of the inhabitants 291 Mr. Wedgwood's cameo of a slave in chains, and of Hope 315 Basso-relievos of two or more colours not made by the antients. Invented by Mr. Wedgwood 342 Petroleum and naptha have been sublimed. Whence jet and amber. They absorb air. Attract straws when rubbed. Electricity from electron the greek name for amber 353 Clefts in granite rocks in which metals are found. Iron and manganese found in all vegetables. Manganese in limestone. Warm springs from steam rising up the clefts of granite and limestone. Ponderous earth in limestone clefts and in granite. Copper, lead, iron, from descending materials. High mountains of granite contain no ores near their summits. Transmutation of metals. Of lead into calamy. Into silver 398 Armies of Cambytes destroyed by famine, and by sand-storms 435 Whirling turrets of sand described and explained 478 Granite shews iron as it decomposes. Marble decomposes. Immense quantity of charcoal exists in limestone. Volcanic slags decompose, and become clay 523 Millstones raised by wooden pegs 524 Hannibal made a passage by fire over the Alps 534 Passed tense of many words twofold, as driven or drove, spoken or spoke. |